Getting Ready to Leave
Lucy's POV
"The other girls said that they will be delayed, so we have to leave first" I told Happy
"It's alright" he replied "I already packed my things"
He said sadly "Do you really wanna leave?" He asked me
I nodded "I have to"
"Help me first write a letter to Carla" Happy said
I nodded and grabbed some paper and pen
'Dear Carla and Wendy,
I hope you guys are safe, I hope you guys are really safe, actually, I don't really know what to write, be safe, Oh, and Happy said that he loves Carla very much, make sure to let Carla read this, And keep an eye on Natsu would you? Thanks
Lucy and Happy'
"That was dumb Lucy!" Happy yelled at me
"Whatever" I laughed at him
He pouted
"You have to get rid of Everything that reminded you of Natsu" Happy suggested
"Then throw yourself" I told him "Your Natsu's gift remember?"
"Oh right" he said sighing
"I have decided!!" I yelled and grabbed Happy
"Don't kill meeee~~" he said
After a few minutes
"Lucy!!!" Happy yelled
"What? Were just in the mall" I said
"I hate here" He muttered
"Whatever" I said and we bought everything we need
We ate at some ice cream shop
"Chocolate Pleeaassee" I told the lady in the cash register
"What if I don't want to" The girl said
I recognize that voice
"Take of your hat" I said
And there I saw Levy
"Hello Lu" She said
"I thought-" I was shocked
"Yeah, I was fired, and then I worked here" She said
"This is better than your other job" I squealed
"Yeah!" She squealed
"Hey! Hurry Up!" Other people on the line said
"Chocolate, two please" I said and winked
"Sure" She handed me a number and then I sat down
"Happy, wake up" I told Happy
"Why?" He said
"Were gonna eat ice cream" I whispered
Then he sat down
"Ice Cream" He said with sparkly eyes
Oh men, How I miss Natsu..
I have teary eyes now
"Lucy, don't cry" Happy said
Then I laughed and wiped my tears
"Fine Fine" I muttered
Levy came up to us with 3 chocolate ice creams
"I ordered for myself too!" She squealed and sat down
"Isn't this time your duty?" I asked raising an eyebrow
"Aye!" Happy raised his hand
"I talked to the manager, no biggie" She said and started to read a book
"Y'know this job doesn't fit you at all" I whispered while eating ice cream
"I know right, but I have too" She said
We talked after that and then me and Happy waved goodbyes and went home
"What an amazing day" I laid on my bed
"Aye" He said and then fell asleep
"Very tired" I muttered and changed clothes and plopped on my bed
Natsu's POV
I laid on my bed and cried
All the things I have done to Lucy!
I can't forgive myself!
Did she leave?!!?
Lucy..I have to stop her!!
If you bothered reading this, um, don't worry, Natsu and Lucy FOR THE WIN! Read the next chapter, arigato
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