Where are they?
Nashi's POV
Mom and dad where are they? I'm so exhausted..
Aunt Erza bought cakes earlier
"Here are your cakes" I heard her entering
"T-t-that was fast" I shrugged
Kokak and Happy, we're going to bring mom and dad back
"Nashi?" Happy called
"Yes?" I answered
Happy just cried there
"I-I didn't do anything!" I protested "H-Happy?"
"Happy doesn't look happy" Carla said
"I-I know" I said
"I just want Natsu and Lucy back, I m-miss them so much" Happy sniffed
"Were going to bring them back" I said
Cachu is still sleeping, The doctor told us that Lily was dead! I don't believe HIM it's just weird, Lami, was also taken, We can't save Aunt Juvia and Uncle Gray, they're swimmers and then THAT happened! I can't believe it! Good thing Juvin and Blu are safe but Juvin just can't-- *sigh* And now Aunt Erza and Uncle Jellal are alright, along with Gerard and I think this is the first time that THAT happened, you know, Aunt Levy and Uncle Gajeel are still in the hospital, I'm so confused right now! And Mavis also told me that I'm the Magical Fairy! And about Kokak, he-he--he--
Everybody turned to look at me
"N-Nashi?" Gerard asked
"I-I'm n-not quite sure" She said
Then we heard a thud
We all gasped
"I'm sorry!" We heard a voice
"W-who the hell are you?!" I asked and got out of the car
Then I saw a bunch of people
"I-I'm--I-!" He can't answer properly
"I'm Eren Jaeger!" The other guy said
Woah he's really charming
"I'm A-Armin!" He said
"I'm Mikasa Ackerman, I'm only here because I followed Eren" she said
"Do you have food?" The other girl said
"Shh!! Sasha!" The 'other' guy said "This is Sasha, and I'm Jean"
"I'm Connie" he said and smiled
"I heard your talking about something earlier" Eren said
"U-um yes" I said
"I-I saw a girl and a boy earlier, I mean WE saw them, and they told us to find a girl named Nashi, so-- Are you Nashi?" He asked
"Eren we have to go" Mikasa said
"Wait!" Armin yelled and everybody looked at him
"Pink hair, pretty and owns a fancy car, this is her" Armin said
"H-huh?" I asked
"WHAT?! Seriously?" Jean said
"You can have a potato" Sasha said
"Sasha!" They all yelled
"Is this Nashi Dragneel?" Mikasa pointed me
They all nodded
Then another man came "Hurry up!"
"Captain Levi" they all gasped
"What're you doing here?!" He asked
"Y-yes! I'm N-Nashi Dragneel! Did you see mom and dad?! The pink haired boy and the blonde?" I asked
"Yes!! It's her, they told us to tell you this only word 'Igneel' I'm not sure what that means but--" Armin did not finish
"THANK YOU!" I yelled and cried out loud
"D-d-don't cry" Eren said
"I'm sorry, Igneel is my grandpa, I'm sorry I'm just so happy" I cried
"Eren," Mikasa said
"I know, I know" Eren aswered
"Let's go, they're waiting for us, All of you are going to clean the HQ" This guy named Levi said
"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" They all said and left except for Eren
"Bye Nashi, Until we meet again" he said before leaving
"Byee and THANK YOU SO MUCH!!" I yelled and went inside the car again
That Eren guy is really handsome
"Guys!" I wiped my tears
"WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU?!" Gerard asked
"N-nothing" I said and smiled "I know where mom and dad is"
"WHERE?!" They all answered
"Granpa's House now" I said
"Who's your grandpa anyway?" Uncle Freed asked
"Igneel" I said
"I-I-I-Igneel?!" Uncle Freed gasped
"He has a house near the desert I don't really know why" I said
Uncle Freed nodded
Hey guys! Another crossover! :) hope you like it!! :)
Anime: Attack on titan
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