The Mother of All Ghouls
Centuries ago...
In Old Tokyo, A lost girl stumbled upon an abounded shrine, in there she met a person that would use her to make the most powerful unimaginable weapon in human history.
You will play as the main character Yuuki.
In the end you will choose her ultimate fate.
Chapter 1: Moon
The glowing rays of the sun, hit the sky showing its beautiful red color.
The wind blew from the shore causing cooling wind to go through each and every house.
Some people were sitting outside of their homes, chit-chatting with their neighbors; Other buying food from the market that was slowly closing. The town was serene.
All of a sudden a small girl sprinted past the people, bumping into them along the way.
"OI! Watch were your going kid!" A man said furrowing his brows. "Who is that young lady?" He said looking to his wife for answers.
"Hm...Oh! That's ...umm...umm...Oh! Yuuki, Orphan child it's a sorrowful story, her parents were killed by Lord Ameryuu for accounts of treason, although I highly believe that's not true".
The man looked at his wife shockingly "Are you trying to kill us too woman!? You know what happens if we speak against Lord Ameryuu!" He semi-whispered to her, hoping no one heared them.
The girl was running across the small bridge, up the small hill, to a secluded area on top of the hill that no one knew about except her.
She huffed, bending over she rest her hands on her knees taking in deep breaths
"Oh wow, that took longer than expected!" She said standing back up looking at the town "but it sure was worth it!" She said grinning from ear to ear enjoying the scenery.
The girl sat beneath a crooked apple tree, looking up and extended her hand , grabbing a large red apple
She brushed the apple against her clothes before taking a bite.
Each bite tasted like honey, making you yearn for more...eventually she finished.
Now tired the girl layed her head on a root the stuck out of the ground, her eyes looking toward the sun that was fading
~couple of hours later
The night was frigid, causing the girl to wake up in shivers.
"Eh? How long have a been asleep, Sensei Iruka is gonna kill me if I don't get home!" She frantically got up, tiding up hair hair and started to walk,
Until she hearted a soft melody play
"Is someone here?" She asked looking around trying to find the source of the sound but, no reply
Her gut was telling her not to follow the mysterious sound but, she could not help it curiousity took her by the hand and led her to a small cave, with a yellow-ish glow inside,
'Perhaps it's some locals hanging out right? It wouldn't hurt to check right?' She thought.
She creeped around the small cave, seeing empty glass bottles of blackish liquid ozzing out, there was a small futon, and a small but warm fire burning .
'Huh? Looks like theirs no one here, but I swear I heared something' she thought 'Maybe I'm just hearing thing I should leave before someone sees me'
She was about to sneak out until she heared a voice behind her...
"You know it's not nice to sneak into someone else's house."
She froze at the sound of his voice; it was husky, and silky, she could feel the power emanating from his voice, she turned around to look at him. Blushing she stared at his figure, his loose kimono showing off his lean figure.
He had black-ish hair and the most hypnotizing blue eyes. Standing a bit taller then her, he spoke again
"Hm..enjoying yourself their" he smirked , chuckling at the embrassed girl.
"Eh!?....I-I ...I-m just s-shocked, Who sneaks on someone like that!" She half-yelled at him her face turning beet red.
He look at her a bit before replying
"My apologize miss.." his voice was seductive, taking her hand in his and bringing it up to his lips kissing it,
She looked away from the mysterious man trying to get a hold of herself.
"My name is Mizuki Akagi and you are?" The girl stared at him for a moment before realizing he was asking her a question.
"O-Oh my Yuuki Ashima"
"Yuuki~" he repeated the name as if trying it out for himself.
"Say Yuuki~ would you like to stay here for a while, I have some things I'd like to show you" he looked into her eye.
She stared at him and replied
--------------To Be Continued ------------------------>
Now it's your turn as the reader/main character to choose your own fate
A. Stay with Mizuki and find out what he wants to show you.
B. Tell him you can't stay and go home.
-Ema ~<3
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