A/n: trying to make their personalities more like them because I noticed I kinda made them into what I thought their personality would be best for the situation and also making ayato be the "person in charge" for once XD (but I'm most likely going to fail because I view kaneki as a more in charge person because anyway he beat Ayato's ass to a pulp on the... One episode
Ayato's P.O.V
We ran as fast as we could the water droplets poured down at us at a terrifying pace it almost stung my face , I grabbed kaneki and ran to my house which very conveniently was right on the corner , I jammed the keys into the lock and twisted it, me and kaneki ran into the house.
I slammed the door shut and breathed heavily balancing my weight on the door, kaneki was on his knees breathing heavily like me I took my coat off opened the door and squeezed most of the water out, hung it back up and slid my shoes off so I was left wearing my wet plain black shirt and soaked jeans , I couldn't help but notice kaneki, his clothes stuck to him and his hair limply stuck to his face, he looked up at me and caught me staring at his chest I slowly felt the pink flush creep into my face and kaneki looked back down not seeming to notice me almost infuriating that he made no emotion not even a smirk!
Why was he so emotionless?
Why happened to him to make him so different?
I softly growled trying not to let kaneki hear my frustration, I walked past him and walked into the kitchen turning the coffee machine on, I turned around and was almost touching noses with kaneki looking dead into his grey eyes, I leaned back into the counter and he stood stiff watching me "uh k-kankei please personal space " I softly put my hand on his shoulder pushing him away I leaned back and stood straight, jumped up and sat on the counter.
"GEESH why do you always get so close to people..." I muttered awkwardly tapping the counter, he looked to the side and scratched his neck "I didn't really mean to ... I guess I just don't really think about those things anymore " he frowned , "Wait so you don't really think about it ..? Or can you just not feel it?" I questioned not knowing I sounded very perverted, "I honestly haven't played with my emotions enough to understand myself yet, which seems to be the worst when you are one microscopic inch away from another guy..." He joked and I did a genuine short laugh, "well I guess you can be humorous" I smiled, "oh really I guess I can be " he smiled back sweetly, "have you like never blushed since you 'changed'?" I asked curious, "uhm- I don't think so ..." He thought, "I have a question " kaneki stared at me "why where you staring at me when we finally got into the house?" He innocently looked curious, the pink flush crept into my cheeks again and I stuttered "I just -i don't - I d-didn't!" I ,flustered , ran my hands through my bangs suddenly he smirked "oh it was one of those emotions..." Suddenly I pushed him against the wall our noses almost touching his face went back to that monotone expression, "S-SHUT UP" I growled , pushing both hands over his shoulders, "I should've finished you off when you were on the floor pathetic fighting for my sister" I snapped "and to think I was pitying you" I growled , honestly I felt mean I didn't mean those words I just wasn't thinking, "I'm curious" he said in his normal monotone voice, "curious about what bakanek-" I was inturupted when he slammed his lips into mine, WHAT WAS HE DOING?!
I frantically walked back and slammed into the counter holding my mouth "W-w-WHAT THE FUCk" I yelled blushing hard, he just stood their not moving with a dumb smile on his face, "I expected that reaction..." He smirked.
Kaneki's P.O.V
Actually I just was sick of him acting so tough even though I could read him like a book, but even when I did it I felt something weird, just like with rize before she went rouge...
He could make me feel weird things, but I was somehow addicted, I liked the feeling.
"Y-y-yo-you cant just fucking kiss people randomly!" He said frustrated and I could see him blushing , why not play a little ? He was the one who said I could be humorous!
"Who said I did it randomly?~" I questioned, "f-f-fuck you!" He yelled , "that's really not nice to say to your little school girl crush..." I smirked , it's fun to make him squirm and get under his skin, If I was wrong that he liked me this would be a whole fucking awkward mistake, but I think I could read him all his signs were telling me , but he is the only person I was having fun with was him , it's just weird , "your a jerk..." He muttered under his breath and turned around , to be honest he actually was hot I just realized, now I'm as perverted as the filthy purple haired gourmet... I walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch I watched ayato walk in with two cups he sat one in front of me and I grabbed it.
For some reason even though ayato wasn't human I had some strong urge to bite him, were this came from I have no idea but why the hell not I mean, what's the worst that could happen?
Once we both finished he took the cups and put them in the sink I just waited for him and I said I was going to the bathroom, he sat back down and I waited a few minutes before I placed two arms in his chest from behind , "Kaneki!" He muttered as I put my head on his shoulder and smiled I could hear him breathing I jumped in the couch and pinned him down "Kaneki stop playing!" He growled , both of his legs were on each side of my hips and for some reason the contact felt great, I got closer and licked his neck down and got to his shoulder, and quickly without notice bit his shoulder he gasped and placed a rough hand on my head "s-stop kaneki" I lifted up licking my lips "you don't taste half as bad for a ghoul " I smiled innocently, "g-get off!" He stuttered and struggled under me , " as you wish then" I smiled and got up he scrambled up to a sitting position and glared at me , "you will be sleeping on the couch and don't get any ideas!" He yelled/growled and stomped up the stairs.
Why the hell did I do that?
-the next day-
Ayato's P.O.V
The hell was kaneki thinking !?
He - that - JERK!
Why is he just playing with my emotions like that he keeps making me squirm!
I hate it - kinda...
I got out of bed hungry as hell, i rubbed my eyes and didn't bother to change clothes but I felt the small hurt spot from kankeis bite ... And put my jacket in the washer.
"shit what am I going to wear for a jacket ..." I muttered and grabbed a random one out of the closet that smelled good threw it on and ran downstairs , "ayato where the hell are you in such a rush to?" Kaneki yelled from the living room, "I'm hungry as hell!" I yelled back to him , "OOH CAN I Come!?" He yelled , should i really let that jerk come ... Ugh "just don't get in my way" I growled loud enough for him to hear , he skipped out and I followed "so where to!" He chirped cheerfully , "I was suspecting to just go inside a house and go crazy..." I muttered to him "sound good!" He smiled .
We arrived at a small house that I new held a couple, we opened non locked window and I slid in with trouble but kaneki Literally jumped in nimbly, we looked around to find out they were sleeping but one was on the couch and one was on the two person bed, they had a bad night huh... Memories of last night flashed through my mind, jerk... I did my thing and ripped him to a bloody pulp but sadly ripping my favorite part the eyes, I ate a bit and I heard kaneki and his held back giggle, what the hell was he doing ?
Whatever i am hungry as hell, I heard footsteps upstairs and suddenly everything was silent but then a cold metal object was placed around my bare neck and I heard a click and a laugh behind me I looked at kaneki behind me who looked as if he was going to explode with laughter I glared at him and realized what he's just did , he put a sex toy dog collar thing on me...
I yelped and frantically tried to unlatch it from my neck he laughed and tossed something in the air still holding the leash part he threw an eye up in the air and caught it , "want it?" He smiled but I forgot about the leash and charged for the eye he kept bringing it closer to himself until I got nose touching distance and I kept running but he plopped the delicious eye into his mouth without thinking I kissed him to get the eye and my tongue darted into his mouth and he pushed the eye into my mouth suddenly I bursted away but a trail of blood still connected our lips, I wiped my mouth blushing looking away and chewing the eye , "oh by the way your wearing my jacket.." I could hear the smirk in his voice , I grabbed this jacket because it smelled good... THE HELL!? He pulled so much shit in the last minute that little b-
suddenly he yanked me and pulled me by the leash still connected to my neck I had no choice but to walk with him "KANEKI I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU DONT UNHOOK ME RIGHT NOW! " I growled threateningly, but I saw a flash of indigo from the corner of the street turning and looking at us ... OH MY GOD "TOUKA!? I SWEAR ITS NOT WHAT IT..." I stuttered , wow how ironic my sister had to show up at the worst moment ... Kaneki stopped and turned he walked up behind me and bit my ear "bad dog!" He muttered I rubbed my ear "You little!-" "oh my goD AYATO KANEKI THE HELL. WHY IS MY BROTHER ON A LEASH AND WHY DO YOU HAVE A HICKEY ON YOUR NECK AYATO?!?" She yelled and ran up to us, "I HAVE A HICKEY!?" I yelled feeling my neck flustered "hey touka -Chan!" Kaneki growled clearly disappointed.
Touka scolded kaneki for another 5 minutes ordered me over to her unhooked the collar (thank god) took the "toy" and left clearly pissed at the world, "touka is mean I see were you get it from " Kaneki growled rubbing the back of his neck. "No shit Sherlock .." I growled
Kaneki's P.O.V
Touka really ruined my fun I didn't know what to do I turned around and stuck up my "finger" for her to get the message but she already turned , and left "why the hell are you suddenly so touchy on me kaneki obviously you noticed before so why now are you doing these weird actions?" He muttered
He is asking questions I don't even know , what to say ... Because I feel good when I do it? Sounds really weird... What about straight up saying because your hot? eh better than before I guess whatever "because you're hot " I said blankly he blushed again "s-shut up..." He muttered looking down "gladly" I said looking in front of me "but you are the one who keeps talking to me " I said happily "so stop talking " I said "make me!" He yelled , he was really just asking for it , "okay" i wrapped my arms around him and kissed him tilting my head and surprisingly he didn't object but instead wrapped his hands around my neck and jumped up putting both of his legs on my sides I slid my hands and held him by the thighs, I could feel heat rising from his Face as he pulled away made me sit him down and ran past me to his house not saying a word why was he so ashamed that he liked it? Whatever...
I walked past a lot of cats that I just happened to notice because cute things I can scout out the best, and on the right corner I saw his house, I ran up to it and opened the door trying not to make a lot of noise so I could surprise attack ayato I crept silently up and opened his door, he was laying their eyes closed but probably just thinking I walked up and layer down over him "mean, you made me walk all the way without you" I joked ayato still blushed slightly staring at me , "your really creeping me out your just staring ... Do something atleast" I muttered looking at him also he leaned up and kissed me I mean not like all the times I have done it but he just seemed do something I didn't which made it feel so ... Good?
Ayato's P.O.V
I ran home as fast as I could , I'm not attracted to kaneki in the way !?
that's just... Weird ... We are boys and - I give up their is no excuse to ignore my feelings and obviously he loves me back if he keeps kissing me randomly ... Right? Because if not why the hell does he kiss me so eagerly !
If i don't do something again I swear I will go insane, every moments I'm not around him makes my life seem so fucking boring, all I do all day is sleep and eat until he walked in and I'm desperate for someone, and I love him...
Wait... What
I felt his body on top of me I couldn't control myself anymore I just wanted someone close, "do something" I heard two simple words of what kaneki said and I burst up locking my lips with his as I could feel his cold hands go up my shirt it sent shivers down my spine, my jacket slid down my shoulders barely on my elbows and he reached up brushed it down and off me, I could now feel his cold almost lifeless feeling skin on my warm skin, he slid his arms down my waist... This is going to be fun
A/n: yeah I got a little to lazy and gave up on this one ...
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