*insert aggressive title*
A/n: kill me lmao btw they are in a normal human world and they aren't ghouls in this one and Ayato and Touka have a normal brother and sister relationship.
Ayatos P.O.V
I sat on my bed silently cursing my lazy ass out. "Ayato.. on the count of 3 get up and get food..." I layed down motionless. "3... 2...1" Again nothing I didn't make any slight movement at all.
"YUURI! Yuuri... Yuuri!~ yuuri..."
"FUCK! I THOUGHT I CHANGED THE RINGTONE!!" I fumbled for my phone and looked at the screen. It was my sister Touka, I wonder what she needed.
I answered the phone, "hullo?" I murmured getting up and sitting on my bed. "Hey Ayato..." woah Touka sounded bad... what was wrong with her. I heard a sneeze on the other side of the line, "Sis are you okay...?" I said starting to get concerned.
"I'll try to explain my situation as quickly as possible..." she started. A few coughs later and she began to explain... "So you know how I graduated high school? They are having a little get together again so we can see eachother again and it's tonight but I'm sick and I can't go.." I started walking around my house and into my kitchen grabbing some milk for cereal.
"Okay but what does this have to do with me?" I questioned as she took a deep breath. "Your not going to like this but... I was wondering if you could dress up as me and go to the party..." I spat out my milk and dropped my bowl.
"AYATO ARE YOU OKAY?" She yelled into the phone, "NO FUCKING WAY AM I CROSSDRESSING AS YOU TOUKA!" I yelled back at her. "Pretty please!" She asked. "I don't even look remotely like a girl!" I exclaimed.
"Pssh yeah right you sure looked like a girl in that school play a few years ago..." I could hear her grinning on the other side. "W-we don't talk about the school play..." I shivered.
"Come on Ayato! ...Alright fine then I'll pay your rent for the next few months" she begged. "Buy me cupcakes..." I demanded. "Okay fine but you have to do it !" She yelled. "Okay okay... do you have the clothes I could borrow..." I sighed.
"You betcha!" She yelled enthusiastically.
I clicked the phone shut and sighed begging to clean the milk up.
Really it's only like a few hours... it couldn't be that bad...
I walked out of my sisters bathroom wearing something... hideous...
It was very girly and ... revealing...
Nothing too bad but... it was a stupid black skirt I bent over once to pick something up with it once and I regret it all. Why must she hate me...
She smiled at me and started walking around me adjusting the clothes the right way. "Your hair is fine I guess just keep it to the side." She stepped back admiring her work and smirked. "I don't think you realize how feminine you really are..." she smirked wider as I cursed her out.
"Have a fun time !" She waved me off and handed me a piece of paper with the address. "Kaneki..." I murmured looking at the address. I was really good friends with him for most of my high school years. I knew he had a little fling with my sister but I heard it ended really well and they just put it in the past. After he was over my sister we got really close... maybe it was because he was mourning my sister? Hmm I wonder...
I called an uber and it arrived in no time. The uber driver looked really young he kept looking at me through the rear view mirror while licking his lips and it really freaked me out.
I ran out as soon as I got to the location I could feel his eyes looking at my ass so I just pulled my jacket down over it as best as I could.
Wait I'm a man...
I walk up to the house slowly absolutely terrified as I could already hear the chatter loud music and beer bottles clanking.
I opened the door walking inside and gently shutting it behind me trying not to be suspicious. I heard a slam next to me and I jumped back "WaH!" I yelled looking next to me. "
Hey Touka!" Rize said putting an arm around me. I know about Rize... all I remember is that she had a REALLY bad fling with Kaneki. I think she was really crazy or something.
I continued being directed through the crowd of familiar faces. Every once in awhile someone would say "hey touka!" Or something and I would just nod my head and smile. Eventually Rize took me to the small bar and got me a small drink of some sort of mysterious liquid. I only took a few sips since I was underage and technically breaking the law but even a few sips made my head bubbly.
After awhile of just small talk and nods I finally saw Kaneki walking around talking to people. When he got to my table his eyes sparkled "a-Touka!" He stuttered on accident. "Hey Kaneki..." I murmured. "How have you been!?" He asked enthusiastically. I replied with a simple good, he looked around suspiciously then roughly grabbed my wrist pulling me somewhere. "K-Kaneki what are you doing...?" I asked.
He stopped me in the hallway, "...Did you reconsider my confession..." he murmured in my ear. Did Kaneki confess to my sister again...? Whatever I'll consider this a punishment for my sister and accept his confession pshh! Ha in your face Touka. "Y-yes and I accept..." I answered trying to sound as much as Touka as I could. "Okay..." He shifted his eyes and looked around still holding my wrist.
He dragged me down the hall and pushed me into a room letting go of my hand then walked in closing and locking the door behind him. He sighed and leaned on the door after just looking me up and down.
After awhile he stood up making his way to me wrapping his arms around my waist connecting my lips with his and pushing me against the bed.
"Mm!" I made a small noise as he disconnected our lips and brought his hands up my shirt. I shivered but brought my hands up pushing him away from me while blushing furiously. I shuffled back pressing my back on the bed frame. "I-I I'm not Touka..." I yelled getting on my knees and apologizing not realizing that he would be doing this to my sister if she came.
"Pshh what?" Kaneki stared at me, "I k-" I interrupted him "I - I'm Ayato..." I yelled while taking my shirt off quickly to prove it. I waited for him to look shocked but he just smirked. "You done now? Maybe it would be a good time to tell you I knew you where Ayato the second I saw you." He stated.
"W-w-wha!" I stuttered panicking, "Do you not remember when I confessed to you?" He sighed leaning back and sitting cross legged. "Your first year in high school... it's hard to believe you forgot it..." He looked at me.
Kaneki's P.O.V
I grabbed his hands quickly with mine quickly bringing them up to my chest. "Kaneki what's wrong?" Ayato questioned nonchalantly. "Ayato..." I muttered. "I'm going to be straightforward, and if you hate me afterwards then so be it..." I took a deep breath looking him in the eyes.
"I really like you...like ... I love you..." I murmured loud enough for him to hear. "W-what!" Ayato yelled stepping back and taking his hands back.
I'm so sad he took his hands back that it hurts to breath. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I saw him step back a bit.
He ran up to me and placed two hands on my shoulders, "er! I mean I'm just really surprised !" He yelled putting his head down looking to the side thinking.
"Uhm... Well... how about you give me sometime to think, ok? Then maybe if I accept your confession..." He stopped and looked up at me nervously and muttered under his breath "if I accept then we can become one if you really want to...".
I gasped and smiled grabbing him and shaking him around happily. "NOT YET IDIOT I NEED TO THINK!" He yelled.
End of the diddly darn dang flashback*
Ayatos P.O.V
Oh no... I do remember...
But I thought his friends got him up to do it? I thought his confession was some cruel joke to get back at me for something.
"I-i thought that was a joke!" I exclaimed looking into Kaneki's eyes. "You could have asked... instead of making me wait years while you haven't even thought twice about it..." he looked down gloomily.
He suddenly shot up crawling to me wrapping his hands around my wrist making me flinch. "But now you have to answer because you left me hanging for so long..." He said bringing his face closer to mine making me softly gasp.
"I-I I don't know!" I whimpered staring into his eyes, "It's simple Ayato..." He brought his hand down and ran it up my thigh making me whimper.
"Just answer me this..." He brought his knee up pushing it in between my legs. I gasped bringing my hands up grabbing his shoulders. "Did you like that..?" He finally questioned. I didn't answer but shut my eyes.
"If you don't answer I guess I'll have to force an answer out of you..." He rubbed a knee against my bulge again making me grab his shoulders harder and gasp. "Y-yes!" I answered quickly.
He shifted away from me stopping his movements, "See? That wasn't so hard now was it?" He looked into my eyes and smiled.
I looked up at him and drooped my head down. He got up and slowly got off the bed making his way to the door. "Wait... Kaneki.." I stopped him.
What am I doing?!
I quickly crawled closer to him grabbing his shirt as he neared the door. Silence... I looked to the side blushing hard not wanting to say what I truly wanted to say.
"I think I know what you want me to do... It's okay you don't have to explain any more..." He got closer to me looking me in my eyes. He pushed me back down again as I panted getting the breath knocked out of me.
He ran his hands gently up my thigh while bringing his face down to roughly bite my neck.
(A/n) I was originally going to say he bit his nips but like idk I feel really uncomfortable when I put the word nipple in my story lmao and like 'sensitive buds' is even more cringey so yeah I should shut up and stop ruining the mood in all my stories... k bye
He gently pushed the short skirt I was wearing down my legs and off my body, he disconnected his lips from my neck and looked down then into my eyes. "I would've never thought you would be persuaded enough to wear panties" He smirked. "S-Shut up-" He interrupted me, "tch don't worry I'm completely into that...".
He brought his hands down and palmed me roughly, "ah! K-Kaneki what if they... nng... hear me.." I shuddered holding onto him and bringing my knees together limiting his space. "Just try to be quiet...". He brought his lips to mine and invaded my mouth with his tongue, he pushed my legs apart then up and over his shoulders.
He slowly slipped my underwear down making me shudder. He took his lips from mine, gently lifting my thigh up and biting the inside of it. I squirmed making a slight noise biting my lip, I felt one finger quickly go inside me.
"I-it feels weird..." I panted while putting one hand on his head. He inserted another finger thrusting it in.
I squirmed breathing heavily and gently pulling at his hair, he removed his fingers making me catch my breath.
He shifted back quickly taking his shirt off and unbuckling his belt. He slipped his pants off completely and started tugging his boxers down.
I looked closely anticipating his size as he pulled his boxers down. He did it too quickly for me to see as he pushed me down on the bed lifting my thighs up again.
He pushed into me quickly making me throw my head back in a gasp. I felt his lips connect to my neck distracting me from the immense amount of pain.
"K-Kaneki... ah~ it hurts" I attempted to whisper. "I know I know..." he said in a sympathetic tone.
"Ayato can I move?"
".... yes"
He thrusted into me making me arch my back again "ah~ nng!" I moaned. I wrapped my arms around my nails digging into his back. He thrusted harder making me pant loudly.
I curled my toes as he reached his hand down and pumped my member in time with his thrusts. Its almost as if I'm feeling a burning sensation like I'm slowly melting.
I lewdly moaned digging my nails into his back again as I felt myself reaching my edge. I got hard shivers down my back as I squeaked "I'm ...I'm..." I shuddered quickly and painted his chest white before I could say it.
He did the same quickly after and quickly fell down dropping next to me. I looked at him and caught my breath reaching my hand up to touch his face gently.
I feel like that was lowkey too soon and too quick but tbh I'm writing in a sad mood because I just read a rlly sad narusasu story and I'm crying so this is what you should expect.
His eyes shut tight and he roughly grabbed me closer. I did a small fatigued laugh and wrapped my arms around him.
-the next damn morning-
"Oh shit that was Ayato hah!" I heard a voice yell.
I felt a small shuffle next to me, "yeah you couldn't tell!? Pshhh you little blind hoe!" I heard an all to familiar voice reply with.
I suddenly shot up with the covers and saw Rize standing the room holding up the skirt I wore last night, I quickly looked over next to me and saw Kaneki and in less than a second I threw the covers over me and started violently screaming while remembering last night.
A/n: tbh idk what I was thinking with this one... I feel like I accidentally got high off of my sharpies while I was writing most of this.
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