20% cooler
((Just for the record I have no clue wtf I am doing
There will be some messed up words or bad grammar.
That is all))
°○°○°Fandom: my little pony°○°○°
•●•Note: this takes place in the equestria girls universe•●•
Music booms throughout the gym as different neon lights shine throughout the room, the crowd of students danced on the confetti covered floor.
It was a big party that of corse pinkie had made in celebration of Twilight transferring to canterlot high.
Rainbow dash walks up to vinyl scratch who was the dj, she taps the blue haired girls shoulder and vinyl looks at rainbow. Her head nods to the beat of the music that booms through her the speakers of the room and her headset, she took off her headset to hear what the rainbow haired girl wanted to say.
Rainbow asked if she could play a song that is 20% cooler then the other songs, vinyl thought about it for a moment then the perfect song came to her mind. She gave the girl a thumbs up and put her headset back on while the rainbow haired girl walked away into the crowd.
Vinyl began to play the song, at 1st it became silent which made everyone stopped and got confused, then the beat got louder and louder.
"Yeah I own this beat, you can call me the king or the ruler felon on base getting close to the mic! We're getting 20% cooler!"
Everyone went back to dancing wildly and the neon lights flickered and moved around fast.
Pinkie who was by one of the tables full of snacks and sweets, screamed in overwhelming happiness and ran into the crowd to find her friends
"We had a great day out calling my name like ferris Beulah! It's time to wrap this up! We're getting 20 % cooler!"
Pinkie screams "Dashie" over the loud music and the people in the crowd chit chatting or laughing.
She can't find her friend anywhere, so she headed off to find sunset shimmer. Maybe she has saw rainbow dash.
"7 colors in your hair get your boots on dear cuz we are going out there, don't care about the dress code put it on let's go"
Rainbow started to rock out to the music, her boots clack their heels on the floor as she danced and her hair shines under the neon lights.
"Girls gone wild cuz we're going alfresco HA! no need to preform!"
Pinkie ended up finding rarity who was dressed all fancy like always, her sparkly outfit shined so bright you can spot the girl from miles away,
Then she found applejack who was at one of the tables full of food, then fluttershy who was in the corner afraid to get into the large crowd.
She later found out sunset shimmer didn't make it to the party.
"Hands on our bodies gotta keep our skills warm, we need socal reform cuz we are just so criminal! Linguist subliminal damage is minimal"
Pinkie dragged the 3 girls into the crowd to find their rainbow haired friend.
*I'm just gonna time skip cuz im tired as FUCK and that I'm running out of ideas*
"WOOOOO! bring out the bacardi! Twilight sparkle up in the party!"
Twilight walked through the crowd to see her new friends dancing to the music, twilight stood there till pinky noticed and grabbed twilight's arm she drags her to the middle of the room with all the neon lights on her.
"Tap that! Like a phone in the cold war! Room on the dance floor knocking on my front door! Me!? I'm kinda a rarity! you!? Work that dexterity!"
Twilight stood there frozen in fear, she never danced! What is she gonna do!? There where so many eyes staring at her, waiting for her to do something
" lean back now here's what I meant, getting cooler by 20%!"
All her friends stood by her as some of the neon lights shine on Twilight and her friends, as soon as the beat dropped her friends started to dance again and Twilight followed their lead
"Yeah I own this beat! You can call me the king or the ruler, felon on base getting close to the mic! We're getting 20% cooler!"
Twilight soon started to do her own dance moves going full on freestyle like her friends, she was having a lot of fun. The thought of what happened at the friendship games was no longer there.
"We had a great day out! Calling my name like ferris Beulah! It's time to wrap this up! We're getting 20 % cooler!!!"
The crowd cheers for the 6 girls dancing to the music, they all started to glow along with the neon lights, pony ears appeared on their heads and wings appears on rainbows,fluttershys, and Twilights backs.
"We're getting 20 % cooler!
We're getting 20 % cooler!
We're getting 20 % cooler!"
The 6 girls didn't even notice they had changed.
Feathers, balloons, and confetti flew.
"Yeah I own this beat, you can call me the king or the ruler felon on base getting close to the mic! WE'RE GETTING 20% COOLER!!!"
And with that the music fades out to a stop, the crowd cheered and clapped for the 6 Girls, twilight smiled with her friends and they all took a bow.
It was the best night of their lives.
So far.
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