The days passed with the brothers leaving earlier and earlier to spend time with the three Anolis females while Alex was trapped in their quarters. On day she awoke to find they had already left. She answered the knock at the door to find Dr. Glick with a tray of fruit and cheese and two assistants. They all sat at the table, but Alex pushed away the plate of fruit and cheese. Dr. Glick stroked his silvering muzzle and his eye-rdiges knit together in worry. His two aides looked between him and Alex.
"I'm not hungry. Where's Gabe. Or Cale? Or even Rile?" Alex asked.
"She's not adapting well," one of Dr. Glick's aides whispered to him.
"Lethargic," another said and scribbled in his notebook.
"She misses her friends," Dr. Glick replied calmly. "Primates are social creatures."
"I don't miss other people," Alex said. "I want to go for a walk."
Or fly. But then they would chain me down.
"You can't leave the Institute," Dr. Glick said automatically.
"Where are Gabe, Rile, and Cale?" Alex asked. "They were gone when I woke up."
"Off with the Anolis ambassador group," Dr. Glick's aide said and wrote more in his notebook.
"Again? What were their names?" Alex asked. "Wait, one of them was Cla. She's the one that sticks to Gabe."
The witch must be up to something.
"I'll make sure you're invited to a party," Dr. Glick said in a kindly tone. "You need to socialize."
Various species of humanoid reptiles sat around a large, oblong table in a large, sunny room with floor to ceiling windows. The vista of red rocks could be seen in the distance.
"She needs company. Mammals are social beings and she is suffering in isolation," Dr. Glick pleaded with the InterSpecies Council.
"It's a mammal," the Draconinae ambassador said. "Fit for nothing but being hunted and killed. As it's already in custody, we'll dispense with the hunting part."
"That's a bit harsh," the Chameleon ambassador said and tapped the desk with his longest claw. His color darkened to a somber brown.
"We'll kill it quickly. It won't suffer."
"There's a large mammal on the loose?" The Bearded Dragon jerked up in his chair and quickly swiveled his head toward each of the other members.
"Calm down. Haven't you been listening to Dr. Glick? She's in the institute. What are the facts?" the Iguana ambassador asked, expression placid.
"The facts are that she saved the Council President. She's a social creature and misses her friends or any personal contact. She must have socialization outside my laboratory. I suggest a party. It mustn't be a large one," Dr. Glick said.
"A party sounds perfect," the Chameleon said and his color brightened to a happy green.
"If you kill her at it," the Draconinae said.
"Now you calm down," the Iguana said in a placid tone that matched his expression. "She's done nothing wrong."
"I agree. She saved me," the Council President said. A Pogona, he stroked his short, spiked beard.
"The Chameleons will host the party," the Chameleon ambassador said. "You're all invited except you." He swiveled an eye at the Draconinae.
"As if I would want to attend." The Draconinae stood up and left in a huff.
Alex wore the popular long sleeved one-piece garment seen in this town to the party. Her clothing was a combination of metallic greens and browns, set in a snake scale pattern. Her hair was tightly woven in braids with metallic beads and pulled back from her head. Hair was far too mammalian to be allowed to flow free. Dr. Glick had built her outfit with the help of his wife and her fashion papers. Alex was determined to fit in, whatever the cost, and beading her hair was a small one. She sat at the table with Gabe, Rile, and Cale at the party, mustering courage.
"It's Cla, Deela, and Caj." Cale waved at the three Anolis females dressed in chest armor, ornate forearm shields, and short leather skirts of armored strips that moved easily with their legs.
The three each had short swords strapped to their sides and Cla had a large leather pouch slung over her shoulder.
"All we need is the bubonic plague and the party will be complete," Alex muttered into her drink.
"Be nice to them," Cale said.
"Me? But—"
"Don't spoil the party," Rile added.
They think I'm the troublemaker? Jerks.
"Look, Cla. The mammal has changed from angry to sullen," Deela whispered to her.
"Excellent. It will be delicious if I gain Gabe's sympathy against his soon-to-be former sleep-mate. But I will settle for consoling him in his grief over her death," Cla whispered back.
"Don't you look pretty in your little costume? Just like make-believe, isn't it?" Cla fired the first shot in tonight's battle.
"Unlike you, I felt it would be appropriate to dress in the current fashion of your culture," Alex replied.
"Alex, you promised to be nice." Gabe stepped on her foot under the table.
Alex's despair deepened and she stared into her drink.
"I brought my pet, too." Cla yanked on a chain and something cried out from inside her bag. She hauled out a tiny monkey like a Capuchin. It chattered angrily, trying to avoid Cla's heavy hand. "They're cute in an ugly, furry way."
The creature squealed in pain and leapt all the way to Alex. It buried itself in her beaded hair and scolded them from its protected perch.
"Blood will tell, won't it? It must think you're its mommy." Cla started to yank the chain, but Alex caught it with lightening speed.
Alex's gaze locked with her rival's. With a flip of her wrist, Alex freed the chain from Cla's grasp.
I don't tolerate abuse of any living being, be it a child or a pet, not from deadbeat stepdads or vicious female reptiles.
Gabe stepped harder on her foot. "You promised."
"Excuse me. I'll freshen my drink." Alex turned but looked back at Cla. "Don't worry. I'll look after your pet like it was my own child."
Round one to Cla. Or maybe that's two, since she's been spending so much time with Gabe.
As Alex waited at the bar, the monkey searched through her hair, experimentally tasting different strands of beads. Her mood lifted a micron as she took it from her neck and petted it. "I know how you feel. It's you and me against all the reptiles."
It tilted its head and gazed into her eyes.
"I don't blame you," a pleasant male voice said.
Alex warily looked up at the voice's owner, a large Chameleon dressed in silver and red. He was at least six feet tall, but his eyes were intelligent, and he tilted his head at her in an appealing way.
"I don't have any pets and I didn't like the way she was treating it," he continued.
"I see." Alex shielded the monkey from the newcomer by shifting it under left arm, which freed her dominant hand to fight.
If this creature thinks he's gaining a pet, he's in for a surprise.
"That Cla is pure poison. You should stay out of her way," he said.
"I'm over here, aren't I?"
He chuckled. "True. My name is Zilik. You must be Alex."
"The only primate on the planet, or at least I thought so." She petted the monkey again.
"Oh no," he said, "I'm eager to speak with you. I would love to know what a whole planet of mammals is like, what direction your culture has taken."
"Gabe and the others have been interviewed up a storm about it. Surely you've heard some of it."
"But they're not insiders, are they?" Zilik's look was shrewd.
"Not there."
"I do believe that Cla has dampened your mood. Here." He handed her a drink. "Let's find a table and talk. A few Tailbangers and you'll be in the party spirit."
The small, petty part of her was glad when she caught Gabe looking over in surprise as Zilik escorted her to a table.
"Are you a scientist of some sort?" Alex asked.
"Sociology is my hobby, but we're not here to talk about me. Tell me about yourself."
She hesitated and let the monkey jump on her shoulder as a diversion. "I thought you wanted to talk about my culture. I'll tell you about my world if you tell me about yours."
"Fair enough. You have my undivided attention." Zilik smiled an easy smile.
"There are humans, who do a pretty crappy job of running the Earth, and then there's other animals, who can't speak," Alex said. "Humans fight wars, mostly destroy the environment, although a few care, mostly prey on the weak and helpless, although a few care. Blah, blah, blah. I beat up the bad guys as best I can."
"Only one dominant species and still you fight amongst yourselves?" he asked.
"I know, I know. Not the brightest or most peaceful species around. How do you manage, what with all the different species? Who runs the government? Does one species dominate?" Alex turned the questions back on Zilik.
The Chameleon shook his head. "We fought many bloody wars over many years. Finally, we settled on a ruling Council, made up of one representative from almost every species. Council President is rotated through each species every two years. How each species picks its representative is their decision, we don't interfere. Most societies are democratic or voting republics, but there are a few monarchies and a few dictators. Crimes within a species are settled by that species. Interspecies violence is dealt with harshly with a jury of everyone but the two involved species. The penalty is usually death. We can't afford wars starting again."
Dr. Glick skittered up, looking left, right and behind him. "Theoretically it's perfect, but we still have problems. Not every species is a member, and some are threatening to leave, which would weaken the whole government."
Alex stood up and hugged him, which the Iguana accepted with dignity, although he smiled.
"I didn't know you were coming," she said.
"I'm a great admirer of your work." Zilik stood and shook his hand.
"I thought the study of primates was an esoteric topic," Dr. Glick replied. Again he looked left, right, and behind.
"I'm a hobby sociologist and I enjoyed your description of the societal classes that the primates formed. I found your theory that the chitterers can evolve intriguing," Zilik said.
"Perhaps." Alex motioned them to sit. "Have you heard of Intelligent Design? The theory is much more sound than evolution."
"I would like to discuss theories with you sometime. But I came to warn Alex." He leaned closer to her. "I found out that a nasty little trap is set for you at this party. The Council wants to see how you hold up under provocation, testing your limits, as it were."
"Provoke me? Limits? I'll be fine. I don't have a weapon." Alex shot a glare Cla's way. The monkey on her shoulder shrieked and she shushed it.
Krav Maga lessons the minute I get back to Earth. If I ever get back.
"Where in the world did you get that chitterer?" Dr. Glick frowned and looked around again.
"It was Cla's. She was abusing it and it ran to me," Alex stroked it again. It whimpered and snuggled against her.
"Clever of her. It's a snide reminder of your heritage, a real slap in the face for everyone to see. You must get rid of it," Dr. Glick said.
"I'm not giving it back to Cla. It's also not my heritage. I'm an alien, fire truck it."
"Let me have it. I'll give it to my children," Dr. Glick said as he took the protesting creature from her neck. "This is more important than rivalry over your friend. They want to be sure of you before they allow you into the Council meeting. All present here tonight are considered, well, expendable." He gave Zilik an apologetic look. "Forget about Gabe for tonight. They've hired Gilas."
"Gilas? They're serious." Zilik scanned the room, head tilted back slightly, as if scenting the air. "Stay away from them at all costs. They're nothing but trouble."
"Let me guess: large poisonous guys, right?" Alex asked.
"With a bad attitude. They're hired for bodyguards and the more violent games. They love anything that involves injury." Zilik stared at a distant corner in the left.
"Yes, so don't let Cla incite you to anger. Maybe Zilik can show you around to his friends and keep you out of harm's way. It is imperative that you gain the Council's favor. Only then can you hope to be granted citizen, or at least tourist, status so you don't have to remain locked up," Dr. Glick followed Zilik's gaze and he, too, stared at the corner.
Zilik nodded.
"You're not leaving, are you? Can't you stay? I could use your help," Alex pleaded.
"Which is why I was not invited. They don't want you getting any help. You're on your own," Dr. Glick said, apology in his voice. He put a hand on Alex's shoulder and backed away with her from that corner.
Zilik hissed quietly and moved so that he was between Alex and the corner.
"Pardon me, I did not anticipate you falling in with a Chameleon, but I'm delighted. I feel better leaving you in Zilik's capable and amiable company." Dr. Glick nodded a dismissal to both of them and hurried out.
"Since you're targeted for trouble, let's make you a moving target." Zilik took her arm and led her to a group of Chameleons. "Allow me to introduce you to my friends."
"Hello, my name is Lok." The Chameleon held out his hand. When Alex warily placed her hand in it, he kissed it. "You're as beautiful as you are brave. Thank you for saving the Council President."
"My pleasure," Alex said. "Saving others is my specialty."
"Will you dance the next dance with me?"
"Aren't you the brave one," Alex said. "I'm considered rather dangerous."
"Dangerous and beautiful. Perfect." Lok kissed her hand again.
"Dance with me, Alex. My kind isn't always the most sincere." Zilik took Alex's hand and glared at Lok.
Lok grinned. "We are of the same species, Zilik."
"Now, now, girls, you're both pretty," Alex said. "How about I dance with both of you?"
"Separately," Lok said, still grinning. "I asked first."
Alex looked at Zilik. "This is your world. What's the protocol?"
A large reptile appeared from the dark corner and shouldered his way through the crowd, most of which melted away. Alex recognized it as a Gila, his black hide gleaming with dots of brilliant yellow. He was broad shouldered and well muscled, squat and thick, where the brothers, Zilik, and Lok were lean and muscular.
"I should have known to find the mammal with a tailless Chameleon like you, Zilik," the large creature rumbled.
"My opponent was disqualified for the move that took my tail and it is regenerating quite nicely. I have never lost it in a fair fight, something I'm sure you know little about." Zilik's color darkened and his tone was icy.
Lok squared off with Zilik against the creature and Alex thought better of Lok.
"Zilik, I thought you were supposed to keep me out of trouble," Alex whispered by his tympanum.
His color lightened at her remark and he nodded.
"A party is no place to talk of fights," he added smoothly. "I hear your emperor is to name a successor. Surely you favor his nephew Krag."
"That weakling? Never. He will name Nark."
Another Gila stomped over at the mention of Nark and argued that Krag was a better choice. After a few minutes, both Gilas were arguing while Zilik and Lok slipped away, taking Alex with them.
"That species is generally none too bright and easily distracted," Zilik whispered to Alex.
Cla watched the exchange, displeasure evident on her face. She excused herself from Gabe and one of her companions followed. The Anolis female that stayed behind ordered more drinks and picked up the conversation, distracting the brothers.
Cla bent close to her companion."I hadn't counted on the protective influence of a Chameleon. They must be separated. Tell the mammal that a Council member was impressed by his aide's report and wishes to meet with her. Do not let Zilik or Lok come along."
Deela nodded and set off.
Soon, Zilik and Lok found themselves detained by Gilas while the message was delivered.
"Don't go, Alex," Zilik said.
"He's right," Lok said.
"You forgot that I'm dangerous," Alex said.
"And beautiful," Lok said.
Alex shook her head. "Lead on," she told the Anolis.
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