Chapter 1, Episode 10: Resistance Chain Of Command
Previously On Star Wars: Awakening Of The Resistance:
A coms officer went to Joey "Officer Joey. It's Ullirs" He stated to him. "Go ahead" Joey replied to him worried a bit. The coms officer patched Ullirs though "This is Spark Ullirs from Onderon. I have a valuable VIP that needs extract." He stated before getting cut off by blaster shot from background.
Spark took cover behind some crates and began to fire back "Hold The Line!" He stated and exclaimed to his men. As fighting raged on, a loud woosh sound was heard before Spark looks up and smirks "Joey." He muttered to himself.
First order starfighters and Resistance fighters with the help of CIS droids fought off each other in space. A munificent class prototype along with another recusant class prototype soon flew out and made a blockade for the viscount as support ships and destroyers. "Okay boys: let's get out of here" Joey said to the ships around the Viscount.
Soon after they got out of hyperspace. As they got out a lot of starships their mix with Resistance and CIS type. They really need a chain of command, a few planets to work on and a Resistance Base. Joey then, without warning, com-links the entire Resistance Base on Geonosis "Prepare for a Meeting, we need a Chain of Command" Joey stated before going to med bay for Niphal.
This left everyone shock...
Niphal is at the medevac being treated by CIS personnel waiting. Joey com-links in, "Leia, come in: this is Officer Joey. the Mission to Mon Calamari was a Complete Success. We got the Ships, and we even got ourselves a little something extra" He said over the coms to her.
"Thats great Joey. Every ship and crew is needed." She replied "And of you arrive we will have a meeting" She added to her sentence. "Very good, and our Something Extra is a ship to behold" Joey mentioned smirking a bit. Leia nodded in response. "Very well." She replied to him before sighing a bit "The meeting will be inside the Raddus." She stated before ending the coms.
"Very well, I'll arrive in the hour" Joey mentioned before she ended it. The crew began to rest a bit as after an hour, Joey then arrived at Geonosis with the Onderon Fleet, Silver Squadron, and the Viscount before heading to the Raddus
All resistance members are in including Gial Ackbar, Leia Organa, Wedge Antilles, Rose Tico, Finn, Rey, Luke and others. In holo gram are Aftab Ackbar, Spark Ullirs, and The NCAF Admiral. "This meeting will now begin, I've realized that we need a Chain of Command" Joey mentioned to all of them. "Leia, you will be in Command" Joey added to this. "Everyone else in high command shall be leaders. Understood?" Joey asked. They all agreed. Joey then went to sleep with Niphal.
Joey then held Niphal tight in his sleep. Niphal cuddles up to him. Joey then strokes Niphal's teal hair while he sleeps. Niphal nuzzles his hand not noticing it "I love you Niphal" Joey said as Niphal cuddled and purred "I love you to" she replied dreamily.
His head is at Niphal's chest as she strokes his hair. Joey then listened to her heartbeat and breathing. Niphal smiled before laying her head on his hair. "We should head down to the surface" Joey mentioned as Niphal slowly nodded "Sure thing" She replied then began working on various projects and blueprints. The resistance coms unit are working to find planets foe them to expand.
Clearly Geonosis is populated by the Resistance and cis personnel along worth their fleets "OH, my love! I forgot that I had this" Joey shouted and mentioned handing Niphal the Dagger of Mortis "Found it on Earth several months ago, I wasn't sure what it was" he said Niphal was beside her. Once she saw it she slightly gasp "H-how?" She ask him shock at this "You know what it is?" Joey asked her curiously. "Yes...I sacrificed myself for the father for him to live" she replied sadly.
"I'm sorry, I was out on one of my walks on Earth several months ago and got hit in the back of my head by the hilt of it. I decided to pick it up and keep it, at least until I found out where it came from" Joey explained and story tell. Niphal smiled softly "Its alright Joey" She replied to him.
Soon a CIS coms officer com links him "General Leia ask for a meeting on the Raddus" he replied as Joey then kissed Niphal on her lips before handing her the Dagger of Mortis before heading to the Raddus. "yes General Organna?" He asked
At the Raddus..Leia was there "We've been thinking and..its time for us to counter attack the First Order" She replied and mentioned towards him. "I know someone who can help, she's Mandalorian and the currently on Mandalore" Joey replied and mentioned. Leia nodded in response. "Were also thinking about Hoth(Echo Base), Atalon(Chopper's Base) and Crait." She replied to him and explained.
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