Chapter 36
Driven by Madness
Amra sat next to her smiling, took her hand into his. Elaine was patting Pronab's shoulder and thanking him repeatedly. Only Caliope was a little disturbed, and worried. 'You can talk again, why are you sad?' Amra squeezed her hand. 'It is how he made me talk' she replied to him mentally. Amra nodded 'I know, I am not happy about it either, but he asked my permission... he said, he would reach to his dark side, and through the kiss, he would absorb whatever was holding your voice, he promised me it wouldn't be a deep kiss, I was not going to let him live if he did not fulfill his promise.'
She sighed and smiled, nodding and squeezing his hand tightly, then leaning to kiss his lips. She then turned around and smiled at Elaine and Pronab. Her real worries were not the kiss, which kept sending electricity through her body; her worries were how Amra would react to it.
"I am sorry, Pronab... for slapping you... thank you for bringing back my voice..."
He chuckled, still rubbing his cheek "It's ok, Caly... I can take a slap or two"
They all laughed and finally, she stood up and looked around the room "where is Vanessa?"
"She is doing a very important job, my dear." Elaine nodded.
Pronab noticed she didn't understood what Elaine meant, and knowing she probably was not aware who made the attack against her, he tried to explain "We caught the bastard of your ex... he was actually working with one of them, one of the dark Angels... that is why he could reach to us even with all our defenses up."
"Oh no! you caught him?! how far did he got in here? how many did he hurt?!"
Elaine shook her head, trying to calm her down "He was hiding inside the barn, and he was with a deception Angel, he was slowly numbing you... then he... he was trying to transport you to other dimensions." she sighed and Pronab continued for her "He was trying to kidnap you thru dimensions, but Amra got him."
She looked at Amra who was calm and steady. She smiled at him and he held her tighter, with an arm around her shoulders. She sighed and then shook her head, still surprised how far would her ex go to reach to her. "So you caught him, and what did you do to him?" she asked, almost too afraid to hear the answer.
Elaine chuckled "Eh Hmm... that is where Vanessa is..."
Caliope gasped "What?!"
Pronab chuckled, expecting that kind of reaction from her "I would not mind to put my hands on him and make him suffer as many times as I can... but I think Vanessa is doing a very good job. Humans punishing other humans is quite interesting and... sexy..."
Elaine shook her head at him "sexy? really?" as he was laughing and shrugging. Amra kissed the top of Caliope's head and rubbed her shoulders, calming her "The dark Angel is gone, we banished him... now, what to do with him, we are waiting for you to decide... if Vanessa hasn't already killed him."
"...if I know her a little, she would keep him alive and suffering for long. Can I see them?"
Elaine nodded and left the room to guide her, on their way to the dungeons she made sure to warn her "You missed quite the amazing spectacle... The Meng Generals worked with Amra to capture them both... right now, he is frozen, trapped in his own body, unless something changed while we were away... Do not worry if you see him this way, he can't move unless we release him. But you will see him sit and still, like a statue."
"I am really only worried about Vanessa now, Elaine."
"Oh darling, she is quite well. Trust me."
When they reached to a tall dark wood door, Maxwell was leaning against it, he smiled at the sight of them and stood up straight "Ahhh you are safe Caliope. Just a moment please."
He lifted a finger, made a half circle, and everyone heard the locks of the big door being unlocked. Caliope realized she never actually found out what his gifts were. The doors opened at an excruciating slow speed, and when a few inches were left to open fully, Caliope decided to just push the door and walk into the dark room. Amra tried to warn her 'wait!' but she was already inside the room. She saw Vanessa with her sleeves lifted up, sweating. Next to her a beaten Rawer was sitting in a chair; he had no ropes around him, anything that would show some kind of restraint, not even Pronab's chains. As soon as he saw her, he tried to move but he couldn't, he was immobilized in the chair. She looked around the dark room and at the corner, a grinning Meng Yi waved a few fingers. That made her understand what was going on; they were using their powers on him.
"Hey Caly, don't worry... I took care of him for you... how are you feeling?"
"Give me a minute and I will let you know."
She walked straight to him and raising a hand, finally slapping him hard. He growled at her and tried to move again but it was impossible for him. She gave a step back and took a deep breath, Amra walked next to her and rested his hands on her shoulders "I feel better now, thank you."
She was not smiling, but her body reflected a clear relief. Vanessa chuckled and walked to Pronab raising her hand and giving him a -high five-. Caliope frowned a bit to them but focused her attention back to Rawer. He had a black eye, broken lips and droplets of blood slid from the side of his forehead and lips; whatever Vanessa was doing to him clearly showed up to be painful and effective. "You really messed up big this time, you know? you couldn't just take a no for an answer, you had to do the most stupid things and try to get to me... you could have any girl you want! why the hell do you had to come for me!"
Rawer was furious and yet he couldn't move. He was also very quiet, which made her surprised. She looked back at Meng Yi and he stepped closer. "You are silencing him too?"
"His mind?, yes... Tian is locking his body... you want to hear him? he does not have good words to say."
"He already is immobilized, at least let him speak."
"As you wish, Asteria..."
He was clearly not happy but nor was he worried, he closed his eyes and only seconds after, Rawer was spitting on the floor "Stupid cunt! you should have never be allowed to live! you are just a gold digging slut!"
Amra walked a step closer, and with a hand he levitated him in the air, Caliope gasped and watched as the very own Rawer was panicking.
Elaine screamed "Amrafel stop! don't do something you will regret later!"
He turned his head and looked at her with determination "I won't regret this."
He looked back at Rawer and lifted his other hand, Caliope stood in front of them and Amra closed his eyes "what are you doing?"
"Stopping you from doing something you will regret later..."
"I won't..."
"...if you kill him, under my own eyes, you will lose me forever..."
He opened his eyes wide and stared at her. She had tears in her eyes but she was firm, determined. He kept Rawer's body suspended in the air but put his hands in her face "This is who I am, I warned you..."
"You can be a monster of justice to the universe, but to me, the thin line lays here... I don't care what means you take for an end... this is my choice... leave him alive."
No one added a word in favor nor objecting Caliope's words, but the fact was that everyone agreed with her. He closed his eyes one more time, then dropped Rawer's body in the chair, he growled in pain and tried to move, but Meng Tian was already immobilizing him. Amra rested his forehead on hers, and took a deep breath. She put her hands on his face and caressed him softly "This, what you did just now, is why I love you more."
He smiled, opening his eyes again and kissing her tenderly. She enjoyed his kiss, and the fact that it was in front of Rawer made it better, it seemed to be his own choice of torture. She turned around and looked at him.
"He has the power to end not just your life, but all of our lives in a blink of an eye... but you know what? he respects me and the choices I make... that is just one of the things that makes him different from you... better than you... Since you are familiar of their existence, there is nothing else to be said, you are a danger for everyone around you. General Maxwell, is there a prison for him to be locked in? One guarded by Angels. Any human prison or mental institution wont work."
Maxwell nodded "Our methods are different from yours, but we have a place for them. I can arrange for Falshore to take him now."
"Thank you, that is what I wish for him..."
"...fair enough, Asteria..."
Elaine walked close to her and smiled "are you ok sweetheart?"
Caliope smiled "I am, finally I am."
Vanessa sighed dramatically "I could have beaten him a few more times, but well, others will have fun instead of me now."
Pronab put an arm around Vanessa and nudged her head, she laughed as they all headed out of the dungeons and walked to a more illuminated area. Caliope was happy, she felt there was finally some closure to that chapter in her life that was Rawer. Also, the more evident signs of connection between Vanessa and Pronab didn't bother her so much anymore.
It was late for dinner, but Vanessa insisted on them to celebrate Caliope and Amra's last day being single "I know... I know... you were not practically single if you were already dating each other... but you know what I mean!"
The dinner was made in the dining room, the food was exquisite, and after some wine, Vanessa made them all play a game of guessing, with fun questions about the bride and groom. It was intended to be for the guests, to see how much they knew about them. Caliope laughed at how some questions were so simple yet so particularly tricky, and the answers were mostly funny. By the end of the evening, near midnight, almost everyone was gone to their bedrooms except Elaine, Vanessa, Caliope, Amra and Pronab.
"This was so much fun, it was a great idea Nessa, thank you so much."
"I knew you were a bit worried on what would I do but now you see you had nothing to fear."
"I still am scared of your surprises."
Vanessa laughed and winked at her, then yawned finally "Time for me to get into bed, I am tired, so many emotions in one day... are you used to all that?"
"Not at all, but I am getting there."
Pronab smirked "Is not that hard, leaving aside the war, we are very normal, we enjoy the routines just like you do."
"Who said we love routines?"
"What I mean is..."
Elaine shook her head "Ahhh no, let's not start arguing about that right now, we will never go to bed. I am going to sleep as well, and you two should too! is a big day tomorrow!"
Amra smiled "I am taking her to bed now, don't worry."
"See you all tomorrow, thank you again for such a wonderful dinner, and everything..."
Caliope was finally in bed, resting next to Amra, he had his eyes closed, breathing calmly. He could trick anyone to believe he was really sleeping, but if something she learned after all their time together, certainly, she knew he was never asleep. She caressed his arm slowly, and he tilted his head towards her, opening his eyes and smiling. Mentally she was patting herself for being right.
"Are you nervous?"
"...a little... but not so much anymore."
"Then why don't you sleep some?"
"Will I change after we marry? will I be different?"
"What do you mean?"
"You all talk about a change, I won't fear death anymore, that is a big change, I don't know what you mean about that, is it a physical change? a mental one? both?"
"I am not completely sure how to explain this to you, under our own laws, I can give you the gift of immortality only once we are married..."
"But... my mother is dead..."
"There are still ways to end immortality, my love... immortality makes you... above any mortal worries, any mortal danger... but as you have discovered, our universe is filled of things beyond the mortal world... half of her immortality was gone when your father died, the other half, she gave it and died on her own terms once she knew you were safe."
"How do you know that?"
"After you discovered about the past of Pronab and her, I was curious and asked a few people around."
"So she left herself die?"
"She chose that end, it was different times, there was persecution and I am not happy to admit Angels can be driven by obsession as well."
"She must have loved him deeply... to want to just die..."
Amra nodded "We only know one way to love, and I can understand her choice... she knew they wanted her and you would never be safe... she did what she thought it was right."
"I understand in part, so it makes sense... I can't imagine my life now without you... but leaving me? why did she leave me behind?"
He leaned to her and kissed her deeply, his arms around her tightly. She gasped, surprised and taken by his love. He then parted his lips from hers and taking a deep breath, he tugged the sheets to cover her.
"I think she saw no other way out, but perhaps sometime in the future, we will know more about it... I firmly believe she didn't want to leave you, but she had to... now to sleep... you need to rest... tomorrow at this time, we will have eternity to be united."
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