Chapter 28
When Worlds Collide
On road, Caliope was watching Elaine smile as she held tight to herself the old book that Wiltshire gave her. She was curious about what was it and finally decided to ask her "I rarely see you this excited, what is so special about that book?"
Elaine turned her head and smiled, instinctively caressed the book then laid it on her lap and watched it with a special care "This is one of the most valuables pieces of history for us in this Earth... The first book ever written by the first one to land here."
Caliope leaned towards her with curiosity "who was he?"
"The first fallen angel... you might know him by the name of Adam."
Caliope gasped, she shook her head as her words sank into her mind. Elaine noticed her reaction and stopped smiling, taking her hand and trying to explain herself "You must understand, most of what you know about your own past, at least about your most ancient one, is part of fairy tales that had been told from generation to generation endlessly until someone decided to make it part of the Bible."
"I am trying... but I don't understand... Weren't Adam and Eve the first humans?" Elaine smiled kindly "Eve was... " then looked at the window and realized they were about to reach the Hotel. She squeezed Caliope's hand and smiled at her nodding towards their destination, she decided to hold her questions for later. Amra kept an uninterested look towards the subject, but he remained quiet about it until they all walked out of the car and into the tall building. Pronab looked towards the sky before finally closing the door "A storm is coming..."
Once inside the hotel, each went to their respective rooms, and just before entering hers, Caliope stopped as Amra frowned. She tried to smile at him and walk inside but this time he stopped her "don't... something is inside... Asteria, please..."
She gasped as a dark shadow appeared from behind Amra in an attempt to capture him, but the shadow was not able to even touch him. Amra's glowing aura started to reveal itself, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to his chest and surrounded her with his arms as she felt the world spin around, even with her eyes closed "what is going on?!" Amra grunted and with low voice replied "they thought you were alone in this room, they came to take you... I am not going to let anyone take you..."
His words made her shiver, she was scared, even though he did not said who -they- were, she knew. The more she shivered, the more everything around her kept spinning, to a point where she started to feel sick. Amra tried his best "hold on to me... I need to be careful... I need to control myself as much as I can..." but she felt her world crumbling fast "I think... I am going... to faint..." He held her tighter "no, my love... please hold..." he pleaded almost desperately.
She kept her eyes closed but she felt Amra sigh with relief as something pulled her away, she started to kick and scream, terrified that something was strong enough to break them apart. She only heard Amra in the distance 'you are safe... you are safe...' Then his voice vanished and the world started to move slower, her head was not in pain anymore, and she slowly gave in to whatever, or whoever was taking her away. She started to open her eyes and realized she was in the arms of someone, as soon as she looked up, she saw Pronab's face, who was keeping a tight grip on her. His jaw was tense, his teeth gritting, his arms shaking a little. He was visibly upset and angry, but she was too happy to worry now; Amra was taking over what ever tried to harm them, and she was being taken away in order to be safe from anything Amra could do. She spread her arms around Pronab and rubbed her moisturized cheeks on his chest. He instantly relaxed.
Finally they entered a room at a different floor, and after some seconds in silence, he slowly laid her on a bed and gave a step back. She opened her eyes again and looked for him but he was already gone "Pronab?"
"I am here... just... making sure the room is clear..." He said slowly as he left the bathroom and headed to the window to close the curtains. She took a deep breath and looked down at her hands, realizing she was still shaking, taking both hands to her face and feeling them cold, her cheeks however, were red and flaming, yet the extreme contrast of temperature somehow was relaxing. When she lifted her eyes up to find Pronab again, she punched the cushion and left the tears continue to fall "Why?! why does this keep happening?! why everything wants to harm me? or people who I care? my ex... I can understand... but this? whatever that was! it was after me! all because of what I am? something that is not supposed to exist? is that it?"
"Calm down Caly... you will be ok..."
"For how long?! 24 hours?! 48?! I could get attacked the next hour and it will never stop until I die! will I have to be under surveillance 24 hours a day for eternity?"
"Trust me, please, calm down... things won't always be like this..."
She was still sobbing and agitated, her fists in the air kept hitting the bed and Pronab was getting more and more worried by the second, slowly getting closer to her with arms open and hands trying to reach her shoulders to calm her. But she was shaking and babbling, which made him frustrated.
"Maybe I should go away far from you all and that way you can finish your mission and stop babysitting me! I shouldn't have come... I shouldn't have gone to work for Elaine... I am only making things more complicated for you all..."
It was then when Pronab reached completely to her and shook her slightly, she locked her eyes on him and both stood there looking at each other in silence, until she whispered "I am too weak...."
Pronab frowned, visibly angry and she shook her head after seen him upset, lifting her hands to cover her face as she continued to sob. But he stopped her, took her hands with his hand and pulled her towards him, crashing his lips in hers. She gasped and froze in her spot. His lips were cold and harsh, and they were pressing into hers with fierceness. She did not reciprocated, but neither stopped it, which only made the kiss longer and harder; his hands now were holding her arms and she could feel a strange electricity running through her body. It was a mixture of intense emotions and instead of fighting against them she could not break apart. Then she heard Amra's voice in her head 'Asteria... I am coming for you...' and his words broke the spell, she finally pushed Pronab apart; he looked confused and embarrassed at the same time. Lowering his eyes he tried to apologize "I... I am sorry, that was a serious mistake... I don't feel well with frustration... please..." Caliope shook her head and whispered "Amra is coming to us..." Her lips were trembling.
He turned towards the closed doors and after some long and eternal seconds, two simple knocks announced his arrival. Pronab stood up and walked cautiously towards it, Caliope imitated him and held a hand to her chest, uncertain of what Pronab would find behind the door, but it was Elaine the one who spoke "it is me..."
Pronab relaxed and Caliope took a deep breath; he opened the door and a worried and tired Elaine walked inside looking first at him, then at her, until she finally reached to Caliope to hold her tight. Just when Pronab was closing the door, Amra stopped him. Speechless, he lowered his head and let him in. "We are leaving as soon as me and Caly talk, if you two please make the proper arrangements..." were Amra's only words.
Elaine finally let her go and walked out of the room in silence with Pronab behind. Amra locked the door behind them and turned to look at her. She was shaking in her spot, and started to cry once more. Amra's hard semblant slowly started to vanish, giving room to a more concerned look. He walked slowly to her and carefully attempted to reach at her, looking into her eyes, as if asking permission to touch her. She noticed this and closed her eyes fighting more tears.
"Nothing in our world is easy, nothing in your world is, either... but all of this is worth fighting if you have the right motivation, if you know what you want... I understand if you do not want to be part of this anymore... it was always just too much for any common angel to cope with it, I can't begin to imagine how hard this is for you... half angel or not, is the weight of a world that you did not chose to be a part of."
Caliope looked up at him, now standing right in front of her, and felt a cold shiver run through her spine as his words slowly made sense to her.
"All you have to do is ask me to keep you away from this, and I will... you wont have to witness anything else like what you did today, or any other day before..."
She cried, and dropped down to her knees on the floor. Amra looked surprised and tried hard not to drop down to her as he continued to speak "You have given me a reason to fight this war, to take it to the end and win it... you have done already much more than anyone... so I will understand if you chose to be away from now on..."
"Stop... please stop... whatever you are trying to do, it is making me feel worst..."
"Asteria... what do you mean?"
"You... you are being cold to me... you want me to believe you are really ok with this... I just know that you are doing this against your will... right?"
"I am... I am honest, I mean what I say... every word..."
She shook her head and looked up at him, he instantly kneeled to her and put both hands on her arms. She cried and squeezed him towards her, and he finally embraced her. They were holding eachother quietly; he closed his eyes trying to take in all of what was happening, and she sobbed against his chest, pushing aside her fears and gaining strength to finally speak "I am scared, I am upset, I am angry!... I am frustrated and confused... I am a mess! and is not your fault... it is no one's fault... only mine..."
"Please... let me finish..."
He nodded and kept quiet, letting her continue. She sighed and moved back to get a sight of him and speak frankly "It is my fault... I pretended to be brave and moved aside any possible danger... I overlooked the real facts and it is all crashing over me now... this... all of this... is bigger than I let myself believe it was... you are much more than what I allowed myself to believe you were... and my fears... fears I was fighting hard to ignore and push aside... finally bursted out... this fight is too big for me... I admit it... you are so much more to the world, you are so powerful, so intense, so magnificent... I feel I do not deserve you... and I am so insecure of myself, that I really think you deserve someone better, someone more divine..."
"Let me finish... I won't lie to you, I do believe in that... but I am also selfish... and I don't want anyone else to be what I am to you... I have never felt this special... the way that you make me feel... you make me believe that I am worth it... all my life I grew up believing I should make myself worth something... and here I am, loved by an amazing celestial being, and finding out I am half unhuman... I tried to just accept all these without really processing it... and it all came crumbling down on me after tonight... I am scared... I am terrified... I am... just what I am... and I can't help you any way, I feel like a crystal doll one has to only watch and not touch... I don't want to be taken away from you! I don't want to leave your side! I dont want to be afraid of everyone and everything! I dont want to be afraid of myself and what I can become! I dont want to die just because I don't want you to suffer and, to be honest, because I don't want another world without you... I am going crazy here!"
He rushed to hold her again, and this time he kissed her with passion; his hands were holding her back, pulling her towards him as his kiss burned her. She felt each tear and each kiss was filled with intense emotions, kisses that she wanted and craved. These were kisses that calmed her down and made her feel safe. When he finally broke the kiss and allowed her a moment to catch her breath, he finally spoke "You know I want you with me... now and for all eternity... and you won't be so fragile as you feel you are now, once we celebrate and make our union... but about what happened today..."
"So many things happened..."
"I know..."
She swallowed hard and shivered, his words reminding her of that electric kiss between her and Pronab. She suddenly felt guilty and worried on Amra's reaction. "I don't know how to explain some of what happened..."
"You dont have to... it happened..."
She felt confused, as Amra's words felt cryptic and cold, she was not sure if he knew about their kiss, or if he meant something else "I need you to say it... I need you to say it to me... tell me what is on your mind please..."
"It will never happen again..."
"I will not give a chance to let anything like that happen again..."
"You mean...?"
Amra finally looked down at her and sighed "He kept you safe, it is enough reason for me to forgive him for this indiscretion... but I will never give him a chance to repeat it..."
"Amra... I love you..."
He smiled and kissed her forehead softly "I know..."
"I mean... I feel like we don't know each other much... we didn't had the time for a proper courting and dating period... it happened quite fast and in a very intense way... and I still feel I don't know you so well... but I can't lie how I feel with you... it is the reason why I am here and want to be with you all the journey until the end... I feel I am complete when I am with you, I feel I am where I belong..."
He took her face into his hands and smiled brightly, a pure and innocent smile that made her heart skip a heartbeat "Good... you feel the same way I feel with you... I was starting to worry..."
"Worry? why?"
"I was starting to think I was... I don't know how to explain it... I thought I was forcing you or making you do things you would normally say no to... I started to think I was manipulating you... and I really was hoping I wasn't..."
"This is me, and I am in love with you Amra... what I do, it is consciously done... I belong with you..."
He smiled again and nodded, taking her hand to his lips and kissing her finger where her special rings shined combined "We will leave the hotel, and head to a more safe residence... with all these attacks we can't be close to so many people and put them in danger, as well as jeopardizing our identity to the world..." She nodded "I understand... we still have the meeting tomorrow, right?"
"Yes, we do, and it is going to be a very big and revealing one... I know who is behind this attack tonight... tomorrow we will face him and vanish him."
Caliope sighed "so many betrayals... your world is quite alike mine..."
"Power changes creatures of any race..."
He helped her get back up, and after another kiss, they headed towards the door.
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