Chapter 16 - Edited
Setting Examples
"There is something I do not understand..." said Pronab pensive.
Amra looked at him. "There are many things I do not understand, but tell me what is bothering you."
"If Keltop was in the room when Buer was questioned, why didn't he point him out?"
"Perhaps we just didn't make the right questions..."
Pronab nodded. "Perhaps, you were something unexpected for him, and he did not have the time to look around for other faces, or us to see their reactions..."
"Let's run another interrogation now... and ask the right questions..."
"I like the sound of that... what will you do once he reveals the traitor?"
"I will make an example out of him, just as promised."
Caliope was walking besides Amra as they kept talking. She was quiet, going thru her mind all the last events. Heptanius went from a glorious general, an ally, a friendly face, to a shadowed creature as fear, anger, disappointment and regret all mixed in his face. All because of what she saw.
"What if it was a silly dream? What if we are going to hang an innocent man?"
Amra stopped walking and turned his head to look at her. Pronab stopped two steps later. Amra's hand cupped Caliope's face as he leaned down to kiss her lips softly. She melted; the warmth, the touch, the sensation of her heart pounding fast. Almost as the first time.
"This world of conspiracies and danger is far from the dream fantasy I would have chosen for you to live in, my Asteria... I am sorry... I want you to be happy... not concerned and doubting about yourself... I promise you this is not all there is... I promise you we will give you a dream of calm and peace..."
His words took her by surprise, she thought there was a chance of them punishing an innocent man but he was more concerned on how she was enjoying her traveling experience.
"We will use my chains to make Buer reveal the traitor... there won't be mistakes Caliope... after we finish this, Amra has already asked me some days free for you two to look around and visit places... he is more concerned with you than you think."
And she nodded, reality hitting her again. They could only fall in love once in their long and eternal existence; that entire obsession would be justified now that she remembered how important she was for him. She squeezed his hand and lift herself in tip toes to kiss him softly, feeling goosebumps on her skin as she did.
"I am going to enjoy that time with you... all of it... thank you..."
He smiled; squeezed her hand back and together they continued walking to the gathering room. Once they arrived to the door, Heptanius walked in followed by Pronab. Amra stood and turned to look at Caliope with some concern.
"What is wrong? You do not want me there?"
"I want you with me all the time, but I need you to understand, whatever happens there, justice will be served..."
"I understand that, and I trust you..."
"I need... I need to know; you won't turn around and leave me, no matter what you see in there..."
Caliope perked a brow and looked at him now somewhat concerned. Amra noticed this and as the people were waiting on the room, he closed his eyes with a sigh.
"I might become something you won't like much when the time comes... will you love the beast that will be unleashed?"
She blushed. Pronab came towards them as they were taking too long. Amra stopped him with a hand sign. What he said made her head spin, why didn't she say that before? He was asking something else, but the word he used resonated in her mind. It was in a different context, but made it obvious how strongly she felt for him. Locking his eyes on hers he smiled softly.
" Asteria..."
"Amra... I love you..."
Amra blinked in surprise, a glow around his body and his smile bright. His body was almost shining, with warmth that could light up both rooms. He kissed her deeply and passionately, taking away her breath. She wrapped her arms around him and felt the intensity of his emotions. She felt tears fall from her eyes.
He took her hand and walked into the room. Amra's glow starting to vanish but everyone was in awe after they saw him shine. In her mind, Caliope heard him whisper.
'I love you my Asteria... and when this is over, I will make you mine for eternity...'
She felt her heart race, faster and stronger than ever before. She was blushing so deep she lowered her head trying to hide her joy in this moment of darkness.
As they reached to the center of the room, Buer was sitting on a chair and Pronab was putting the chains around him once more. Heptanius had a hollowed face. Near him his three men of trust standing. Heraclius, Rednius and Keltop looked at him but he did not look back, making them nervous.
Buer saw them come in and growled "this is getting annoying, leave me alone!"
"As I predicted, she has chosen your fate... after a few more questions, you will be set free... be grateful to her now unless you wish to end your life instead of the freedom you are given."
Buer frowned and looked at Caliope with disconcert. He was hesitant, looking back and ford at them both, unsure of what he just heard.
"Time has been wasted too much; you need to decide..."
"Thank you, Miss... for giving me back my freedom..."
Still unsure of how to react he looked back at Pronab who smiled back at him.
"Good choice, now let's get into those last questions..."
Amra started "what is the name of your contact?"
Buer frowned "he prefers me to call him -One-... nothing more..."
"Take a look around the people gathered here; tell me if you recognize his face."
The people summoned reacted with surprise and rage. But Buer chuckled as he started to look around to watch their reactions. He nodded towards one of them and the chains tightened quickly around him.
"Keep trying that, and we won't need to set you free after all..."
That was all it took for Buer to take the situation serious. He started to look one by one the faces of each until he saw everyone in the room. He rested his eyes on the three men near Heptanius and frowned. Shook his head then stared at them again. Pronab, Amra, Caliope and now Heptanius were looking at the three men. Upset, Heptanius walked between Buer and his men.
"Speak now!"
"I... don't understand..."
Calmly Amra asked "what is that you do not understand?"
"I... can't see them... but they are there, right?"
He was obviously confused and the chains loosened a little more. Heptanius grew in rage as he gave Buer his back and faced the three of them.
"When I was told you betrayed me, I couldn't believe it... I was angry at them, almost in shock... but I have seen it myself... and this is the final proof..."
Heraclius gasped "brother! What are you talking about?!"
"My General!" was all that Rednius could say.
Keltop looked at them both and then at Heraclius when he added "with what lies have they poisoned your mind my General?!"
Amra walked towards them determined "the time of your judgment has come..."
"Finish this charade! I know your gift Keltop; you are clouding your surroundings so he can't see you because he knows you!" the rage in Heptanius voice was clear evidence of his anger.
Caliope gasped. Everything happened so fast. Keltop drew out a dagger and jumped on Heptanius as he pushed both Heraclius and Rednius to the sides. But He got only inches from Heptanius, as Amra lifted his hand and the frozen figure of Keltop stood still in the air. Everyone in the room screamed and panicked. Heptanius gave a jump backwards and observed in horror the figure of his longtime friend and warrior inches from trying to murder him. He then looked at Amra who had his hand open and glowing. His hand started to close into a fist, and Keltop screamed loudly in pain, moving in the air where he was held floating.
Pronab gave a step back shaking his head "traitor..."
Amra looked straight at his eyes "speak now... who do you serve?!"
"You will all come down and perish, this world is lost, and soon, all the others will be ours as well..."
Buer was shocked watching the scene. Pronab pulled out the chains from around him and threw it fast on Keltop, who yelled loud. The chains glowed red as it held him tight.
Amra raised his voice "who do you serve?!"
"Your mother!"
The chains squeezed him tight, he growled. People in the room yelled and gasped.
"You know what will happen if you only give us lies... where are your people located in this continent?"
Keltop grinned "just around the corner!"
The chains locked tighter around him and he screamed. Heptanius shook his head and finally spoke.
"He won't speak, he will rather die than give us any information at all... we have nothing..."
"We have something... one traitor less in this world... a piece in their game knocked down... so, die he will..."
After finishing these words, Amra's hand turned into a complete fist, light came from inside Keltop's body and exploded in the room, bathing every corner with its intensity. After some seconds of light and chaos, the room started to go back to normal. The people now came close to Heptanius and Keltop was no were to be seen.
Amra had his hand still tight in a fist, his eyes closed and teeth gritting. Caliope was staring at a vision he warned her, he was scary. He became the one everyone was hoping he would be, the savior, that hand of justice. A beast of justice.
"Bring the other prisoner now..."
Heptanius signaled his brother and he rushed out through the doors. Pronab walked closer to Amra and Caliope, and extended a hand towards her. She was shaking a little, unable or afraid to move. Amra held his eyes closed tight as Caliope grabbed what Pronab was handling her, a handkerchief. Only then she noticed that she was in tears.
The doors opened and Heraclius walked in rushing, he brought with him a girl that was so young it could have been almost a child. Caliope was even more shocked, the girl looked scared and afraid, it made her want to rush to help her. In the sea of faces, the girl found Caliope's eyes and locked them there, pleading for help with tears.
She was forced to sit near but not next to Buer. Pronab rushed to pick up the chains from the floor and held around the frightened girl, avoiding to look at her as much as possible. But Caliope was just staring at her as she stared back. Amra opened his eyes and took a look at the scene, anger growing as he snapped his fingers and the girl jumped on the chair scared.
"You should know better than to mess with her... it is time for you to confess..."
But the girl opened her mouth, and with horror Caliope saw the girl had no tongue.
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