Chapter 13 - Edited
Her eyes were still closed but she could hear them whispering. The bed sheets covered her comfortably. She knew Amra was still next to her, and someone at a distance was talking to him. After regaining her consciousness she noticed it was Pronab. It would be easy for her to wake up completely now but she was taking her time.
"...and you want me not to tell Elaine?"
"Let her have some privacy; let her have something for herself... she would not want to have her private life shared for public knowledge..."
"As you wish, I rescheduled the meeting for tomorrow, they are not happy, but they are not concerned either since you are already here. Try to avoid any other... situations like this, please."
Caliope was more than awake now with her eyes closed, and didn't dare to even move, she wanted to hear it all, and she was concerned about this situation Pronab was talking about. Amra was silent for a moment, then he added:
"Whatever we do... will concern just us... for now, please leave us alone, we will see you for dinner."
After a few more seconds, she heard the doors closing. It was not a very gentle sound. Amra brushed his fingers on her face smoothly and kissed her head.
"You don't have to pretend you are sleeping anymore..."
She blushed and slowly opened her eyes, finding his eyes on her and a very tender smile. She melted in his arms as she crawled up to his embrace. He kissed her lips and smiled, caressing her. They were looking at each other smiling, giggling some as well, and without words coming out of their mouths. Both were in full bliss until he finally spoke.
" are you feeling? Did you sleep well?"
"I am still floating... I slept really well, how much did I sleep by the way?"
"...that is what was worrying Pronab, you had been sleeping for a full day..."
Caliope gasped "What?! I missed the meeting?!"
"Relax, you didn't, we postponed it for tomorrow."
"This... has to do with your abilities?"
Amra nodded "in part yes, I was carried away and did not control much of... anything..."
Caliope sighed and closed her eyes, but Amra held her face up and forced her to open them again. "It was not just that... you fell asleep for over 24 hours... I was worried... he was worried too..."
"I slept that much? I don't understand..."
"...neither do I and perhaps, we need to be more careful in the future..."
"You mean... we shouldn't have...?"
"No, I mean, next time, we might need to make sure, there are no other meetings the next day..." He added with a wink.
She smiled and chuckled, he squeezed her tight to him and took a deep breath, he was also unsure what happened or why, he was concerned about her, but he obviously did not want to worry her either. She took a deep breath and whispered. "I know it is taking time for me to adjust to you, but I have never felt so safe, so secure and complete in my life, as I feel now with you..."
And just like that, he forgot all the insecurities he had, he smiled at her and kissed her forehead, and everything between them went calm and relaxed.
"Let's get something to eat before you get some more rest, Pronab is waiting for us to have dinner. The embassy officers are here too."
"Have they been here all day? We should hurry and not make them wait any longer!"
"I don't know how long they have been here; I was here with you..."
"You never left the room?"
"Pronab walked in to find you naked on the bed, I was not very happy with that sight, he actually blushed, though, is the most human response I had ever seen him show..."
Caliope gasped "He saw me naked?! How did that happen?!"
Amra frowned "Yes he did, and he regrets it now..."
"What... happen?"
"Don't worry... I think he got mortified about it, so I am not saying a word... unless you want me to?"
"No! Please... let's, just forget about it... shall we get ready?"
He chuckled and then nodded, the complete scene in the morning was nothing he found as a big offense, Pronab knocked on the door several times and then found no one in Amra's room, after no dinner the night before he thought it was strange, so he went to check on Caliope but he found no answer in her room as well. He got worried and walked in, to find her naked sideways on the bed, and Amra resting next to her. He was embarrassed and after seeing the anger on Amra's face, he assured him that it was not going to happen again. That was all there was on that story. Even though Amra thought it would be quite amusing to remind him of it when he had the chance.
When both walked to the dinner table, Pronab avoided any eye contact possible to Caliope, but he was polite and greeted them both. Sarah was talking about the new plans for the next day, and she was more than interested in knowing about Amra and Caliope, as Pronab insisted not to introduce them. The truth was that Caliope did not know how much Sarah and her companion knew about the true nature of their trip and anything at all about Angels. But the way Sarah was looking at Amra made Caliope very uncomfortable, she could see in her some interest beyond curiosity, and she was feeling a hint of jealousy every time Sarah looked back at her.
"We will leave early in the morning, our first stop is the most important... we will probably be spending quite a long time there, so make sure you and your company stay back. I will call you when you can get back to pick us up, only then we will head to the embassy and finally, if we still have time, we will head to the other places I pointed out to you in the agenda."
Sarah nervously replied "Are you sure you want us to leave you alone at that place? I could stay, just in case you need a translator or... any help at all."
"I appreciate your concern and offering your help but we are going to do things this way, there is nothing else to be said about it."
"Very well, we will see you tomorrow morning then. Sir, Miss, have a good night."
Sarah left with his partner quite upset, she obviously wanted to know more but Pronab was adamant about how much information he was going to release and how much presence he wanted near them.
Dinner went quietly between them, but the food was delicious. Neither of them knew Pronab was an avid cook. When they finished, a fine bottle of wine was already empty.
"Pronab, this was so tasty, amazing even, thank you..."
"Your welcome, I will try to prepare something different tomorrow... any preference?"
Amra looked up "Pasta!"
"I think we can save that for when we go to Rome?" Pronab chuckled.
Amra sighed "I have no knowledge of Greek food..."
"...then I will surprise you both, with the food I mean..."
Amra and Caliope both looked at Pronab and after a short silence, they burst out laughing. Pronab was blushing and quickly picked up the plates and headed to the kitchen.
"Goodnight to you both..."
Amra chuckled then guided Caliope back to her room. She was hoping he would join her but he refused.
"I need you to rest without my interference; I will be right in the next room..."
"Goodnight then, please wake me up in time to prepare before we go?"
"I will... now rest... I will see you in the morning my Asteria..."
He kissed her softly and then left to his room. Caliope closed the door and still smiling she laid on the bed, where she quickly fell asleep.
The next morning, quite early, she felt soft kisses on her face that pulled her back from her sleep. It was Amra who was waking her up and he smelled like aftershave and cologne. She smiled at him and kissed him softly.
After a quick breakfast, Sarah interrupted them to remind them that they had to get going in order to be on time for their meeting. Pronab sat next to her in the car this time, and Johnathan followed them in another car alone. They drove through the town and then over a very unique country sight, with scattered houses and residences every few miles.
They finally arrived to gates that lead them into a long path surrounded by trees. Amra was tense, Pronab even more, something was happening that Caliope couldn't see yet. Far in the distance, a very old house standing alone. The structured building was four stories tall and the size of a shopping mall. At the entrance, five men were dressed in elegant suits, all of them serious and nervous.
As the car reached to a stop, Sarah walked out of the door and so did Pronab. Caliope could feel her breath so heavy, she turned her gaze to Amra and he grabbed her hand to squeeze it. Amra's side door opened, he walked out and gently pulled Caliope out behind him. The five men looked curiously at both, she could read in their faces that they knew exactly who both were.
"Welcome brother, it has been a long time."
Pronab nodded at the only one who was talking to them "Thank you Howard, indeed it has. You already know Sarah, and her companion. And you also know who comes with me."
Howard nodded "Sarah, that will be all for now, thank you. Please follow us, they are waiting for your arrival."
Howard nodded towards Amra and Caliope. They walked behind him and headed into the luxurious house as Sarah frowned while being left behind. The house was as beautiful in the inside as it was on the outside; most of the decoration was made with marble sculptures and the finest stones. Caliope took a quick glance around then focused on her feet, looking down she put one in front of the other, she was afraid of stumbling into something or someone and look like a fool.
After a few passages and rooms, they arrived to a big and dark living room. There were close to twenty people inside, all of them in high etiquette. As Howard walked in followed by the expected guests, everyone turned around to look at them. Pronab followed Howard to the center of the room, took a seat on one of the chairs and Howard guided Amra and Caliope to the chairs on a side.
One of the oldest men in the room bowed his head at them and smiled; the first one to show a sign of kindness.
"Welcome! my name is Heptanius. I am the General of the Fourth Pillar. Welcome Sir Amrafel, your arrival has been long expected by many."
Amra nodded at the old man and he continued.
"This lovely lady must be your loved one. What a delight to meet you Miss Caliope Woodward."
"thank you, Sir Heptanius."
"Lord Heptanius to you..."
Everyone turned around to watch Howard address to Caliope and correct her. Amra turned his gaze in growing anger at him. Heptanius smiled gently and with a hand gesture made Howard sit back. Howard lowered his head with discomfort but also a visible embarrassment.
"Please excuse Howard, we had to deal with many fallen ones, filled with disrespect, and he simply had too much of that, he reacted by instinct."
Finally Amra looked back at the old man and spoke with conviction and fierceness.
"I understand the circumstances aren't pleasant for any of you. But I will not allow another insult from anyone towards her. Now, there are more important things to discuss than bothering who addresses who and how."
Every man and woman in the room gasped. Caliope blushed and lowered her gaze. Even Heptanius hesitated before continuing to speak. When he finally did, his voice was as soft and tender as the one of a father talking to his children.
"Your Asteria is safe, and any one present in this room would rather die than let anything happen to her."
Amra nodded at him and allowed his words to settle his mind in peace. Both took a sit and Heptanius continued on the speech.
" brothers... my blood and soul belong to the cause... we have at our side the most powerful weapon ever created by our great sacred father, there is no way we will lose this fight... ease your minds, sit and relax, as we all begin to discuss our next course of actions."
The rest of the reunion continued on what Caliope already had expected. They talked about some past events, dark angels taking risks to do more public appearances, some were captured and resisted the hardest interrogatories by the toughest soldiers from the Generals, and some even had tried to manipulate them with their gifts. But no one managed to get anything from them. Last two weeks everything went silent, dark angels did not show publicly nor was any event registered worldwide. This had everyone tense and they only had two more dark angels in custody, they were afraid they were running out of options on how to test them.
Heraclius looked down and sighed "my brother is right, he has done everything he can to lead as a General and he never failed to protect what he had under his command, but this situation has exceeded everyone's expectations or predictions, we just do not know how to do this, or even what to do."
Someone identified before as Rednius raised his voice and added "Heraclius is right, I can put my hand on the fire for him, he has been a great leader and he hasn't done anything wrong."
"No one is accusing Heptanius of doing a bad job, Rednius and Heraclius, we are all in awe about these last actions from them and no one has ever imagined they would dare to do as much" Pronab finally cleared.
Another one who had been quiet before yet remained close to Heptanius expressed his concern "we are afraid there is a big hit prepared and we know nothing about this! We can't make them talk!"
Caliope raised her hand and quickly all turned their heads at her. Some reflected annoyance, some curiosity. Amra looked at her and she was a little nervous, but he squeezed her hand encouraging her to speak her mind.
"Speak child, please do not be afraid..."
"Thank you, Lord Heptanius... I am unaware of what techniques you have used to interview the dark Angels you have caught, and even though I am in complete shock that none has worked in your favor, I might have a suggestion..."
Amra nodded, as if he could read her mind, he could see what she was about to suggest. Heptanius was even more curious now, with a hand gesture he encouraged her to continue.
"Some weeks ago, a dark creature, I was told he was one of them, was caught outside my window spying on me..."
Everyone in the room looked at her frightened by the news on this event.
"Amra was able to hold him down, as we waited for Miss Clark and Pronab to arrive after I called them. He revealed a lot of information, perhaps useless to you all now, but the combination of Amra and Pronab was simply amazing, they made him talk, he just couldn't stop giving information. Maybe, if you would like to try, they could do it again."
"Such a brilliant child you are, Caliope! I was never told of this event, I could not have guessed! Pronab, why was I not informed of this?!"
Pronab tried to change the subject "she is right, that scum talked his guts out, we could try it again now with the ones you have... there is nothing more to lose anyway..."
"But why wasn't I informed of this?"
"It was personal, I decided it this way, now let's see your two locked prisoners..." Amra declared.
Heptanius was not happy but he could not express more than that, he was aware of the situation now and he was the first one to lead the gathering to the west of the residence. After walking down some stairs and passing thru some guards, they arrived to a big dungeon-like room. The darkness only covered the emptiness inside. Some fires were lit and the void was obvious.
Heptanius whispered to his side "brother, bring one down..."
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