Chapter XXVI
CHAPTER XXVI: A good advice
I woke up covered in sweet, again. Another nightmare.
Feeling a bit stressed, also for my previous argument with Kyan, I tried to sit on my bed, but it was impossible. My lower back was in pain and my muscles ached, the previous night was already taking its toll on. I knew it would happen, it was too rough and it was years since my last sexual intercourse, but I didn't imagine to be so painful I couldn't even walk.
I tried to stand up, but I fell back on the soft mattress, I needed help and I already knew who to ask.
Rolling on my stomach I reached for my phone on the opposite bedside table, a groan left my gritted teeth but it was short followed by a sigh of relief the moment it was in my hand.
Before calling Charlie, I took glimpse at my room. It was a freaking disaster. My bed was unmade, obviously, but the black blankets and red sheets were almost falling over the edge, how the hell didn't I freeze? I didn't have a freaking clue.
The blinds were up, allowing the sunbeams to illuminate the insides. The cream colored walls and roof relaxed me, it was a color I always liked since it provoked in me a sense of tranquility. My clothes, of days before, were scattered on the ground along with some printed papers, and, also, there was a dirty pile in one corner.
My 'U' shaped black and white leather sofa was, at least, at its place. I was remembering the night were I found it outside, in the terrace, after a party we had home, how it ended in there? No. Idea. The big TV was still hanged on the wall and, thankfully, my red modern desk with a crystal table and drawer unit under it, along with the chair were intact on the left side of the room. From the bed I could see the walk-in closet, there still was my costume in front of the mirror and a green towel. It wasn't mine, probably it was Kyan's and he left in there when he walked out of the bathroom. Such a pig he was!
Well, I couldn't complain either... with the disaster of room I had.
A heavy sigh left my dry lips, once I licked them I decided to call Charlie, mostly because I couldn't get out of the bed. I tried to, at least, be in a more comfortable position but it was useless since I groaned in pain, the ache of my lower back was too much. The guy, sure as hell, fucked me into oblivion.
I turned on my iPhone 5s and waited until I could deal the number. The phone I had was the worse thing ever, I wasn't planning on buying another one, it had a lot of problems. All thanks to Victor who had one and instigated me to buy another as well. I was waiting impatiently for it to break so I could have a Samsung.
Once I dialed Charlie's number I waited for him to answer. He was never a guy who was really interested in picking up the phone, but he tried. Thing that really pissed me off. If I was inside my room and I was calling him, it was because something happened. Right?
"Hello? Who is it?"
His morning voice reached my left ear, making me roll my eyes. He didn't even look who it was. Such a guy... What if I was one of his ex? The guy had something 'special'- note the irony -and screwed up with every one of them at the moment of the break up. He already received threatening calls of her jealous ex-girlfriends, but he didn't pay much attention to them. I always told him, always- and I won't stop to repeat myself -to look at the dam screen, but he forgot to pay his brain bill, typical.
"Look at the screen before answer it, idiota."
"Andrea, why the hell are you calling me so early in the morning?"
He was sort of right, when Kyan left the room was still night. I took a glimpse at the clock beside my bed at it struck 6:03 am, and after the party at the second clan's house he surely was half dead. I laughed internally hearing his groans and soft breath from the other side of the line.
"Good question, but I have a little problem. Care to come to my room with a pair of trunks and breakfast. Ah! And two bottles of water please!"
"What th-"
"Thank you!Danke! Grazie! Love ya!"
Before he could say something more, I hung up the phone. I knew if I let him talk he would stress out and we would end up in a fight, so no thanks, no more fights. I was sick of them. He called me again few minutes later but I rejected it, he was pretty persistent but he knew better than to turn me down.
About half an hour later Charlie knocked the door, and before I could tell him to come he stepped inside as if it was his bedroom. His hair was a mess and he wasn't wearing his glasses, which was pretty odd too see since I was used to the contrary. He was still half asleep, but he only had a pair of gym pants handing low on his waist and was carrying a tray with our breakfast. How not, my stomach grumbled and I licked my lips at the sight of food.
"I think you have more than a good reason to make me do our breakfast and come to your room at freaking six in the morning after yesterday night."
"Yes I do, but before sit your ass down."
I patted the place beside me on the bed and raised my eyebrows with a smile on my face for the smell of... pancakes! He just frowned and let out a heavy sigh, he was still asleep, and Charlie was super cute when he was sleepy, he reminded me each time of a little baby boy.
Brobro gave me the tray so he could lay on the mattress with me. I was trying to forgot about Kyan and what happened, there would be the right time in which I would had to tell him, but at the moment I just wanted to enjoy our meal together, as brother and sister we were.
We kept chit chatting about the party the night before and I was pretty astonished for what I was hearing, the typical 'I wasn't expecting that' stuff.
"Andy, why the hell did you tell me to come to your room so early, making me wear my trunks?"
Charlie was fully awake by now, he ate all his breakfast pretty quickly and I was still digging on it. When he made his question, my mouth was filled with my beloved pancakes. I was so full I couldn't split the food, even if I wanted to. I turned partially around only to became face to face with him.
As I said previously my favorite Casanova was pretty handsome. His light brown hair was a mess, followed by his thick eyebrows, he didn't need to trim or puck them, they were perfect, and it was the only guy inside the house being twenty-two-years-old to either not shave his beard, he used to do it once a week, but man, he was almost hairless.
Anyway! He had a big irregular nose, I should say I broke it more than once, that was why it hadn't a straight line, and even if it wasn't small it suited him perfectly. It was the same for Kyan, they had large noses, but they looked more manly, and I loved it. When he smiled he had light dimples, and his bright white smile contrasted his dark green eyes.
I gulped nervously since I was thinking on a soft way to explain what happened the previous night. He was expecting an answer but I decided to ignore him and keep eating, maybe at the end my mate was right, maybe I used to run away from my problems, as it was the most easiest way to confront the reality. I always acted like this, when life kicked me hard, I turned my back around and let it kick me as many times as it wanted. That was how I was on the verge of losing control of my mind and soul, because I never fought back, just swallowed everything.
"Andrea, I'm tired of this bullshit if you-"
"Can we talk later? While we take a bath?"
He questioned my idea by raising one of his thick eyebrows and looking at me a bit suspiciously, but not long time after studying my face for any type of signs, he let out a heavy sigh and nodded. It was as something very heavy was took away from my shoulders, I had a bit more of time to think about how I could tell him. It wasn't for fear, it was because what if he scolded me for make the wrong decision? I was afraid, that was all.
No more questions were asked and I was grateful for that. We kept talking about everything in general, remembering some moments in our lives until he reminded me about the time when we found each other in the middle of the high school's hallway because we were told to leave the classroom and we started laughing so hard we ended up in the principal's office.
"Do-Do you remember the face of Vi-Victor when he came to take us home? He was so angry!"
I couldn't even answer as I burst into laughing with him. Our breakfast was long gone and we kept talking and talking, not even stopping one single minute. After what seemed hours I took a glimpse of my phone's clock and it indicted 8:47 am. Wow, it was really late, but then we were living again such good memories, I didn't want to stop.
"C'mon Didi, it's bath time."
He got up and went to my bathroom and I heard the water flowing into the bathtub. I waited few minutes until he closed the faucet and stepped into my room again. After he took out his pants and leaving them on the black and white leather sofa he sent me a questioning look. His eyebrows furrowed while he made his way to my bed, even if the guy was my brother we was hella hot with his six pack abs and his pretty big bulge on his trunks.- Hey, don't think badly about me. May I remember you we were a couple years before?
"What's the matter? Get out of bed and put something on."
"I-I can walk, Charlie."
He wasn't understanding a shit, poor Brobro. Thankfully I already knew how to explain everything to him, he was like my brother for fucks sake, he wasn't the type of person that judged others for make some decision they thought it was correct. Trying to avoid his eyes I find it quiet difficult, even impossible since he now was pretty serious about what happened.
"You'll have to tell me everything once we're bathing. Got it?"
I nodded and he sighed tiredly. Scratching the back of his neck he looked at the covers, just to take and threw them down the bed. The action made me shiver, I was freezing since I was only wearing a T-shirt and panties. When he was besides me, his right arm went under my legs, and his left one on my back, carrying me in bridal style.
Slowly he made his way towards my bathroom, leaving me sat on the toilet, he disappeared a brief moment just to bring me a simple blue bikini. He helped me to change into it, but he had his eyes closed, he was respecting my intimacy and I was grateful for that. Opening them again he took me and put my freezing body inside the bathtub, my back against his chest.
"Everything's okay?"
I nodded as I relaxed while the hot water did its work on my aching muscles, it was really comforting. When I tried to position myself in a more comfortable way I winced in pain since my lower back hurt like a bitch, emanating a soft chuckle from Charlie. If he only knew what amount of pleasure and pain Kyan gave me yesterday...
"You can stand a beating, every type of physical punishments, even being tortured but you're in pain for something that happened yesterday. You're something else Andrea, really."
Turning around and facing him, I saw his dimples when he smiled, but he worried when I winced for the third or fourth time in a row. Never again. Kyan had something monstrous between his legs, how the hell could the guy live with something like that? Even Charlie wasn't that big. When I found my voice again, the words left my mouth before I could even close my eyes.
"Yesterday night I had sex with Kyan."
He blinked few times, his lips parted once or twice as if he was going to say something but he never found the words. His eyebrows crooked together and he clenched his jaw, he was going to scold me but he thought about it. But, when he saw my nervous expression his features softened and gave me a small grin.
"So, you finally gave in to your mate."
"W-What? How do you know it?"
I thought he was the only one inside the house who still didn't know a shit about it. He seemed quiet relaxed and I was wondering how the hell he could act so easily, it was even difficult for me to accept it and he acted like he knew it would have eventually happened.
"I knew it since the day after the assembly. He was acting strangely, because you reminded him of his sisters? C'mon, I didn't buy that bullshit, it was as clear as the water you were mates."
"So, in the end, you're not that stupid, you just seem it."
He cocked and eyebrow, putting on his usual scolding face. He hated when we called him stupid or Charlie Brown. The thing I liked about him the most was the fact that you could tell him everything and you could be sure he wouldn't say anything plus, he understood me perfectly since we both had complicated pasts, he was just incredible,- the type of person I think everyone wants or already have inside their lives.
"Now I got it, why you can't walk. He did a good job for what I see."
"Just shut up, what we did yesterday should have never happened."
No words escaped Charlie's lips, but I only felt his right arm hugging my waist tightly. He helped me to a more comfortable position, we were again chest to back but I relaxed against his wet skin. Suddenly he muttered 'your demons' and I nodded slowly, he could see through me so clearly, as if he was looking at a mirror. The same exactly thing.
"You feel vulnerable, don't you?"
I nodded again, feeling my discomfort he hugged me tightly, but not painfully which calmed me a lot. Pride was something pretty bad, or even dangerous, when it came difficult situations or arguments. It ate you from the inside to the outside, not letting you think straight, sometimes even make you act violently.
"I'll be brief. I imagine everyone told you to give him an opportunity, even Victor, he told me, but I didn't give my opinion, I wanted you to be the first and only one to know. Just act how your mind tells you, not your feelings or soul, your demons will always catch you. What I'm trying to say is, if you think he can makes you happy then go ahead, but if you don't trust him and you're not feeling right letting him stepping inside your own world, then don't force yourself."
Wow, that was one of the most good advice he ever told me, he wanted me to be happy making my own decisions, what I thought it would make me live a peaceful life. I knew the others wanted me to be happy to, but they wanted me to share it with someone else, and I wasn't up to that.
"I know you Andy, and I know if your demons told you something, the best thing to do is to let you make your own choices, and not let you rush into things. Think about it few days and then you will come to a solution. Mates is something for two, not for one."
The Pancake Goddess blessed Charlie, seriously, I would be always grateful for the first day he stepped inside the clan's house, even if we wanted to kill each other at first, I loved him with all my own. I wasn't good showing my feelings, but he knew, thought I had never say it to him, he didn't ask me to. In that moment I wished for him to find his mate, he wanted to and she would make him so happy. He deserved it and wasn't fair I found someone I didn't want before him, who was dying for.
"Maybe you're right, maybe what I need it's time for my own and think."
I felt how he nodded. Our skins pressed together as the warm water relaxed our tensed bodies, talking about that kind of things with him was always difficult, but he managed to hide his pain and support me. He was one of my strongest pillars of my life, along with Emmett, Victor and my brother. For now I was happy for how things were, obviously I had few problems, one of them Kyan, but if I could manage to speak with him without arguing and my demons trying to control me, I would have had something less to think about.
➳Idiota (ITA): Idiot.
➳Danke (GER): Thank you.
➳Grazie (ITA): Thank you.
➳Allora (ITA): Then?
Hey everybody!
I wrote this in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, while I was going to Rome in a cruise. It was extremely peaceful and I loved it, it was so easy to write, as if the sea and wind sang me the right words. So yeah... six months later ahaha
Who was expecting another chapter? Eh eh?? Since I'm always late I thought it would be cool for once to update twice a week or something aha
Guys! If you really like the book I'd really appreciate if you vote on the chapters since in this way my book can be in a highest rank of what's hot lit in Paranormal!! Maybe Awaken Demons could be in the top 50!! Who knows! It's just up to you!!!
Thanks a lot! And see you in the next update!!
Awaken Demons: Stheno
2015© BecomingApocalypse
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