Chapter XX
After Kyan left my room I couldn't study, that was for sure. Needing someone to tell my problems I called Vivi and Agathe, but as Taisia wasn't inside her own room I decided to speak with her in a different moment.
I stood up and walked towards my bedroom's entry when I heard a soft knock on it. Turning the knob and opening the heavy wooden door it revealed my two friends. The light chocolate girl had put her curly black hair into a ponytail and she was wearing a white T-shirt with blue pyjama shorts, while the other had her, also curly, brown hair in a French braid falling on her left shoulder, followed by her light pink T-shirt with a red kimono and black trousers.
"Hey Andy, you look like... shit."
I raised an eyebrow in surprise. Did Agathe just say shit? Wow, but we all knew she was the honest one, so if she said it, it meant I looked like it. Even so, it surprised me since she normally didn't even say 'damn' or 'fuck'.
"Good to know, come on in."
They gave me a sly smile and walked directly to the sofa I had inside my bedroom. Once they were on the couch I took my XXL orange pouf and sat in front of them with my TV hanging on the wall behind me.
"So what did you want to talk about? I mean, when you called us you sounded like, worried."
"Yeah, it's not only that Vivi. I think I screwed up some things and thanks to the messed up life I have it doesn't let me walk away."
Resting my elbows on my knees I passed my hands trough my face to my hair, from my lips escaped a heavy sigh. I didn't want to meet their glazes, just yet. It was a sensitive issue.
"You know you can tell us everything, right?"
Nodding, I looked up to find their worried eyes. Smiling, I took a deep breath. They were my friends, I didn't think they would just criticize me or something like that. What I needed at the moment were two friends who would listen to my problems.
"Do you know when Laura told me I have a mate?"
Closing my eyes briefly, I inhaled and exhaled in need of a good amount of air. It was pretty hard to say Kyan's name so I hoped they would understand at least who he was, maybe they already shipped us, who knew. They were two young crazy ladies.
"I have found him. I know who he is."
For a moment their mouths gaped open but it was replaced with a bright smile. Vivi started squealing while Agathe was grinning, probably happy for what she heard. I let out a heavy sigh, knowing they accepted my actual situation, but I was still waiting for what they would say when they would know I didn't want to be with him.
"Who is the lucky guy? C'mon tell us!"
"He-He is in this house, right now."
"Oh my gosh! Is he one of Logan's packmates?"
I nodded looking down, ashamed. Why? Who knew... My head raised when I heard Em's mate sniffing the air, the other girl just looked at her since she hadn't that kind of ability. Damn, I didn't remember to take a shower, but thankfully Agathe didn't have that ability. If I wanted to lie about who my mate was I could have done it, but then why should I?
"Holy shit Andrea! Your mate is Kyan?!"
Almost in a whisper I hid my head between my knees, it was so strange to hear we were destined to be together. Still, he was winning, and I was afraid to make the same mistake twice. I had to do something about that, I couldn't lose against him.
"You sound disappointed, Andy. What happened?"
"Nothing happened Gath, it's just I don't know what to do. I'm lost right now, I'm so fucking afraid to fall for him and then he betraying me. It's something I don't want to feel again. The sorrow, the pain, the despise and misery, are things I don't want to live twice."
Without looking at them I felt a body hugging me, automatically I hugged her back since I think it was the only thing I needed at the moment. Sometimes I needed just their comfort, even if I was one of the strongest, I still had feelings.
"Andrea, you know how my family died. They were a bunch of men and when I arrived to Rising Hell's clan, the only man I trusted enough was my cousin, Hank. It was difficult since every time I looked around reminded me of that day, thinking every man could kill the only family I had. But, when I found Emmett was my mate everything changed, he showed me a different world. He's caring, lovely, sweet, funny, hot, and plus he's b-"
"Stop there! Too much information."
When we saw her blushing, we laughed at her. I knew how she felt, it was so difficult for her at first because neither Victor could talk with her alone in a room. She always panicked and was always looking for Hank to protect her, until she met her mate. He did so good with her, it surprised me every time I looked at them, how good they were together.
"Sorry, you know when I talk about Em I lose it."
"We know-"
"Anyway! That's not the point! What I want to tell you Andrea is to give him a change because maybe he will show you the light you need in your life. I talked with him and he's a good guy, that's why I'm happy of you being mates. The only thing he wants is to protect the ones he cares, if not why he's here with his Alpha and packmates? Not all the men are cruel and sons of bastards, look at Em or Charlie, your brother or even Victor. They're good people and I assure you he's absolutely not a bad guy. I think he can make you so happy that you will forget about everything bad that happened in your life."
"I don't want to forget Vivi."
"Then let him help you to forgive."
I let go of Agathe, what she said at last was so true. In that moment I felt it, all my walls were almost overthrown. Should I let Kyan step inside? What good could he do to me? I was so freaking scared, I only trusted the men in the house, but something in him was different, as I could give him my heart and I knew he wouldn't stab it.
"Andrea, now I want you to think. How is when you're with him? It's as if the time stopped, your worries vanish, you feel complete. Right?"
Speechless because she felt the same way as me I stared in my hands, while gentle hands were making me a braid. It helped me to relax, actually a lot. She was true, mates had that effect, still I wasn't sure what to do about him. My mind was a mess, really.
"Yeah, I noticed those feelings."
"And? You like them, isn't it?
I nodded in approval, she was right. Mates could feel an amount of feelings, among them protection, relief, peace were what most people experienced. They were the ones who complete you, they were made just for one person in special.
"Yes. I like when he touches me, how my name slide out sensually from his mouth, when he kisses my flesh, the way he looks at me. It's like if he sees deep into my soul, he's not afraid of me, he just accepts me as I am. Still, I cannot agree with the idea of him accepting my other half. No one in their right mind would do it."
I didn't know what to say anymore, I didn't know how to explain myself anymore. It was just the silence what we heard now. My mind was already so messed up to not be able to put two words together to create a simple sentence. I had a lot of questions, what ifs, suggestion, ideas, but even so they were stupid or just impossible.
"You know Andrea, I think you're making mountains out of molehill."
My features frowned at Agathe's voice, she was still making me a braid. Probably being out of the conversation let her think straight to the solution.I was in a verge for a headache, it was the last thing I needed in the day, still, it made me impossible to come to an answer.
"What are you trying to say?"
"You have had your answer right before your eyes, still you can't get it. You're just afraid of two things Andrea: to to fall in love again, that means to live again what you went trough your past, and to be rejected by Kyan when he discovers who you really are, your real face."
I swear my breath left me for few seconds. What she said was just, I didn't know, it was like if she went deep into me and knew what was going inside my head. What I heard maybe it was the truth, but it didn't help me one bit. Thanks to my past and him I was so screwed up, I didn't know what to do anymore. I was rotted internally, seeking revenge, yearning for the guilty's blood. I was so fucking sick I didn't even have a bright future, since the day I was born I was dammed. Dux Ducis was right, in the end I will be Stheno.
"I don't want to talk about this anymore."
"Okay, I respect your decision just think about what Violet and I told you. Alright?"
Nodding almost instantaneously we keep talking about random things: Vivi and Em's relationship, Charlie and his unknown mate, the next son of Vic, Carnival and what we were going to wear...
"You still have nothing to wear?! Really?"
"Nah, and I still have to buy the costumes."
"Then what we are waiting for? A girls shopping afternoon!"
Sighing in annoyance I accepted Violet's idea. One because I couldn't concentrate to study anymore, and two, when she wanted something we didn't say no to her or you should face an angry werewolf, and trust me, Emmett angry? Better run.
Giggling Agathe went with her at the door and before they stepped outside she looked at me, her piercing lightly gray eyes piercing me with their glaze.
"Andy it's better if you change your clothes and take a shower."
Being a bit tired I didn't understand why she gave me that advise, narrowing my eyes and frowning I tried to take the sense of what she said. As I said before, when a headache is coming, I'm just the most stupid girl in the world, I'm not capable of think about anything.
"Andrea you smell like Kyan, and if we go downstairs and the boys are in there..."
She didn't finish the sentence but I understood perfectly, hell if I did! The strongest smell you could have on your body was your mate's, it was so difficult to remove it... Thank you Hathaway, really.
"Shit! Okay, in fifteen minutes I'm down."
Waving, they exited my bedroom to prepare themselves, while I took the opportunity to undress myself and try to smell like a normal person. Fucking werewolves! They have a strong scent more than any other creature, so it only made things more complicated.
When I was done with everything I still had about seven minutes to get ready. I didn't shower my hair, it would be a pain in the ass going shopping in the depths of winter with my wet hair so leaving the braid Gath made me I put on a sweet-smelling cologne. I dressed into a pair of blue matching underwear, black jeans and combat boots, a white sweatshirt and a red coat. Once ready I went to the living room where everyone were, Logan's guys, Charlie, Emmett and Jax talking about men's things in the sofa.
"Hey Andy."
Without looking at the source of the voice I knew it was my favourite Italian jerk, Abello. Plus, I could feel all the eyes on my back, so not turning back I saluted them with my two, index and middle, fingers touching my temple and then waving them to the air.
"I like your jeans, made your ass looks luscious."
Really Charlie? Did you have to say that? I heard some snickers, and I didn't want to know who was laughing, someone growled and then everything was silent. It took me everything to keep my calm and-Wait there! Who the fuck growled?! Turning around as fast as I could I met everyone staring at Kyan. Was he fucking kidding me? What was he going to tell everybody?! Fucking asshole!
"I-Uhm-I'm sorry Charlie. Andrea reminds me about one of my sis so my wolf and I have the need to protect her."
I took a glimpse back to him only to saw he scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, looking at the floor. Ha! Neither your mother would have believe that shitty thing! Still, he looked so good in his blue T-shirt and black long gym pants, I swear the guy always wore a smaller size, because hell man, his muscles seemed bigger!
"Oh don't worry! But poor Andrea! You just family zoned her."
The fuck?! Was he serious?! One, how he could be so stupid, and two, family zoned? It surprised me how idiot he could be, his brain was the size of a fly poop. If it would even exist, now that I was thinking about it... Do flies poop? No! Wait! That wasn't the point! I tried to find an answer for such a stupid sentence but I couldn't think about anything.
Everyone was silent, looking between Kyan, Brobro and me. Emmett was frowning because he didn't understand a shit, Charlie looked as stupid as always. While Logan seemed a bit uncomfortable, Mason and Oliver were almost snickering, but Benjamin was smirking. Oh hell no! Did they know about us? Holly shit! That was when I decided that Kyan Hathaway would be dead at the end of the day.
"Here we are!"
Violet's voice interrupted mine, but it wasn't enough to made the guy turning around to look at me. I couldn't read his eyes but he frowned when I send him a threatening glare, as if saying 'You won't be alive at the end of the day'. Gulping he broke eye contact, good, he was scared and that was what I wanted.
I saw Em's mate approaching and pecking him on his lips. Trying to forget what just happened I turned around and opened the fridge and took the apple juice and poured it on a glass. Meanwhile I heard Vivi's voice asking to Emmett if he wanted to come with us. Peeking back I explained what was she trying to say.
"She's asking you in the nicest way possible to be our shopping slave so you will bring what we will buy."
He thought for a moment before nodding, smiling. I took few sips of my fruit juice, amused, it was really good, the apple one was my favourite, and with a good reason behind it. My father made me taste it when I was a little pest, since then I just loved it.
"Yeah sure, anything for you baby."
She grinned like if she was the happiest girl on earth and pecked his lips again. Damn, he was Vivi's submissive. Only the thought made me almost laugh so hard to roll on the floor.
"Shut up, pussy."
"Yeah in fact I have a pussy, you idiot."
I answered him in a duh tone, but we knew we should have self-control to keep our images intact still we wanted to laugh as hard as possible. We were always this way, since a younger age.
Few minutes later we were heading to one of the principal streets, where there were all kind of shops. They were still illuminated with Christmas lights, a bit late, wasn't it? I would tell Victor once we were home again.
"Okay, first things first. Friday it's the elegant night so I need another dress. I know what Agathe will wear, but you Andrea? Do you have something sexy to put on?"
"I-Ehm... Probably I will wear what I wore last year."
"What? No girl, you need something new, as well as me. This time is special."
She wriggled her eyebrows, I knew what she was talking about. She wanted me to seduce Kyan, not now, not drunk, not ever. I just wanted to have fun with them, nothing more. When I went to a club they knew my intention wasn't hook up with some random guy, it was a bit disgusting, at least for me.
"Baby, another dress? You have a lot of them and they suit you perfectly fine if I might add."
"I know, but I need something more seductive. You don't want to see me in a more attractive one?"
"I think you should buy another one."
With Violet giggling I rolled my eyes, was he serious? So if she ever told him to jumping off a bridge, because there were some flower or a dress, would he have done it? It was just ridiculous and amusing.
"Absolutely don't dare to say it, Schiffer."
I raised my hands almost laughing, the look he sent me was so freaking hilarious. Oh, Em's ego was something very important to not play with, in general, with a man ego. Emmett almost ate me sometimes, Charlie? Well, he was the exception.
"Okay, okay. I will zip my mouth."
We were walking down the streets to decide in which shop we should buy, in fact Violet didn't lose time. They walked ahead of us, while Agathe and I were behind. I really liked the girl, not for nothing she was one of my most closest friends, but something in her was different, it was just as she had something special.
"They are so cute, I'm envious."
"Yeah I know, but Emmett is a loser."
He turned around and glared in my direction, it made me smirk. I couldn't contain it, I burst into laughing. He was so funny when you pissed him off!
An hour later we found the perfect shop. Violet spotted almost immediately some dresses and she already had in her hand the one she wanted to buy, well Em had it. When she saw me standing by her mate she tried on the last two pieces of clothing and once done she handed the one she wanted to Emmett.
"Take these and try them on. C'mon girl, I won't wait until night for you!"
Sighing in annoyance I took the amount of clothes she gave me and got inside the fitting room. I didn't want to argue with her so I put on an electric blue dress, it seemed a thing from two centuries ago. What the hell? It was fucking ridiculous! When I stepped outside Vivi raised an eyebrow slightly amused, Agathe covered her mouth and Emmett started laughing his ass off.
"Don't laugh Em or I swear you will wear a pink T-shirt a whole week."
It made him stop, sending me a 'Don't you dare' look. He knew better that to piss me off, if he was scary I was a freaking monster, but I didn't know who was more patient, if him or me.
"Oh pink! Yes, yes! You will be adorable in that!"
"Oh no, no, no, no, no and no. Baby that's the only thing I wouldn't do for you, wear something pink. You can ask me anything but that, no. Absolutely no."
Going inside again amused by the previous scene I tried all the dresses, but when I showed them, they laughed or just shook their heads like it was something extremely funny. I looked absurd in those outfits!
Violet took all the garments she gave me and brought me another pile, with the same result. This time she chose something I might be pretty interested in. Dressing in a black slim sleeveless open back classic jumpsuit I stepped outside to show them, only to receive a shocking look from the only guy and Agathe and an approving smirk from Vivi.
"Is it too much?"
"What? No, no Andy. Buy it! It suits you perfectly!"
A smile formed my lips hearing the approval of Agathe. I have never like go shopping, and they were well aware of that, but for once I was happy to find something I really liked.
"Damn girl, that's fucking sexy! Kyan will drool over you!"
I looked as Emmett raised an eyebrow, poor guy he didn't know anything and I was thankful for that. It meant nobody was talking about things didn't concern them. Still, my cheeks probably were redder than my braids, but I was a bit taken aback when I saw the smile on Em's lips.
"Do you want to seduce Kyan, you little naughty thing?"
"Me? No! It's not that!"
"Oh babe, they are mates."
"They what?!"
He was so loud that most of the customers turned to us intrigued. I went inside when I heard his mate explaining him all the story. I didn't mind if he knew, he was like a tomb when It came to keep secrets.
After we paid for everything we went outside, and stepped into a costume shop. I already knew what I had to buy but we spent most of the time laughing at the funny clothes, and also I bought more things than the other store.
It was already full night when we decided to head home, a cold breeze danced around our bodies, reminding us we still were on winter, followed by out feet breaking the snow under us.
While they were on the living room showing what they bought I took the opportunity to go upstairs to leave all my items inside. When I was about to open my bedroom door I spotted Kyan turning the corner to make his way to the hallway and probably going downstairs.
"You! You bastard!"
"Who else? My pussy?!"
I saw his lustful eyes bright and my mention about my princess parts, the guy was fucking sick and was driving me on my damn nerves, but still he managed to have his frown plastered on his face, as he didn't understand what he did wrong.
"Don't you dare to think about that."
"About what, panther?"
His deep, husky voice send shivers down my spine and without realizing it, he was by my side. His head low and his breath not that far from my neck, made my legs to jelly. His sweet scent filled my nostrils, closing my eyes I tried to take a deep breath.
"Andrea, tell me what you want..."
One of his hands caressed my back almost reaching my bum, while the other gripped my hip tightly. His breath was so intoxicating, I was losing myself-
"Whoa guys! Get a room!"
My eyes snapped open and we instantaneously separated, thanks to Benjamin who was smirking, however I took a glimpse of Kyan and he was scowling at the guys. But it wasn't just him, there were also Mason, Oliver and Logan. Great, just great. I was starting to think I was really jinx...
Pointing at them I asked the first question that passed through my mind, I was beyond pissed for his attitude and him trying to seduce me didn't work at all.
"Do they know about us?"
"About you being mates? Hell yeah if we know!"
Angry, I turned around to face the asshole. He gulped nervously, while his friends were amused by the scene. Fear was the only thing that crossed his eyes, his smirk was long gone, only replaced by a thin line on his lips. Jerk!
"You know, I'm starting to hate you. I don't need a second Charlie."
"Oh no, I'm better than him."
Ignoring his last statement, I faced Kyan who had the expression to just be caught. The guy had the guts to make a joke like that? Did he have a death wish? Probably yes, but I still had to deal with my mate...
"And you motherfucker? When were you planning on telling me they know about us, uh?"
"I-Andrea. Please calm down."
"Calm down?! Are you fucking kidding me?! There was a need for them to know?!"
"Even if they know it doesn't change anything! You're overreacting!"
We were screaming at each other like crazies, but I didn't understood why what he told me burned inside of me, so freaking hot it hurt. Like if someone would have stabbed me on my stomach. It was the mate thing, in other words, our unborn bond was making its appearance. We just freaking kissed at it started to be alive? What was that a freaking joke?!
"Fuck you, Kyan."
For the second time in a row I slammed the door shut on his face, I heard how he growled a 'Fuck' and hit with his palm the wooden surface,making it shake. That was when everything was quiet again.
Hi guys!! Here's another update! Don't worry the next one will be more funny, well at least it was for me when I wrote it!
Already 20 chapters and almost 8k of views! I'm so happy guys! Bit by bit we're growing up! :)
Love you all!! If you liked this chapter just vote, it's not that hard and I would be very happy! And if you have something to say just comment!! 💚
AwakenDemons: Stheno2015© BecomingApocalypse
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