Chapter XVIII
Chapter XVIII: Dear ego, you may rest in peace now.
"Victor, did you summon me?"
He glanced up once I closed the door behind me and walked to one of his armchairs. A pile of files was all on the wooden table, in fact Vicky looked tired.
"Yes. I need you to help me with some documents. You can write and print them by my office."
When I was about to turn around and head to the door, I heard his voice again.
"I know you kissed Kyan. I heard a rumor about some dick deep into your... intimate part. I just guessed because damn, your body smelt like him. And you going to Nona's house didn't help that much."
Letting out a frustrate groan, I passed a hand through my red African braids. Shit! If he knew probably all the house would have knew by now.
"It's none of your business what I do in my free time, so fuck off."
Bastard! He wanted me to confess I did it! But still, it was useless say otherwise. He was more intelligent that it seemed.
"He's not my mate, and I hated every moment of it."
Turning my back to him I reached the door. When I was about to step outside his manly laugh filled the office.
"Such a liar you are, Andy!"
Shocked I faced him again, what was he referring about? I was a bit apprehensive to this topic by now. When he stopped, he explained himself.
"Do you think I'm stupid? I knew before you, he was your mate. C'mon, think of it piccola! When you fainted after your fight with the five Alphas, there was no need to ask him anything. The moment he saw you on the floor he ran towards your body and took you to Laura. I understood the moment when he didn't want to leave you alone with her and growled at everybody who came near you."
I couldn't believe what Vic was telling me, in some way it made me happy but in another I was furious, then again. Why? I didn't understand.
"He kept an eye on you every minute and hour he was here, as he didn't want to go back to his pack Logan prolonged their visit one more day. The way he looked at you, it was so intense, he was mesmerized, lost in your features. Before they go, I spoke to him and he told me the truth. I'm the only one who knows, Charlie and the others think he behaved in that way because you reminded him about his sister. So, make me the fucking favour to at least thank him, because he was so damn worried... He almost didn't eat or sleep, so the first thing I did when you woke up was call him, because I think he deserved it. Now, you're an intelligent woman. Don't you think he deserves a bit of gratitude or at least a pat on his shoulder?"
He was so damn right, yet my ego wouldn't let me. Probably Nona had a point when she said I was afraid, but a big part of me wanted to run away from my problems. Probably, I didn't have a choice anymore.
"Ci penserò."
(I'll think about it.)
With that I left the room. Actually I had a lot of problems, not only I had one of the most important tests of my university degree but also my demons, Kyan, the Mutilators, organize Carnival... Yeah, it was just fucking perfect. February was one of the months I hated the most, because the second weekend the kids went to the 'White week' so it was the Alpha's duty to control everything and be sure it was safe. The third week was hell, because who was studying at the university had the most important exams of all the year, but in the weekend we celebrated Carnival, so more or less it was balanced but then again it was Vic's work to organize everything. But as a good second Alpha I was, I helped him with everything.
You're probably asking what happened after Kyan proposed me to make me fall in love with him, not as mates but as a normal couple. Well then, I was speechless, shocked and frozen in my spot for few minutes trying to swallow his words. As I wasn't finding my voice his hand reached my neck, caressing the back of it, making me shiver in delight.
His warm touch made me think seriously of what he asked me, but even so, it made me snap back from my thoughts. I shook my head and separated from him, I didn't look at him, I knew if I had done it I would have regretted it. And with that, I left him there while I ran upstairs to hide inside my room. Two days passed by and everything was normal between everyone, but with Kyan things were super awkward since he kept staring at me like he wanted to fuck me and he always was hot on my heels.
The couple of mornings I enjoyed kicking Ben's balls, it was hilarious but he was strong and a hard nut to crack, in fact they were very powerful and could keep my rhythm in hand-to-hand fighting. Logan helped Victor in early hours but he trained with him and Hank in the afternoons. Everything was normal. I, on the other hand, was becoming anxious day after day for my upcoming exam on Friday so I still had, shit, two and half days for studying!
When I arrived at the last floor, where the bedrooms were, I reached for my room's keys in my dark blue jeans pocket so I didn't pay attention where I was going. Finding them I recognized my door but before make my way inside my eyes met Kyan's ones. He was wearing a black T-shirt with dark jeans. My sight blocked to his perfectly shaved wide and triangular jaw, then to his thin lips. Realizing I was staring for too much time, I glanced upwards to lose myself in his beautiful green orbs but his voice brought me back from my own world.
I blinked few times trying to not drool over again. Not knowing what to say I only greeted him by a simple nod, until I noticed the way he was looking at me.
"Don't look at me like that. It's fucking creepy."
"Like what?"
Hi eyebrows furrowed making him more manly than he already was. Fucking bloody hell! He was so damn sexy! I couldn't understand how a woman could have given birth to someone as hot as him!
"Like you want to fuck me."
"In fact I want to fuck you."
My cheeks were burning, it even hurt. I couldn't look at him after his bluntness. Jerk. But deep inside I knew his confession made me shiver in excitement, and just thinking about it made my legs turn to jelly. He knew the effect he had on me, but I couldn't let him see it, feel it. I was trying so hard to fight the hot sensation between my thighs, I couldn't let him smell my arousal, and thanks Pancake Goddess I remembered what I talked with Victor previously.
"Come on in, we have to talk."
Murmuring it, he obviously heard my invitation. Werewolves have all the five senses highly developed. Opening the door I nod with my head to him to get inside, but before I closed it I took a glimpse of his smirk. What a perv!
"I told you to talk, not to fuck."
"I'm not thinking otherwise."
"Yeah sure, do you use this trick to get into all the girls pants? Or it's new and you're trying to see if it works with me?"
He turned around to face me, and saw my body resting on one of my bedroom's walls. Taking slow steps to where I was, he trapped me between his hands, one in each side of my head. As he was taller than me, he bend down and I felt his hot breath on my neck, travelling to my earlobe where he bit it lightly. The necessary to made me gasp in pleasure, that was one of my sweet spots and he found it in a matter of seconds.
"You sound like you're jealous of my previous sexual partners."
Sexual partners? Ha! They were bitches! I couldn't say that to him because maybe he loved some of them, but still I shouldn't care. So why the hell did I care?! God, between my inner demons and the mate issue I was going insane.
I decided to do what was best, try to get him off me. The problem was he was really heavy, so with a little effort I moved him a bit only to find our faces pretty near. When our sights met, I lost myself again in his beautiful eyes. His right hand moved behind my neck, while the other slid down to the small of my back, embracing me. Still mesmerized by his eyes, with my hands on his chest, he lowered himself just the necessary to be able to kiss me. When our noses were almost touching and I felt his warm breath not that far from my mouth, ashamed, I turned my head to the side until I had the plenty control of my body.
"Just sit down on the bed."
Hearing him smirk, I faced his back when I felt empty, cold, and myself again. Once he did as I asked, his face met mines. He decided to support himself by his elbows, one in each knee, with his hands intertwined.
"What do you want to talk about?"
Clearing my throat I embraced myself with my left arm, trying to find the appropriate words to explain myself clearly meanwhile to also not stare at him like a fucking creepy. God, did it ever happened to you to meet a guy who was so hot and you tried to not drool over him but failed miserably for how damn sexy he was? I was in that kind of situation.
"First of all, I'm sorry for the other day when you know-"
"Ah, when you punched me. Right?"
Avoiding completely eye contact I nodded, my cheeks were probably redder than my African braids. I could hear the amused tone behind his voice, the fucking guy was enjoying the situation. Fuck my ego, really!
"Do you regret it or it's-"
"I regret it."
He studied my face for along moment before sighing.
"I can't tell if you're lying or not."
"Fuck you Kyan. It's really hard to me to apologize to someone and then here you are, debating if I'm lying or not. I think the best option would be to leave you alone so your majesty can think properly."
His features hardened, obviously he didn't like the tone I used. What it made me really angry was his guts to accuse me of lying! Between you and me, in fact I lied. Probably I got angry because of my ego, I was so screwed up.
"That's another point! You have to learn to not to run away from difficult situations-"
"I know what I have to do, so please don't give me a father's speech. You're not my dad."
Smirking, I didn't expect what came out next from his kissable lips. He was full of surprises, and I didn't like surprises.
"Well, if you want you can call me daddy, just because it's you."
He said it in the most sexy way ever. I have never heard him talk before in such an attractive way. Gulping nervously, I started to stroke my right arm, bitting on my lower lip. Damn his eye appeal! I seemed like one of those girls who doesn't know how to speak in front of a hot guy, and I didn't like it one bit! My eyebrows furrowed when I heard my inner demons laugh at the situation, it made me so furious.
'Oh Thana! You're such a coward! Behaving like a high school girl in front of his crush, not being able to speak properly. You're so pathetic!'
My blood was boiling at the moment, until I decided to cut the crap there and end the inner link. the hell with them! They were the voice of my conscience, and I was going crazy day after day. they just thought about themselves, the little shits!
'I think you're the pathetic ones since you can't escape me. If I die you die. End of the story. So think twice before making fun of me.'
'How dare you A-'
"The other reason I had to speak with you was to thank you, for helping me the day of the assembly, after the fight."
I saw a hint of worry passing through his beautiful face. He stood up and started walking towards me but I stopped him pushing him lightly on his chest, where my hands rested.
"Let me finish first, please. I-I know you were so damn worried about me, Victor told me everything: how you helped me, how you were trying to protect me, the way you acted towards me and the others and then your conversation with Vic about us being mates. What I regret is how you had to deal with that, not knowing before what you did for me and treating you like shit. I mean I'm not an easy girl to handle with because I've been through a lot, and I had my reasons to behave the way I did, but it wasn't fair how I treated you. I'm a lot of things, sassy, impertinent, overbold, bitchy, but I have one positive thing and it's I'm a thankful person. That's why I regret what I did these past days, and that's why I have to say thank you but also I'm sorry, for my stupidity."
Dear ego, you may rest in peace now.
Without hesitation he embraced my body, giving me the warm I needed at the moment. His head rested on my right shoulder, while his hands on the small of my back and mines on his muscular chest. He smelt so good, with his aftershave filling my nostrils. Normally I didn't like the smell of colognes or perfumes, the smell was too strong for my likes. Even so Kyan's scent was so fucking addictive, it was perfect, so delicate yet so manly. It drove me crazy and by now I knew it would be my new addiction.
"You're strange. A moment ago you were trying to get into my pants and the moment after you're the sweetest guy in the world."
I said what I thought without thinking it twice. I didn't care anymore, with him I felt safe, complete, stronger... He was already changing me in less than a week, and that was what worried me the most. I wanted to be the girl who didn't need anyone to be strong enough to face her problems, yet again he was breaking down my walls and stepping inside my battlefield, still waiting for an upcoming war.
"And the other day you punched me and now you need my touch, so I think we are similar. Two rare people made for each other."
Realizing what he just said I looked up to find Kyan smiling down at me. His curly brown hair, his penetrating green eyes, natural arched eyebrows, sightly turn-up nose, wide and triangular shaved jaw. He was just fucking perfect, and had everything I liked in a man. He lowered himself just to kiss me on the cheek in a lovely yet sensual way anyone had ever kissed me. I welcomed it relaxing myself in his strong arms, I was enjoying the moment and it was too late to know what I was doing. Hugging me tightly, my breath got caught in my throat and I was mesmerized by his eyes shining with lust, but that wasn't what I was interested at the moment. My sight changed to his thin and kissable lips, but when I realized I stared for too long, it was already late.
Closing the gap between us he crashed his mouth with mines, but this time it was different, I immediately kissed him back. I was going insane just for the pleasure I felt with the kiss and his warm touch. When his hands made contact with the back of my thighs I didn't hesitate to embrace his waist with my legs and his neck with my arms, but my fingers moved freely between his shoulders until his hair, gripping it tightly. Groaning for my strong hold on his soft brown curls, he squeezed my bum, hard, making me moan in his mouth. Before I could notice it, he started walking towards my bed and, in a matter of seconds, he lay me underneath him, on the soft material.
We broke apart only to see how he threw his black T-shirt somewhere in my room, revealing his manly body. He wasn't the typical guy who had a perfect sculpt abs, still he worked out and you could appreciate them, in a way it made him look so sexy to drool over him everywhere, anytime. As I said before he was everything I liked in a man. My hands slid from his neck to his board shoulders, to his fucking perfect muscular arms. All of him was driving me crazy. Mesmerized by his body, while biting my lower lip, I touched what I needed to feel, his abdomen.
Snapping back I looked at him who wasn't that far from my face. Pecking my lips, leaving me waiting for more, he started to attack my neck with love bites and sucking it. Meanwhile I was panting, for his warm mouth making contact with my soft flesh, he positioned himself between my legs. Instinctively I hugged his waist with them, welcoming his body with mine. It didn't help that much when he started grinding on me, the most exciting thing in my life was when I felt his member through our pants. And let me tell you one thing, he was huge!
"Kyan... Please!"
Why I was begging for?! What was wrong with me?! I didn't know how I could think in the moment because I definitely was in a daze of pure pleasure. The gap opened again between us only to him to help me to remove my blue T-shirt. Once he was done he kissed me again, devouring my mouth while my nails scratched his bare back for the pleasure I was receiving from our crotches making contact. I was dripping wet and he was rock stiff. His lips slid down to my collarbone, to the valley between my breasts, until my stomach, where I felt a tingling sensation both of pleasure and titillation. His rough hands squeezed my breasts, hardly enough to make me squirm in delight, while I was trying to not to moan.
That's when I felt it, memories of him, how I was stupid enough to fall in love with him and how he betrayed me. The pain, sorrow, despise and misery dancing inside my body, laughing at me, trying to devour my soul, the walls Kyan destroyed previously. I couldn't let it happen twice, I would be condemned to an infinite suffering. With the little strength I still had, I managed to grab his shoulders and push him off me.
"Kyan, what are we doing?"
Asking breathless, his face changed to a frowning one, trying to understand my question. I didn't want to hurt him as he didn't deserved it, but still it had to be done.
"You heard me Kyan, what will be next then?"
"I don't know, maybe what a woman and a men do when they are horny?"
Glaring at him I knew he didn't know what was going on inside my head, so I decided to play the better card I had.
"Fuck Andrea! A second ago you were begging me! What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"No, that's not true."
"Yeah that's true, and I can guess you were asking me to thrust my dick deep into your pussy and fuck you so hard so you wouldn't walk for the next days."
Okay, there he crossed the line. I knew it was my fault we were again arguing, but I hated when he was so blunt! It even made him more sexy than he already was!
"Get off me."
He sighed exasperated and cursed under his breath, once he did as I demanded he took his T-shirt from the floor and put in back again.
'No please! One more second!'
I shut up Malia, who surprisingly talked with me through our inner link. I followed him hot on his heels until the door, where he turned to face me.
"Andrea please, you know you want it as much as I do. You can't suppress for the eternity something we really wish."
The fucking guy and the fucking true that went out from his mouth!
"You know, you have a way with words that really pisses me off."
His features hardened for what? The sixth time in a row? But I didn't care at the moment. I was just thinking on kicking him out of my room.
"And what are you going to do? Leave me like this?!"
He pointed to his huge bulge and I gulped nervously, his jeans surely didn't do to much to hide his member. Obviously he had some important stuff inside of it...
"There's one thing called a cold shower, so as a twenty six years old man should know, go to your room and do it."
"Are you really fucking telling me to take a cold shower?!"
I shrugged at his obvious question.
"Yeah, that or jerk you off. Whatever it pleases you the most."
"Are you fucking kidding me right now?!"
Arching an eyebrow I opened the door and pushed him out of it.
Before he could finish what he was about to say I slammed the door in front of his face, and rested my back on it, followed by a heavy sigh.
"And now, how the hell I'm supposed to study?"
Hello babies!! I know I didn't update for what, a month? But don't worry I'm back!! I was pretty busy but now I'll update as usual! :)
Okay so, thoughts? Ideas? Opinions? Just tell me what you think!! And things will get hotter muahaha!
Before I end this chapter I want to tell you I have published a new book!!! I'm very happy about it and I know if I try hard it can be a good one!!! I'll let you here the cover and tell me what you think!!
AwakenDemons: Stheno
2015© BecomingApocalypse
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