Chapter XIV
CHAPTER XIV: Kicking balls is a vital necessity
The next morning I woke up super excited, with my two Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Chip 'n Dale following me around the house. They were too cute. The male, Dale, was white on the chest and gray with black spots on the back and piercing blue eyes. The female, Chip, was white in front and black the rest of the body, with light brown head. Funniest thing? Do you know when people say the dog looks like their owner? Sure as hell it does! They were little demons, two bastards to be exact, but hey after all, they were mine so, it was easy to understand. Wasn't it?
Anyway! As I was saying I woke up extremely happy because it was the first day they would join our trainings. If I was lucky I would probably have the chance to kick some balls, specially Kyan balls.
I went downstairs to prepare something to eat, dressed in a long black legging gym pants with two red lines at the sides, black Nike and a black gym crop top. My red African braids were put in a perfect bun. Suddenly I sniff the air and I knew Hank just arrived. When he stepped into the kitchen he smiled.
"You don't let me down even a single day."
"You can consider yourself a lucky man, I have never woke up this early for a training."
"Oh please, it's me who is doing a favour to you. Plus, you're already used to this."
He joined breakfast with an apple, since he already ate his own at home. Few minutes later we were at the gym on the second floor. We had all types of machines, from treadmills to pulley rows and more. In few words, all the equipment to work out all the parts of our bodies. They were positioned in the room leaving a free spot in the middle, big enough to do some exercises and hand-to-hand fights. The interior was well illuminated, the walls were painted in a, not to dark, gray colour and one part of the room, was made all of crystal like large windows. So you could see the white garden, the forest and finally the Lake Champlain, appearing as a line of ice in the horizon.
"First things first. At what time will the guys be here?"
Hank's voice brought me back from my own world.
"In one hour, so 6:30 a.m. Charlie and Emmett will be with them, I think they're tired of waking up so early."
He chuckled and continued explaining himself.
"Okay, so we can start warming up and then, while the guys start, we can try new fighting moves."
Nodding in approval we got to it. Since the muscles had to be perfectly stretched it always took a good hour, but the results were just awesome. The guys arrived an hour after, I was in the abdominal bench with my hands at the back of my head, while Hank was lifting weights. He suddenly stopped and went to greet the others.
"Hello doll face, why don't you show me a bit of love?"
Stupid. Idiot. Jerk. He was so many things I could have written a fucking book. Irritated I started counting loud, hoping he would have understood the message.
"287... 288... 289..."
"Oh c'mon baby girl."
"292... Charlie I'm gonna punch you straight on the face... 294...295... 296..."
"That's called love, beauty."
"... 300!"
I lift myself from the machine, now in front of a grinning asshole. That made me smirk, I prepare my arm and when my fist was about to made contact with his face a voice interrupted us.
"Punch him and you'll face the consequences, Schiffer."
Charlie was a lucky boy, one second later and he would have had a dislocated jaw or worse. I backed two steps and raised my arms, playing, as always, the innocent card.
"He deserved it."
"Yeah and you deserve a good fuck."
My mouth gaped open, he just didn't say that. Before I could kick him or something, Emmett reached behind me and grabbed my waist. Leaving me standing next to Hank, I saw him reaching for Charlie and drag him by his ear to the treadmills. Thanks to him my anger and embarrassment flew away. Obviously who wouldn't be ashamed after someone tells you, in front of a bunch of guys you don't know, that you need a good fuck?
"Okay guys, as I was about to say before Andrea could kill Charlie, I'm Hank Stone, 30 years old, 6'2'' ft (1,89m) and..."
They were looking at him strangely, yeah I know, it was enough with his name. He thought it was important to say all your measures, thanks Pancake Goddess he didn't say how long was his dude, down. You know, that special buddy. I took a peek at him, muscular frame, almost shaved black hair, hazel eyes. Greek nose, strong jawline and a beautiful chocolate skin colour, not so dark neither so light. A really good looking man. He could seem a bit dangerous, indeed he was, but only when the occasion demanded it. A gentle yet powerful warrior who worried about his only family member, his cousin Violet.
Hank demanded their personal data but my subconscious only paid attention to the most important information.
"Kyan Hathaway, 26 years old, 6'5'' (1,96m) and I don't know how much I weight."
Indeed he was that tall, it made me look like an ant. He was a fucking tower! I was 5'10'' ft (1,78m) but c'mon boy, this guy was a giant!
"That's not a problem, I already see you're in a good shape. How many hours do you train?"
He shrugged, thinking for a moment.
"Normally two hours per day."
"Well here we train to three to five hours, sometimes even six. Next."
"Logan Garza, 27, 6'2'' ft (1,88m) and neither I know how much I weigh."
"No problem at least I see you train, but we need to do more than two daily hours."
I noticed Hank looking where Charlie and Emmett were standing, they were arguing of course.
"I'm going to see what the fuck is going on between the two jerks. Please Andrea explain our training schedule."
Fucking awesome. I wanted to avoid the extra attention and now? I had to explain myself. Escape was way pretty messed up since all their eyes fell on me. I sighed in annoyance, I felt it wouldn't be a good day as I expected.
"Mmh, okay then. We train the first hour for free. It's your warm up, it's your body, you know the limitations so if you're tired after the giving time it's your damn problem. We don't waste time here. After that we will see how you fight, if there's something to improve you will work out until Hank says otherwise. Every day we share our fighting skills and prove new movements, so I think your little puppy asses will be a perfect mmh... experiment, that's the word."
"And why do you think we will allow that, Andrea?"
"Oh because you signed for this my dear Kyan Hathaway, your Alpha asked for our help. Since we are a clan and I'm a member of it I'm helping, in my own way. And next time please don't cut me off, I extremely hate it."
He crossed his arms on his chest, smirking. The fucking prick was playing with me.
"Huh, my apologies miss..."
"Kyan stop-"
I interrupted Logan, even if I hated when people did it to me I just hated the fucking balls of the fucking Kyan.
"Oh my bad, I'm so disrespectfully I didn't even introduce myself. I'm Andrea Schiffer, 20 years old, and you don't give a damn fuck about my height and weight. And since we are telling us our personal information, I'm gonna tell you something you should know. Don't come near me, don't even dare to speak to me, don't cross my path and I won't rip your balls apart. I hate the fact you're here, I hate men, specially strangers. I don't give a fuck if you are here to trying to protect your pack or for something else, but I don't trust you. I have an extremely bad temper, Logan and Kyan saw it on the assembly and if you add the fact I don't like you to my personality... you're screwed up. So don't let the demon dressed into an innocent girl get angry. Understood?"
I gave them the creepiest smile ever, probably by now on I would be in peace.
"Ah! I forgot you can go and tell Victor, there's no problem. He already knows my position in all of this."
"Hey Andrea, why are you talking about Victor?"
"Oh nothing, just a simple question."
I saw Hank nodding and his attention fell to the, now, pale puppies. However Kyan was scowling at me, well fulminating... If looks could kill I would be buried in the center of the earth, burning and decomposing. The fucking guy had the guts to fucking glare at me!
"Well then, do you have more questions?"
The angry guy glanced towards our trainer and asked the unreal.
"Can we train shirtless? I mean I work better this way. But still I'm asking since..."
He was peeking at me, was he serious? I cocked an eyebrow and sent him the 'Are you fucking kidding me' look.
"What? Because I'm here in the same room? C'mon boy, you think you will distract me? I won't drool over you. I have seen better."
I saw him clenching his jaw, probably pissed off. Then I heard him muttering 'You wish'. Really dude?
"What was that again, sorry?"
"I think you heard it. Nevermind, can we start?"
This time was Hank to answer.
"Yes, remember guys one hour of warm up. Don't work too hard and just do what your body needs in the given time."
Once dismissed the guys they started to train on their own while Hank glanced me sideways.
He sighed deeply, which made me frown.
"Nothing. Should we start with the new movements?"
"Yeah, sure, why not."
For the next hour we worked on new moves and perfected them. Our trainer was incredible powerful and had a good technique. If I could fight a bunch of angry Alphas was thanks to him, and what he taught me in the past.
"Okay, time's up!"
I was panting on the floor, really hard. The guy killed me. For my Pancake lover, he was too stern! All the attention was on my heavily breathing frame, because I was the only one who didn't walk towards the hot caramel skin guy.
"I see you're very tired."
"Oh, shut up Hank."
"Well since Andrea is tired you will be fighting against her, I think you will learn more. Plus I can watch and correct your movements."
"Hey! What the hell? I'm not fighting against puppies!"
And as always the typical guy was trying to kill me with his glare.
"I'm fucking tired to call us puppies! I will fight her."
"Oh Kyan you're underestimating me. But I'll accept if that will work to shut the hell up of your mouth."
He answered with a loud growl. Asshole. He would regret to treat me like shit, although I treat like shit too. But hey, I didn't give a damn fuck.
"Okay then. I want to see how you fight Kyan, your abilities and movements. There will be three rounds, I don't care who's the winner since this exercise has another finality. For you Andrea don't try to kill him, and it's prohibited to use new movements and stay in your human form. The encounter will finish when someone blocks the other, precluding any movements. Is that clear?"
I nodded raising up and meeting the tower guy before my eyes, he answered with a simple 'Yes'. We were glaring each other, we needed this. Kicking his balls became a vital necessity. We were in front of each other, preparing ourselves for what was coming, I was excited as hell which made me grin, he on the other hand smirked.
"Okay I need you 1 ft and half (50cm) away from the other."
We did as told and waited for Hank to give us the signal.
"Prepare yourself, panther."
"Huh, yeah whatever you say."
"Okay then. You can start."
Yeah! Thanks Pancakes! Excitement grow instantaneously on my body. We were thinking our strategies but Kyan decided to make the first move. He tried to punch me with his right hand, obviously I stopped it, grabbing him by the wrist. Then an idea popped in my head, I needed to kick him on the leg horizontally, hard, to unbalance him and block him. As I was about to hit him, I didn't know how the fuck he saw it but he caught my flying left ankle, halting me.
The next think I knew was my leg being dragged by him and his left heel making contact with my right ankle. Then he released me, making me fall open legs on the floor. He took the opportunity positioning himself between my tights, he pressed his right knee to my abdomen and clasped one of his hand tightly around my neck, preparing the other to punch me. I was speechless at the moment, he was extremely strong. Fucking fuck boy. The pressure I felt was leaving me breathless, I couldn't breath anymore even think properly so before his fits made contact with my face I hit the ground three times.
Smirking he got up and I turned around, my back facing him and started coughing. I couldn't believe it!
"Wow, good work Kyan. Your movements were simple but effective, something Andrea is always forgetting. The fucking base. Told you Schiffer, the first level is extremely important."
Oh super. Thank you Hank, really. When I looked up, my eyes met a proud asshole smirking in my direction. Oh, that no jerk. This. Was.The. Fucking. War.
Now on my feet I glared the guy.
"Can we start round two?"
"Sure thing panther, whenever you want."
I growled loudly, before I could do something Hank blocked me with his arm. I fucking hated the damn nickname!
"C'mon, position yourselves as before."
Few seconds after we started again. The tower guy started to constantly punch me like a boxer would have done. Trying to not to get hit I just blocked his blows and my mind started to process and analyze each and every movement. For several minutes I stood still, in a defence position and I was perfectly aware Kyan was getting tired. Good, probably round two would be a bit difficult but round three? A kid's game. Then I saw it, his weak spot. He never protected his ribs, so it was a chance to win. While he was trying to hit me as much as he could I built up strength. Two seconds after I punched him so hard on his ribs I heard them crack.
"Fucking hell!"
For the pain, he felt on one knee. He was breathing heavily and the sweat covered our bodes completely. Without wasting another second I miserably failed to kick him horizontally since he blocked it with his forearm. He grabbed my leg and twisted it making me loose the balance and fell on the ground. Again I found him on top of me punching my face, I needed to switch positions so with one hand I tried to stop his hits and with the other I punched him on his already broken ribs.
Emitting a loud whimper, his back made contact with the ground and I took the opportunity to pay him back. Now on top of him my hands went directly to his neck, one making a strong pressure on his Adam apple and the other twisted his head to the side as if I was going to break his neck. No more than a second after his hand made contact with the floor three times. Freeing him, he gasped for air and start coughing.
"Good job Schiffer! Guys what did Andrea is what I want you to do, analyze the situation before rushing at things."
I smirked when I saw Kyan was still on the floor. Cruel I know, but he deserved it. Or not? Well I didn't give a flying fuck.
"Do you need help, Hathaway?"
"Fuck off."
"C'mon guys. Peace and love. Start with the last round so we can continue our training."
I raised my hands up in defense, but anything was going to wipe the smirk on my face.
"It's war and hate. Nevermind, you heard Hank, Kyan. Get your lazy ass up."
The scowl he had on his face was hilarious.
"I. Said. To. Fuck. Off."
"Okay baby boy. Show me what you're capable of."
We were standing before each others eyes, preparing for our last match. Once Hank told us to start our first collide. I was sure about one thing, Kyan was analyzing my movements but not good enough, because as always I saw the chance. And I went for it. Making him losing his balance I was again on top of him, this time with a knee on his crotch I made sure he felt the pain and my hands around his throat, strangling him. Not loosing a second he started to hit the ground without hesitation, I swear the guy stroke the floor like fifteen times. I won so I got up leaving him breathless and with his balls in pain.
"At least, you could have press his abdomen instead of his groin."
I turned around to find the Alpha with an expression of pain, probably feeling pity for his packmate.
"Oh c'mon Logan, I was taught to use the adversary's weakness to win. He will feel sore maybe until tonight, but it's not like he won't be a father or something like that."
"This was a fucking training! You could have let my dude out of this."
I turned sharply around to met the groaning guy.
"Kyan, you asked for this and I taught you a lesson. So please not a word more or next time I'll castrate you, and you wouldn't be the first."
Hearing all of them swallowing hard, made me almost laugh.
"Schiffer. To Victor. Now."
"But why?"
"I said NOW!"
Fucking Hank. Who thought he was? When I was about to exit the room I heard him say something about taking Kyan to his room, yeah poor puppy. Fucking puppies. Fucking pack. Fucking everything! With anger boiling inside my body I slammed the door, making the walls almost tremble.
➳ Touché (FRA): Touched. To admit that an opponent in an argument has made a good point.
Hi guys!!! Another update! I told you it would get better, and trust me from here the book will be even better!!! :D
How was the chapter??? Poor Kyan and his ding dong down here... but between you and me, I was laughing really hard writing this chapter aha
For those who listened the song! When I was about to update this chapter, when I was editing it went to YouTube and start listening to the fabulous Linkin Park, who is a freaking fan?? Because I am!! Anyway aha while listening 'Numb' I was like OMG Andrea you're in this song! Especially when the song says: 'I'm becoming this all I want to do, is be more like me and less like you'. Don't ask me why but it only made me think about Andy :D
Just tell me what you think!!! Even if it's a good or bad critic I'll accept it! :)
Thanks a lot for the almost 3K views I'm really happy people like my book! :)
Vote, comment and share! Thank you a lot for reading my story! :3
AwakenDemons: Stheno
2015© BecomingApocalypse
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