Chapter XIII
CHAPTER XIII: Like a little girl
"That bastard!"
Taisia and Agathe followed me to the garden. It was covered with few inches (cm) of snow and a cold breeze dancing freely around our bodies.
"Andrea calm down... It's not that bad."
"Oh yeah! Sorry Taisia! You were enjoying it!"
I throw my arms up in frustration, feeling my rage flowing inside my body. My already non existent voice, was replaced by angry growls.
"Andy please, he did nothing wrong!"
"Don't! Don't Andy me Agathe!"
"Andrea he just-"
"NO! Absolutely no! Taisia, you know the problems I have with men, still you act like everything is fucking fine!"
"Oh sorry! I didn't know we were prohibited to talk with other guys in your presence, my majesty!"
I frowned deeply, trying to swallow her words. I just couldn't.
"I think I heard you wrong, Taisia."
She stepped towards me, pointing her index finger to my chest.
"You're a fucking bitch! Did you know it?! You're always threatening people like your life is worth more than the others! You have the attitude 'I am the best and the stronger', but in the end you're nobody! You don't deserve people's respect, you make them submit by fear! But do you want to know the funniest part?! In the end you're a helpless girl who at the moment of truth backs away and has an absent spirit of fight! You're fucking empty Schiffer! Wake the fuck up and grow some balls!"
I narrowed my eyes at her, feeling my anger, rage, boiling up. Needing to calm myself, which I found it extremely difficult in my current state, I took deep breaths, or at least tried. Realization hit her, and hard, when immediately she gasped in horror knowing what she just said and covered her mouth with both hands.
"What the hell did you just tell me?"
"Andrea, I'm sorry... I-"
"I dare you Taisia. Repeat what you said, please."
She shook her head, looking at her feet reposing on the white and cold snow. A frown crossed her features, letting me know the regret she felt.
"It was just the anger. I swear-"
She flinched at my demonic growl. Silent tears felt down from Agathe's face, who watched all the discussion. I started to hyperventilate because I tried hard as hell to keep my demons on the deepness of my body. I had never growl at Taisia, she was always there for me. How could I? One thing was sure, probably all Livoti heard my roar.
"Hey, what's going on here?"
Turning my head I saw a shocked Victor.
"Agathe, why are you crying?"
She shook her head looking down. He reached for her when she started to wipe her tears away. While he hugged her, he send me a cold stare.
I snorted back at him, trying to catch my breath back.
"Really? A fucking what?! Are you serious Andy?! Look at what you have done!"
Victor faced her furiously and used his Alpha tone, while keeping a crying Agathe in a warm embrace.
"Taisia, I didn't give you permission to talk!"
"I'm sorry but-"
"Shut up."
The girl got me on my nerves, making my body shake of the pressure I felt from my demons, trying to surface. I hated this, all of this. I only wanted to be free from them, it was driving me insane. Hearing their voices, whispers, laughs, sometimes I wondered if it only was a product of my own imagination and I was really crazy.
"Andrea, just please-"
Whimpering she looked to her feet sunken in the snow, and I felt strong arms blocking me to, possibly, tear her head apart. I relaxed for a few seconds when I heard Victor shushing me.
"Calm down Andrea, please."
"I'm okay, let me go."
My breaths were more frequent, meaning I was falling of losing the control of my own body.
"Breath Andrea, just breath and relax."
When I was about to completely calm down, a new smell danced around us. Inhaling deeply it told me we weren't alone anymore. A cold breeze made me shiver since I was only in a black pants, and a red T-shirt, contrasting the colour of the pure and white snow. Rage filled all the veins of my system, when I heard the soft but cold ground breaking under their feet. As soon I closed my eyes I felt their steps die.
"Hey Victor, do you need help?"
My eyes snapped open, probably pitch black since my vision changed a bit. I clenched my teeth, making my jaw tense.
"In fact ye-"
"Don't you dare coming here and pretend you can help! It's our problem, not yours!"
I managed to control my voice but I failed miserably to keep the colour of my eyes. When I saw Logan blank, I understood that my eyes were violet sclera with red iris. I saw how he approached Taisia and Agathe, not breaking the eye contact. Shock, fear, suspicious, but most of all anger crossed his features. Probably for the previous disrespect.
Before something, I might have regretted, would have happened, not in a nice way, I free myself from Victor's grasp. Just before heading to the house I glared them, making Logan's packmates to glare back except for his Beta. What was his name again? Oh yeah, Kyan. He was scowling in my direction, taking a step towards me their third on command blocked his body. The Beta let out a deep growl which, with great pleasure, I returned back. What was the fucking problem of this guy? Well, probably because I showed no respect for his Alpha, but... who knew.
After I walked past them and went upstairs to the porch where Charlie, Emmett, Vivi and Vic's children saw everything.
"Andrea wait!"
"Don't press her buttons, Charles."
Passing by them I ran upstairs. Once in my bedroom, I threw myself on my bed. With my face on the pillow I let out a muffled scream. I didn't know for how long I was lying on the soft mattress until a voice, her voice. The sound I hated the most interrupted my peace, breaking down all my walls I built through the years, to speak with me.
Growling, I heard her whimper. How dared she to speak with me after all those years.
'Don't call me Andy, you know the rules.'
Hearing her sight, made me clench my teeth. How I hated her, I only wished she was dead.
'Anyway, what do you want? I don't have all the day.'
'You know, snapping me back it's not the answer to your problems.'
'My problems? You're my fucking problem Malia!'
'Andrea, I know you hate me but still-'
Desperation filled my ears, but my body could only feel anger, born from a betrayal, burning inside of me.
'Ha! You wish! What I need is to see you dead! That's what you deserve after what you have done!'
'Andrea please! I just want to talk with y-'
Before she could even finish, I cut the internal link. In a way, it calmed me down. Letting out again a frustrated scream, I cursed internally. Fuck, if she had surfaced that time, things probably would have been very different by now. Just what -. My thoughts came to an end by someone knocking my door. Sniffing the air, I groaned when I knew who it was.
"What the hell do you want Taisia?!"
"I-Ehm-I came here to talk with you."
Sighing heavily, I moved my lazy ass towards the door to open it, revealing a nervous Russian girl.
"I-Uhm-Just-Ehm... Hi Andy."
"I-Uhm-Just-Ehm... Oh yeah I remember, I don't bite. At least not at you."
Frowning, my mocking provoked a tiny smile on her face. I sighed in defeat. When the hell did I become that weak?
"C'mon, get inside."
She nodded and walked pass me, to my bed. Once she was sat, I closed the door and followed her actions. Her body was still tense, almost shaking. Her green hair was put into a ponytail and she started to play with her fingers nervously. I was leg crossed beside her. A strange silence filled the room until I heard her heavy sigh.
"Andrea, I-"
"I'm sorry Taisia."
"Would you like to not interrupt me?"
She let out an exasperated breath. Then I saw how her expression changed to a shocked one.
"Wait! What?"
"Oh no miss, I won't repeat myself."
"No-That's-Not-Wait! Did you just say you're sorry?"
I raised an eyebrow in surprise. Why the hell did the girl keep stuttering? Probably by now I would have the 'Wtf girl?' or 'Are you kidding me?' look.
"I-Uhm-Er-Whom-What-Ah! Yeah? It's that strange?"
"Oh girl stop mocking me! It's fucking creepy that actually a Schiffer said sorry."
"Hey! My ego is not that high!"
"Oh no. Sure it isn't."
We lock our eyes before burst into laughing. I was glad things were normal again.
"Anyway, did you see how hot are them?"
"Mh-Yeah, whatever..."
"Damn girl! I thought you would drool over Logan or Kyan or even Benny, if you like blonde guys. Mason and Oliver for what I heard are taken."
"Benny? And no, Logan is not my type, and Kyan it's... just an idiot. Did you see how he growled at me? How dare he!"
"Ben, Benny or Benjamin whatever you call him is still hot. Okay no problem, Logan for me but fuck girl you cannot say you don't like Kyan, he's the dream of every girl."
"Yep, you said it. The dream of every girl. Obviously I'm not inside the group of 'every girl' as you always say it, I'm something else."
We kept discussing about the guys and how blind I was for saying Kyan wasn't hot. Hell man! I didn't even say the others were hot! An hour or so passed and it was already time to have dinner. This time Gen joined us, obviously feeling better. When I saw her alone I approached and gave her a kiss on the check, being unnoticed. She smiled and caressed my face.
"How are you Gen?"
"For now I'm fine Andy. But, I heard your roars this afternoon. Mind to tell me what happened?"
"Long story short. I was pissed."
She giggled and I gave her a squeeze on her hand before sitting at Victor's right side. I didn't want the puppies to see me showing a hint of sweetness with whom deserved it. The moment I put my lazy ass on the chair I frowned and groaned internally. Really?! With more than 3.6 billion of women in the world, why did you choose me Pancake Goddess? Why me? I huffed at the sight before my eyes. Kyan. The fucking Beta sitting in front of me, oh and guess what? Glaring at my direction. Great, just great! I didn't let him pissing me off so I supported my check with my right hand and turn my head to look in another direction.
Dinner was, well, going on without incidents, with the dogs walking around the table like sharks to get a piece of food. In certain moments our sights met and... he was still glaring at me. What the hell? He could have done something else, anything! But not fucking staring at me! Thanks to him I started to be a bit irritated so I did what a five years old would have done, I stuck out my tongue. He cocked an eyebrow if saying, 'Wtf?'. Then he did something I would never have expected, not even in a million of years. He showed me the. Fucking. Middle. Finger. Would you like to know where you could have put it in, my dear Kyan? You can guess. Like a little girl I showed him how I didn't give a shit of who he was, by kicking him on the leg. Hard. Immediately I started eating again while I expected his growl, when it came it seemed more like a snarl. He made all the attention turning to us.
"What are you growling at, dude?"
I clicked my tongue obviously playing the innocent but still sassy card. Smiling sweetly, I saw his eyes change to green to a pitch black, probably for the anger. To finish, I winked at him like 'Hey I was just playing around' and I felt proud when he tensed his jaw and tightened the knife he had in his hand.
Hi everyone!!! Sorry for not updating in a while! I'll explain it later! Anyway how was the chapter? I know, I know... It could have been better and longer but I wanted it to show another aspect of Andrea's personality, and I thought it would have been better shorter :)
Tell me everything you think about this chap! I promise the 14 and 15 will be a lot better! Trust me!! Okay there are some points I want to explain :)
1) (For who is interested about my life aha) I didn't update in a while because I got a job interview in Germany! So in less than a week I was there and surprise! If everything goes as I planned I'll move there at the end of June!! The job is in a barn, yep with horses :3, and a working day starts at 6:30 in the morning until the 5:30 in the afternoon with an hour to eat. Yeah they are a lot of hours but it's worth it!! They pay veeery well and plus I'll improve my riding skills and will learn German!!! But don't worry even if I'll be tired I'll keep writing this book because I'm very happy that people like it and bit by bit we are growing!! :D
2) Okay second and last point xD I was listening to the song of the chapter like two days ago and I was like damn! It reminds me of Andrea ahahhaha So I thoughts it would be a great opportunity to share it, for those who don't like, don't worry I listen every type of music and if I find more songs that reminds me of a chap or a character I'll post it ahah as you can do it also!!! :)
Okay I finish, sorry! ahah
That's all for now! See you in the next update! Remember to comment, vote and share ❤
Awaken Demons: Stheno
2015© BecomingApocalypse
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