Chapter XI
CHAPTER XI: Party punches, moans, and hangovers
"Victor kids are incredibly problematic... Since when, when two brothers fight is you who is beaten up to death by your Alpha?"
Charlie groaned in pain while he put a bag of ice on his head. He was laying on my bed by my side, I was trying to study for my upcoming university exams, sat on my mattress, but I couldn't for my sore cheekbone. Victor hit me with too much strength. Sighing in annoyance I closed my laptop and laid next to him, he offered me the cold sack, I took and placed it on my aching face.
"Since Vicky rules the clan. But next time please, remember me to not accept something about Vic's sons. I can't handle another beating like today's."
"You're right. And guess what."
"We're going out to celebrate we're still alive."
I raised an eyebrow at him.
"You're kidding, right?"
"Oh c'mon Andy! I wanna go party!"
Sighing in defeat I nodded, making him smile.
"I'll go to ask Emmett and Violet if they would like to come with us. You can go to tell the second clan house."
I saw Charlie how he rose up immediately and started running towards the door. Sighing and chuckling I made my way to the pair's room. Knocking it I was greeted by a rushed guy.
"Oh-Hey Andy. Ehm-Do you need something?"
I narrowed my eyes at him and I saw how he was trying to buttoning his pants.
"Ehm-Okay... This is very awkward so I'll let you continue what you were... ehm-doing."
Half smiling at him I turned on my heels when I felt a strong grip on my arm. Please, I didn't want to know anything!
"Andrea! Sorry! It's just-"
I put a hand in front of his mouth to shout him.
"I don't want to know, trust me when I say it."
He took my hand with his other.
"Andrea, Violet is in heat."
I cocked an eyebrow while looking at him dumbfounded.
"You're kidding right? How on earth a vampire can be on heath?"
He shrugged and let me go. Then we started to whisper.
"I don't fucking know. The only thing I'm conscious of is that she wants to do it all the day. I'm tired as hell, but at least... is worth it."
Giving me a smirk I fake a disgusted face while giggling.
"That's disgusting Emmett! This is why I didn't want to know what was going on! How long is suppose to be this 'heath'? Because I think you will be dead at the end of..."
"It's two weeks. Two. Fucking. Eternally. Weeks."
"I thought you guys liked, you know, do it."
"Yeah but not every single day, at every single hour."
"Wow... I'm pitying you."
He narrowed his eyes at me with a sarcastic face, obviously it wasn't true. Internally I wanted to laugh so hard...
"Hey, at least we won't have little Emmetts running in the house. Will we?"
"Very funny Schiffer. And no, I have the situation under control."
I shrugged and smirked at him.
"Well at least you're intelligent."
I heard him growling at me and I stocked out my tongue. Then is where I heard him chuckling and few second later we found Violet next to him with a blanket covering her body, which surprised both of us.
"Hi Andy! What brings you here?"
"Well I was going to ask you if you want to go with Charlie, me, and other clan's members to Extasy club."
Her eyes shined in seconds and turned to Emmett with a pleading pout in her face.
"Can we go? Please, please, please."
"Sure thing, love."
Smiling brightly she pecked his lips.
"Yay! So see you at...?"
"After dinner, at the usual hour? Charlie and I don't want to eat at the same time as Victor... He could finish what he didn't end before."
Giggling at my worried statement, she hugged Emmett's left arm.
"Today you really pissed him off."
"Yeah, you can totally say it."
"Well see you after dinner then!"
"Okay! See you later guys!"
Once they closed their door I headed towards the kitchen to make me something to eat before the others would come in, meanwhile I got a message from Charlie telling me that he would have dinner at the second clan's house. Smart boy, avoiding the troubles. After eating I found myself in my bathroom. While I was in the shower I dipped in my thoughts.
Seriously now I had a mate? How the hell could it happen? I was supposed to have no one, but still... I felt like I didn't deserve him. One problem was the fact being with someone that I didn't want, he wasn't inside my plans so he only would be a waste of time plus I didn't trust men outside the clan house so there was no way in hell it could happen. But... another part of me was thinking that maybe, just maybe, I would accept him and then he would leave me after telling him my past. Would he be afraid? What would he think of me? Would he still feel the same for me? No! Fuck! Focus Andrea! Finally I let out a sight that I was holding back.
"Why me?"
Once dried my hair and body, I wore on my underwear followed by a black tricot bodysuit, with black leather trousers and my JC black leather stinger creeper shoes. Putting my red African braids into a perfect bun, without applying any make up I took my also black leather street style shearling aviator jacket and made my way downstairs where Emmett, Violet, and Charlie were waiting for me.
"So today is all about black leather? And damn Andrea! Where are you going with that shoes?!"
"Oh shut up, four eyes."
When I heard the tiny laugh of the other girl I turned to look at her. She was wearing blue heels with gold chain, with jeans and a white shirt and a brown coat. Her mate was wearing a beige pants, with a navy blue t-shirt, brown military boots and a dark blue coat.
"You're incredible Andrea! Such a body you have!"
"You're gorgeous too Vivi."
I smiled at her and then raised an eyebrow when I saw Charlie's outfit. Black jeans, shirt, sneakers and coat.
"And then you complain about how I'm dressed. Ma ti sei visto in uno specchio? Are you dressing for mourning, or what?"
(Have you seen yourself in a mirror?)
"Yes and I'm hot, I know it. And no, for what I know no one has died."
"It's, I'm sexy and I know it. And it looks like it."
"Yeah, that too."
He winked at me and I giggled in defeat. What a man.
"Well shall we go?"
"Sure thing, Emmett."
Our village was composed by the clan's houses, with human homes where also lived the members who were parents. The buildings faced a big city square, that was at the right of the main house, around it there were bars, restaurants and other commerces. From the place there was the principal walking street where there was the Elementary school and some shops. Where we were going it was a part of the village that was famous for the restaurants because in the weekend nights, or on special dates, they became nightclubs, so people from the nearly cities and Burlington came in town to enjoy the night.
"Taisia and Agathe are arriving tomorrow! I'm so excited and happy to see them!"
"Not everyone is, Vivi."
"Oh c'mon Charlie! You're still angry because you cannot got into Agathe pants?"
He groaned and I started to laugh, sneaking an arm around his neck.
"So the big Casanova couldn't get his prey."
"Shut up! I'm not angry!"
Holding my laugh I shook my head and mocked him.
"No, you're not."
When Brobro was about to answer me Tyler, Milo and Shona approached us.
"Hey guys! Long time not seen you partying!"
"Hi Milo! Yeah we know... Today we celebrate that we are alive."
I saw the three clan's members of the second house turning at me, the blonde girl reached her hand to my face and gasped at my aching cheekbone.
"Was it Alpha Victor?"
"Yeah, thanks to his beloved children."
"Wow, he really beat your ass."
"You can say it, aloud and clean Tyler."
I almost rolled my eyes because he perfectly knew what Vic was capable of, and always Abello and me were the victims. After few minutes we were already at Extasy club's door waiting for Shona, Milo and me to finish our cigarettes, but turning around I was shocked for what I saw. Violet and Emmett were making out. Passionately. I mean, let me explain. They were hungrily kissing. Or how Charlie would say eating each others mouth. I peeked at my right to see the boys smirking. Oh c'mon such an animals they were.
"Well in fact they are Andy."
"Shona I told you an amount of times to not get inside my head. I have enough with my demons."
She giggled and mouthed me a 'Sorry', when she finished her cigarette she joined her teammates. Then I felt the pervert Italian boy by my side and we started whispering a bit dumbfounded at the sight. Understand us, it was Emmett in front of us. It was like watching your own brother raping the mouth of her girlfriend in front of his family.
"Do you have the necessity to kiss your mate everywhere that hungrily?"
"Are you asking me, who doesn't have a mate? Sometimes I wonder if you really think with that head of yours."
"Oh shut up bitch! I think in a few minutes we will have live porno here..."
I heard him laughing at my 'joke' and punched him lightly on his arm.
"Hey, love birds!"
When I saw Emmett looking a bit shocked at us and Violet blushing badly I almost, I said almost, laugh. I wanted to survive the night so for once I behave.
"Yeah you two! Before you two rape each other I would like you to go home."
"Sure Andrea? You don't mind? I mean I want to party with you but-"
"Enough Vivi, I really don't want to hear what you were going to tell me. You can go, we have all the time of the world next time."
She smiled at me and then winked at her mate seductively, bitting her lower lip.
"So... We will see you tomorrow guys! Thank you!"
Then I saw how the two disappeared at the end of the street, and I swear they were running.
"If to have a mate means to fuck every single minute... I really don't want to have one."
"C'mon Andy get rid of your anti-dick personality, life are two days and if I was you I would be fucking every single minute of my life. So if to have a mate means to get into her pants almost all of the days I would even sign a pact to the evil itself."
Before killing him for what he said I stormed inside the club with Shona, leaving the boys behind. Marco, the manager let us enter without hesitation because his woman was one of our clan's member so he knew who I was and always let us be on the VIP area. We were waiting for the others at the entrance of the main hall, because the girl I dragged asked me to. Puffing with my arms crossing along my chest I saw a group of guys eye raping us.
"Disgusting men."
"Yeah, I don't like their intentions."
"Shona, did you read their-"
"Oh hello there! Such sexy girls we have here."
Before I could end my question, a man bald-headed, maybe, in his thirties, approached us with a smirk on his face. Disgusting humans. I had nothing against them, but I hated the types of 'individuals' who think that could do whatever they want with us.
"Leave us the fuck alone."
"Uh! What a bad temper we have..."
I pushed him because he was invading my vital space, and badly. I didn't like people who went that close to me. Backing away and hitting his friends with his back, he let out a laugh. Seconds after he was taking few steps towards us.
"C'mon little girl don't be like that, we can have our fun, and for your friend there's also one of my group. What do you think kitty?"
Kitty? Kittty?! Okay, calm down Andrea. In that moment my only thought was to literally castrate him with my own hands. Then I felt his hand on my back, I shivered in extreme disgust at his touch but I lost it when his hand travelled down to my bum. I looked at him shocked because he was going to die. Oh hell yes if he was. I prepared myself to punch him but Shona took my hand before colliding with his face and mouthed me a 'No' while shaking her head. She was right, they were humans, so I could have killed them easily. I pushed him as a final warning and he laughed again.
"What happens kitty? Such a feisty girl you are. I hope in bed you're the same."
Okay. I. Was. Fucking. Done. With. His. Bullshit. I turned around to warn Shona about my next actions so before I faced him, I smirked. One second after my punch connected with his nose. Hard enough to let him KO, but not to kill anybody. When his friends saw he wasn't going to wake up they threw themselves at us and we decided to play like innocent girls for not making suspect the other humans. Think about it, if we would start to fight back people would have seen our unnatural strength. Suddenly our boys appeared and started punching the guys back, until both of our group were driven out for the club. Finally my night got better when I heard Tyler laughing. Another jerk, just like Charlie.
"What are you laughing at Tyler?"
"Sorry Shona, but you girls are very strong and you acted like you two were ridiculously weak."
"You were right Andy. Another jerk, just like Charlie."
"Hey, why me? I didn't do anything. Only saving two beautiful girls who, I hope, they will repay back in the most pleasurable way."
"I'll castrate you in the most 'pleasurable way' if you not shut up in this instant."
Charlie blanched at my threat, then I massage my sore cheek.
"I got punched on my cheek just under where Vic hit me before. What a wonderful night seriously. I'll never accept one of you're ideas Abello. Never again."
"Io? E che cazzo ho fatto questa volta scusa?!"
(Me? And what the fuck did I do this time?!)
He asked incredulously and I growled at him for the aching part of my face and my already angry state.
"Okay guys. Before you two start to argue in Italian, why don't we go to the main house and play poker?"
Nodding at the idea of Milo, we headed towards our house.
We arrived at 12:47 am, sitting on the chairs of the dining table I took the game cards while Charlie took a bottle of Jägermeister. God, the day after I would have such a hangover, plus the marks on my face. Time passed by and normally, when I was drunk, even if I wasn't paying attention of the surroundings my senses developed to a much sharper level. So in that moment, exactly at 3:09 am, I was hearing perfectly Vivi's moans from the first floor, thinking that the bedrooms were on the third floor, my mind was screaming to shut them up, but a little part of my body was getting aroused. This was when I decided to go upstairs.
"Andrea! Where are you going!"
They were drunk as shit, just like me, they drunk two or three bottles per head but me? I drank like five or six maybe... You know table games, friends, cigarettes and alcohol are not a good combination... Well at least with MY friends.
"Shut up Charlie! You're fucking hot but damn hell man! I really want to punch you straight on the face to shut you up!"
"That hurt Andy..."
I knew he was pouting but my mission at the moment was another. Reaching the last floor with Shona and Milo hot on my heels, I started to hear Vivi's loud moans. Little big detail... the house walls were very thick so even if you were a normal creature and not a fruit salad like me, you could hear hardly anything, only if the people inside were speaking aloud. Now in front of the two love birds door, drunk as fuck I started to knocking it, well it was better if we say I was punching it, and screaming.
"Emmett! Violet! You're too loud! I'm envious! So just shut the hell up! Will you?!"
Complaining drunkenly at them, I shivered when I didn't hear anything. A chilling silence. Then I heard rushing inside and Emmett cursing at me.
"I'm going to kill her! I swear she won't survive this! I'm going to kill her!"
Before he could open the door and beat me to death I rushed downstairs followed by Shona and Milo. The girl who, I really had to thank for my new bruise, grabbed me by my waistband and missed a step. Result? I did the last flight of stairs rolling down. We both fell on the ground of the first floor, her above me. Milo stopped by half of the steps and Emmett who saw everything went upstairs laughing his ass off. I really groaned in pain.
"Shona. You're heavy... Get up off me."
"Oh c'mon you shouldn't say that to a girl!"
"Get. Up. Off. Me."
She got up from me with Tyler's help, and led her to one of the chairs. Meanwhile Milo helped me too, now I had a sore bum and an aching face. We were sat where everything started, the boys continue to play poker while drinking, Shona fell asleep almost immediately. The last thing I remember was crossing my arms on the table and resting my head on them, welcoming the darkness.
Hey guys!! Here's your update!!! What do you think? I was laughing my ass off when I was writing it! And Andy... Please my baby ahah she's so funny! Poor girl ahaha
Tell me what do you think about this chapter and what you think will happen on the next ones!! Remember to vote, comment, and follow!
Ah! This is why Charlie is shocked about Andy's shoes. I love them! aha
Awaken Demons: Stheno
2015© BecomingApocalypse
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