Chapter V
CHAPTER V: Flirting? You have to be kidding.
I ran upstairs, with the laptop under my left armpit, to Victor's room. I burst in, only to find Genevieve relaxing on the bed touching her belly. Then our eyes met and a little smile formed in her lips.
"Hi Andy, are you sure you want to be here? You'll be late."
She asked with a worried expression. Putting the computer on the bedside table I approached the mattress and took her hand in mine.
"Don't worry, ok? It's not a problem if it's you."
Giving her a smile I helped her to rise up. She waited few seconds before standing up.
"How are you feel Gen? Do you need something?"
She shook her head in response.
"The pain is already gone and I also had my breakfast so don't worry. Instead do your work, I don't want you to be late because of me."
"Okay, I'll go to my room and change, do the same while I start to print the things."
I went to Victor's desk and connected my laptop with the printer. While the files were printing I reached the door.
"I'll be back in a couple of minutes, get dressed so I can escort you to the living room with the other Lunas."
She nodded and I left for my bedroom, it was one room further. Going inside I went directly to my closet room. I decided to wear a white shirt with a black jeans and caramel vintage leather shoes. Then I made myself a French braid.
When I left, I felt so dizzy that I could just fall on the ground. Making my way towards Genevieve, I opened the door and I felt so weak I fell down to my fours and started to sweat cold, I was trembling and I knew I was pale like a corpse. My vision was blurring. I blinked a few times regaining my sight. What the fuck just happened?
"Andrea! Are you okay?!"
Genevieve reached me and helped me to stand up. I was still trembling but I managed to hide it. She already had her own problems I didn't want to cause more than she needed. Taking a deep breath I answered.
"Yeah I'm okay, maybe a low blood sugar..."
"But you're pale! You seem a dead body! Are you sure you're okay?"
"Gen I'm alright, I don't want to worry you. You already have your own problems so don't mind about me. I'll be okay."
Anger crossed her face while she crossed her arms. Good. Now. I. Was. Dead.
"Never again answer me like that! I'm freaking serious when I say I'm worried about you! How can you still push us away? After what we've been through together! I really don't understand you Andrea Schiffer, and I call you this because you're name it's too long to say when I'm scolding you!"
Fuck. She had all the reason of the world. I didn't want to be weak neither a burden to others. Sighing in defeat I looked at her with sorrow. She was right to scolding me. Actually I was still younger and sometimes I needed it.
"Sorry Gen. Sometimes I felt like a burden for you so I act like an asshole."
Smiling at her, she approached me and gave me a tight hug. After those days I needed it.
"You know you can trust us and we will never leave someone weak. But that's not your case. You're a strong, beauty, intelligent and sexy woman. Why someone as awesome and perfect like you should be left behind?"
I looked at my feet. Why? I didn't know. I never cried in front of someone because of my strong nature, but this woman sometimes hit me where it hurt the most.
"I-I don't know."
"Andrea you're thinking too much. Listen to me-" she caressed my face with her soft hands "-we love you and always will."
I nodded and faced the window. All of them helped me so much that I will never be thankful enough. Then I heard her tiny laugh. My surprise expression met hers.
I cocked an eyebrow. She shook her head and smiled softly.
"I was thinking that I will be an expert when it comes to educating my children. Dealing with you day after day I'm sure has taught me something."
Shaking my head I chuckled at her sincerity.
"But now seriously Andy, I'm worried about you. It might be better if after the meeting you go to see the doctor."
"Okay I'll go."
"It's not normal what happened to you so I'll be more peaceful if you go. Ah! And you'll make a good impression if you take away your piercings."
I asked annoyed. She answered by humming and nodding her head simultaneously. I sighed frustrated. While I remove my septum, ear and smiley piercings I controlled the printed files. Only the 9% of the documents were printed. Probably it would take to forty-five minutes to and hour to be finished. I sat on the bed and then throw my back on the soft mattress.
She sat beside me and turned to my body.
"Yes darling?"
"Do you think someday I will find love again?"
"B-But what are you saying? Of course yes! Why do you doubt it?"
Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath I let the flow of my thoughts pass through my mind.
"Sorry Gen... It was a question that you ask because of pure instinct, because you feel like you have to. Never mind... Forget it."
I stood up and reached the laptop, 28% printed. Sighing, I sat on the leather chair and crossing my arms on the desk I rested my head on them. Time flew slowly. Genevieve understood that I wanted to skip what I asked before, so we were chit chatting about minor things. Our talk was interrupted by the sound of the printer informing us that all the files were done. Grabbing all the documents I looked at my clock.
"Holy shit! It's 9:56 am! We have to go!"
Gen stood up in a hurry and started to go to the living room where probably the others Lunas were waiting, quickly I grabbed my computer and the work Victor assigned me to do.
Rushing downstairs I found Charlie in the living room surrounded by Lunas. What a Casanova he was. I laughed internally, you could be with someone or even be mated but the kind of guy you made eye contact with, even if you didn't want to, was him. In fact all the females in there knew him since long time ago, so you put eyes on him nevertheless. He had improved greatly and I could tell you he was a hot guy... and no, he wasn't my type. Genevieve was giggling at the sight, I passed through the crowd and made my way to the only guy present in there.
"Sorry ladies, but this gorgeous man has to come with me at the assembly room, where he's required."
"Andrea! God! How beautiful you are!"
Turning to the source of the voice I recognized who it was.
"Thank you, Luna Maria."
I smiled at her. Why did all the others looked at us in awe?
"And... gorgeous eh Andrea? I'm wondering if you two are a thing."
"What?! No!"
Charlie was laughing his ass off. Was it that fun?
"Okay Lunas, while our beautiful pair is requested by Victor we have to gossip. It's a long time since our last meeting."
I sighed in relief when the others approached our Luna. Charlie and I took the opportunity to go with Vic.
"What asked Victor to you to do?"
"Escort the Lunas inside."
I hummed in response, while we were on our way.
"And Emmett?"
"He helped Victor to welcome the guests and now he's waiting for us at the back door."
Nodding in response I almost had a heart attack when I heard Charlie cursing.
"Cazzo! Siam morti!"
(Fuck! We are death!)
"What the hell? Why are you saying that? Calm down!"
"I can't! It's 10:07 am! We have to hurry up or we will be on today's Alpha's menu!"
"Why are you so late? Victor will have both of your heads!"
Once we reached the back door Emmett scolded us, well mostly murmured.
"It's not our fault I had to take this cretino away! He was flirting with the Lunas!"
We started to whisper because the people inside could hear perfectly. At my excuse he sent a menacing glare to the other boy.
"Are you serious Charlie?"
"What? No. No. It's Andy that see things!"
I raised an eyebrow to him and he fake smiled to calm me down. It worked. Our fake grin was the cutest one.
"Okay, c'mon give me the printed documents. Now... you come with me and you go to Victor. We are very late."
Emmett took the papers, nodding we separated.
"Ci vediam dopo!"
(Se you later!)
➳ Cretino (ITA): Stupid or cretin
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Awaken Demons: Stheno
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