Chapter 1: Prologue
Have you ever wondered if the stories you were told as a little child were true? Have you ever given it a thought?
AS A LITTLE KID, I was told a handful of bullshit stories, but that was what I thought them all to be, stories. But my perception changed when I started to dig the truth about supernatural creatures. In my quest, a lot were revealed to me, then I questioned my own belief, what if all the other stories we were told were all true? The itch to know the truth led me to dig deeper, harder. I sought out for more information from scholars. And do you know what I found? A bunch of other shitty stories told to scare children at night, but those shitty stories were real, what's comforting is that—they used to be real. And so is the story of vampires.
Long ago, before the birth of this new era, humans and other supernatural creatures used to live together but in total disaster. There were a lot of creatures, lots that couldn't make it into a book. Amongst those creatures, a certain cold-blooded tribe stood out, they were called tons of names, from being a bloodsucker, vamp, dracula, lamia, nosferatu, ghoul, monster, undead, bat to a succubus. One particular name stuck, and that was—vampire.
Vampires were known to have pale skin, a rare skin, white as snow, their lips were one of their features that attracted the most attention. Their bloody red lips screamed preternatural beauty. And their eyes, lord! Their crimson red orbs entranced every single person. Only their eyes could see clearly in the dark. Such red irises were rare, in fact, didn't exist until them.
They had the upper hand in every battle, with their swift movements, their ability to blend in the dark and super fast skills. They were immortals, aged thousands of years, they were experienced, cunning, vile and unforgiving. They were very powerful, the most powerful race, but even the strongest of all had a weakness, sunlight. Weird? I know. It is said that just a peak at the sun could burn their flesh, because of this, they sleep during the day and wake at dusk.
But we all know the extinction of werewolves made them the strongest creatures in the universe. Werewolves, the warm-blooded man-wolf beings were their arch nemesis, it was no secret they despised one another. During those times, there weren't a lot of technologies like today, an unknown virus outbreak wiped out the entire were-clan. The end of a regnant specie.
Vampires lusted after humans, mostly, their blood. Nobody knows till this day why they liked human blood better, there have been a lot of speculations though, but none was proven which left us to believe that—they just hated the human race. But, maybe the story of Victoria of Edenbury could prove otherwise. Although, I'd have loved to tell you, but a better story comes from the lips of the protagonist, so, I'll let her tell it.
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