Thank u fr marrying me forcefully!!!!!
avni went to goa fr mishti...n next neil n juhi also went to goa...
in d cassino party juhi was also there disguised!!!!!avni took juhi n mishti along with her n escaped frst.later neil(no fight btween neil n vidyut)vidyut gets to know tht mishti is missing n finds neil talking with caretaker along with mishti n another lady...he says his security to catch them..this was observed by avni n they strt runng frm there,n seurity chases them..they run n run n stop at a point......
A:neil we cant run lyk dis!!we will get caught ..
N:then wat we will do avni?
A:neil i have a plan...see there r soo many ppl we cant fight them back!!!!!we need to split so tht they also get splitted n we can fight them back!!!!so take juhi n mishti n go in dis way n i will go in th......she gets cutts off
N:tht is nt gng to happen in dis life avni....i cant leave u alone!!!u r nt gng to...
A:neil pls listen to me we dnt have another optin!!!!as far as i knw these 2 routes meet again at a point after few tht tym u reach there u can fight these ppl n i ll manage others neil mishti is imp fr us!!
N:avni wat d hell yr u r imp to me equally!!!i cant risk ur life avni pls understand.
A:neil listen if they catch mishti again wat ever we did till now will be waste n juhi also cant come infront of vidyut!!pls we cant waste tym like dis pls neil go!!!
N:avni i cant...
A:neil pls go they r cmng.....
J:neil pls.....they r cmng
N:no avni i cant leave u i cant loose u!!!
J:neil mishti ko dekho,they r cmng leave her!!!
N:juhi how culd u???i cant leave avni alone.....
A:neil pls i ll be ok go take them tht tym they were approaching so unwillingly neil n avni let there hands n ran!!as avni thought they splitted n some went back of neil n some went back of avni....
neil fought all d goons n they were lying down on road.....juhi stopped as she was unable to run
N:juhi we shud go.....
J:neil i cant run anymore......pls do smthng......
N:avni......(neil felt some pain in heart suddenly....)juhi we shud check avni.....
J:neil mishti is very tired we will go avni will be ok pls arrange somethng...mishti is very weak!!!!
N:just shut up can v go leavng avni......if u r tht tired u go by urself!iam nt gng to cme without my avni!!!(just then he got a call frm avni!!!)AV.AVNI..AVNI TUM THEEK HO NA KAHA HO TUM??AVNI???
Person:not avni ACP,vidyut!!!!!!!!!vidyut r...panic rose in his body listening dis!
N:TUM!!!!!!!!!avni???avni kaha he??
V:hahahahaaaaaaahahhhhhhhhhhhhaaaahaaaaaaa.......avni?as far as i know she ananya varma ryt?u wanna talk to ur wife then talk!!!!!!
N:avni???avni tum theek ho na?avni???kaha ho tum avni!!
A:neil me theek hoon,dnt worry tum mishti leke.......she gets cuts of
V:if u take mishti with u n go neil khanna then just frget ur wife!!!she will be nomore........hahahaaaaahahahaaaaaaaa
N:no noooo u wll nt harm her vidyut!!!!wat ever u want i ll give u just just stay away frm her!!i need avni safe....if evn a small scratch on her i am telling u,u will loose ur life!!!!he shouts....
V:hahhhhhahhaaaaaahahaaaaaaaaa ACP!!!!!!y r u warning me?its in ur hands!!u know wat i want acp!!!just give me tht n take ur wife......
A:neil no!!!!!!dnt listen to him!!he cant harm me..take mishti n go away frm here neil.......phhhaaaaaatttttttttttt!!!!!!!she gets a tight,hard slap!!!!!
V;sry ACP!!!!its nt my fault....its ur wife's fault......u know how dangerous n short temepered iam..if she talks lyk tht i cnt cntrl myself frm killing her!!!!SO PLS CAME FAST BEFORE I KILL HER!!!!!
N:avni avni pls stay calm listen u will nt do anythng to instigate him ok!!pls avni just listen to me once....
A:neil ntng will happen to me!!!dnt risk mishti's life neil pls....i will be ok..
V:nt more than an hour ACP!!!!quick!
A:neil no u r nt cmng her mishti is ur daughter neil pls dnt do dis!!
V:wat????mishti is neil's daughter???????WTH!!!!!!!!!!!u bl***y lady.....mishti is my daughter!!!!!!!!
dis statement of vidyut shocks neil n avni.....
A:wat d hell r u telling?if u say tht misti is ur daughter then u think tht we will belive u!!!
N:vidyut wat nonsense??
V:one sec one sec.....ACP who come u became a ACP??u r such a fool neil khanna!!!!haaaahahhhhhhahhahahaaaaaaa mishti is ur daughter!!!ahhahahahahahah o my god neil!!!hahahaaaaa......who said u dis??
V:ohoooooo ACP,u became blind in love tht u belived a false statement of ur gf n sent ur wife to hell!!!!wah neil khanna wah!!!mishti is my daughter ACP,if she is someone else daughter y will i take care of her wasting my money tht too these many ears!fool neil khanna
A:then y did juhi say tht mishti is neil's daughter!!!!!!
V:i dnt know!!!!!!may be to get her love back!!to get her boyfrnd back....any way ACP i wont waste my tym much....get her fast!!!!!if nt forget ur wife.....saying dis he shots a bullet.....
A:neil neil iam fyn.....neil released a sigh.......
N:avni pls be my sake pls be safe avni...a lone tear escaped his eye.....the call got ended,all d convo got in his mind once again.....anger was filled in his each part of body.....
J:shall v go......
N:how could u????????HOW COULD U DO THIS TO ME GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
N:mishti is my daughter??she was silent!!!!just tell me juhi is mishti my daughter????? yes....
N:shut up!!!just shut up!!!!i gt to know everythng juhi fr god sake dnt lie!!!!she is vidyut's daughter ryt!
N:i want d truth juhi....say me yes or know!!!!is she vidyut's daughter....she was silent looking down!!!y?????y did u do dis to me??y did u lie to me juhi???just then mishti got up
M:superman angel????where is angel superman?
N:angel is here only mishi dnt worry...
M:i want t meet angel superman!
N:come we will go
J:neil????u will take her to vidyut again??no neil u cant do this!!u know na how he wil treat mishti.....
N:enough juhi!!!!there avni is in danger.....if i wont take mishti there he may do anythng to my avni!!
J:fr avni will u risk mishti neil?
N:dnt worry juhi we r nt selfish n criminal minded lyk u.....taking mishti there i have to save avni!!!later i ll bring mishti back...
J:no neil pls u cant do dis to me.....i want my daughter neil....
N:i want my wife!!!!!!!i want my avni.......
J:dnt be soo mean neil pls!!!!!
N:wat do u thnk fr saving avni i will risk mishti??hmmmm iam nt such a ill minded person juhi......if i evn do tht my avni will never forgive me..but fr now i shud take her there...he informs goa police n plans somethng leaving to d place.....
within mins he reaches there!!!he runs inside calling avni
A:neil!!!!!!she shouts..
N:avni...he goes there!!!avni u r ok na???r u fyn avni?
V:ohh ACP too fast!well i must say u love ur wife soo much!!!!grt....n i must evn say ur wife is soo brave!!she prroved tht she is a police officer's wife grt!
N:vidyut leave her!!!
V:ohhh mishti!!!!!!!!!!u want to ur angel na!!!come here come here......she hugs neil tight n nods no!!by then goa police reach there n surrounds d goons!!!!ACP u didnt do gd!!!!!
N:u played d game with wrong person VIDYUT R!!!!!n gd news to u!!ur all illegal buissines r ceased n u r under arrest....wat do u think tht u can fool police??may be yes but nt me VIDYUT RAGINI PANDIT!!till now u have seen only goa police but nt mumbai police.n catching my wife is ur grave mistake.....he makes mishti sit on a near by table n goes towards avni n removes d ropes frm her
A:ahhhhh she winces in pain wen a rope gets rubbed on her hand
N:sry sry!!is it paining??she nods no....9he kisses there n she smiles.....she bends on her knees infront of him..they share a cute eye lock...n he grabs her into bone crushing hug!!)iam sry avni!!!!!!!iam so sry.....
A:shhhhhhhh its nt ur fault.........
N:no avni....i cant forgive myself in dis life fr making u suffer dis much....
A:basssssss he broke d hug n cupped her face......
N:r u ok???she nodded..he saw d blood near lips.....(he got up n stood infront of vidyut nxt sec n slapped hard on his face so tht he falled down with a thud!!)this is fr raising ur hand on my wife!!!!inspector arrest him!!!!police took him under their cntrl....he took avni n mishti n came ou frm there n saw dd along with juhi.....
A:dd u here?
DD:sir called me r u?
A:fyn dd.she was abt to go to juhi but neil held her hand,she saw him he nodded no!!!
N:dd book flight fr mumbai....we will tday nyt itself!!!!!
DD:yes sir...tht nyt they went to mumbai back!!!neil said everythng to d fam membs..they were very angry on them n mainly on juhi fr lying!!!!
mrng 3....they went to khanna mansion.....
B:its too late go n take rest we will talk in d morning....
A:bebe pls listen to us
B:no avni wat ever it is just leave fr now.....i said a we will talk in d morning....swetha took mishti with her n juhi went to her room without talking anythng...evn they didnt object her as it was very late(thinking tht its nt d tym to say her to leave d huz)avneil also went to their room....
neil treated avni's wounds.....n they both lied down on bed....avni rested her head on neil's shoulder n he wrapped his arms around her.....
N:its too late avni sleep now!!
A:iam nt feeling sleepy neil!!a tear drop falled on neil making his tee wet!!
N:avni??wat happened??r u crying avni??is it paining?
A:u know nwil wen u said tht u have a daughter with juhi my heart was shattered into pieces!!!i...i..thought tht.....u....u...will...le..
N:shhhhhh pls avni dnt say tht!i cant listen tht frm u..iam feeling guilty fr letting u go through soo much pain....i know avni fr any one its n at all easy to accept a child frm past relation but u did tht hiding ur pain in ur heart..i feel ashamed of myself fr nt being there fr u....iam soo sry avni..iam so sry..
A:no neil,its nt ur fault!pls dnt be sry...i know ur pain knowing tht mishti is nt ur daughter u may have mixed emotions in u...i can understand ur feeling neil!n iam there fr share r pain.....
N:no avni!!enough is enough...v suffered soo much bcz of its high tym...i wont allow her to come into our lives anymore...i wont let u go through any sort of pain frm now on.....i promise avni.frm now on we will live our happy married lfe to d fullest...till now frm our marriage i didnt give any kind of happiness.....this ny is gng to take all d darkness frm our lives..we will wake up with a new life with new day tomorrow.....he snuggles into her n they dozzed off!
Juhi stood in front of everyone...all were shooting death glares to her but Neil didn't even spare a glance at her!!
Avni went to her n stood before her
A:y did you do dis to him juhi??y did u punish him fr loving u??do u even know d pain u gave him by lying abt mishti!!do u even know how happy Neil was seeing mishti"his daughter'"?he risked his life to save her!!I understand u want ur daughter back but u even can say the d truth...u loved him ryt!!u didn't believe him??if u even say d truth also he would have saved mishti bcz he is a pure soul juhi..he would have helped being a friend n more to that he is a police officer..ACP who won't even think of himself fr saving d innocent!!u literally punished him fr loving you juhi!!
J:shut up!!!just shut up..she shouted startling!! enough avni enough!!u said so much till now..who d hell r u to tell me ha? wat ryt do u have to question me??fyn u asked me na u asked me y I did dis ryt??then listen...d answer is u!! it's all bcz of yo.....
V:shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!enough juhi!!(it was Neil).how dare u??how dare you raise ur voice against her??wat did you ask?who d hell is she to raise a question against u??of course she has d ryt to ask u n u have to answer her!!she has all d ryt's on me n on dis house....let me be frank fr a sec juhi,d piece of land which is under ur feet is her's...she has all d ryt's to question u bcz she is d one who faced Soo much bcz of u n ur bloody lie!!ok if she dnt has any ryt thn i had it ryt??then let me ask u y did u do this to me??y did u stoop soo low??
J:y neil??y shud i suffer?y did u change dis much??r u y neil??r u d one who loved d most,who promised me to stay with me throughout d life,to be myside fr nxt 7 births even??wat was my mistake tht i need to take all these??fr wat reason iam getting dis punishment?i love u neil!!!i love u with all my heart n soul!!evn in these 5 yrs my love fr u was nt evn reduced a bit....all i dreamt is abt u n me!we were together in each n every dream of mine...evn u dreamt a life with me na neil...d promises we made fr each ther,d love we had fr each other,d memories we shared,d nights we spent together,d days we hanged out together,d surprises we have fr each other all were smashed bcz of tht RP!!a girl who loved her life partner lost herself fr a crimanl n d result??an illegitimate daughter."MISHTI"do u evn know d pain i have gne through these 5 yrs neil??n now u r saying tht she is d one who suffered bcz of me!!if she is nt in ur life thn my life wont be lyk dis na neil....may be evn tday u may have feelings fr me.....all these 5 yrs i was waiting fr u....tht u will definetly find me u will take me with u.....but u have moved on.....i lost my parents in my childhood but wen i found u n ur family i thought tht i gt my family back.d love swetha aunty n prakash uncle showed me was nt less than d love showed by my parents.....y neil y my fate was dis brutal??y our lives were turned upside down?y destiny played dis wicked games with us??y r v nt together tday?y didnt u wait fr me neil???y??she broke down saying dis!!!alld memories neil spent with juhi n their happy moments surfaced before him n fr few mins he again went back to his past becoming neil' juhi!!seeing her breaking lyk tht he also had once again gone through d all d pain he had in his heart in past......he took her into a bear hug fr consoling her as well as his heart(i am nt supporting juhi but just d pain n her feelings were considered...wat evr happened to her was also nt gd...dnt hate me fr dis be mentioned i also hate juhi fr lying n fr turning negative against avni)n these broke avni's heart more.....seeing her husband in his x gf's embrace tht to who cheated him killed her to d core....
N:iam sry juhi!!!iam soo sry....iam d reason fr ur pain...its all bcz of me!!i have failed to protect u as ur lover iam sry juhi.....pls forgive me,pls!!!!!
J:i love u neil!!
N:i love u toooo(he said it in trance,as i said before he became juhi's neil,he was fixed in his past)thts it fr avni!she went numb...her heart stopped beating......her ears n all other organs stopped functioning.all d family membs looked at her with tears.....neela maa felt shattered seeing her daughter lyk a statue......d world infront of her was nothing fr her now.....she was in a trance...d moment she proposed neil n he saying i love u flashed before her eyes but tht felt meaningless to her!!!swetha came to her support seeing her condition!!but nothing made her better....d neil who took her side a few mins ago was standing infront of her hugging his x girlfriend saying i love u!!each passing minute worsened her condition.....she came into her senses seeing neela approchinf neil
Neela:neil u love juhi?
N:yes more than myself!!!
avni had no medicine can treat her wounds!just then realization hit him n his eyes widened in realization....he immediately broke d hug n shoved her away,mumbling iam sry....sry i...i.....saying dis he looked at neela who is looking at her daughter....another reality hit him n he know d depth of d mistake he committed just now!! he looked at her,his life standing lifeless at a distance looking down...he know he lost all d ryt's on her.each step towards her was very heavy.he stood before her,he cupped her face.......but o his utter shock there was nt evn a single strain of a tear drop on her cheeks.....bcz evn her eyes didnt function letting d tears rolled down on her cheeks..all d tears in her heart became a ice throwing so much of weight on her heart pieces..tht god didnt have a pounce of mercy on her...
N:avni........let me explain pl...he gets cut off by her.
A:pls neil!!!pls dnt say anythng....i had enough,tht i cant bear anymore!!!i cant take anymore....d guilt of destroying ur life by marrying u forcefully without ur concern is already killing me n my soul!!!i understood tht iam d soul reason fr ur's n juhi pain..i cant bear if i hear tht frm ur mouth!i understood tht iam d reason u lost ur love,happiness n peace in ur life!!i understood tht iam d reason u hid ur feelings fr juhi in ur heart n forced urself to move in life..she held her hands infront of him.......iam sry neil..iam sry fr everythng!sry fr cmng into ur life frcefuly!!sry fr marrying u frcefully n being a burden on u..till now i thouht tht saving juhi fr rangmahal is my responsbility being ur wife,but i understood tht it's a compensation of my mistake......u r such a true soul neil!!even though i destroyed ur life by marrying u fr my own selfish reasons u took a gd care of me n fulfilled my responsibilities by arresting dm n avenging my ayesha maa n ashish mehta's death!!n fr compensating my mistakes i brought ur frst love back to u...cherish ur life frm now on,n remember one thing neil being a true friend of urs i will always be there fr help u!ok??saying dis she went to prakash swetha bebe n took their 1 understod wat she was upto...evn though neela understood she didnt have a reason to stop her!!!!all dis while neil was dumbstruck listening to avni
neil pov:
avni????u understood me lyk dis?u are feeling tht u r a burden on me?wat all d nonsense u r talking avni??i just wanna slap u!slap u fr talking all d could u say tht u destroyed my life by marrying me avni?how could u say tht u have compensated fr ur mistake??i know i comitted a grave mistake now,but i didnt mean a single alphabet wat i said now...i said it all in a trance n iknow evn though it was all meaningless but fr its too much to bear......i understand ur feelings avni.....wat u r gng throuh now i can see it in ur eyes.....
pov end...
she was abt to leave d house but neil caught her hand in nick tym!
N:i know wat u r thinking now..i know i did a mistake,n u r punshing me fr my mistake leaving me all alone....i did a mistake tht u can nvr evr frgive me n evn i myself cant frgive me but pls fr gd sake avni frgive me avni......if u feel tht u r tht debted to me then pay ur debt by staying with me all d life...u said na as a frnd u will always help me??then help e by giving a small space in ur life as a husband.....if u feel tht u destroyed my life by marrying me frcefully then compensate to it by being my wife all through d life holding my hand n supporting me through d thick n thin as u did till now....i regret wat i did few mins before n wat i said ht i love juhi was a grave mistake which came out of my mouth in a trance but...........(all went numb wen he kissed avni's lips infront of every1)i dont regret dis!!!!it was nt at all a mistake...n i mean it......tht day i said u n evn tday iam saying again!!I LOVE U........I LOVE U JUST D WAY U R MRS AVNI NEIL KHANNA.........I LOVE U FRM D BOTTOM OF MY HEART AVNI.....N THESE IAM SAYING TO U WEN IAM IN MY FULL SENSES N I MEAN THEM...ITS NT A MISTAKE...(he goes on his knees infront of her holding his hands)wat evr i did was a blunder n iam feeling ashamed of myself fr tht...will u pls forgive me avni??will u pls accept me after wat i did with r pure heart?i know u married me without my concern n my permission but i thank u fr doing tht...u r a guardian angel in my life avni....i dnt know wat my life would be without u but iam pretty sure tht it wont be as beautiful as it is now...iam ready to face dis world withu avni n iam ready to face evn tht death holding ur hand....u r nt d reason fr my pain avni,u r d medicine fr my pain....u r nt d reason bcz of whom i lost my frst love avni,u r d reason bcz of whom i understood d meaning of true love n u r my true love.u r d 1 who brought d happiness n peace back into my life which was long lost 6 yrs ago.u didnt force me to move on in my life avni,u helped me to move on...d wish n eagerness to see n live a happy future with u in my life forced me to move on...thank u soo much avni,thank u fr everythng..thank u fr cmng into my life forcefully,thank u fr marrying me frcefully...thank u fr being a burden which i want to bear all through d life.i want to cherish my life with u avni...n remember 1 thng..being d true love of urs iam here fr u to face all ur problems,i promise tht until iam alive i will safeguard u frm all d problems...frm now on this neil khanna will live only fr his family n his wife MRS AVNI NEIL KHANNA......he gets up n goes towards neela maa.....iam sry neela maa i know hurted u soo much....but i promise i will nvr let u feel tht ur desicion of getting me n avni married is wrong.....i dnt let u regret ur be frank neela maa tht day if u didnt make tht desicion then tday mi life would be a meaningless one.ur desicion added colors to my life n tday i feel tht dis life is worth living.....all because of her...(showing avni)my love,my life,my pride,my happiness,my wife,my AVNI....she is d whole n soul reaon fr my existence..n i mean it!!!!!.(neela smiles in assurance n then he goes to avni)did i get my forgiveness?
she claims his lips n d rest leave d place to give tham d space blushing n smilimg ear to ear.....they b reak d kiss after 10 mins laging oxygen
A:am i clear with my answer?she says blushing....
N:more than clear....thank you love!!!saying dis he seal their lips again.....tears rolled down in their eyes...they deepened d kiss as they were fighting with their own emotions....him feeling guilty fr hurting her n she releasing d pain n burden in her heart......after few mins avni was settked down,but neil was still crying,now nt fr hurting her but d fear of loosing her was cmng in d form of tears uncontrolablly!!!avni stopped kissing seeing neil's dis condition bu he was kissing her vigorously....
A:neil?????(still attaching her lips with his his)
N:shhhhhh let me avni plsssss........(still kissing)she understood tht he was feeling soo low n didnt stop him evn though he was hurting her by biting her lips......thts d meaning of true love!!!!!it was lyk he was removing all his pain,guilt,emotions in tht kiss......seeing tht she is nt responding,kiss me back avnipls respond....she reciprocated n they were living d moment to d fullest!!!
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