An hall was decorated beautiful for Ali son's birthday party. A lady holding her stomach carefully instructs people who was in charge of food.
A hand encircled around her waist. She leaned back to recognising the touch and smiles before tilting her head behind to see her husband.
Lady : Ali everything is done.
Ali smiles and pecks her forehead side away.
Ali : I can see that but why are you troubling yourself and my princess?
Lady : sorry but I had to check food for the guests so there is no chance of them complaining. Where is manav?
Ali : I have just put him to sleep. He is very tired after running around.
Lady : is Bebe, swetha auntie and Prakash uncle coming?
Ali : Riya they are coming but I don't know about Neil. I think he is still on his business trip. I miss him,
Riya : i can speak to Neil. Manav will be glad to see Neil. He is pretty close to Neil after you.
Ali nodded his head. Ali taking his phone out passes to Riya before leaving as someone called him from back.
Riya dialled Neil's number.
In khanna mansion.
Neil's phone rang breaking Avnesh sleep. He rubbing his eyes looks at the phone which was ringing. He then looks back to bed to see Neil sleeping. He didn't find avni on the bed so he assume she was freshening up.
He laid back on bed and snuggles to Neil. He with his fingers start brushing against Neil's chest trying to wake him up. Neil was a very light sleeper so he open his eyes and saw Avnesh widely smiling at him.
Neil kissed his forehead and heard his phone ringing. Neil stretching his hand got hold of his phone and frowned seeing Ali's name flashing.
He nevertheless picks the call up patting Avnesh head who slept again snuggling to Neil.
Neil : hello Ali!
Riya : hello Neil, Riya here.
Neil : Riya! Isn't this Ali's phone?
Riya : Neil don't forget Ali is my husband.
Neil : yeah whatever, what made you call me?
Riya : Neil I know whatever happened 10 years ago you haven't still forgotten them yet. Neil tomorrow is manav's birthday. He is really attached to you after Ali. Please try to come with everyone. He would love to see you there.
Neil thought for a moment.
Neil : okay fine, I'll come there. For manav sake I'll be there.
Riya : thank you so much Neil! I'll see you there.
Neil ended the call and looks up to see avni staring him. He kept the phone back on side table.
Neil : when did you wake up?
Avni : an hour ago! I couldn't sleep!
Neil nodded his head then looks at Avnesh who was till asleep with his mouth little widen open. Neil carefully got out of Avnesh hold and covering him with duvet walks behind avni who was getting ready.
Neil encircles his arms around Avni's waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.
Neil : Riya called! She wants me to be there.
Avni : you should go there Neil.
Neil : I don't want to leave you both.
Avni : we will be fine Neil. You should go.
Neil : you think so I should go there?
Avni nodded her head picking bangles up and wearing them on her both wrist.
Neil : I'll fresh up then! You wake Avnesh up!
Avni nodded her head! Neil pecking Avni's forehead left to fresh up whereas Avni walks to bed starts waking up Avnesh who pulled comforter over him to sleep again.
Avni pulls the comforter down from Avnesh's body and starts ruffling his hair softly.
Avni: wake up my bacha. Wake up!
Avnesh opens his eyes and widely smiled seeing avni. He threw his arms around Avni's neck and hugged her lifting his body up from the bed.
Avnesh : good morning mamma!
Avni : good morning bacha!
Avni broke hug and kissed Avnesh's forehead. Avni got down the bed and picks Avnesh up in her arms before walking to Avnesh room.
Avni puts Avnesh down.
Avni: go fresh up! Call me after you brush! Okay!
Avnesh nodding his head went to Washroom whereas avni went to Avnesh's closet and picked clothes out from the cupboard. She placed it on bed and sat on bed till Avnesh calls her.
Avni walks to washroom once Avnesh calls her for bath.
Avnesh holding Avni's hand walks down the stairs.. they both walked down to dinning table and saw everyone sitting and having breakfast.
Avnesh seeing everyone ran leaving avni by the step and wished them good morning sat next to Neil who pecking his forehead wished him good morning.
Neil starts feeding Avnesh from his plate meanwhile avni made her way to them and wished them good morning.
She sat next to Avnesh and starts having her food.
In vidyut mansion.
Vidyut fills his gun up and starts firing on the wall in front of him making all his workers jump on their spots... vidyut fired few more times then turns his head to his workers standing in fears. He smirks while walking back to his chair and sitting down.
Vidyut : I want you all to destroy Neil Khanna's family like this. Tomorrow day is not waste but to be productive. By any cost I want their bodies lying in front of my door step. Did I make myself clear. There should no mistake in tomorrow's party! Misti will come with one of you but make sure she doesn't come near you guys in the party. I will be watching you all. One mistake then know what will happen to your body.
Vidyut took his gun and makes his way to misti room. He brags in and saw misti weeping down while hugging herself. He shook his head and yelled at her.
Vidyut : unless child can you stop crying.
Misti snaps her head up and looks at vidyut whose eyes were red shotted like he was ready to kill her anytime.
Vidyut: do you remember tomorrow's plan? Don't you dare act smart over there. My eyes were watching you only there. Every action you take I'll be watching you. You can't fool me this time useless child.
Vidyut giving his dangerous glare left the room leaving misti terrified in the room.
Tomorrow was going to win of someone but who then will decided tomorrow.
In khanna mansion Neil was working on his laptop and next to him Avnesh was playing some games on Neil's phone. Avnesh in between kept glancing Neil which didn't go unnoticed by Neil himself. Neil finally sighing himself kept the laptop on the table and scooped Avnesh onto his lap making Avnesh look at him.
Neil : why are you glancing at me like some creep?
Avnesh : I wasn't glancing at you like any creep papa?
Neil : is that so?
Neil took his phone off Avnesh and starts ticking Avnesh which filled their room with laughter of both son and father.
Avnesh : papa..... don't.... tickle.... me.... papa... no..... no....
He spoke in between controlling his laugh. Neil faintly stops and looks at Avnesh who tried controlling his laugh.
Neil : will you lie to me again?
Avnesh : how did you know I was lying?
Neil : I am your best friend Avnesh before being your father. Did you forget that?
Avnesh shook his head as no.
Neil : now tell what's the matter?
Avnesh : I heard Dadi saying that you all are going to party tomorrow leaving me and mamma at home. Why is that so? Why can't we come along with you guys?
Neil looks at Avnesh first before answering his question.
Neil : you want to come with me to the party?
Avnesh bobbed his head making Neil smile.
Neil : is that all you want? You can come with me. Okay!
Avnesh : even mamma will come with us?
Neil : mamma can't come because she has some work at home. Next time we will take mamma with us. Okay!
Avnesh nodded his head agreeing to Neil. Neil pecking his forehead picks Avnesh up and starts walking to bed.
He puts Avnesh on bed and pulls comforter over him. Neil kissed Avnesh forehead.
Neil : goodnight my boy! Sleep tight.
Avnesh: goodnight papa!
Neil smiles and sat next to Avnesh who has slept hugging his waist. Neil took his phone to see message from unknown number. He very well whose number this was. Neil kept the phone back on side table and looks up to see avni closing their room door.
Avni comes to bed and sat down other side of bed looking at Avnesh sleeping.
Avni : he slept this early!
Neil : tired he was playing whole day.
Avni nodded her head.
Neil : avni! Avnesh is coming with me tomorrow to the party.
Avni : why? Him? Neil it can be risky taking him with you.
Neil : I know avni but I can't refuse Avnesh too. He wants to come with me.
Avni : will it be safe taking him with you?
Neil : I won't lie.. it won't be safe but I'll protect him avni. He will stay with me all the time.
Avni : I trust you Neil. I just don't him get hurt because us.
Neil : he won't avni. You should sleep. You also look very tired.
Avni nodded her head and wishing a goodnight to Neil slept hugging Avnesh whereas Neil stayed awake and thought about tomorrow till his eyes gave up. He also slept in sitting position.
Next day khanna family was all set to leave for the party to Ali's mansion.Avnesh wore matching suit as Neil. They both looked so lookalike. Neil brushed Avnesh hair lightly and looks at avni who was adoring both men's of hers.
Neil kept Avnesh down and cupping Avni's face pecked her forehead.
Neil : take care of yourself. Keep calling me in between. I want you to safe in my absence. Okay!
Avni: I'll! You too take care of yourself and Avnesh. Enjoy there.
Neil pecking her forehead last time picks Avnesh in his arms and made his way out to the mansion. He puts Avnesh on passenger seat and got himself on the driver seat.
He starts driving while Avnesh waved bye to Avni who did the same.
At the venue most guest has starts arriving and wishing manav happy birthday. The little boy standing next to Ali thanked everyone and took the gift off them as he received.
Riya fluttering her baby bump walks to them and pecks manav's forehead.
Riya : happy birthday my boy! I have someone special coming to see you.
Manav: Neil chachu? When is he coming?
Riya : wow you guessed so correct! He should be coming soon.
Manav : mamma can I go and join other children?
Riya nodded her head. As manav left Ali wraps his one hand around her shoulder.
Ali: I hope you didn't force him to come. You know he still doesn't like family meeting.
Riya : why do you think I would have forced him to come? He is coming with his own will. Okay Ali!
Ali tried saying something but stopped as he heads Prakash from behind. They both turned around and saw khanna family coming but looked at each other when they didn't seen Neil coming.
Ali and Riya welcomed them in with hugs.
Ali : Bebe didn't Neil come?
Bebe : he is coming.
Ali: manav is inside. Come in!
Khanna family comes inside and looks around. Riya called for manav who ran to see khanna family. He hugged them abs in return they wished him happy birthday.
Manav : thank you! But where is chachu?
They looked at manav to answer but a voice caught their attention which came from behind. Manav turns his head around and saw Neil coming in holding Avnesh hold. Ali and Riya stares Neil shockingly seeing Neil coming with a unknown child.
Neil comes to manav and bends down to his knees still holding onto Avnesh hand in his.
Neil : happy birthday manav. Look what I have brought for you?
Manav: thank you chachu! Who is he? I have never seen him with you.
Neil : he is my best friend. Now you can be his friend.
Manav : really! You brought a friend for me!
Neil bobbed his head and looks at Avnesh who was burning in jealousy seeing his father bonding so well with this boy. Neil chuckles before calling Avnesh.
Neil : Avnesh this is my friend's son manav. I want you both to be friends. Okay!
Avnesh looks at Neil then at manav who was smiling at him. Avnesh obeying his father words forward his hand for handshake to manav.
Avnesh : Avnesh, friends!
Manav : friends. Manav!
Avnesh passed him fake smile before clinging to Neil. Neil passing small smile to Riya and Ali picks Avnesh up in his arms and starts walking in.
Neil with Avnesh walks to corner of the hall where all the other children was playing around. He puts Avnesh down and cups his face.
Neil : enjoy yourself my boy. I will be just behind you.
Avnesh nodded his head went to with manav though he didn't like manav much.
Neil took sit on table and kept tab around the hall especially on few people who he had some suspects since he has arrived.
Neil order a drink for himself and starts sipping with his eyes gazed on Avnesh who was trying to jell with other children.
Neil turns his head to his left side and saw Ali sitting there.
Ali : Neil who is he?
Neil : that's not your concern Ali?
Ali : really Neil! He isn't my concern! How could you hide from me? You have a son.
Neil's eyes widen hearing Ali. He almost chocked. Ali patted Neil's back to calm him down.
Ali : why did you hide this from me Neil? If he is your son, doesn't it mean you have moved on from avni?
Neil: Ali mind your business!
Ali : i won't Neil when my avni is concerned here. You always claimed to love her. Right, then how could you do this? How could you cheat her with someone else?
Neil tried controlling himself not snap at Ali.
Neil : Ali I am telling you last time keep your mouth shut.
Ali : tell me the truth Neil then probably I would shut up myself.
Neil gripping Ali's hand dragged him outside of the venue and explained what he has been hiding all over the years.
Ali's eyes teary up realising his childhood friend avni is alive and had a son too. His happiness had no bound. He immediately hugged Neil and cried his heart out.
Neil broke hug and looks at Ali.
Neil : stop crying like a baby Ali. It doesn't suit you. This should be secret between us only. You won't share it to Riya,
Ali : I won't but when can I meet her?
Neil : not till he is in jail. I am not going to risk their lives again.
Ali bobbing his head wipes his tears before coming back to the venue with Neil. They both walked inside without failing someone has heard their conversation and has reported to their boss immediately.
Everyone was enjoying the party when Ali announced the cake cutting time. Ali passed the knife to manav and held his hand along with Riya. Manav wished something before cutting the cake meanwhile everyone sang happy birthday song to manav.
Manav fed the cake to his parents first followed by Neil and Avnesh. He then fed khanna family.
As the music blasted Avnesh walks to Neil who was talking to one the guest. He tugged Neil's pant gaining his attention. Neil turning around looks down to Avnesh. Neil got himself down on his knees and cups Avnesh face.
Neil : wanna grab something to drink or eat?
Avnesh : no! I want to use washroom but can't find it.
Neil smiles and getting up holds Avnesh's hand. Neil excusing himself from the man who he was talking earlier made his way to washroom.
Neil : I'll be right here for you. Go!
Avnesh ran to washroom. Neil kept his hands in his pocket and looked around when his phone rang. He took his phone out and saw avni calling him.
Neil picks it up but couldn't hear anything. He moved other side of the hall way and tried getting the network on his phone. He starts walking out not realising leaving Avnesh alone in the washroom.
Neil still couldn't find the network on his phone. He ended the call and went back near the washroom. He waits there for minutes till he felt something in his heart. He thought to check as it won't take someone to use washroom for that long. Neil enters and found it empty. His heart pounded thinking his thoughts were coming true. Neil ruffling his hair turns back to leave but stopped at the door as his eyes fell on the floor. He bends down and picks it up to see Avnesh small watch.
His eyes boiled in anger. Neil without wasting any time rushed out of the washroom taking his phone out and dialling few people's numbers.
Neil also called Avni but her phone was suddenly switched off making him more tense and worried. He got into the hall and saw everyone enjoying. He found Ali and Prakash talking to each other.
He went to them and whispering something to them left the venue.
Neil settling himself in his car dialled a other number luckily someone picked the call up.
Neil : Neil khanna speaking. Where is she?
Person : Neil what's wrong? You sound worried.
Neil : ranveer where is Neela maa?
Ranveer : Neil she is with us..
Neil : where are you exact?
Ranveer : ishani and Neela maa wanted to go shopping so we are at nearby our place. What's wrong?
Neil : ranveer listen to me carefully. Drop the shopping and get back inside the house. Don't leave till I say so, did you get it?
Ranveer : you're scaring me now.
Neil : ranveer do it quick before they get you all.
Ranveer immediately understood what Neil was trying to say. He ending the call went to search for ishani and Neela.
Meanwhile Neil drove to khanna mansion in full speed. In short time he reached there. He didn't bother parking the car and went inside to see everything messed up. Neil held his head and yelled top of voice.
He gathering himself starts walking back to his car.
Neil driving speedily made fews phone calls.
Whereas someone who was keeping eye on Neil took phone out and called the boss.
Back in the venue Ali and Prakash made an announcement that party was over. Guest after having their food starts leaving wishing manav happy birthday. Only it was only family where Prakash and Ali looking at each other told news that shocked everyone there expect manav who wasn't aware of anything. Ali requested Riya to take manav up.
Swetha and Bebe stared both men's before shedding some tears.
Three hours later Neil took a sigh and looked to his side to see ranveer rubbing his nape furiously.
Neil : ready to take some action.
Ranveer : I am Neil but how will we do it alone? Where the hell is your team?
Neil : I can't wait for them ranveer. I can't waste any second. I want my family to be safe. Did you get that?
Ranveer nodding his head sneaked his hand into his pocket and pulled the gun out.
Neil : enter from back ranveer... dd should be joining us shortly.
Ranveer nodding his head starts moving to back side of the mansion whereas Neil taking his gun moves to front of mansion to see any guard.
Neil moving to front of the mansion noticed few guards. Neil got alerted and took a minute how to distract the guards.
Neil aimed his gun and fired up in the sky making guards alert about the shot. As the guards rushed to see who might have attacked them Neil took this as opportunity and sneaked in the mansion from front.
He was alerted as he walked cross down the corridor. He stopped walking as he heard some voices other side of the particular room.
Neil putting his gun in his pocket got closer to the door and tried listening to the voice. He could clearly few men's talking. Neil holding the door handle pushed it and got inside making all the men's shock and stare at Neil.
Neil took his gun out and aimed at those men's who was staring Neil with shocked expression on their faces.
Neil : hands up!
Those men's looks at Neil before putting their hands up.
Neil : where is he? Where is vidyut?
The men's just looked at Neil not bothering to answer Neil when a voice came from behind.
Voice : I never knew Neil khanna was so eager to see me. Wow!
Neil clenching his jaw and his left hand turns to see vidyut smirking at Neil. Vidyut gesturing his men's to leave who instantly left the room leaving both of them alone.
Vidyut : Neil khanna! How have you been? I have missed you so much. How are you dealing losing your wife? I feel so pity on you. She died in front of your eyes but you couldn't save her like a saviour as always.
Neil with his one hand held vidyut collars.
Neil : I don't need person like you pitying on my life. Where the hall have you left them?
Vidyut : what are you talking about Neil Khanna? Oh you mean your wife who was died for whole world sudden come back as alive or should say your mother- in- law or should I repeat your only son?
Neil left his collar.
Neil : where have you kept them?
Vidyut : you thought you can fool me Neil khanna. It wasn't easy to find your real truth. I Must say well played but at the end I'll win the game played by you. Avni will be mine. Trust me on that.
Vidyut smirks and patting Neil's shoulder left from there whereas Neil kicked his foot in the air before taking small deep breath..
Neil knew his family was kept here somewhere in this mansion. He just had to find them. He wasn't going to fall into vidyut trap.
Neil starts walking in the corridor when he bumped with someone. He fall on the floor and looks at the person who he bumped with.
Neil stares the person and unknowingly tears made down his eyes. He muttered.
Neil : misti!
Misti shoving her tears back helped Neil get up and holding his hand drags him to her room. As they came inside she hugged and cried. Neil also sobbed with her. They broke hug.
Neil : I thought..... you.....
Misti : I didn't die superman.. I was kept here... when you guys found in the house you all thought I was died but I was still breathing.. vidyut found out and had some other plan.. so when you guys grieving over angel death vidyut took me with him and replaced someone's body on the stretcher and you guys assumed it was me.
Neil : I'm so sorry misti.. I never knew... I'm sorry..
Misti : it's okay. This is my fate.. I know where angel and others are kept.. I'll take you there.
Neil : you will!
Misti nodded her head and escorted Neil to the place where avni and others were kept. It was secret pathway leading to underground room. Which was connected to misti's room.
Neil followed misti and darkness hollowed his vision. Neil could hear someone speaking and sobbing.
They finally stopped and saw vidyut sitting in front with few of his men's behind him. They couldn't see who were in front of him but they knew it was avni and others.
Neil tilted his head got shocked founding ranveer with them.
Neil comes back reality as he heard misti winching in pain. He looks side away and saw one of vidyut men grasping misti hair and dragging her to vidyut. Misti was thrown on the floor near to vidyut foot.
Vidyut holds misti up.
Vidyut : I knew it from start you were traitor. I knew it. You always belonged where your mother lived. I wish that day I didn't save you. You will pay for this misti.
He grasped her hair before pushing her to the floor where she landed near others who was unconscious sitting.
Vidyut : Neil khanna hence you have found your family..let the battle begin. Give me avni and I'll free others. I don't want anyone expect my avni. Make the deal wisely.
( I'm not going to drag how Neil saved everyone from vidyut and how vidyut was arrested)
Vidyut was arrested by Neil with accusations up kidnapping Neil's family, attempt murder planned, abusing a child and threatening avni. Vidyut was given life sentences in the jail.
Neil safely took his family out of the place and misti was with them too..
Everyone were sitting khanna mansion and looking at Neil for the explanations indulging neela, ishani and ranveer. Children were playing in Neil's room.
Neil : I going to explain in short. The day we had party for avni I knew vidyut won't stay calm till he does something. I had doubt.. that doubt was true when he sneaked to the mansion and killed Neela maa. Neela was shot. We did take her to hospital but I knew something was fishy... so I spoke to doctor and declared to everyone Neela was no more.. Neela maa I knew about my plan. She was ready for it too. We had to replace Neela maa body with different body. Neela maa underground till I had to found out vidyut was up to. Few days later I thought to tell avni everything as I couldn't see her crying. As I told her she was shocked and broken.. she also knew I had some reasons.. the day I told vidyut started his plan... he called avni...he threatened her.. she did come home and told me this.. at the same time ballu was ready to give all the proof against vidyut but unfortunately vidyut killed him.. that was when I planned all these. Avni gave her support.. as vidyut plan she went to vidyut house dressed as his bride... I was right behind her in my car and guiding her through Bluetooth... everything was going according to plan but I never knew what vidyut did... he pushed avni as I heard her scream.. as I got down the car the place was caught in mansion.... I tried saving avni and misti as misti was with avni too.. avni had life save jacket for both of them... avni managed to get out the place safely with misti... misti was right behind her.. but don't know how misti went back inside the mansion.., we don't know till today.. when misti told me.. I was shocked she went to get Avni's nuptial chain that hanged on the door.... that was when I managed to get inside.... the rest is history what happened there you all...
Neil : few months later I shifted avni to other country where no one can find same with Neela maa.. though she stayed in India but was underground... it wasn't even month when Avni moved to Australia when we found out she was pregnant with Avnesh.... that was moment where I knew I had to save them.. That moment I thought I had to be in Australia... this is how my withdrawn myself from you all and travelled around the world according to you all.. this was what I have hid from you guys..
Neil looks at everyone who was crying remembering those 10 years memory.... Neil looks at avni who was hugging Neela and crying..
A month later Neil rubbed Avni's back as she thrown up whatever she had last night.
Neil brings her back to room and placed a kiss on her forehead.
Neil : are you sure you don't want to see a doctor?
Avni nodded her head.
Neil : avni I think you should.. you have been throwing from last few days.. I can call a doctor at home to check on you.
Avni : Neil.. I'm fine..
Neil shook his head as he heard Avni's saying she is fine.
Neil : I am calling a doctor today. I am not going to hear you today.
Avni tried to protest but before that she rushed to washroom and thrown up again. Neil went behind her and rubbed her back lightly.
In the afternoon avni sat in room and recalling the doctor's word. She was in her thoughts didn't realise when Neil walks in the room.
Neil sat next to her.
Neil : how are you feeling now?
Avni got startled hearing Neil.
Neil : sorry , did I scare you?
Avni : no, you didn't! I'm feeling better now.. Neil I have to tell you something..
Neil nodded his head rolling his sleeves up of his shirt.
Avni : Neil.... doctor. Said that... I am pregnant...
Neil stopped and looks at avni with his eyes widen open. Avni shook Neil lightly.
Neil : really.. is true you are pregnant?
Avni bobbed her head making Neil pulling her into hug. Neil broke hug and kissed her forehead.
Neil : thank you so much avni again.. I am going to be father again.. thank you..
Avni hugged Neil with tears flowing down their eyes.
At night AvNeil told their family about Avni being pregnant.. the happiness hallowed around the khanna mansion. Everyone was happy knowing the news and blessed the couple.
I don't know how it ended but yeah this was last shot.
I'll try to update other remaining shots by next week then I will focus on the main stories.
Hope you enjoyed it.
Vote and inline comments.
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