He is Mine!
This is dedicated to our birthday girl @Ann_soul! Happy Birthday sweetie. Congrats on being an adult. It's gonna be a tough road but I'm sure you will enjoy it. I hope you enjoy this and many happy returns of the day. I am glad we became friends on Wattpad and your stories are just amazing!! I love it soooooo much. Happy Birthday girl. Love ya!
It was the day of Neil and Mitali's marriage. Neil left the Sukoon ghar last night heartbroken as he finally found out about the truth of Neela Maa Murder but his wife told him that he can't break his promise. He agreed to keep the marriage for the sake of his family and his wife but even inside he knew that he was never gonna be happy. He agreed to sacrifice his happiness for others as his wife did the same for her family. That was the similarity between Husband and Wife. Both are willing to do anything for their family as there family was their utmost love. Especially for Avni as she craved a family since childhood but it seems like that it wasn't in her destiny to have that 'Perfect Family' that she wished for. She always seemed to wonder why God put her in this type of situation. But she knew that for the sake of her family, she must stay away from Neil as her being here will not help Neil move on. She hated doing this but she knew she had to as she wouldn't move on either. This step was like a stab in the heart. She almost didn't want to live but decided to do so for the sake of her son Mowgli as he was a symbol of her and Neil's love. He would remind her of Neil as he was a combination of both Neil and Avni. With Neil's respect for woman and Avni's love for her family was incorporated in him. "Mumma, Mumma why are we moving?" asked Mowgli. "Mowgli I told you naa, I got a job in a fruit factory which is why I have to move. Then why are you asking hm?" asked Avni as she buttoned his shirt. "But Mumma you can stay here too. You can find a job here right?" asked Mowgli. "Oh Mowgli, how can I make you understand that I am moving because of your father. If I am here, then neither him or me will move on" she thought. Mowgli snaps his fingers to break her thoughts. "Mumma what happen? Answer my question!" pleaded Mowgli. "Mowgli! I already told you why and that's it. No more discussion" she sternly told him. Mowgli who was shocked at his Mumma's outburst started tearing up and left the room, hiding under the bed in his room. Avni sighed and went to go to him only to be stopped by a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Neela Maa standing. "Maa!" she cried, tears in her eyes. She went to go hug her but only to be stopped by Neela. "No Avni, I am very mad at you" she said anger. Avni got confused and scared. "Maa, why are you mad at me? I am doing the right thing. Neil is not breaking his promise of marriage with Mitali". "Avni! Don't you realize that Neil and you are only meant to be together? You guys are incomplete with each other. When will you realize that huh? Neil only loves you and you. You guys are making the worst decision by going along with this marriage" Neela explained. "But Maa, Neil can't break his promise. Plus I am used to living unhappy. I lived unhappy my whole life" Avni lamented. "So you are saying that the years that you spent with me were unhappy for you? You are saying that the moments that you spent with Neil were torture?" asked Neela inquisitively. Avni stood still for a minute not knowing what to say. Neela had definitely misunderstood what she wanted to say. "Maa! How could you say this haan? I loved living with you. You always gave me a life, a new definition to it. You helped me with revenge against Dayavanti. You accepted me despite me being the reason that your marriage break! And as for Neil, there is no words to describe him. He gave me another reason to live. He showed me that there is more into life than just revenge. He taught me to live after Dayavanti. He is a breath of fresh air. I love Neil and I will continue to love him". Neela smiled and held Avni's shoulder. "Bacha this is what I wanted to hear. Go fight for your love. Go claim what's rightfully yours. My blessings are always with you and Neil". Avni smiled and went to hug her. As she turned around, Neela disappeared as she was a figment of her imagination. Neela Maa gave her the strength and courage that she needed for that moment and now she became ananya verma, who is going to go fight for her love and claim her Neil. Her love. Her life. Her oxygen. Her reason for living. "Mowgli! Come on" she exclaimed as she found her son under the bed. "Sorry Mumma, I shouldn't have talked like that" cried Mowgli tearfully. "No my tiger don't say sorry. In fact you made me understood something very important" she said as she picked him up in her arms. "What Mumma?" he asked innocently. "I will tell you in the car, right now we have to go to a wedding" she stated as she walked to the car.
At the Khanna house, the whole mansion was decorated for a wedding. There were flowers everywhere and a sign that said Neil and Mitali's wedding. Neil was sitting on the mandap unhappy while Mitali was sitting next happy as she was getting married to the love of her life. She knew that Neil was still hung up on Avni but was sure that she would make her place in his life. She knew that she could make Neil forget about Avni and his past and would prove to herself a better mother than Avni. As the rituals started to begin, a voice stopped them.
Voice: RUKO!
Neil and the rest of the people followed the voice and Neil was shocked but glad to see his wife. He knew that she would come to stop the marriage. "Thank you god for having Avni coming. I am forever grateful that you are not getting me married to this chipkali" he thought. While on the other hand Mitali was fuming. She knew that Avni was going to barge in the marriage.
Mitali: What are you doing here?
Avni: I came back here to claim what's rightfully mine.
Mitali: You lost that. Neil is only mine. You promised me Avni
Avni: I did promise you because I wanted Neil to move on from me as he was mad at me and would forever stay mad at me. But now he is not and I am not willing to lose him again
Mitali: Where were you all these years huh? I knew that Vidyut tortured you but there was another way to handle this naa?
Avni: I was in a emotional mess at that. I just lost my maa and I couldn't afford to lose anyone else. I lost everyone close to me. My two motherrs, my father and my friend aladdin. I couldn't lose any more family members. I can't afford to lose Neil. Now I have him, I don't to want to lose him.
Bebe and Prakash smiled and clapped while Shweta had tears. She felt bad for making Neil go with this marriage. She felt terrible for not being a mother to Avni and not fulfilling it.
Mitali: I can't believe this. You think by acting so mahaan, you can get Neil back. You know what Avni you are selfish. You are getting what others have.
Avni laughed: Neil was mine first and will continue to be mine. He will always belong to me so its better if you get that in your skull. And if you were a true friend, than you wouldn't get married to him. You would make him realize that he is doing the wrong thing. Infact I have a story to tell you. My best friend Ali who is currently in New York used to love me. He waited 15 years for me and he had feelings for me. He did love me and when he realized that I love Neil, he backed off. He allowed me to be with Neil. This is what a true friend is. A friend who sacrifices for another friend. You could learn something from him
Neil smiled at his lady don avatar and broke the scarf that tied him to Mitali. He rushed to her and hugged her tightly. "Avni, Avni I love you soooooo much!!!!! I am glad you came here. I couldn't imagine my life without you. You are my oxygen, my air my reason for living. Without Neil there is no Avni" he exclaimed. Mitali leaved the house in embarrassment while everyone looked at the lovebirds.
Bebe: Bhai chalo, are we not doing a wedding?
Avneil: Kiska bebe?
Shweta: Tumhare ke aur kiski
Avneil smiled and soon Avni was decked up in beautiful wear that Bebe saved. In a way she had hoped that Avneil will get married and due to the grace of god, her wish is coming true. As neil saw his wife, he smiled and fell in love with her again. She never failed to charm him
The day ended with Avneil marriage and Mowgli and Avni getting their family again
So dearie, I hope you liked my birthday gift to you. Tell me what you think please!!
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