Evening neil comes directly to the hospital and msgs ali and riya to come to hospital
Neil goes inside the hospital , he thinks to go to avnis cabin but unfortunately mithali sees him
Mithali : hey neil , u here?
Neil : hi mithali , yes I am here
Mithali : wow neil u came here to pick up me , by the way I was thinking to come to yur home now , but see my luck u only came to pick up me , thanku
Neil : ahh actually mithali we r going out , we r going to xyz club
Mithali : oh wow neil , not bad u too r making plans now a days
Neil : ahh actually its not my plan , its rohit plan
Mithali : what y did rohit come in between?
Neil : becaue it was his plan that we all r going out now
Mithali : who all?
Neil : u , me , rohit , ali , riya and avni
Mithali : what ??!!
Neil : yes u can ask rohit if u want
Mithali : but he told me that he is going to take only avni out
Neil : what ?
Mithali : yes he said me he wants to spend some time with that poor girl avni alone
Neil gets angry but controls his anger
Neil pov : I knw it , this guy treats avni as more than a friend , I have to keep an eye on him
Just then rohit comes there , he sees neil and gets angry , mithali sees rohit and calls him towards them
Mithali : rohit what is this , u said me that u r going alone with avni , but here neil is saying that we r also going with u people
Rohit looks at neil who is staring at him angrily
Rohit : no I did not say that I will take avni alone I just said that if u don't come then me and avni will be alone that's it , but I am glad that u people r also coming with us
Neil still glares at rohit angrily
Rohit pov : don't know y did I lie I could have just said that yes I want to take avni alone , what is wrong in that , I love her and I want to confess my love , but don't know what happened when I look at neil I get scared but no worry I will ask neil directy to get out of my way today and then I can happily spend with my avni
After some time they all go to xyz club
At club all were dancing except avni and neil
Avni msgs neil
Avni : what happened hubby , y r u looking so angry ?
Neil : nothing like that I am not angry
Avni : no something happened to my hubby , plse tell me na
Neil : nothing happened I am just tired
Avni : really ? once look into y eyes and tell me
Neil : avni leave about me , y r u not dancing with them
Avni : when my hubby is sitting alone then how can I enjoy
Neil smiles and looks at avni , avni signals him to have a dance then they both go for a dance
While dancing mithali tries to come close to rohit , seeing this avni gets very angry and comes in between neil and mithali , neil smiles seeing avni jealous and mithali gets angry
Mithali gain tries to go near neil but this time neil goes out of dancing floor excusing himself , avni smiles and dances with riya and ali
Seeing neil alone at the table rohit goes towards neil , neil sees rohit coming towards him and gets angry
Rohit : hey neil what happened y did u come out of dance floor
Neil : I am not in a mood to dance and y did u come near me ?
Rohit : hmm ok I am coming straight to the point , u know I wanted only me and avni to come to dinner but unfortunately she called all of u
Neil gets angry
Neil : what do u mean by that ?
Rohit : see neil u very well know what do I mean , I like avni infact I love avni and I want to spend some time with her and I want to confess my love , but u always come in the midlle
Hearing this neil looses his patience and holds rohits collar and drags him out where there is no one
Rohit : neil r u mad what r u doing leave me
Neil : how dare u say that ? don't u dare to think about avni in such a way
Rohit : y neil I am not doing anything wrong I just love her and I will confess my love
Neil : but she doesn't love u
Rohit : how do u know neil , and if she doesn't love me its ok , but first let me try atleast
Neil leaves rohits collar
Neil : I am sry but I know she doesn't love u
Rohit : neil can I ask u something , u too love avni right?
Neil doesn't say anything
Rohit : I know u too love her and so u get angry on me , even I too but It doesn't mean that we both fight like this we should take a step and I will take a step and will confess my love for avni , if she says ok I will be the most luckiest man in the whole world and if not I will be very unluckiest person
Neil doesn't say anything and is very angry on rohit , avni comes out in search of them
Neil : avni let us just go I am tired
Avni : what ? but we did not had our dinner yet
Neil : we can have it in our house
Avni : but neil
Neil : u r coming or not?
Rohit : hey neil how can u shout on avni
Neil : u plse don't come between us
Rohit : who r u to say this ?
Neil : I am .... And he stops saying the truth seeing avni
Avni : whats happening guys y r u fighting ?
Neil : avni plse come let us go , I don't want be here even for a minute
Rohit : hey neil whats wrong with u , if u want u can leave but y avni , u don't worry about avni I will drop her
Neil gets angry and holds rohits collar
Avni: neil r u mad leave him
Neil leaves rohit
Neil : avni u don't know y did he bring u here , he brought u here so that he can spend some alone time with u and this was said by him to me
Avni gets shocked
Avni : what?? Rohit ??
Rohit : aaav avni yes I love u
Neil gets angry and holds rohits collar once again
Avni : neil plse leave him
Rohit smiles and neil gets shocked
Avni : rohit I am sry I don't love u and I am not at all interested in u
Rohit : but avni
Avni : no rohit not a word more , u proposed me and I gave my answer and plse remember one thing not only now I will never love u because i am already engaged
Neil smiles , rohit gets shocked
Rohit : I am sry avni and its ok , by the way who is the lucky person, is he neil?
Avni : nooo , my would be stays in America he comes next month , no one knows this except neil , ali and riya
Rohit looks at neil who is little bit relaxed now
Rohit : oh that is y neil is saying me that u r not going to accept me , what yaar neil u could have told me before it wouldn't have come to this extent
Neil doesn't know what to answer avni covers him
Avni : ahh actually rohit I told them not to tell anyone
Rohit : oh ok , and now I am also not going to tell anyone and neil I am sry
Neil feels guilty for misbehaving with rohit and he too says sry and they both hug each other
Avni smiles seeing this
Avni : ok come let us have dinner
They three go inside and all of them have dinnertogether but neil is still upset
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