Hawkeye trailer
"Now we are moving on to one of the best shows ever: Hawkeye!"
"Hawkeye?" asked Tony.
"That's Clint's show on Disney Plus, a network where we can watch a lot of different movies and tv shows, including stuff from Pixar, Star Wars, Marvel, National Geographic and the shows and movies Disney has produced and filmed by itself."
"What is Disney?"
"Really Cap? Yoy don't know what Disney is? You've never watched Cinderella, Beauty and the beast, Snow White, Maleficent, and other Disney films?" said Scott, very much surprised, as Hope nodded along, also surprised, yeah, he is indeed a human popsicle in ice for 70 years and also being a superhero, but that doesn't mean that he can't just chill and relax for a bit.
"Um, no I think," said Steve.
*cue facepalms from everyone*
"Hey Steve, even I know what those are, and am brainwashed as an assassin for the past 75 years or so, how could you not know?" asked Bucky in disbelief.
"So uncivilized."
(For those who watched Star Wars, I hope you can understand that reference)
"Pardon me ma'am, but I fall asleep everytime after watching a movie," said Steve.
"First of all, it's gonna just be Ruby for you, don't make me sound like an old lady when I'm just 13 years old, and second, WHAT IN THE ACTUAL F*CK IS WRONG WITH YOU STEVEN GRANT ROGERS? HOW ON EARTH CAN YOU FALL ASLEEP WHEN YOU'RE WATCHING MALEFICENT, AT THE VERY LEAST?"
"Language kid!"
"WTF," said Maria, shaking her head in disapproval. How can someone just fall asleep when watching Disney movies? The movie nights start from eight at night to around one to two o'clock, so there is no way that he is missing all of their movie marathons.
"Uh uh, no more saying language, that's an adult speaking, you don't have the right to stop her from talking."
"Um... Well at least that's very useful when we are trying to do a movie marathon on Disney and Star Wars," said Hope.
"It is, and now get ready to watch this fabulous trailer!"
The video starts by showing New York City at night, and with a lot of Christmas vibes.
"What is it with all the Christmas vibes going on," asked Sam in confusion.
"This show takes place before Christmas."
"Oh, no wonder why", answered Sam.
Lila voiceover:
This is the first Christmas we've had together in years.
The scene shows Clint with Lila, Cooper and Nathaniel in a restaurant.
Clint: I love you guys.
"Uh, who's that kid?" asked Bucky.
"Just ask Clint."
"That's my daughter, Lila."
The scene showed the 'Rogers the musical' banner and advertisements. Clint is with Nathaniel, and kissed his head.
"Wait a second, why does Capsicle have a musical and we don't?"
"Uh... Maybe it is because he is Captain America? And it is about the battle of New York."
"That's cool," said Sam.
Clint voiceover:
I'm making up for some lost time.
It showed Clint walking away with his family.
The next scene showed Clint turning around to watch the news.
Newscaster: Authorities are wondering, if the masked vigilante that has terrorized the city's underworld, is back.
It showed flashbacks of Clint's time as Ronin during the blip.
"Ok, what just happened? What vigilante? Clint's not a vigilante," said Natasha with a confused look on her face.
"Um... the video will probably explain more."
Clint voiceover:
The past has caught up with me.
The scene changed to Lila asking if they should be worried.
"Yeah, I'm worried," muttered Natasha, still wanting to know what is going on.
Clint said that it's nothing, and that he'll be home for Christmas, he promise.
Clint sent the kids away from New York.
*Christmas song plays*
Clint looks at the car moving away.
🎶It's the most wonderful time 🎶
"Uh, what is this Christmas song?" asked Sam.
"Uh... I don't know the song name, only that it is kind of like the major song there."
It showed the Marvel Studios logo in a sliver and purple shade of colour.
The scene showed Clint on the rooftop looking at something with a pair of binoculars.
Clint voiceover:
When I wore this suit,
The scene showed Kate dressed as Ronin running down an alley with people chasing her.
"Who is that?" asked Sam.
"That's Kate Bishop, a huge fan of Clint."
"I have fans?" asked Clint.
"Of course you do! There are many fan girls out there who love you."
Clint voiceover:
I made a whole lot of enemies.
The scene turned to Kate facing a lot of men that are coming out of black cars in the Ronin suit.
It showed Kate hitting the guys first, and the scene changed to Clint swinging down and fighting the guys in normal civilian clothes.
The next scene showed Clint ripping off the hood and mask of the Ronin suit that Kate is wearing.
The scene showed both Kate and Clint respectively, both with shocked looks on their faces.
Kate: You're Hawkeye.
Clint: Who the hell are you?
"Yeah, who the hell are you?" asked Clint.
The scene turned to Kate getting ready to shoot an arrow, and she releases it.
Kate voiceover:
Some people have actually called me,
The arrow hits the bell's string, making it ring.
It showed Kate looking up, with a mixture of shock and happiness on her face.
Kate voiceover:
the world's greatest archer.
The scene showed the bell tower crumbling to the ground.
"Did that tower just-", said Peter in shock.
"Wow," said Shuri.
"She's the world's greatest archer? She literally made that bell tower crumble to the ground," said Clint in disbelief, "Besides, I'm the world's greatest archer."
"Did I forget to mention that she is very wealthy?"
*Christmas song starts playing again*
It showed someone holding a flashlight at Kate, and she looked surprised.
Clint: Are you one of those people?
Kate nodded in response.
🎶It's the most wonderful time🎶
The scene changed to New York City with Christmas vibes.
"So that's what New York City looks like huh," said Shuri who has never been to NYC before.
"Yeah, it is when it is Christmas time," said MJ.
Clint is talking on the phone and said:
Hey babe, I should be back
Kate looks at him.
Clint on the phone saying this with an uncertain tone:
in... a day or two?
The scene changes to someone from the tracksuit mafia throwing a petrol bomb at Clint.
"Are you sure about the a day or two thing Clint?" asked Natasha
"Uh... no," said Clint.
Clint voiceover:
Hang on a second.
The glass window smashes into pieces, and Clint catches the petrol bomb and throws it back out of the window to the tracksuit mafia guys, who hurried to get out of the way as flames spears across the ground.
"Wow, that's just so cool," said Ned.
🎶With the kids jingle belling
And everyone telling you 🎶
The scene changed to Clint punching someone, and the next scene changes to Clint on a zip line, using his bow to push himself over to the other side.
"Nice," said MJ as she took our her sketchbook and started to draw.
Clint voiceover:
Things have gotten...
The rope that Clint is using to slide over snapped, and he screamed as he plummeted to the ground.
Clint voiceover:
more complicated.
"Seriously, that rope just broke?" said Clint in an annoyed tone.
"Uh... yeah I guess."
The scene changed to Clint taping several packs of ice cold food from the refrigerator, and he slaps his forehead with one of the packs of frozen food as he sighs.
"Seriously Clint? Again? Don't you have ice packs to do that?" asked Natasha.
"Apparently I don't have 'em," replied Clint.
"I still remember how I taped all those on your bruises back in Budapest," commented Natasha.
"Yeah, those were the days," said Clint with a sigh, as things are so complicated for him in the future.
"Is anyone going to tell us what REALLY happened in Budapest?" asked Scott.
"No," said Natasha and Clint together.
"Hey Ruby, do you know?" asked Yelena.
"Uh, I don't know much either, only know that they bombed the city and hid from Hungarian special forces for days in an air vent that you and Natasha have previously hidden in. Those tic-tac-toe marks are still there by the way."
"Looks like no one went up there," said Clint.
🎶The most wonderful time of the year🎶
The next scene showed Clint in a suit and dodging bullets that are firied at him through the windows.
"That song doesn't fit the theme at all," said Maria, "He's in so much trouble."
"Yeah, but that's Marvel's decision, not us, and it's pretty nice."
🎶The most wonderful time of the year🎶
It showed someone from the tracksuit mafia ripping off a black bag off Clint's head, and when Clint woke up, he saw all the members of the tracksuit mafia holding guns, all aiming at him.
"You let them them take you hostage?" asked Yelena.
The scene changed to Kate swinging down to the roof and breaking the glass panes, and she didn't stick the landing, and landed on the floor with a grunt.
Clint sighs.
"That's a terrible landing pose. Learn from Natasha, she has a very good landing pose, and flip your hair while you're doing that, that makes you much more cooler," said Yelena.
'This holiday season' appears on the video.
*festive music plays*
The scene showed the members of the tracksuit mafia holding guns and walking.
The next scene showed Eleanor Bishop, Kate's mother holding a glass of champagne.
(That's what I thought she is holding at least)
The following scene showed a small scene from the 'Rogers: The Musical'.
'The best gifts' appears on the video.
The scene showed Lucky the pizza dog in some Christmas decorations and a big red bow on his neck.
"That dog is so cute," said Carol.
"Yeah, it is isn't it," commented Maria.
The next scene showed someone in the Ronin suit, holding Ronin's sword, and it showed Clint using a sword to figuratively fight people.
The scene changed to show Clint and Kate both wearing long black suits walking.
'Come with a bow' appears on the video.
🎶 It's the most wonderful time🎶
🎶 Yes it's the most wonderful time🎶
"What's with the song always repeating lyrics?" asked Gamora.
"That should be the chorus part, that's where the main lyrics are, that's why they are repeated."
The next scene showed members of the tracksuit mafia fighting with Clint and Kate on an ice rink, with both Clint and Kate shooting arrows at them.
The next scene showed a close up of Maya Lopez.
The following scene showed an explosion at a place underground, with people running for cover.
The next scene showed Maya and a henchman driving a red car, Maya shooting at the car in front of them, which Clint and Kate are on and driving.
"Who is shooting at you?" asked Sylvie.
"That's Maya Lopez, aka Echo, who wants to take revenge on Clint when he is Ronin, because he um... kinda killed her dad or something?"
🎶It's the most wonderful time🎶
The scene showed Clint and Kate in the car, Clint picking arrows.
Clint said, "This is too dangerous," as he pulled out an arrow from the quiver.
It showed a black car going inside a place where there are a lot of Christmas trees.
It flipped back to show Clint and Kate still picking arrows.
"Definitely not this one," said Clint as he picked out yet another arrow.
"You don't have to say definitely like that," said Kate.
"Honestly, I enjoy watching them argue like that," said Yelena in amusement, "This is first class entertainment."
It showed Kate shooting an arrow at a van that are chasing them, and the arrow landed on the van.
"Holy-", said Kate.
The van flipped several rounds in the air, got on fire, and explosion sounds are heard.
"What the..." said Peter, shocked. Ned looked shocked as well, while MJ just gave a flat expression.
"There are arrows more dangerous than that one?" asked Kate.
It showed Clint with a sheepish face as he looked to the other side.
"Of course there are kid," said Natasha, "He uses a lot of arrows, from plunger arrows to exploding arrows."
🎶Of the year🎶
The scene showed Clint and Kate free falling into the sea, and as Kate grabbed hold of Clint's bow, he fired an arrow.
"Did you guys just free falled into the sea?" asked Sam in disbelief.
"Uh yeah, I think so," said Clint.
The word 'Hawkeye' are shown on the video, with smaller words 'original series streaming November 24th'
A final scene showed Clint holding his bow as he said, "Ugh, this is some Christmas," and ran.
*Disney Plus promotional thingy*
Video ended.
"Ok, so this happened after the blip, the story is about how Clint and his family went to New York for Christmas, but his past as Ronin gave him some trouble, and he has to team up with an archer and a big fan of Clint, Kate Bishop, to solve everything and get back home in time to spend Christmas with his family."
"So that's what happened," said Hope.
"I want to meet her, she is a nice person," said Yelena.
"Wish granted."
*Kate pops out of nowhere*
(A/N: She came here before she met Clint)
"Holy sh*t! You're Hawkeye!" said Kate, "Am I dreaming?"
"Uh no kid, this is Hawkeye, in the flesh," said Clint.
"Awesome! Where are we?"
*Everyone explains to Kate what is going on, and time skip to where Kate knows everything cuz your author is too lazy to write all that out*
"That was awesome," said Shuri, "Can we watch something as exciting as this again?"
"Ok, let's see what's available here, wandavision trailers, the Falcon and the Winter Soldier trailer, Loki trailer, some other scenes, a bunch of memes, fanart and incorrect quotes that I'll love to share because of personal reasons, oh yeah, and the Spiderman No Way Home trailer. That's all I believe?"
"What are the names you just mentioned?" asked Darcy.
"Those are Disney Plus Marvel shows, they talk about how the multiverse is gonna be unleashed, and this is only the beginning."
"The multiverse is being unleashed?" asked Dr.Strange.
"Sure is man."
"I need a payrise," muttered Strange.
"I can't wait for this to happen," said Peter in excitement.
"Same, and that's all for today, see you all next time!"
"Wait, are you leaving us?" asked Yelena.
"Nah, I was talking to the readers. Bye for now!"
And cut!
That brings an end to this chapter.
Sorry for not updating, exams are very stressful, and I absolutely despise them, and now that their done, I am officially back! I will be posting the next chapter next week or maybe even earlier, depending on my schedule.
Drink some water, read a book, do whatever makes you happy, and a pre merry Christmas to you all!
Remember that you deserves to be loved.
With love,
Ruby 💎
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