Go off to save the world
"Babe do you have to go fight the winter soldier?” (y/n) said as Steve was packing to go fight with Nat and Sam. “ unfortunately I do baby, I promise you I will not be hurt too bad OK?” you just sit there arms folded and a pout on your lips. “ you better not be” he chuckled and reminds you of who you both were talking about. You laugh to but said that he was not Superman. You both chuckled and saw that Nat and Sam were here to pick Steve up. Your pout grew to a small frown and sad face. You almost had tears coming out of your eyes. He looked at you and said, “ babe please don't cry I'll be fine. Don't worry OK?” you mumbled a too late. Steve and you both make your way down the stairs and you were rubbing your 5 month belly something you have done to stop your worrying. Steve turns to you and bends down to kiss you. You kiss him passionately. You hug him and say, “ please come back to us.” he looks at you and says, “ dot sorry babe I will I love you,” he goes down to your belly“ and I love you baby bat” he's been calling the baby that since the baby keeps me up all night.
“Do you have to go fight loki? Can't you have someone else take care of him?” I asked, I was hoping he'd stay with me and cuddle and talk to ou little bugs. We've been calling them bugs for a while now. “ yes love I do, im the king I have to go make strategies and fight for the kingdom.” I could see a frown forming on his face, he hates it when I protest or pout. He never resists my pout. I knew this time would be different though. I hate having to resort to it. I love him and I just want him to be safe and come baCK in one piece. " please Come back in one piece. me and bugs want you back ok ?" he looks at me and smiles. " of course love, I'll always Come back to you and bugs."
Im not looking forward to Clint leaving, He was going on a mission to assassinate an enemy of S.H.I.E.L.D. I wanted to do was be with him. Ever Since I was pregnant with the baby I have been very very Clingy towards Clint. He understands but I can tell that I'm Starting to annoy the hell out of him. I wanted to Stop but my hormones wouldn't Me. " Clint Please don't leave me . " I said looking down at my feet. He looked down at me about to blow up but he saw my tears falling off my face and his face Softened. " hun I Know you had been clingy towards me, but I need some space okay?" He looked at me as if I was gonna exolode. I hate when he looks at me like that. I looked at him like I was. " If you keep looking at me as if I'm gonna explode then damn it I'm gonna fu* * ing explode. I'm being cuddly and sweet but You make it SEEM as if I'm some sorta parasite. All though I'm not all that far along the baby loves being with you and so do I. But if we're so Clingy maybe you can sleep in the basement when you get back." He looked at me with so much surprise, but I'm glad I got through to him. " babe I'm sorry if I make you feel like that I never wanted you to feel like that ever. Will you please ever forgive me ? " I looked up at him and smiled. He knew I had already forgiven him. I love him with all my heart. Always. I heared the van was nearing and I had held onto him for dear life. I was silently crying hoping he won't leave. In the past I've had a problem with people leaving me. Kinda like a seperation anxiety, Clint Knew and he would always try to calm me down and most of the home it works but there is a rare few times to where he is not able to Calm me down, This is one of those times. All I fell is him swaying me back and forth and I love it. He always finds away so calm me. He Calmly explained that he had to leave now and I'm glad I didn't freak out. I sat there and watched him leave. It was Probably the WORST day of my life. After he left I was Screaming, thank God we live on a farm. He later called that night and I explained how I Completely freaked out. Clint said," Don't worry darling when I get home whatever Mess was made I'll Clean it up ok ?" I said OK and was happy he didn't get mad.
I looked at Tony and thought why , why must he leave to fight some hot Chick. while I was thinKing about it I was thinking about his past and if he would ever leave me. I decided not to ask because he always says no. He says not to worry but I can't help it. He goes Into the basement to get his suit and was about to leave but I went up to him and wrapped my arms around hp neck. He looked down at me all I said was, " Please Comeback none Piece. " I locked down and I knew he Knew something was up. He had asked me if I was ok I nodded but he didn't believe me so he said," I know what Your thinking is. I'm not gonna leave you for some chick okay? You're gonna endup giving yourself a Panic attack. you need to stop okay. I love you and only you. I'm not leaving you for pepper OKay ? I'll be baCK alright baby?" I looked at him and nodded with a smile on my face.
Bruce had to go fight abomination again. It Completely sucks that he has to leave but I Know that he has to go and save the city. I love him always wait for him to come home. I wanna ask him something but I'm nervous to ask,he sees this and asks," babe, are You alright?" I look up at him and say" when will you be back? Abomination is probably THE worst guy you've ever been up against I'm scared you won't come back. will you come back?" He looked down at me and said," I don't know if I will but I can say I will try to come back okay ?" I look up him and nod. He smiles at me and we cuddle till he has to leave. I'm glad I married him.
I don't want home to leave, but he has to fight Deadpool . I just wish he would stay . I heard this dead Pool guy is horrible. He's Ruthless and cruel . He comes to Me and hugs me. I'm glad that he is getting better at being good, He looks down at me and hugs me. I look up at him and I ask," babe you will Come back in one piece Right?" his smile fades and he says," Babe This guy Can't die easily I will try to come back soon. I Can Read his mind and anticipate his moves. I think he has a sweet spot. Every body has one. trust me okay?" I looked up at him and nodded . I'm glad I've got a guy like him. he read my mind Which said," please come back in one Piece. I love you" he said I love you back and with +hat he left . I was still a bit upset but atleast he was coming back.
Now that every Knew that James buchanan Barnes was alive he was gonna go back to the war. I absolutely hated the idea. I was begging not him I asked" please BucK Don't go " he Saw the look in my eyes and saw the pain iN them . I just knew by the Look ON his face I would not win. I gave up and let him go . He come to me and hugged me and I hugged back and started to cry. He told me not to cry or worry .he soon at and soon I fell to the ground bawling
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