Finding out the gender
Steve s
Y/N P.O.V..
Steve and I were planning our gender reveal plans. We wanted to give off the whole 40's like for the party. I had also been talking to Natasha, Bucky, and Sam about it all. I've also asked for people to put in their ballots on what they might think the baby will be. It's currently the day of pthe party. It looks amazing we all we all were wearing outfits from the 1940 's. Steve had his old suit on, of course fitted to his proper size,he's not that small kid anymore. As everyone is coming in they're putting their ballots in. Steve and I are so excited too finally tell them.
I had this pretty dress on.
Something to remind Steve of before the ice.
After everyone comes in and finishes we count them all and head back outside. We all eat and have a good time. After everything is done we all go outside. Telling everyone that were going to do the reveal everyone follows us. We come to a box that says boy/girl in Blue and Pink. Opening up the Box we see a bunch of pink balloons coming from it. We hear screaming and congrats all over the place.
Thor's POV
We have a gender reveal today. I'm excited to see what (y/n) will be having. Mother will be using magic to pull smoke and tell us what the gender is. She's excited to do this. Mother does not know the gender of our twins. What will happen is she'll hold the paper the doctor wrote both of the genders and create 2 smoke screens. We're all excited have this done. (Y/n) comes out in this pretty floral dress.
It's just about time to get this started so we all make our way to the back. Finally we give mother the pieces of papers. Next thing we all know was Pink and Blue smoke
Started filling the air bellow us. We all screamed and cried and smiled. I was so happy that my lovely wife is having a boy and a girl.
Ok, hi were currently setting everything up. We have people coming over. Gender parties suck. I wanna stay in bed and eat and cuddle with Clint. I'm clingy. Get-over it. Anyway everybody is coming over and were going to shoot an arrow at a balloon and the confetti inside will tell us the gender. I'm exited and nervous at the same time. Knocking then appeared. Opening up I see Nat. I love her so much. Nat also helped me pick out a dress for the party.
She's helped out a lot. She and Clint started setting things up. Pretty soon everybody started coming and piling in. we started telling everybody that its time to tell the gender. leaving the house, everyone was eagerly waiting see what color was going to pop out of the balloons. Clint waited with his arrows. Making my Way over to him I could feel myself getting more and more nervous. Clint gets behind me and places the bow and arrow in my hands. Taking a deep Breath I feel him guide me to using the arrows. I feel Clint pill the arrow back, his breath on my neck and finally like everything was going in slow motion the arrow hit the balloon and blue glitter and powder was leaving the popped balloon. Clapping, screams, and cheers were expressed through out the backyard. Oh my god. I'm going to have a Little boy. Holy shit.
Tony's P.O.V
We're all so excited all of us seeing what my lovely wife is bringing into this world. I honestly want a boy so I can show him iron man.It'd be nice to share that with him. If I had a girl I'd be happy to. My amazing wife is sleeping right now.Rhodes came over and helped me set up.We're going to set a capsule in the tail pipe.that way when we start the car the color will come out. Well probably have someone do it for us. (Y/N) wants anything. She's not picky. I love her and our baby whatever the gender is. Everybody started coming in and I knew that I had to wake my wife up. Heading up the stairs I go the bedroom. "baby, come on time to wake up, "I said as I nudge her. She groans and tries to move away from me. I chuckled at her. She comes out of bed and goes to change. I watch her hips Sway with each step. Oh no can't do anything. No time. She comes out in this pretty white dress. Oh my God she is gorgeous. I married the perfect woman.
Walking down the stairs with her we go to our garage. Rhodey gets in the car and ready to start the car. Turning the car over and all of a sudden pink smoke came out of the tail pipe. Clapping and cheers could be heard from every corner of the room. Holding my dear wife and smiling and kissing her. OMG I love her so much. How am I going to do this?
(Y/N)'s POV
Waking up I go downstairs and making breakfast. I think Bruce has everything planned out. Something sciency. Something blows up and gender reveal. Hurray. I love him so much. Something does worry me. What's going to happen to the baby with and Bruce's genes. Will the baby hulk out ? If so what's going to happen to our baby? I put my hand on my stomach. I try to breath and not be too panicked but I can't help it. This is my baby. Try and think good thoughts. I go back to thinking about the gender reveal party. I suddenly feel hands on my
Stomach and turn to my right and see Tony looking at me with concern. "Hey (y/n) are you ok? You look like you need a friend." I look at him and give him a sad look. "I'm worried. About the genes in Bruce's hulk body. Am I being too paranoid?" I asked worriedly. Tony looked at me with sad eyes. "Hun you have to talk to Bruce about this. He needs to know. We can give tests. To see what happens. Just don't get too scared Hunt we want You and the baby healthy." I just hold my stomach and sigh. Just as I was about to speak Bruce came down- stairs.
" hey Baby are you okay?" he had asked. I didn't even know how to bring this up with him how am I going to do it now? I give him a look that says we'll talk about this later. He sees this and just nods. I've been good with telling Bruce how I feel why can't I get it through to him. Ugh I hate this. We have to get ready for the party. Eating breakfasts was a pleasant affair with Small talk between small talk and talk about Avengers stuff and Bruce and Tony talking about upcoming projects. All of us excited we go and get dressed for the party. Walking out in this cute outfit Bruce looks at me with so much love and adoration.
We all walk out and see off the avengers and family in the yard. Pepper comes up to us and Hugs us. Everyone had tallied up the votes and to be honest it looks like everyone wants a baby boy. Tony goes over to the fire works and lights them. Going up WE all see an array of color. After 5 Fireworks Tony goes to the last ones and fires them off. Finally see in blue colors 'It's A BOY" we all scream and hug. On my God I'm having a boy. Oh my god. My heart sinks. Is this boy going to like Bruce. Or the hulk. I'm honestly a little scared.
Loki's POV
Waking up I see my beautiful wife. My Gods she is more exquisite than any one I've seen ever seen. "Take a picture it'll last longer." she had mumbled. I chuckled at her."I'd rather keep you all to myself." she laughed and hugged me. I love her so much. We head downstairs & I start on breakfast while she sits behind me. Making the eggs and bacon and pancakes and potatoes. Starting to feel a bit of fear and doubt fill me. I know this is not my feelings. Turning around I see my wife playing with her fingers and looking down at her legs. "My love are you alright?" I had asked her. Looking up at me she nods. "Honey I know You know that You are not the goddess of lies and mischief." she blushes. "I love you with all my heart. Why are you worrying?" she looks down of her belly then looks back up
at me. "Hun the reason why I'm worried is because.... Of who you were before you came to Asgard." my heart drops because I didn't think this would come up this soon.. "Darling, why are you worried? You make them seem like as a horrible thing to be a frost giant?" she looks at me in horror and in anger. Oh shit I woke
up a beast. "Excuse me, asshole. I did not say that being one made you a monster automatically but I worry about the triplets well being when they get thrown into this. Will they be asgardian or are they going to show signs of being frost giants?
I'm not saying that being one is bad. All I'm saying is I'm worried what'll happen to them." I get why she's worried but is it ok ay to feel this pain in my heart? Maybe I'm worried as well. I don't want any of my triplets feeling left out like I did with Father and Thor. None of them will feel like that. I love all three of them so damn much.I wonder what this party will tell us. weather were having 2 boys and a girl, 2 girls and a boy, all girls or all boys. Either way I love them. I wonder which of the kids will be like their mother manyway or if they'll a be like me. We head upstairs to get ready for the party. My beautiful wife comes out
In this stunning green dress. Aww my lovely wife Wants to wear my color. I love her so much.
Thor had said he was going to do the gender reveal with us. Oh boy, this'll be interesting. In the balk yard already we're all wondering what Thor has planned. Speak of the freaking devil here he comes with three boxes. Opening them up are white balloons. The is just smiling and I know this cause t see the look on his face. Going back he gets us three gigantic balloons. We pop them and white glitter come falling down. The only reason I remain calm is because I've always seen the angry look on everyone's face before they laugh. Thor comes once
again and I hear my wife say, "I swear to gods if this is another white piece of shit I'm burning him to the fucking ground." ha ha my wife everyone. Then this better have color in it. We get three confetti canons. My wife has the first canon. Opening one of them comes out a pink color. Screams every where. The next one I open and out comes another pink color. More screams fill the backyard. The last one my wife and I want to open together. Finally after what feels like an eternity
Pink glitter puffs out of the canon. Screams coming out of our guest once again. I'm so happy. I now have my 4 girls. I'm the happiest God alive. Nothing can go wrong now.
(Y/n)'s POV
I'm downstairs right now. Our baby thinks its okay to wake mommy in the middle of the fricken night to have breakfast. Mommy is a bit angry to say the least. Sorry Steve is getting to me with the whole language bit. Right now I'm going to show him some language. Needless to say right now I'm grumbling while eating.
Me. I'm usually a very peaceful person. Especially while eating. But I don't know
Steve has been pissing me off more than usual. he needs to get fucking laid. God I hate men right now. If Bucky come downstairs and asks me for food I'm going to lay into him. And it will not be pretty. Hearing grumbles and footsteps, Bucky rounds the corner and sees me. Immediately his Face softens and he sits next to me. "Now what is my doll doing up?" He asks. I look at him and simply say, "Your baby feels the need to wake "Your doll" up in the middle of the fucking night. That's why I'm up." I then go back to eating. Luckily for me its just a regular breakfast. Toast eggs bacon and potatoes. He chuckles and goes to grab my bacon. Oh hell no. "I suggest if You don't want 2 metal arms you get your own damn breakfast. capice?" He nods and goes to the fridge."baby what happened?" he asked. I just look up and back at my food and grumble," ask Steve." I hear a sigh and I know the buck knew. " What is Steve doing to make you mad?" he asks. I look at him and just simply stare at him. He knew if he didn't agree there'd be consequences. Also I'm 5 months pregnant. What other do I need to have for Steve to be pissing me off. Before I do say anything However I hear "ok yeah were mad at Steve." I smile and go back to eating. And then hear a sigh. Good boy.. He takes me back upstairs to go to bed. Waking up about 8 hours later Steve comes to set everything up. We get ready for the party.
We'll be popping balloons to see the gender of our baby. During all of this we hardly talk to Steve. By we I mean me. Bucky can't help himself. My God men are weak. They put stuff up and pretty soon guests start to arrive. Heading to the Back yard with food they all come to see what the baby will be. The balloons are given to us. Popping the balloons we see blue come out of them. Eep a boy. I'm so excited.
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