Request #5!
(This request is for LaurenBlurton)
Lauren's POV
"*squirms and sighs* Am I ever gonna get out of here?" I thought as I look around the room. I was on a mission for S.H.I.E.L.D but then I got captured by H.Y.D.R.A and I have been here ever since. Suddenly, my small radio goes off. "Lauren? Lauren are you there? Hello?" I hear Steve's voice say. I struggle then the radio falls out of my pocket and I grab it with my two feet. I push the red button and try to talk but the gag refuses to let me.
Steve's POV
"Where is Lauren? Has she come back yet?" I ask Tony. "No, I haven't seen her. Try using the radio. Umm, you push that red button." Tony tells me and then pointing at the red button. I hear Bruce laugh and I glare at Tony as I push it and say, "Lauren? Lauren are you there? Hello?" And then wait for a reply. I then hear the radio go off and I just hear muffled sounds. "That doesn't sound good." Tony says as he looks back at me. My eyes go wide and I grab my shield. "Don't worry Lauren. We are coming!" I say as I put the radio in my back pocket. I then see Tony run to put his armour and Bruce talking on his radio to someone. "Next time I see the leader of H.Y.D.R.A, I will beat the heck out of them!" I think into my head as I get on my motorcycle and drive. (Chris Evans riding on a motorcycle cliche)
Lauren's POV
I can hear them coming closer. I try to push the radio with my feet to make it go behind me. But instead I accidentally kick it out of my reach. Then I try to scoot toward it as I hear a chain sound behind me. "Oh great now what?" I said to myself as I slump back and sigh.
3rd person POV
*knock knock* Lauren hears the door say as she get a little scared and looks back at the radio. "Well well well Lauren is still here. Good. But wait, what is this?" One of the H.Y.D.R.A agents say as he spots the radio and picks it up. *beep* "Whoever you are on the other side of this radio, if you even dare to come near the base, you will regret it." He said in the radio. Then he throws it onto the ground and one another guy stomps on it. While at Steve, he hears the warning and then drives faster. Once he reaches there, he jumps off and climbs to the roof of the base knocking out enemies as he goes.
Lauren's POV
As one of them stomps on the radio, I hear distant screams of pain nearby. Maybe Steve had came to rescue me? "Oh **** they are here! Guys, grab her then let's get out of here!" The main one says as he waves his hand over in my direction then two guys run over and grab me. Just then one of the guys fell over. "Lauren! Use your power! Quickly!" Steve says as he hits the other guy then gets the chain off my my hands. I go the usual things with my hands to make all time freeze but me and Steve are still in place. I then take the gag off and cough a little bit. "Alright let's just get out of here Steve. I am tired of this place." I said as Steve and I leave the building.
Steve's POV
Once we were out of the building, I turn to face Lauren, who was still making time freeze. "What is it Steve? I know you are looking at me." Lauren says as she stops and turns to look at me with her arms folded. "Oh umm...I just wanted to let you know that wherever or whenever you are, I will always be there for you Lauren." I say as I grab Lauren's hands. "Still acting like a gentlemen huh? Well that was pretty sweet of you Steve." She says as she laughs. "So do I get an award for saving you?" I say as I smile at her. "Oh shush you greedy American boy." She says then kisses me.
(Hope you liked it!)
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Facebook: KristinaKennedy
Youtube: Eza Jae
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