How you meet
Bucky: "Hey pretty lady! Come back!" You heard the footsteps pounding after you as you broke into a sprint. The obviously drunken pervert was in pursuit. "Go away! I'm meeting my boyfriend!" You yelled, as a tear slipped out of your eye. He continued to chase you but you had a bit of a lead on him. As you turned a corner, you whammed into something solid. Someone solid actually. Standing up, you were terrified that you'd see a friend of the drunkard, but the person you had run into was actually concerned from what you could tell. He had lengthy brown hair, beautiful eyes, and a nice jawline. "Sir please you have to help me there's a man after me he wants to use me and I'm scared and please I need your he-" he silenced you with a gentle finger to your lips. "Shh. Tell me what you need." "Act like my boyfriend?" As you finished the sentence, your stalker came into view. You hid in terror behind your apparent rescuer. "Ooh is this your big bad boyfriend? Don't look too scary to me. Heh." He hiccuped in between words. "Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave me and my girlfriend be." "Or else what?" "Or else I'll hurt you. And you don't want that do you?" "Come at me!" Your knight in shining armor rolled up his sleeves. First his right, then his left. You gasped as he revealed a large metal arm. Knight in shining ARM-or. You giggled to yourself inwardly. Your pursuer got a tad fidgety at the sight and decided it was best to leave muttering foul words.
Your rescuer approached you, rolling his sleeve back down. "I'm Bucky. I'm so sorry that happened-" he didn't get a chance to finish as you threw yourself into his arms, sobs racking your body. His arms snaked around you, holding you tight and letting you cry.
Loki: You took your fourth lap around the mile around track. Four miles and you had hardly broken a sweat. It was a nice day for a run; the sun was warm and the only other person at the track was a pale man in green shorts and a black muscle shirt. He was as skinny as a stick, with shoulder length black hair and he didn't seem to be intruding on your business. For this, you were thankful. Lyrics from your favorite song blasted into your ears, and you closed your eyes for a moment, still running. You felt your foot catch on something and the next thing you knew, you were on the ground, clutching your ankle. You couldn't help but yelp in pain and fear, seeing your ankle bent oddly and already bruising. The man sprinted toward you, kneeling down in front of you. "Oh gosh. Where does it hurt? Is it broken?" Gasping a little, you caught your breath. "It hurts really bad... I think I sprained it..." You showed it to him. He placed his hand on your ankle and you jumped away at first, but his icy grasp actually felt nice. You sighed. "Do you have a car?" He asked you. You nodded no: you had walked. He carried you the whole mile and a half to St. Bart's hospital down the street, the whole time making small talk. The likes of which you barely understood.
Steve: you sat on the bench in the park, a chewed up plastic frisbee sat in your lap. Silent tears slipped into it, but nobody seemed to care. You missed Bugs. You missed him so much. You began to cry a little harder, just as a man sat down beside you. You didn't look up at him as his gentle voice met your ears. "Hey now, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" You nodded no, and spluttered out a few words between tears. All he heard was "My dog... And the car... And it came out of nowhere... And now he's gone!" But he got the general idea of what you were saying. "I'm so so sorry." He apologized. You looked up at him. He was quite handsome, with golden hair and he seemed to be pretty fit. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder and let you cry into his chest. "I'm Steve." "(Y/n)."
Tony; you heard a wolf whistle behind you, followed by a slap to the rear. You turned around, angered. "Excuse me, but who are you?!" You asked, gesturing to the man standing behind you, wearing sunglasses even though it was a cloudy day. He was cute, sure, but he didn't have the right to violate your personal space. Before he could answer, you popped him a good one to the eye. Taken aback, he stumbled back. You kicked him where the sun don't shine, and smirked as he fell to
his knees. Handing him a small piece of paper, you walked off. "Call me." You called back to him.
Clint: You sighed as you posted up another lost kitten sign on the store window of the deli down the street. You thought sadly about where Soos might be now... Your little grey kitten had run away about two weeks ago, and you desperately wanted him back. Taking a sip of your pumpkin spice frappe, you turned around, and gasped. Soos' furry face was centimeters from yours. "Soos!" You called out, dropping the remnants of your coffee on the pavement and scooping up Soos, nuzzling him in your neck. "Oh thank you sir! I'll never be able to re pay you!" You said happily, looking up at the man who had made your day. He smiled. "I take it he's yours?" He asked. "Yeah. Yeah he is." You grinned back. "I couldn't shake him. He followed me around town for a week and then I saw your posters today and here you are!" He smiled. "Thanks again" "Clint." "Thanks Clint. I'm (y/n)."
Bruce: you had become bored of your two and a half hour subway ride home from work every night. So you had taken up a hobby: drawing animals. You weren't very good, and you could only draw chibis. But it was something to pass the time. To your surprise, the man sitting beside you spoke up. He had been silently reading for the first hour and a half of the ride. "That's really good." He told you. You smiled, blushing. "Thank you! I'm (y/n)." "I'm Bruce. And no problem. Hey, suppose you could teach me how to do that one day?" "Hmm... Depends. What's in it for me?" You teased. "Coffee date?" "Sure. When?" "Next Friday 3:00 pm. At the corner shop." "Deal." You spent the rest of the ride getting to know Bruce.
Thor: so far through throughout the day, you had collected $14.18. Not much, but you didn't really struggle for money any way. You performed on the side of the street, playing guitar. You were really good. A particularly cute man had been watching you intently for about three minutes, and when you finished your song he cheered wildly. You giggled, not knowing your music made people happy. "Amazing!" He boomed. You smiled. He handed you a pop tart and you two talked for hours on end. He told great fairytales!
Ok guys first preference. Please comment any typos and requests and pleas document vote share and follow! Check out my other story! Love you! -Nicole
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