First Date
Bucky: Bucky didn't seem to be the kind of person who would try anything. After all, he did just save you from a potential... You don't even want to think the word. And since he had already -kind of- won your trust, when he wanted to go for a walk, you agreed. It was already late, but you didn't mind. You wouldn't be sleeping much anyway, and if you did you would probably be having nightmares. "Yeah, that sounds nice. Where are we going?" You asked, after finally drying your tears. He smiled softly. "Just somewhere I go to calm down." He smiled. You couldn't think of anywhere in New York that could possibly be calming, but you agreed to walk with him anyway. You were holding onto his left hand tightly, but let go when you noticed he was uncomfortable. "Is-is this real?" You asked, nodding toward his left arm. He seemed to look ashamed. "I don't even know your name and you're asking me about my prosthetic limb after I saved your life." He muttered. He sounded angry, and his words made you instantly feel guilty. "No- no I didn't mean any offense." You started. "And I'm (Y/N)..." You said quietly. You kept walking with your head down, not smiling anymore. Now you wondered if he would get mad at you and attack you too. "That's a nice name." He said softly. He didn't comment on the arm, so you didn't bring it up again. He went to your left side and took your hand in his right one. You blushed and smiled up at him. And then you saw a sight that took your breath away. You had stupidly walked into the woods with him, but now you were standing in a meadow, with huge trees and soft grass, and you could even see the stars from lack of light pollution. You gasped and looked from him, to the sky, and back to him. "Bucky..." You said softly. "It's beautiful..." You smiled. "I've seen better." He shrugged with a grin, and you didn't ask what he meant. But Bucky gave you his jacket and you laid down on the ground, just looking. You were both probably there for hours before Bucky walked you home in the early hours of the morning. He kissed your hand like a gentleman and wrote down his number before he left.
Loki: The man had taken you to the hospital, not even seeming at all challenged by carrying you the whole way. You stopped whimpering soon, but you were in the hospital for about 4 hours. It had turned out you had a small fracture on your ankle, and you had to wear a boot for three weeks. The hospital never let you eat or drink while you were there, so afterwards you were starving. "We can go out for lunch, if you'd like. I can pay." He smiled. You shook your head. "No, I wouldn't ask you to pay for me. That would be rude. I just met you." You chuckled. Before he could respond, the doctor gave you your bill. Your face visibly paled as you looked at it. You suddenly wished you had gotten insurance, because your medical bill was over $7000. You felt sick to your stomach as you looked at the doctor. You wouldn't be able to pay that... You were already struggling to pay for your apartment and your food an- "We'll pay in cash, now." The man interrupted your thoughts. You stared wide eyed at him and started apologizing to the doctor. "I-I'm sorry I can't do that now, I don't know what he was thinking-" you started, and again your thoughts were cut short by this man, who you had just met today, pulling a huge wad of cash from his wallet and going to pay for your bills. Your eyes widened and you thought you may faint. "You've got yourself an amazing boyfriend, I'll tell you that." The doctor said. You watched the man return and smile at you. "Im Loki, by the way. Want to go get ice cream with me?" He said. And you
spent the rest of the day trying every flavor of ice cream at the local parlor.
Steve: You stayed with Steve for a while, recollecting yourself. He smelled nice, like shaving cream and pine. A very manly smell. Eventually, you stopped crying. "I can't get another dog. Not yet. But I'll go insane if I don't have something to take care of." You sighed. "Maybe I'll get a hamster." You smiled at the thought. Steve was a really good listener, and he agreed with the hamster idea. "Maybe I'll go get one tomorrow." You shrugged. "Why not today?" He asked, bending his head down to look at you. You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his crystal blue ones. "I don't know." You admitted, and giggled a bit. His face lit up. "Let's go." He smiled and stood, holding an arm out for you. You thought it was a little old fashioned, but you grinned and took his arm. He went with you to bury Bugs' old frisbee, and then drove you on his motorcycle to the pet store. He walked in and the smell of hand sanitizer and animal dung filled your nose. You made a face and Steve laughed. "The hamsters are back here." He pulled you toward the back of the store. He showed you all around, knowing exactly where everything was. You together chose a white hamster with a big brown spot on his back, and you named him Bucky. "How do you know where everything is?" You asked with a smile. "I volunteer sometimes." He said as he helped you choose a cage and food and toys for the hamster. You smiled and he bought it all for you, then walked you home and gave you his number.
Tony: The man that you had met a few days ago finally decided to call you. Maybe he wanted to not seem desperate. You chuckled at the idea as you let the phone ring for a long time before answering it. "New York Crematorium, you kill 'em we grill 'em." You answered. (Not original) You heard a slight waver in the man's voice before he started to laugh. "Wow, nice one. You actually got me there for a minute." He laughed. "I don't believe I caught your name yesterday?" He said. "I might tell you, I might not. Depends how rich you are." You joked. You were about to tell him you were kidding, when he said "I'm Tony freaking Stark. I'm a billionaire. I am iron man." You could hear the smirk in his voice. Your eyes widened. You had known he looked familiar yesterday... "I-I'm (y/n)..." You said quietly. "Nice name. I'll pick you up in... Half an hour. Address?"
You couldn't believe that you were buckling into the passenger seat of one of Tony Stark's personal drag race cars. You had a gold and red racing uniform on, along with a helmet. Your (h/c) hair peeked out around your shoulders. You gave Tony a concerned look, but he likely couldn't see it since the goggles that covered your face were a dark black protective material. "I rock at this, don't worry!" He yelled over the roar of the engine. Gripping the side of the car, you squealed as the checkered flag dropped and the car ripped out of the starting line. You were tearing down the track, and screaming too. You couldn't recall having ever moved so fast in your life. But much to your disappointment, the ride was soon over. You and Tony had won. "I want to do it again!" You giggled as you pulled your helmet off and gave Tony an excited grin, much to his happiness.
Clint: "You want to go out and get a new coffee?" Clint asked, looking at the spilled remnants of your pumpkin spice latte. You pet the kitty in your hand and smiled at him. "Yeah, sounds great. Let me go get my purse." You said as you went to walk in. "No, don't, I'm paying." He promised. You smiled. "At least let me put soos up and give him some food and water." You said and walked into the house. You slid a few extra dollars in your pocket as you left the house with him. The whole walk there you both talked about your lives and favorite coffees, and you snuck the dollars into Clint's pocket after he paid. You also slipped on a note with your phone number so you two could schedule a second date.
Bruce: Friday, 3 pm, at the corner shop. You had arrived at the coffee shop with your favorite outfit; a brown knee-length skirt with flower print, a blue jean jacket buttoned up, and brown combat boots. You had your (h/c) hair styled just how you liked it, and you were gripping your sketchbook and colored pencils in your hands. You had started to fear that Bruce wouldn't show, when he ran in quickly with a briefcase in his hand, his tie slightly sideways. Your face turned into a smile. "Hey! I'm sorry I'm late, work went a bit overtime..." He sighed. "Oh, that's okay." You smiled. While he waited for your coffees, he told you all about how he was a doctor and chemist and you told him about you being an aspiring physical therapist. You two really hit it off, drinking coffees and drawing together. You even scheduled a second date already.
Thor: Thor, the man with a strange name and nice fairytales. You two went on a run together. You hadn't run a mile in the past four years, so it didn't go well. But Thor, well, he could be a varsity cross country runner. The entire time you ran, he was chatting your ear off about his fairytales. You had plenty of questions to ask, but you were too out of breath to ask them. You eventually, finally, stopped for water. You finally asked your questions and he told you his answers. And even if you didn't believe him, he was nice to be around. He saw how tired you were so you walked back to your car, where you both planned a movie date.
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