Imagine- Pietro
This is for @KeaunaPierce.
Reporter: "This is E! News bringing you a special report. Rumors are spreading that Keauna Pierce has been seeing famous billionaire and superhero Tony Stark without...Pietro Maximoff. Has she been cheating on Mr. Speed with the man of iron? Tune in the next five minutes to see our featured guest talk about these rumors on E! News. "
*goes into commercials*
Reporter: "Welcome back to E! News. Today we have an interview with Keauna Pierce and she is going to talk about the rumors of her cheating on Pietro Maximoff. For those of you who don't know who he is, he is known as the superhero Quicksilver."
"Hello Keauna, how are you? Also welcome to the show."
Keauna: "Hi. I'm fine and thanks for having me."
Reporter: "Okay so you're here to address the rumors about you and Tony Stark. Let's just get started with some quick questions."
"My first question is.....Do you indeed like Tony Stark more than Pietro Maximoff?"
Keauna: "What? No its nothing like that."
Reporter: "Sounds like you're denying see Tony without Maximoff."
"The next question is.....Are you just using Pietro to get to Tony?"
Keauna: "Why would I do that? Tony has Pepper and I would use Pietro."
Reporter: "Last two questions. Are the type to switch to man to man? Why did Pietro date you, and why is he still dating you?"
Keauna: "....."
Reporter: "Speechless are we? That settles it folks. Its official that Keauna Pierce is cheating on Quicksilver with Iron Man. This is E! News. See you all next time."
*just then you get a text from Pietro, he's asking you where E! News is because he wants to come after he watched the whole thing with Wanda*
Reporter: "Apparently we have a visitor so the shows not over yet. Please welcome Pietro Maximoff."
*he storms in and starts screaming*
Pietro: "The only reason why Keauna was visiting Tony Stark was to discuss the planning of our wedding. I lover her so much, I married her. All you're saying is absolute nonsense. Keauna is the love of my life, nothing you say will change this."
*then he picks you up and you share a passionate kiss on the lips, then speed off together where he sticks his middle finger out to the news people*
Hey guys!!! So Keauna I hope you liked it and please don't judge me if you hated it. Anyways so here's the thing I am planning on writing a Harry Potter Next Generation story and I want your opinions. I would really appreciate it. Let me in the comments and if you guys want to read it, I will post it as soon as I can. Thnx :)
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