Imagine- Clint
This is for @_maddy_yarosh.
"Clint I need to tell you something. It's really important." You say while holding your hand behind your back.
"What is it?" He asks worried.
"I'm pregnant." You say showing him the test you hiding behind your back.
He says nothing and runs towards you. He picks you up and hugs you and kisses and tells you how happy he is. He then puts you down and puts his hands on your belly and talks to the baby.
After that you both cuddle on the couch talking about your future with your child.
A Few Months Later
Your belly was getting bigger and it was time for you to find out the gender of the baby. You and Clint were so excited, you couldn't wait to go in the car and go to the doctor.
"I'm really excited to find out if it's a boy or a girl." You say excitedly.
"Me too. It really doesn't matter which one it is. The point is, is that I will love him or her just as much as I love you Maddy."
While driving you lean over to the drivers seat and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
You've been driving for about 20 minutes and you know that you're almost there. Suddenly you feel pressure on your belly and you can't move or open your eyes. You keep thinking.....'what happened?'
'Am I dead?'
You slowly open your eyes and see nothing, but bright lights. You look around and notice that you are in room, but not just any room...A HOSPITAL ROOM!
You start screaming and crying "Where is he? Where is Clint?"
He then walks in on crutches. You continue crying.
You asked him what happened and he told you.
You both were in the car listening to music on your way to the doctor. You were just about there and used the right turn signal. No one was there so Clint made the turn when the car suddenly got hit from the side.
Another car hit you. Someone was texting while driving. He hit Clint's side of the car making the flip. The top of the car come down ontop of the both of you. It crushed Clint's foot and crushed your belly. Thank God it was a Suburu or you both would have been dead.
Now that you know why Clint is on crutches and why you were in the hospital you began to cry even more because one person did die in the accident.
Your baby!
Hope you enjoyed it. I'm sorry it took so long, but I've been busy with schoola and life, so what are you gonna do. I still have one more imagine to do and then I will get back to the preferences. I PROMISE!!!!!!!!!
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