One Shot: Stories - Thor
AN: For those of you who read my Civil War rant, we are not gonna talk about it on any other chapters unless I post a spoiler warning. This fic is spoiler free, got it?
One Shot 25
When little girls are young they dream of being pretty princesses getting recused by handsome princes, you were no different. What girl wouldn't want to be married to a handsome prince?
You got your wish, in a manner of speaking. If you replace the word prince the word God.
Being the Princess of an entire realm was a lot more work than even your adult perception of royalty couldn't imagine.
And even more responsibility was laid upon your shoulders when your mother and father in law passed away, making you Queen of Asgard. Wife of Thor, King of the Gods and the new All Father.
Although you love your husband with all your heart, being Queen is no walk in the park. It's a lot of pressure. To look nice, act properly, be fair and nonjudgmental.
No one of course ever said anything about you being an unjust Queen, or anything of the sort. But you did find the job to be very challenging.
After a particularly trying day, you retired to your chambers and asked one of the attendants to draw you a hot bath and find something to help your head ache.
The attendant, sent for some maids to draw your bath. The attendant came back with an herbal tea, and hot towels for your head.
You thanked him for his assistance.
"My lady, would you like for me to send for the King?" The young attendant asked you, as he lit scented candles around the tiled bathing room.
You thought for a moment, "No, he's probably busy this evening. Leave him be," you said.
"As you wish my lady,"
The attendant left you to your soaking tub, and you climbed in.
As the attendant shut the doors behind him, Thor strode into the private living quarters.
"My Lord," the servant bowed his head in respect.
"Where is my wife?" Thor asked the attendant.
"She bathes," the attendant answers stepping aside to present the door.
"Is she ill? A maid left with herbal head ache remedies a moment ago," He questioned.
"Do you ask my opinion my Lord?" The attendant asked to make sure his words would not be unwanted.
"I would have it," Thor replied in kind.
"I believe the Lady (y/n) is suffering from stress Lord Thor. The roll of Queen is a heavy burden to bare. And although she is strong, she would benefit greatly from having someone help her bare the burden. If you take my meaning Your Majesty," The attendant bowed. Thor nodded thoughtfully.
"Thank you, I'm sorry I do not know your name," Thor addressed the attendant directly.
"Mathias," said the attendant.
"Thank you, Mathias," Thor said clapping the young man on the shoulder. "You are dismissed for the evening,"
"Thank you my lord," Mathias said, bowing his head again before exiting the room.
Thor removed his armor, and his under shirt leaving him in only his pants.
Tapping lightly on the doors Thor called to you.
"(Y/n), may I come in?"
"Yes," your voice came from within the bathing room.
He opened the doors and closed them again to preserve the serenity of the room.
"(Y/n) my darling, I have been told you are suffering a headache," he said quietly.
You lifted the hot towel from your eyes to peek at him.
"Yeah, but it's not that bad," you replied replacing the cloth over your eyes.
Thor pulled up a stool and sat behind you, with no warning he scooped your hair up and out of the tub. He began to massage your scalp.
"Your attendant tells me you are getting stressed over your new position as Queen," he said.
"Mathias told you that?" You asked.
"Yes, but don't be angry at the boy. He is concerned for his queen," Thor replied.
"I'm not angry, I just didn't realize others noticed my stress,"
This shot you down a little. It wasn't so bad if people couldn't tell, but this was different.
"My darling, you are an excellent queen. As far as I can tell the people love you," he said.
"I don't want to think about this now," you said placing a hand over the hot towel.
"Then don't speak, just listen," he said. His large hands slipped down from your scalp to your neck and shoulders to massage.
"A long time ago, in a realm much like Midgard, there was a King and Queen," he began. You found your stresses melting away into the hot water, while Thor's melodic voice told the story you recognized to be Snow White.
When he finished his story you removed the hot towel from your face to gaze into his eyes.
"Tell me another story," you asked sweetly.
He kissed your forehead, and said "As you wish," before launching into another story about another princess. This one telling about her adventures in falling in love with a farm boy turned pirate.
Thor's voice surrounded you, and comforted you. You felt as if you were unable to be unhappy with his words washing over you.
By the time the second story had concluded, the water had gone slightly cold. You rose from the bath and wrapped yourself in a fresh linen.
Thor embraced you gently, and invited you to join him on the large bed in the main area of your shared living chambers.
You slipped on a silk nightdress, and climbed into bed with him. Cuddling close to his chest, you asked the question that had been forming in your mind.
"Where did you learn to tell stories that way?" You asked him.
He shrugged, "I did not make up those stories if that is what you're implying,"
"Not at all. But each time a story is told, it's told differently. I am simply amazed by how much feeling and imagery you added to it.
He let out a light laugh, "(y/n) my darling, I pour love into every word I utter to you. The stories meant to comfort and heal you. I spoke to you in a row way I had hoped would make you feel better. Does this make sense?"
You smiled, "yes," you leaned your head up and kissed his lips "thank you, my love,"
"You are most welcome," he returned the kiss
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