One Shot: Blessing -Bucky
AN: Hi guys, I want to let you know real quick that this is gonna be a quick mini series. The whole thing was inspired by a request put in by @EbonyTheHatter the second chapter is the actual request.
One Shot 35
Things that happen are meant to be, for better or for worse. Dating Tom, you thought was a good thing. But after a few years, the kind and fun loving man you once knew turned bitter and angry.
But still you stayed... You couldn't really leave. You didn't have the money, and you couldn't risk being homeless in New York in winter.
All of that changed one afternoon. Tom came home, and you had something important to tell him.
"Tom I have to tell you something," you said. He was sat on the couch watching something on TV.
"What?" He didn't look up from his show.
"Tom," you said trying to get his attention. "Tom look at me please, this is important,"
He rolled his eyes and paused the TV "What?" He whined.
You sat down on the couch next to him.
"Don't... Don't be afraid," you started. He gave you an annoyed look, clearly wanting you to get to the point. "Tom, I'm pregnant,"
He laughed, but not in warm loving way... It was a cold and empty kind of laugh.
"You better not be," he said turning back to the TV.
"Tom I am serious right now," you said. He turned on you.
"(Y/n), I do not want any kids in this house or in my life. So you get rid of it or get out!" He shouted. That is not what you were expecting to hear.
Tears brimmed your eyes, "I thought you would be happy, Tom" you whispered.
"Oh yes (y/n). I would love to spend all my free time and extra money on a bastard child," he shouted, rising up to full height. "And it's not like it's my fault you got pregnant. Isn't it your job to get birth control and all that shit!"
"Tom stop it!" You cried, covering your mouth.
"Don't you tell me what to do!" He screamed "Get out of here (y/n) and don't come back until it's gone!"
You didn't move from the couch. You covered your mouth and wept. This made Tom even more angry.
He grabbed your arm, and dragged you from the house. Throwing your purse and coat out the door ahead of you into the snow.
You picked up your coat and your purse and ran away from the house, sobbing as you went.
You stopped in a park, and sat under a tree. You wrapped your arms around your stomach, thinking of how wrong this night had gone.
You had imagined telling him, and having him be so happy he couldn't even find words. You had thought that he would be proud and excited. Not angry and disappointed.
You refused to abort your child. It was against everything you believed in. And even if you would consider abortion, you didn't have any money....
It had to be at least midnight, and couldn't be any higher than 25 degrees in that park. But there you were. Alone, shivering, and pregnant.
A noise behind you made you jump, someone else sat down at the base of this tree. A man by the sound of his heavy breathing. You chose not to say anything for a moment.
All of the sudden the man spoke.
"Why are you out in the cold in the middle of the night?" He asked.
"Are you talking to me?" You asked.
"No, I'm talking to the squirrels that live in this tree," he joked.
You laughed, "I have no where to go," you replied.
"Why's that?" He asked.
"My boyfriend threw me out," you answered honestly.
"What did you do to deserve that?" He asked.
You paused a moment, "I let myself get pregnant,"
The man didn't answer
"Let yourself?" He asked "What like you cheated or something?"
"No. Of course not... I just... It just..... Happened," you couldn't find the words.
"So what? He blamed you? That doesn't make any sense,"
"No no, it's my fault. I-"
"I beg your pardon little lady. But you're defending the guy who just tossed a pregnant woman onto the street in the middle of the winter,"
You didn't answer, he was right after all.
"Why are you running around in the middle of the night in 20 degree weather?" You asked.
"I couldn't sleep. I felt a bit claustrophobic in my apartment," he replied.
"Nightmares got to ya?" You asked sympathetically.
"Yeah," he replied.
"War will do that to ya," he replied.
"Afghanistan or Iraq?" You asked.
"Neither," he replied "World War Two, and I think most of the Cold War,"
"That can't be possible. You can't be any older than 28... Going on the way you sound anyway,"
He laughed, "What would you say if I told you that I was born in 1917,"
"I would say.... Is Captain America sitting on the other side of this tree?" You laughed.
"Well, close enough. He was my best friend,"
You didn't reply. That was not what you expected to hear
"You're fucking serious, aren't you?" You asked,
"I'm afraid so," he replied. You couldn't help but laugh somewhat hysterically.
"Then you're, um. That guy. From the Smithsonian," you snapped your fingers a couple times "Barnes. James Barnes. Right?"
He stuck his hand out, around the tree for you to shake. "Bucky," he said.
You shook his hand, "(y/n) (l/n),"
The two of you sat in silence for a painfully long moment.
"So what now Miss (l/n)?" He asked "Do we shiver here all night, and die never knowing who's sitting on the other side of this tree? Or do we pull ourselves up, and try to glue the broken pieces of our lives back together?"
"The latter I suppose," you said. Together you stood up, and turned to face one another.
That was 8 months ago. Since then, you haven't gone back to Tom's apartment. You live with Bucky. His apartment is smaller than Tom's, but it's cheaper. And at least with Bucky, you don't have to be afraid anymore.
After leaving Tom, you realized just how poorly he treated you. He was emotionally abusive and you never even realized it.
Bucky went during the day, a few weeks after you left to collect your things.
Things were better with Bucky. He was great to have around and talk to, and he expected nothing from you. Except helping to pay the rent of course.
And it was nice, when you went out sometimes to have someone decent for people to assume was the father of your unborn child.
Secretly Bucky wished he was the father, and happily told anyone who asked he was. But he knew that you might not ever be ready to have a man in your life again. So he was perfectly content with being your roommate, and friend.
When the time came for the baby to be born, he was there for you. Through the whole thing, all 19 hours of it.
You decided you didn't want to know the sex of the baby until it was born. Bucky thought it would be a girl, you weren't so sure and thought it would be a boy.
So when you heard the babies screams, you sagged against the pillows and cried with joy. The nurse slipped the little pink bundle into your arms.
"It's a girl," she whispered.
You looked up at Bucky, he had a couple tears in his eyes too.
"You were right, you win Barnes," you said. He laughed, and stroked your hair.
"What are you gonna call her?" He asked.
"I dunno.... I was so sure it was going to be a boy.... We can't call this little girl Joshua..." You laughed. "Did you think of any names?"
"Only one," he said "Lilian,"
"That's a good name... Lilian," you agreed.
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