One Shot: Arachnophobia
One Shot 2
Just typical Saturday afternoon in the Avengers Tower, Steve was reading the third book of the Harry Potter series trying desperately to catch up with society. Tony and Thor playing video games in the living room, while Natasha idly watches from the couch. Bruce was down stairs, working in the lab with Jane and Darcy. Although Darcy was really just there to bother Jane and read her Tumblr quotes.
Like any other Saturday afternoon, Clint was up in the air vents spying on people and eaves dropping (the little shit). Today he was watching Pietro, who was lying sprawled out on the floor of the media room, with the honey badger documentary playing in the background.
He was raising and lowering his legs and arms in accordance to his verbal queues.
"Right leg" he raised his right leg
"Leeeeeft leg," he lowered his right leg to raise his left.
"Riiiiiiiiight leg"
"Left arm!"
"Both arms"
"And left leg!"
He waved his arms and leg around in the air, overcome with boredom. When he suddenly had an epiphany, he raised his right leg and put down his arms and tried to run in the air.
Nothing became of this, but he kept trying as if he were expecting some miraculous result. In the vents Clint was having a hard time keeping his laughter to himself.
A moment later Wanda entered the media room and saw her brothers shenanigans.
"Pietro you seriously trying this again?" She asked out into the room.
"Yes" he replied with no further explanation. She sighed and, left the room but not before she called out
"How is it that you escaped the womb first?"
"Because I am far prettier than you," he said to himself, knowing full well it was in vain.
"I beg to differ," Clint thought... At that moment Clint noticed the small offending creature in front of him.
His breath caught in his throat, and he tried to back up without making any noise. This failed as his fingers found a second 8 legged creature from hell. He couldn't contain himself for another second, and let out a ear piercing scream of terror. The sound echoed through the entire tower, startling everyone.
Pietro practically tripped over himself in the air, and landed up somehow with his face impaled in one of the media chairs. Wanda dropped a vase, shattering it on the floor. In the lab several test tubes broke and all three of them swore loudly.
In the living room Steve shouted in response and threw his book into the TV effectively destroying it.
"Damn it Steve!" Natasha chided. "This is why we can't have nice things!"
Tony smirked evilly, and said in a menacing tone "Excellent"
Clint continued screaming and thrashing about in the air vents "They're everywhere!"
"Oh my fucking god they're in my hair! My hair! My beautiful hair!"
Thor chuckled, "Not as beautiful as mine,"
"Damn straight, man" Tony agreed slapping Thor's shoulder. Natasha stood up from the couch
"Stark did you put spiders in the vents again?"
"Why yes, yes I did,"
Natasha didn't even have a witty remark she just knocked his lights out, as she promised she would if he ever did it again. She's a woman of her word.
She sighed deeply and touched a button on her ear piece "1...2...3 NOT IT"
Chorused from the coms, except for Steve who fumbled over his words enough to be the last sucker to say
Not it!
"Damn it!" He shouted! "Not again!"
"Language Steven," Thor joked. Steve threw him a glare and went to go retrieve the still screaming archer.
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