One Shot: A Field Agent for a Day- Natasha
AN: This was originally going to be a preference. But this one part got so elaborate and fun I couldn't stop.... So then it was going to be a mini series inside this book. But the I couldn't think of enough missions or variations to do for each character. And I don't want you all to get bored. So now it's long one shot. Hope you like it. Tell me what you think!!!
(Pictured, your dress)
One Shot 8
You were so excited that your were asked to be part of the mission. But Natasha was not having it.
"Natasha, if not (y/n) then who?" Nick demanded "She's a world class dancer, and the daughter of a famous billionaire. She will actually know people there, and people will know her. She won't be questioned for being there,"
"No. She's not trained. Someone. Anyone. Just not her,"
"WE DON'T HAVE A CHOICE!" Nick shouted.
"I CAN'T LOSE HER!" She shouted back.
You had been outside the office, standing there with Steve listening... You opened the door at that moment.
"This isn't a decision for you to make Nat. I have to do this," You spoke up. She made a move to counter you, but you raised a hand to stop her.
"You always tell me when you have to go, it's for us. You have to go, to protect us. Now it's my turn. I have a chance to save lives, do what you do. I love you, but you can't take this away from me,"
She cupped your cheek and looked upset, but she nodded.
"Then it's decided,"
2 days after that conversation, your bag was packed and you were on a flight to Milan.
Accompanied by Steve and Sam pretending to be your body guards, and also by Clint and one other female agent as the rest of your entourage. Leaving Natasha behind.
Your mission was to attend a party being held by another famous bachelor billionaire, and meet someone there, a woman who was carrying information that SHEILD simply must have, but also had a mind to assassinate the host of the party.
You arrived to the party in a very expensive dress, with your entourage dressed to kill. (Meaning in very expensive and attractive suits. But also armed to the teeth with concealed weapons).
Sam extended his arm to you, it had been decided that he would be your escort for this evening. The rest of your entourage disappeared into the crowds, but made sure to keep you and Sam in their field of vision.
You led Sam to a spot in the room, a whispered
"Coms check,"
Sam nodded.
In response, Steve, Clint, and the other female agent replied affirmative.
You didn't see the asset for at least an hour, but you moved about the party as you would if you were attending for social reasons.
Sam was secretly thrilled to be in the presence of some of the most rich and powerful people on earth.
He did ask, "Was Tony invited to this little event,"
"Oh no, Mr. Tannon has a particular... Uh... dislike for Mr. Stark,"
"Well well, (y/n) I have to say, you are looking fabulous tonight," came a man's voice behind you.
"Daniel Tannon," you said, mostly to clarify for Sam, "It's been forever and a day,"
You eyes flitted to the woman on his arm. The asset, "And Miss Devereaux. How lovely it is to see you again,"
"Please, just Belle," she winked. At her side he signed (in ASL) "LOSE THE BODY GUARD"
You signed back "yes."
"Matthew dear," you pulled a bit on Sam's arm. "I'm feeling a bit light headed, be a dove and find some water for me. And possibly and aspirin," discretely you tapped his forearm twice indicating him to shadow you.
"Of course," he nodded to Daniel and Belle. "Mr. Tannon, Miss Devereaux," and with that he was lost in the sea of people.
"Belle, won't you take a walk with me outside? For some fresh air,"
Smiled, a let go of Daniel's arm.
"I'll be back Daniel,"
And with that we walked out of the party arm in arm. Outside we walked through the lavish gardens, and founded a secluded corner to talk in.
"Belle Devereaux? Really Francesca, using old aliases already,"
"We've met before, under the names of Daniel Tannon and Belle Devereaux. Continuity is important (y/n),"
"Well, do you have the plans or not?"
"I do, keep your dress on,"
She reaches down the front of her dress and pulls a lipstick tube.
"This was extremely hard to acquire, not something you'll find at your every day Sephora,"
"I'll be sure to appreciate it to its full extent," I placed it in the bodice of my dress.
I turned to leave, but she grabbed my hand.
"You know what I mean to do tonight," I said nothing. "And I know you mean to stop me,"
Shit... We're compromised... I know that my team can hear everything going on, they won't let me get hurt if this goes sideways.
"Yes," I say in a voice less than a whisper.
"Do it. Take me out. But make it look like I was in the process of completing my mission,"
She pressed a little bag into my hand, and walked passed me without another word. I opened the bag, there were three things in it.
Two rolled up pieces of paper, and small pile of diamonds and rubies.
I opened the first scroll of paper. It read,
"I have a terminal illness. Cancer. It's in my stomach, bones, liver. I'll be gone in a month, so take me out tonight. Like a true agent."
The second read, "I have money. A lot of it. And no next of kin. Take it all, and put it to good use. Keep the jewels as a wedding gift," on the back was a list of banks, bank numbers and passwords.
"Change of plans, guys," you said into your com.
"What's wrong?" Came Steve's voice.
"She knows we're here to kill her, and she wants us to do it," you made your way back into the party.
"What? Why?"
"She's got terminal cancer. This is her ticket out,"
"Ah... So what's the plan?" Asked Clint
"We'll still take her out, but make it look like she was going to try to get Tannon,"
"Easy enough," replied the female agent, who's name I had forgotten...
I met up with Sam once more, and me made our way up stairs to a place where we could see Belle and Daniel.
We looked across and saw Steve, Clint was on the left hand side, and the other agent on the right.
I looked down into the crowd, Belle was back on Daniel's arm. But she wasn't looking at him, she was looking at me.
My mind flashes back, Francesca DeMaggio. Famously rich, classically beautiful, dangerously available. I always knew she worked a contract killer, and we were always kind of friends. But I never thought I would see the day, when I would have to give the order to kill her... Not on any sort of order. But as a favor.
"Agent Barton, she's in position. On my count,"
I held up a hand with three fingers up, Belle pulled her gun and made to shoot Daniel.
A shot rang out, and Belle dropped to the floor. Daniel backed up into a guest and party was thrown into chaos. The mission was complete, now we just had to get out.
We screamed and ran with the throngs of fleeing guests. Cameras took picture of the worlds finest running with terrified faces.
And we were on a place, back to DC within the hour. I sat next to Steve on the flight back.
"You did really well, Nat's gonna be really proud of you," he said squeezing your hand.
"Yeah. But now that it's over, I'm really getting that adrenaline sickness..."
"Deep breaths. Think of the good you just did for the world,"
I nodded, comforted by his words.
"It never gets easier though does it. The fact that you ended a life,"
"Yes... But you're in the unique position of saying that not only did she want it, but she asked you for it explicitly. She would have died of her illnesses,"
"Yeah. We prevented her from suffering,"
"And, you look stunning in your dress,"
You laughed lightly,
"I'm a married woman, Steven," you slapped his arm "and extremely gay,"
He laughed too, "I know that. But that doesn't change the fact that your are a beautiful woman. And you did look fantastic,"
"Nat says that this shade of pink is my color,"
"She is not wrong,"
Steve's playful distraction worked. You didn't think about the mission, and you were excited to get home.
The plane landed around 2:45, so you drove home in the darkness. You wondered how Natasha did this so often. It's not very fun...
When you opened the door to the apartment, you found her sleeping on the couch. You hung up the dress you had been wearing to the party, and went to wake her up.
"Tasha." You said shaking her shoulder.
Her eyes shot open and she tackled you to the floor peppering your face with kisses.
"Oh you're alive! You're alive," she wailed.
"I'm alive!" You grinned from ear to ear. It's weird being on the other end of this. Poor Nat, I must give her such a headache.
We went into our bedroom, and climbed into bed. She made me take off my clothes to prove that I was not injured in anyway. Then made me describe in detail everything that happened.
"See, I can be an asset to SHIELD. I'm good in the field,"
"No. Absolutely. Under no circumstances. Are you ever going to go on a mission," she stopped... "Without me," I smiled "Again,"
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