He(She) comes home
Preference 5
Steve: Steve accepted a mission that took 10 whole months. Not that he had a choice, but it was still the longest year of your life. Absolutely no communications or the whole thing would be ruined. You were very lonely and quite depressed without him. Your friends (who didn't know he did as a profession) kept trying to set you up with dates and things. But you remained faithful, you could only hope that he would too. One night you were sleeping in bed, and the door to the apartment opened. The next morning, you woke up in a mans embrace. First you panicked, then you felt guilty, then you were very confused, then deathly afraid. Your eyes snapped open, and you shoved yourself away from the man, backing up against a wall. The man sputtered awake at the feeling of you shoving him.
"(Y/n)!" He shouted "It's me"
"Yeah baby girl. It's me, I'm home,"
"Steve!" You cried out flinging yourself back at him.
Tony: Being Tony's personal assistant meant that you basically went every where with him, but not on this one. This was a business trip to a rather risky area, and he would not have you in that sort of danger. At least in the Stark Tower JARVIS was programmed to protect you at all costs. When he told you that you would not being coming with him, you were initially upset but he explained his reasoning and let the matter drop. He was gone for three weeks, and you were out of the house when he got back. Tony freaked out at first, but JARVIS informed him that you had merely just gone out for coffee with Natasha and would be back soon. Tony, loosened his tie and laid down on the couch. The place he was forced to stay in for the trip was very uncomfortable. You came home and found him sleeping, instead of waking him up you just kissed his lips and went to the kitchen.
Bruce: You left the lab at normal quitting time, but Bruce was determined to get this chemical formula done before the night was out. You you rode the private elevator up to the residential levels of the Stark Tower, made some pasta and are alone. Bruce dragged his butt up around eleven, you were watching a movie on the couch and eating ice cream. "Pasta's still warm on the stove if you're hungry," you called out. He didn't reply but came and sat with you holding a bowl of pasta and a plastic spoon. You fell asleep on the couch with him sort of slumped on top of you.
Clint: You had just finished a very bloody surgery on a brave young agent who took three bullets to the thigh. Very lucky she was to keep her leg. The communicator you wore in your ear went off, "(y/n) we have a transport coming in with 3 in critical condition and 2 needing some stitches,"
"Estimated time for arrival?" You asked, signaling for all the doctors and nurses in the prep room to follow you. "You've got about 3 minutes," "10-4". No less than a minute and a half later you and your team were on the landing strip and ready to admit patients. The agents practically fell out of the air craft and onto gurneys. The last few agents came out, and you recognized your significant other, you strutted up to your mess of a boyfriend and kissed him right on his busted lip. "Hi sweetheart,"
Thor: A storm raged outside, but it went unnoticed by you as you were fast asleep on the couch. Lighting struck your apartment building and a great man appeared before you.
"(Y/n), my love?" He called out into the darkness. He heard nothing. "(Y/n)?"
Thor flipped on the light and found that you were right in front of him, sleeping peacefully. He got down, onto his knees and swept the hair that had fallen onto your face away in a loving way. He kissed you cheek, scooped you up in one arm and carried you off to bed.
Loki: Loki had been summoned back to Asgard on private business for the All Father. The apartment was quite empty without the mischievous man. You were making a thick soup to save for later in the week when you would surely be too tired to cook, when a voice echoed into the kitchen.
"Darling that smells wonderful,"
"Loki!" You shout, whipping around to see him leaning on the wall.
"Hello darling, did you miss me?"
Bucky: You waited on the landing strip with all the other loved ones of returning agents and soldiers. The night was clear and warm. The plane landed, and people poured out like water from a pitcher. Finally through the throng of people you saw the man with the metal arm and ran to him.
Natasha: She's been gone for 4 whole months, and you've missed her so much. When she comes home, you are sleeping on the couch, with a sketch book open on your chest and a half finished glass of brandy. Natasha laughed to herself seeing you this way. You were a lightweight. Especially in comparison to her, she could drink a bottle of vodka straight and have no ill effects other than being a little more funny.
She tossed her stuff down, grabbed a blanket and laid down with you. Covering you both.
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