CIVIL WAR One Shot: See You Later, Not Goodbye
AN: This story has some history to it. It was requested by my lady love supermiss98 like forever ago. It got put in my line up. Deleted from my line up accidentally. Forgotten twice. Remembered three times. I wasn't even gonna post it tonight. But a certain someone BEGGED me to. So here ya go loves. I hope ya'll love it!
Je l'espère , il est tout ce que vous vouliez chéri
One Shot 38
"Are you sure this is what you want?" Steve asked again.
"Yeah, with all their programming still in my head, I'm not safe to be out in the world. Not just yet anyway," Bucky told him.
Steve was upset that Bucky was making this choice, but ultimately it was for the best.
After Bucky was put back into cryo sleep. Steve exited the room, to meet back up with you, his girlfriend.
He didn't say anything, he took your hand and together you walked out of the building got into the car and drove away in silence.
Steve barely spoke for a long time, it wasn't until you were on the plane back to America that Steve said anything directly to you.
"You look cold," you said to him, covering him with a blanket.
"Only a little," he said. You smiled at him and went to walk away but he held your fingers "Thank you,"
Back home he was very quiet. He barely ate. Rarely slept. He looked pale, and sad. And had no motivation to do anything productive.
Finally one day, while he was sitting in his leather chair facing the window that over looked the city, you asked the question that had been nagging at you for so long.
"What's going on?" You asked, crossing the threshold of the room.
"Nothing," he said.
"Steve, something is bothering you please tell me," you pleaded climbing onto the chair behind him.
Your arms slid around his body, "That's just it (y/n)," he said crossing his arms over yours, taking care to wrap his fingers gently around your elbows. "I spent so long trying to find him. Trying to help him. And now I have nothing,"
"But Steve I-" you placed your head on his shoulder.
"I don't mean to sound neglectful towards you. But I have nothing to do now. SHIELD is gone. The Avengers are no more. And my best friend has chosen to lock himself away from the world," he hung his head sadly.
"Hell, even the people who call themselves my friends are locked up in a psych ward for unkillable villains,"
You felt two wet tear drops hit your arms. You slowly rocked him side to side, moving rhythmically with him.
His sobs became more audible, and you could feel the tears splashing down onto your arms.
"Steve," you whispered as he sucked in a gulp of air. Trying to regain some composure.
"Don't hold it in," you whispered, kissing his cheek.
He released his breath with a fresh wave of sobs.
"(Y/n) you don't understand. I spent every waking moment trying to find him. And now... Now the world is more afraid of him than ever. I'm not even Captain America anymore," he sobbed.
"It's okay Steve, I know," you continued rocking him. "I know honey,"
Finally after a long afternoon, Steve had cried himself out.
"Honey, maybe you don't need to be Captain America anymore," you whispered "Maybe you just need to be Steve Rogers,"
"Yeah," he agreed.
"Steve Rogers, who is loved by me, and by his friends. Steve Rogers who is loyal, and caring, and wonderful,"
Suddenly he stood up and faced you,
"It doesn't matter if I'm Steve Rogers or Captain America," he said "neither would leave fellow soldiers behind,"
You smiled, knowing where he was going with this
"I have to save my teammates, they don't deserve to be treated like criminals for fighting what's right,"
"That's the Steve Rogers I know," you grinned. He bent down to give you a kiss before leaving the room to get his gear together.
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