Adding Pietro
Pietro Maximoff if kinda sorta really my new obsession.
Preferences 1-6
How You Met: You worked in the as one of Tony's personal assistants. Much like your friend Maria Hill. You had just finished getting all the damages from Ultron's little home wrecking party, cleaned up. You received a phone call from Mr. Stark informing you that they would be home within the hour. When they arrived you got hugs and cheek kisses from all your friends (The Avengers) but you were surprised to see three new faces.
"Hello, my names (y/n). I'm Mr. Starks personal assistant," you said in a friendly manner.
The three introduced themselves as Vision, an android made from Ultron and JARVIS.
The other two introduced themselves as Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins from Sovakia. The girl, Wanda was beautiful with her long dark hair and porcelain skin. The man, was beautiful too, in another way. A bit taller than his sister, muscular, bleached blonde hair, striking blue eyes.
Nicknames: you call him Speedy, for obvious reasons.
He calls you сердце, which means Heart.
Jealous: Oh man does he get jealous! Especially of Tony. Tony can't help but flirt with you, and you do not take any of his shit. But Pietro still gets insanely jealous. Being very protective, and clingy. You find it very sweet.
How you sleep: You sleep with music on, slow calming instrumental music. It's the only way to keep you both asleep. He holds you flush against his chest, arms carefully ensconcing one another in warmth and protection.
Coming Home: He left on the preset date, in the dead of night. Leaving you wrapped up tight in your blankets to keep warm. He kissed your head and whispered, "сладкий мечтает мою крошечный ангела," meaning sweet dreams my tiny angel. He did not come return for three months, getting in and out of North Korea is extremely difficult... And not getting caught is even harder. But the mission had to be completed. He returned in the dead of night once more. You had long since learned to sleep holding a pillow in place of him, and sleeping on his side of the bed. He found you just this way when he ever so quietly crept into the house, and across the bedroom. He felt a pang of longing and a little guilt seeing you all alone in the great big bed. He remedied that by climbing in behind you, and spooning you gently. You woke the next morning, in a moment of panic feeling an arm around you. But coming to realize it was Pietro, you relaxed and kissed him awake.
What you argue over: A lot of times you argue over bad habits you both harbor. His constant need to he in motion. Your excessive worrying. These fights don't usually last very long, but they are loud when they happen.
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