Who has the mightest Muscles?
We settled down after that, well, aside from the whole competition to lift Thor's hammer. Spiderman and Deadpool quickly disappeared after dinner though, surprisingly without incident. Clint and Tony seemed to know where this would end for them. Natasha passed with a roll of her eyes, apparently this had occurred before and she'd seen the outcome.
"Wanda's turn." Tony clapped his hands, there was a few excited mutters as she walked to the table. She gave a few tugs, testing its weight then sighed and raised her hands in surrender.
"Nope, I give up." She laughed but when she was settled, glared at the hammer like her worst nemesis.
"Pietro?" Tony asked hopefully.
"Already ahead of you rich man." Pietro grinned, straining at the hammer, what happened next was a quick blur and then Pietro was sitting next to Wanda, shrugging. "I give up." There was a collective groan of disappointment.
"New boy." Tony grinned.
I rolled my eyes and stood, eyeing it off. Would it matter if I lifted the hammer? If I was worthy? Truthfully, I think it would've been a reflection of what I've done done in these last few years. Going from mission to mission, pretending, blocking, not talking to anyone. Would the hammer account for that?
I slid my hand through the leather strap and grilled the cool combination of metal and leather. Everyone else seemed to have not have tried. How would they view me if I lifted this?
"Don't worry kid." Tony grinned, "no one except Thor or Vision can lift it."
So if I could lift it, it'd be something it seemed.
"It weights about three billion pounds, so I wouldn't worry too much if-" Bruce started.
"It's okay Brucey," Tony grinned. "He probably doesn't have this."
I grimaced and strained at the hammer, pulling with all of my might. I held it like that, straining. It was almost like to hold the sky, except, I was pulling it.
With a huff and a sigh, I let go. "Nope." I said good naturedly, holding my hands in the same surrender sign as Wanda. "Doesn't seem like it."
I sat back in my seat, next to Thor. "The hammer has a different version of worthy, Steve cannot lift it, but I can, it's mean for kings, not just mortals." I bit my lip and then leaned forwards, picking up the hammer easily, throwing it from hand to hand.
"Not badly balanced." I grinned, then spoke in a lower voice. "But what about demigods?" Thor's face twisted into a smile and I dropped the hammer back onto the table.
"What?!" Tony cried. "How? Why? What?"
I turned to him and shrugged, "I guess you can suddenly get worthy in a couple of seconds."
"Then how come I can't?" Tony cried and we all laughed.
"What have you done to..." Pietro wondered.
"Only fought in two major wars, travelled to Hell and countless other things." A new voice scoffed behind me. I spun around and saw Nico standing in the shadows.
"Who is he?" Tony asked.
"Well, that's a little bit of exaggeration." I grinned while giving him the 'not right now! Mortals present!' look. I turned back to the others. "I'll see you whenever I'll see you." I grinned.
"Tuesday." Steve nodded. "Morning."
I nodded my understanding. "See you then." I turned back to Nico, ushering him out. "Let's go, quickly."
A/N: Hello y'all. It's been a bit of a short chapter. Sorry 'bout that but everythin has been a stressin. I just handed three different assessment pieces today and now I've decided to produce a student-only play whilst starting up another book and trying to work on my Star Wars fanfic. (At Your Call, see it in the bio)
I'm also practicing my character and relationship development in the new Avengers fanfic; After Civil War which is basically after the cinematic events of Civil War where Steve and Bucky go on the run, they basically slam into a mourning girl who hates superheroes with every fibre of her being etc.
I'm honestly surprised by the amount of replies that I got for ideas, but, by no means let them stop, keep 'em coming. I'm sorry that I didn't include Deadpool as much as you like but I legitimately forgot and just kept writing, hopefully he'll turn up later on.
So for the people who commented ideas, this little extra bit is for you (how's my trolling skills tho?)
"What do you have for me?" I turned to Nico once we were inside my Mother's apartment. The place still felt severely empty without her. It almost gave me chills. I flicked on all the lights and turned to a wincing Nico.
"Annabeth is still constantly moving, but now she seems to be coming here, or maybe Long Island, I'm not sure."
"And... Bring her back, completely?" I asked hopefully.
"I'd say it's unlikely, don't get your hopes up, we need to find Annabeth first and see if she'll be able to survive going into a body and waiting for her isn't going to cut it."
"We need someone to find her." I realised. "Can a Hetecate Legacy do that?"
"Sure, probably." Nico shrugged, "I would probably need to be present but aside from that, all should be good."
"Okay that's great." I paused. "You knew of Thor and his type?" I questioned, Nico suddenly got uncomfortable, looking at the ground.
"Um yeah, I know of a lot of worlds."
"And I guess I'm going to have to find these myself, aren't I?" I sighed. Nico nodded his head. I sighed. "Well, I'll signal you somehow when everything's all good."
"I'll try and track her myself, here's my number." Nico found a scrap of paper and wrote his number on it in scrawled letters.
"You guys have numbers now?" I asked, surprised.
"Yeah, they're modernising at Camp, wifi and everything now." Nico nodded, flashing me a look of his high tech-looking phone. "Leo's advocating for Camp Jupiter to upgrade too but Reyna doesn't seem that keen."
"Well now I might consider going back." I grinned, Nico laughed.
"Right. As if you'd do that." Nico winked and then disappeared in a puff of shadows.
"Probably not." I muttered to myself, scrolling for Wanda's number I was sure that Tony programmed onto my phone. It began ringing; Furyosa 😈😡🕵🏿
"Ello?" I answered into the phone. "Guinea Pig speaking."
"I don't understand you Percy," Fury's clipped tone was on the other side. "I have a mission for you."
"I'm booked full until Tuesday as um, an Avenger, y'know, hard work." I replied with a grin.
"We want for you to go undercover and investigate into a cult group, your mission starts Friday."
"I thought I was supposed to be an Avenger, not an agent." I replied scathingly.
"If you're an Avenger then why don't you live there?"
Okay so Nick Fury got me there.
"I don't believe that was in the contract." I managed.
"Friday. Agent 33 will be accompanying you." Fury ended the call.
I sighed and chucked my phone onto the couch. I was too tired for this.
Blood or Tears?
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