"Yo listen up, here's a story, about a little guy that lives in a blue world and-." The music stopped abruptly in my ears, my eyes flew open to an annoyed Agent Sharon Carter standing over me, on one hip, her hand is planted and she is staring down at me with a slightly disappointed look on her face.
"You're late, again," She spoke like she had some expectation for me that I wasn't going to be late, but honestly, after all this time she's spent with me, me touring me, guiding me, she should know that I'm always late.
"And this time is different... How?" I ask disinterestedly, sliding off my headphones and breathing in the cloggy smell of chlorine.
"Because you were supposed to have your private hearing in front of the Council."
"Which one?"
"The one where you have to give them a full backstory." She groans as I stand from my position on the bench next to the pool and shrug on my suit jacket, they're surprisingly comfortable but that's beside the point, I was aware that I was supposed to be filling in the blanks for the council for my backstory, but, I'd already made it clear to Fury that that story was not permitted.
Agent 33 was my babysitter essentially, neither of us liked our job (dealing with the other) but after some time we progressed from tolerating one another to becoming friends. I was sociable but I wasn't exactly welcoming either. I made small talk and never really progressed beyond that stage with the other agents. Well except for the Delta Strike Force which consisted of my only other friends; Clint and Natasha. They're the guys that also fought the supposed Chitauri (which were actually Kronos' army with the mist), the aliens from outer space and formed the Avengers. They're pretty cool guys, except for the fact that Clint keeps trying to correct my archery. I'm getting better though, yesterday, the arrow stayed in the firing area.
"Percy." Sharon clicks her fingers in front of my face and I blink back to life.
"Sorry." I mumble. "Where are we going again?"
She sighed and rubbed her face with both hands. "Fury." She groaned. "We were going to Fury."
"That's right!" I spoke quite loudly and strode along the corridors. I had a bright grin on my face as I walked along. The agents passing me, gave me a wide berth, stay away from the crazy ones they were probably thinking. Nothing like a bright smile to get the lower-level agents internally freaking out.
I made it to the hearing room in under a minute, Agent 33 occasionally having to break into a sprint to keep up with my long stride. Every time she did, her blonde ringlets would bob like the way hers would, causing my heart to ache and for me to almost lapse into another circle of grief. That was something that I both liked and disliked about Agent Carter silumtaniously. She reminded me of Annabeth; the way she could keep me in line yet be able to be playful.
One time, she caught me staring at her hair, because from afar, I really wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two if my life depended on it. I'd told her about Annabeth, how we'd grown up together in school, how we'd fought many battles together, how I'd proposed to her and she'd laughed and told me that I'd taken my time, how she'd been taken by the simplest of attacks and how even in her last moments, I didn't get the time to say that I loved her...
At the end, Sharon looked like she was bordering on the edge of guilt and crying. She asked if I wanted her to change her hair colour so it wouldn't remind me of Annabeth. I'd been shocked that someone would go so much out of their way to make sure I was okay. Sharon had told me of her story and after that we'd gone from tolerating one another to becoming friends.
I reached Fury's door to his office and it opened without me having to knock. Technology these days still stunned me. I looked back to Sharon and she gave me a nod of support. Gathering myself, I entered.
"... Here he is now." Ah, yes, the words I wanted to hear. Not.
"Hello Director Fury." I say rather coldly with a hint of sarcasm.
"Agent Jackson, can you answer the Council's questions?"
"And what may they be?" I feigned wonder.
"About your past." One of the Councillors interrupted, it was the woman. At the edge of the screen was her name; a squiggly mess of writing. Thank you dyslexia for being so wonderfully helpful.
"Ah yes, my past, the mysterious void of darkness," I joked. I didn't know where this sudden bout of sarcasm came from but it fun and I liked sassing the highest order of SHIELD, opportunities like this didn't come everyday.
"Where did you come from Agent? How were you so well trained?" One of the men asked, suddenly firing questions.
"I came from Manhattan," I shrugged, "I think being in high physical condition helps one in case of an emergency." I was skirting on lies, but that's how I was trained to lie. Border on truth and lie, find the mysterious grey area, and most importantly, know what you don't want to say.
"Where were you trained?"
"My school had self-defence and mixed martial arts classes, I took 'em."
"That domestic explain your high knowledge in Greek and Latin despite your..."
"Dyslexia? Disability?" I entered sarcastically, "my father was Greek and often travelled a lot between Rome and Greece sighting out archeological sites, Indiana Jones-style." Beside me, Fury cleared his throat, I was probably embarrassing him in front of the cool kids. I shrugged.
"That doesn't explain your abilities..."
"What about them?"
"They work in a different pattern to the normal X-gene or reaction to exposure to toxic conditions."
I held out my hands in a shrug. "Would it work if I said that I don't know?"
The Council gave me suspicious looks which I was unfazed by. If I could survive Natasha's bloodthirsty glare then the Council had no affect on me.
"Is that all for now? Because, I have to to return to, you know, just saving hostages and stuff, things you don't need to worry about." I sounded dismissive and the Council watched me with impassive faces. I looked to Fury expectantly.
"You're dismissed, Agent Jackson."
"Awesome, sweet, thanks for the questions." I gave them my best charming grin and slid out to where Sharon was waiting for me.
"How'd it go?" She asked expectantly.
"Over food." I groaned, slumping, she nodded. "To the Food Haven!"
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