Other People's Dirty Work
I pulled up in a shifty looking carpark, B6, looking around for the guy who'd called me. I turned off the car and got out, standing, a hand on the door and a hand on the roof of the car. "Percy!" A voice called and I whipped around, Steve was striding up towards me.
"Hey." I grinned, "what screwed up now?"
Steve's mouth twisted into a grin then it faded. "Something's come up, and I completely understand if you don't agree with, but, we could use your help."
"It doesn't matter, you were the only one that called... And I didn't have anything to do."
The end of Steve's mouth quirked upwards and he gestured towards the people behind him. "This is Scott Lang and Lana Stark, Clint, Sam and Wanda you already know. We wouldn't have asked you if had any other choice." Steve says grimly, I shake my head and shrug. He turns to the rest of the group with a grimace. "Suit up."
"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you just feel weird?" Tony said, an air of arrogance tinging his words. His voice so loud it hit our comms unit. I frowned, I was with Clint, Lana and Wanda on protection duty. Well, Wanda and Lana didn't need to know that but...
Lana was an interesting case, from what I'd gathered, she was Tony Stark's daughter from the future. Apparently she'd been chucked back here. There was a guy on the other side, Tony's side, Gale, who was the other person from her time. I'm guessing they'd split over petty disagreements and what's right etc. The usual stuff couples fight about.
Wait, you don't? Lucky.
"Definitely weird." Rhodey, Tony's sidekick said back, literally his sidekick down to the matching uniform, gimmick and everything.
We ran across the interior of the hanger, trying to locate the quinjet, as Cap tried to reason with the other side. Explaining who was the real enemy.
"Black cat just showed up." Lana sighed wearily, peeking slightly over the windowsill to down below. "This is where it gets bad."
"You're a time traveller from the future right?" I asked and Lana nodded.
"Fiveish years ahead of all of this." She waved her hand to down below, a figure in a red and blue suit jumped from nowhere, Lana heaved another sigh, dragging a hand down her face.
"So what's it like in the future?" I ask humourlessly.
"Can't tell," Lana scowled at the heroes below like they're the reason for her current predicament. Perhaps they were. "I-I just don't want to screw any timelines up, if ya know what I mean?" She continued weakly.
"You sound really done." I commented.
"You'd have no idea," she muttered, "on second thoughts, you're Percy Jackson, you'd have a strong idea."
"Woah, Lana Stark knows about me?" I asked, feeling impressed.
"Don't get me started." She groaned, laughing a little.
"We found it. The quinjet's in hanger five, north runway." Bird guy no.2 said, Falcon I think. Clint turns to us, apparently we'd missed something because all the guys below were beginning to square up, Small Guy, Scott had turned to regular size, and was standing besides Captain America, handing him his shield.
"Oh flip is that Spiderman?" I gasped, looking down.
"Okay" Clint said assertively. "We're going to try and avoid involvement casualties, if you can, stay out of it, Percy and Lana, you two stick together, you'll follow up to the hanger but I'll probably be held up. I'll stay with Wanda. Just get to the quinjet."
"You make it sound like we're kids," Lana says sourly.
"You are." Clint laughed a little, him and Wanda began making their way in the general direction towards hanger five.
Once they left, I said. "I feel so neglected."
Apparently that wasn't the right thing to say because an Iron Man came crashing through the window above us. Instead of screaming, Lana grabs my hand and we're enveloped into darkness.
"Okay," I say, "maybe that wasn't the right thing to say."
We reappear, on the tarmac outside. The fighting has begun, and we're standing next to Clint. Wanda's looking nervous, Lana grumbles something about buying her costume from the op shop. She's wearing thigh-high boots with netted fishnet stockings and a short, leather miniskirt. She's wearing black, fingerless gloves and a black, leather jacket that ends at the elbows. With the bright red lipstick she looks like the typical badass gothic.
I realise that that bombs have just finished going off around us, Lana and I duck. Clint shields Wanda. Suddenly Lana's face flickers and glowing calculations appear, images flickering back and forth that make no sense to me. Lana frowns. "He's coming for us, for me." She turns to Wanda. "And you too, that's how he enlisted the help of Vision."
"And here I was thinking that he actually cared about me." Wanda ground out.
"Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings." Tony appeared, flying above us, his palms outstretched, ready to fire. Wanda didn't say anything, only maintained a killworthy glare.
"You locked me in my room." Lana scowled, she did that a lot, I noticed. Maybe she just had a bad past. A tragic and terrible past. Maybe she didn't like smiling. She liked jokes though. I hope.
"Okay, first, that's an exaggeration, second, I did it to protect you. Hey Clint."
Clint, who'd looked rather unsettled since this whole thing began, was rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet, an arrow notched but not aiming. "Hey, man."
"Clearly retirement doesn't suit you, get tired of playing golf?"
Clint shook his shoulders and then turned it into a rolling movement. "Well, I played eighteen, shot eighteen. Just can't seem to miss." Clint fired three arrows, instead of hitting Iron Man they flew around him. He shot all of them out of the sky and turned back to Clint with a bigger ego.
"First time for everything."
"Oh my gods," I drawled. "Is there normally this much talking with you guys? Like the snide remark or two but seriously." I sighed, exaggeratedly.
Lana shot me a looks somewhere between a what the heck and finally someone said it and partially bewildered. "Character development," she explained, "gotta figure out differences, catch up, the normal stuff."
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Tony commented. "Why aren't you on my side?"
"I didn't get invited to the party on your side, I like parties," I replied with a shrug, "besides, your daughter's a hoot."
Tony turned to her slightly, probably in total shock. Lana's mouth quirked upwards. "Made ya look." She sung and suddenly, out of nowhere, heaps of cars came flying downwards, crushing Tony underneath. It was like, raining cars.
Hopefully Lana didn't pick up the Prius.
Obviously something's happened in the past that Lana had some serious pent up anger about.
Shots not being the one to ask her.
An explosion to the side made us duck, Cap and Scott were looking kind of guilty. Rhodey busted out of it, looking real mad. This black cat guy looking especially aggressive. Tony helped Natasha up.
"Oh man, I thought it was a water truck." Heard Scott curse and I sighed.
"C'mon." Lana said, grabbing my hand, we started to run towards the fight.
"We're going towards it?" I asked.
"What? Never lived on the edge before?" Lana laughed as we were running.
"I was gonna say about time." I shot back, Lana managed a short, humourless laugh.
"C'mon!" Steve shouted, waving us over, we joined him in running towards to hanger until a laser came out of nowhere and made a massive line in the cement. We all stopped.
"Is this the Lost Boys or something?" I gasped as I ran to a stop, the other side gathering. "And we all choose what side we're on?"
"Pretty much." Lana said, searching them for something, her eyes narrowed sharply.
"Captain Rodgers," Vision's voice echoed throughout, Tony dropped off Natasha, backing Vision. "I know what you're doing, you believe is right. But for the collective good, you must surrender now." War Machine dropped in the Black Cat guy and Spiderman flew out of nowhere and landed beside them. Another guy joined, a rather dangerous-looking guy with sharp features and dark hair. Lana audibly gasped, then frowned.
That must be the guy she was looking for, the other guy from the future.
Still weird how they split.
"What do we do Cap?" Sam asked lowly.
"We fight." Was the reply.
"That's an appropriate dramatic answer." I shrugged, we began to move forwards, breaking into a run. Those that could fly, pushed off, Lana's guy, used ice to push him off the ground. An icy trail behind him.
We clashed, I formed water molecules in my hand, shaping them into frisbees and spinning them at Vision. Any other normal person would've been sliced up like ham but he just pushed through. Cat guy almost hit me in the face with his feet so I used the water around him to send him spinning backwards a couple of yards.
It took me a couple of seconds to realise I was playing defence. I was pushing everyone away. And it was costing me, using the water around them was more difficult then using the nearby irrigation systems.
Well how 'bout that?
I shot out my hands, focusing, we were some distance away but soon enough, columns of water skyrocketed into the air and hovered over the airport. It stretched out, encompassing the entire place. I'll admit, it was quite impressive.
My attention was diverted when Spiderman sent a fling of web at my hands and face. With my attention diverted, the hundred of litres of water suspended above us, came down all at once. Hitting the ground with such and impact that it made everyone temporarily stop fight for a second.
Drenched, they came back to their senses and continued fighting.
"Make it rain, much." Lana scowled to me as she blocked one of Black Widow's punches, she turned back to Natasha. "We don't talk much in the future." She commented before sending her flying backwards, she then started attacking Clint.
"Nah," I laughed, "makes everything easier, watch." The water on the cement, although a little wet and pooling, began to gather, twisting upwards in small trails. I delayed Cat Guy's arm for a little longer, enabling Bucky to get the upper hand. I slowed Tony's descent towards us, flinging him to the side.
"Not bad." She commented, her hands outstretched, throwing off of Spiderman. He went for Cap instead. Lana's friend came at her. Shooting small daggers of ice in which she dodged. "Rude." She frowned, pausing to study a slice in her clothing.
The guy ran himself at Lana, pushing her back, attempting to restrain her. Several times, I pulled him backwards or would slip him up. Eventually, he decided I was too annoying and came for me.
I ducked under his first fist attack, using my momentum, I slid so I that I was on the same side as Lana as him. I kicked out as his legs, he jumped and landed on top of my ankle. I heard a positive crack and Lana gasped. I rolled away as he was about to jump for my throat. I heard Lana cry angrily. "Gale you slut." It kept him distracted for a second and I used that to kick him (with my unbroken ankle), in the back and sending him flying into Lana's control.
I winced, still on the ground, my ankle crooked at an awkward angle. Daggers of pain shot up my leg and spots danced in my eyes. I found my emergency bag of Ambrosia in my pocket and shoved two squares into my mouth.
There was a ringing in my ears but the pain significantly lessened and I was able to use my abilities to sweep up the surrounding water and heal the rest of my ankle.
Still, when I stood, I felt lightheaded, but I needed to shake it off. I stumbled forwards, the more I walked, the more my limp ceased. There were explosions around me still. People were still fighting.
A girl appeared in front of me, warrior-looking, a shield on her arm and a double-edged sword in the other. With a chilling certainty, I recognised it. Backbiter. Luke's sword.
She was the girl from before, I also realised. The one who was at Lagos and confronted me.
"How's your bullet wound going?" I grinned, her eyes narrowed.
"You dare find humour in my pain?" She hissed, her eyes slitted even more, she tightened her grip on her sword. My hand reached for Riptide in my pocket.
"Alright," I admitted, "that was a little mean. Let's start off with something a bit more... Cliché. Why are you here and what are your evil plans?"
"My name is Ephyra, named after my sister. I am the daughter of Oceanus, Titan of the Sea. I am here to avenge my sister's death. She was killed by your kind, demigods, for being beautiful." She hissed, baring fangs, not like vampire points, but more like knitting needles. I tried searching any known mythology for an Ephyra but I came up blank. The only information that made sense was what I'd already been told.
"How did you come across that sword?" I spoke, frowning. Ephyra grinned, somehow sensing that this was a soft spot for me.
"It was given to me, a gift. There's a lot of people who, at any given chance, would rip you to shreds-"
"Nice to know I have a fanbase." I commented.
"It's took a lot for them to find you. They almost gave up, then someone realised, what better way to pull a fish out of the ocean then a little wisdom?" She smiled sickly and something in the pit of my stomach dropped even further.
"You brought her back?" I barely managed, no more than a whisper, my chest constricting, it felt hard to breathe.
"We do have friends all around, a few strings here, a favour there, you know, she may even be at Camp Half-Blood right now, drawing our armies ever closer."
"Annabeth wouldn't do that." I said firmly, "whatever part of her is left, she wouldn't do that."
"Whatever part of her." Ephyra repeated, "precisely that, there isn't much left of her, the most prominent parts of her sewn together by the memories of those who are still living. Her pride and her pitiful longing for her home." Ephyra grinned, her fangs showing.
I pulled out Riptide, the pen transforming into a sword, right in my grasp. I readied my stance, furious. Around us, the fight was still occurring, behind me, Scott had magnified by ten times and was smashing through an aeroplane.
"I was selected, out of many, to kill you. They thought fighting fire with fire would be an interesting decision." She proclaimed, pride evident in her voice.
"Sounds like they were sending you as entertainment, a test, for me not you. How many demigods does it take to kill one of you?" I spoke, feigning wonder. "I'm not going to fight you." I decided, dropping my sword. "Not if it means giving you more reason to kill my kind."
"Interesting," Ephyra said, sounding generally interested and a little confused, "they told me you were blood-thirsty, battle hardened, that you had lost most of your humanity. That you would be excited for a fight even."
"I've fought a lot of battles, won a lot of wars, some time you've gotta figure out when to to stop." Ephyra nodded, digesting the words, Backbiter still clutched in her hand. "You don't want to fight either." I realised, Ephyra was stone-faced.
"That is true, I do not want to fight. Does not mean I won't." Ephyra raised her sword and charged, she sliced downwards and I dodged, bringing Riptide back up to block her next strike. We fought, exchanging blows and blocks. The fight still spun around us, but it was slowing.
"Percy!" Lana cried from some ways away, "get out of here, you need get out before-" Gale attacked her from behind, sending her sprawling to the ground.
"Don't do this." I heaved a breath, spinning around to deflect another attack.
"You do not understand," she panted, wildly sweeping out Backbiter, I stumbled back to avoid being sliced. "If I do not kill you, I will die!" Her attacks became more desperate, her weight was askew, he right side was somewhat defenceless.
"Come with me," I said, she thrusted Backbiter at me, I leaped to the side at the last second, I grabbed her sword hand, causing her to drop the weapon and whipping her around to face me. "I can protect you." Ephyra looked down, which I took as a yes.
I looked around, Scott had returned to normal size, Wanda was in Vision's arms and Lana was pinned down by Gale. I could only imagine the position the others were in. Lana looked up to me pleadingly. "Percy-"
I reached out my hand towards her, attempting to push off Gale, pull her towards me, whatever I could. But I couldn't. Perhaps she was too far away from me or Gale was stopping something, I don't know. Lana grimaced, seeing my attempt and gave a sharp nod, telling me to go.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, holding Ephyra firmly and escaping.
I have so much to tell you guys, but first and foremost, I apologise for not having this up sooner. What happens to Lana, you'll have to read her book to find out.
How do you think Ephyra is going to turn out? What about Annabeth?
And Percy's now on the run from Tony and stuff, how do you think that's going to work out for him?
I'll see you next chapter whenever it may come.
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