Meeting Odinson's Son
This update is for @Ti2345 because when I saw her comment I both read it in Loki's voice and was terrified, causing me to abandon whatever it was I was doing and squish this update out of my brain.
4K views, 5-3-16
"I don't think scotch is a very good substitute for actual food, Tony." A very casual-looking, Bruce Banner enters, rummages through the cupboard then exits without getting shot by a snide comeback from Tony. I look at Tony in surprise.
"No comment? I was waiting for you, it was your turn for one."
Tony shrugged hazily. "Science bros look out for one another,"
"Uh huh."
"You're an agent, right?"
"One of the most unconventional ones." I pulled face of well this didn't go how I planned.
"One of the best kinds." Tony drinks his scotch slowly.
"There's better kinds?" I asked feigning interest. "Please do tell."
"Well..." Tony began, someone else entered.
"Perseus Jackson." A voice boomed. I winced.
Zeus and co gods have found me, I'm so dead, cover story, what's cover story? Nope, none, hmm, maybe I was chasing Artemis' Wilderbeast and the Avengers were too and we just met and I decided to join? Yeah. That sounds pretty good. I like that one.
"I can explain, Zeu-" I spun around on my spinny bar chair, coming face to face with a very stormy Thor.
Oh no, this is much worse.
"Zeu-Thor, I mean Thor, hey, uh, how's it going? Seen Magnus recently? Actually, I don't know about that, disregard that comment." I laughed nervously. Despite what Tony said, you really suck at being an agent Seaweed Brain.
Annabeth was in my head. Was it her ghost speaking to me or was I going insane? It couldn't be her ghost because Nico said something about it moving West, was it west?
"You were going to say Zeus, why were you calling Thor Zeus?" Tony pointed out, half-speaking into his glass.
"No I wasn't."
"Yes you were."
"No... I wasn't."
"Yes... You were." Said Tony mimicking my tone.
"Perseus." Thor boomed again, only saying it a decibel quieter and a fraction less hostile.
"Only my haters call me Percy." I commented. Haters gonna hate.
"You called him Zeus." Tony whispered, sipping at his drink.
"No I didn't." I hissed back. Tony chuckled.
"Percy." Thor said for the billionth, or third, time.
"Yes?" I asked, pretending to be interested.
"You are aware of my kind, are you not?" I looked at him, a hulking Asgardian god. Ehehe, hulking. Geddit?
"Well... Yes." I said. "Gods, or Asgardians, I'm confused."
"Gods, Perseus." Thor gritted his teeth and looked at me darkly. I wasn't sure if he meant gods as that it was the answer or he was doing an Annabeth impersonation. I'm gonna take it as the first one. "But we are also are of your kind, elliniká imítheos." Demigod.
A chill ran through me and my easy attitude dropped. I glared, doing my best death stare. "Outside, now."
Thor nodded once and I followed him into the hallway, without paying attention to Thor I set down my phone, tapping away, and stepped back. The room filled with a blue light scan rather quickly and then disappeared. My phone lit up in a green light and I slipped it back into my pocket.
"Talk." I growled. Not only was Wanda apparently in the know about my kind and the modern Greek world but Thor was too. That made two too many in this team that were aware.
"We've known of your kind for some time, well, since the existence of our worlds."
"Our kind as in...?" I trailed off, leaving for him to elaborate.
"Your gods and their children, every hundred years we've had an ambassador from either side to ensure that all remains in good favour."
"Nico." I muttered, "no wonder." Thor nodded grimly.
"But since we will be working together for some time I'd like to clear the air between us. So, you are the legendary Perseus Jackson, are you not?"
"Which one?" I toyed. "Because, for all I know..."
"The one that fought and defeated your Lord of Time, your Earth, survive the darkest of your worlds, the one Nico speaks so fondly of?"
"The one and only, but I didn't really get-"
"Regardless, I, Thor Odinson, King of Asgard bestow upon me the honour of our meeting."
"Uh okay, thank you."
Thor looked like he was going to leave. "I'd like us to be friends, Percy." He clamped a hand down on my shoulder. "It'd be an honour."
He left and a feeling of foreboding overcame me.
IDEAS IDEAS I need ideas, please. Comment anything, random, just ideas please and thank you. Farewell though.
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