I need more ideas, so requests are open! Tell me the ship that you want and a scenario, or one of these prompts:
Future me: Just skip everything but the picture. I need writing practice.
I write the following ships:
1. Scarlet Strange
2. Valki/Valoki/Lokyrie
3. Brutasha
4. Pepperony
5. Peter²
6. Starker
7. Stony
8. Iron Strange
9. Frost Iron
10. Peturi/Science Bros 2.0
11. Science Bros/ Science Boyfriends
12. Romanogers
13. Shield Girlfriends
14. Thororo Monrodinson
15. Maria Hill+Nick Fury
16. Maria Hill+Phil Coulson
17. Pepperasha
18. May+Happy
19. Pepper+Happy
20. Spideychelle
21. Iron Bros/Iron Boyfriends
22. Starktasha
23. WandaVision
24. Wolverine+Jean Grey
25. Cyclops+Jean Grey
26. Clintasha
27. Romy
28. RoguePool
29. Thorki
30. Rogue+Iceman
31. Scarlet Silver
32. Hawksilver
33. Laura+Clint
34. Capsicoul
35. MJ+Shuri
36. Shuri+Ned
37. Ned+MJ
38. Ned+Peter
39. Scarlet Hawk
40. T'chucky
41. SamBucky
42. Liz+Peter
43. Stucky
44. Thunder Science
45. Domino+Deadpool
46. Deadpool+Cable
47. Jubilee+Scott Summers
48. Storm+Wolverine
49. Harley Keener+Peter Parker
50. Starmora
51. Mantis+Nebula
52. Gamora+Nebula
53. Quill+Yondu
54. Yukio+Negasonic Teenage Warhead
55. Deadcap
56. Beast+Mystique
57. Scarlet Widow
58. War Shield
59. Lady Sif+Thor
60. Lady Sif+Loki
61. Hex Frost
62. Mantis+Wasp
63. Mantis+Spider-Man
64. Gamora+Black Widow
65. Ego+Quill
66. Domestic Avengers
67. Frost Widow
68. Gamma Frost
69. T'Challa+Shuri
70. Supreme Family
71. Clint+Scott
72. The Rogue Avengers
73. The Compliant Avengers
74. The Revengers
75. Hella+Loki+Thor
76. Hella+Loki+Thor+Valkyrie
77. Magic Trio
78. Magic Quad
79. Winter Witch
And if you guys think I remembered these off the top of my head, boy are you wrong! It took me an entire school week, plus yesterday and today, to write down an entire list of Marvel ships. And some of them I don't even write! (Future Me: Now I do!) Here are the photos:
(Future Me: This offer still stands.) If there is a specific group you want, I'll let you know in a reply if I will do that. Have A good day guys. :)
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