~Sorry this has taken me so long~
Also there's nothing between Peter and MJ except ✨friendship✨
"Ready, Buck?" Steve asked from the bathroom.
Bucky dissolved into laughter before he could gasp, "come out."
Trying his best to maintain a disapproving look, Steve walked into their bedroom in a short sleeve rainbow button down shirt and black denim shorts. In his hand, he held a circular vibranium shield, but this time, it was a little different than his traditional red, white, and blue.
Bucky had on a white t-shirt that said "Adam and Eve? More like Me and Steve" and rainbow shorts. Peter and Shuri had meticulously crafted his hair into two French braids and tied them with rainbow ribbons. Rainbow dots stood in a line under each of his eyes. Even his arm had been replaced with a rainbow one, with a heart where the star used to be. Even his socks were rainbow.
Unlike Steve, Bucky wasn't just trying on his outfit this morning. The former assassin didn't have to attend an interview, and he could remain in his rainbow suit. As long as the public didn't see him.
Twenty minutes later, and Steve was driving in khaki pants and a pressed blue shirt.
As he entered the building, people seemed divided about rushing up to him and trying to make it look like they didn't care. Steve waved to no one in particular and walked into the studio. Some people dusted a make up on him so he'd show up better under the cameras, and finally he walked stage.
The host grinned and motioned to the empty seat next to him because where else might Steve sit?
Steve smiled and sat down. He didn't like these sort of things. Every step he took felt out of place, but for what they had planned, this was worth it.
After pulling out a joke about Steve's overly formal attire for too long, the host went to the usual topics.
"So, what is it like to live with an assassin?"
Through a complicated and bribe-filled process, Bucky had been cleared from all punishment except for having to do community service for five hours once a week.
Steve pursed his lips and flattened his voice. "I wouldn't know. I don't live with one."
The host let out an exaggerated laugh. "A FORMER assassin."
Steve clasped his hands. "It's great. Buck's great."
"Has he ever attempted to hurt you?"
"Yes, actually. I suffered a horrible injury last week after being hit in the face with a pillow by him," Steve deadpanned. "Who do you think he is? An animal?"
The host shifted uncomfortably and moved on to the next topic.
Finally, the horrid interview finished, and Steve nearly ran off stage. He grabbed the bag he'd left and hurried into the bathroom. Third stall from the door. Bucky sat on the tank looking exactly as he had this morning. Steve grinned and tugged off his shirt, switching it for the rainbow one, and proceeding to switch everything else.
How had Bucky gotten in? Steve wasn't exactly sure, but Bucky had been insisting he knew what he was doing, and clearly he did.
Bucky smirked and whispered, "Ready to come out?"
"Your puns are awful, Buck," Steve nodded.
"You love them." Bucky unlocked the door and stood tall, interlocked his hand with Steve's, and strode towards the door.
The couple practically strutted out of the building, only stopping on the sidewalk where a mass of bodies made them unable to keep going. A clearing formed around the two of them, people gasping and pointing. And then, fast as a train, Bucky dipped Steve and kissed him. As ironic as it sounds, everyone clapped.
They waded further through the crowd to a waiting car and got in, Steve smiling so much his face hurt and Bucky resigned to a less obvious grin. Roughly seventy years of being the Winter Soldier had made Bucky possessive of anything, including secrets, and thoughts he was happy, there was also an unshakable feeling of misery in the pit of his stomach.
Bucky rested his head on Steve's shoulder and managed to fall asleep.
When they got back to the compound, Shuri used her own formula to dye Steve's hair pink, purple, and blue, the bi colors, while Peter and MJ covered their faces in rainbows. Ned couldn't come, but Peter was pan and MJ was bi, so they were going (But we love straight allies too!!). Shuri had braided colored strands into her hair with the lesbian flag colors. Sam was still dealing with a ton of internalized homophobia, so he hadn't exactly told everyone he was extremely gay (especially considering his crush was dating Steve), but he still died his hair rainbow "as an ally."
Finally, they all managed to get out of the compound. The rest of the avengers were off on various missions, so it was just Steve and Bucky with the kids being third-wheeled by Sam.
As they got there, Steve leaned over to Peter and MJ. "You guys should probably not be seen with us, since you haven't told anyone you're Spiderman."
Peter grinned and triple tapped a pink, yellow, and blue bracelet Shuri had helped him make. The spidersuit instantly spread over him, except it was in pan colors instead of his usual ones.
"And MJ?"
MJ turned an uncharacteristic shade of red and glanced down. Not one to show emotion, MJ wrapped up the whole blush sequence in less than a second. "I was thinking of dressing up as Shuri's girlfriend." She looked up slightly to make eye-contact with the Wakandan princess and raised an eyebrow.
"How about MJ and I go off apart from you guys?" Shuri suggested, becoming sort of red herself. MJ's eyes widened and the fist she'd been holding her shirt hem in relaxed.
Peter was unfortunately an oblivious shit, and he added that Shuri was a celebrity, so it would do them equal good to stay with the group. He really was like little Steve.
"Just get a lot of faceprint," Bucky winked at the girls. They left the car and headed to the parade.
I know this is pretty far into pride, but if you want to be amazing and support the LGBTQ+ community for free, go make a story with the tag #UnlimitedPride and publish at least one chapter. For each story made, Wattpad donates a dollar to GLSEN, a pro-LGBTQ+ group. Just publish the story before June ends, and you're good!
The story should be about an important experience you've had related to the community. The story I wrote is about allies, and it's somewhere on my profile if you want to go read it. You don't have to be in the community to write a story, so please please please go write one of you haven't yet
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