I got the idea from unnoficial.marvel on ig, but they stole it from someone else, but I'm not really in the mood to figure out exactly who had the idea, so yay!
Naturally, Tony had spoiled his son with access to all the Stark tech for free, including prototypes, so he literally could use the technology of tomorrow. Also naturally, instead of using it to cure cancer, Peter had started using the 50 megapixel cameras to create the now most popular photography account on instagram.
His uncanny (haha I'm turning into a real wattpad writer) stickiness let him take pictures from impossible angles, and his overloaded senses helped him finding the best lighting when he was photographing still objects. The account had nearly ten million followers, including several of his unsuspecting teachers and classmates, and the one and only Eugene "Flash" Thompson.
His posts were of really anything, but some of the ones he was more proud of was the one from the spire on the Empire State building, the one where the camera was 'floating' above the city (he was swinging around in the suit), and looking out of the neck from the inside of a glass bottle. Right now, he was doing a 'smoke and mirrors' series which was basically what it sounds like. Objects on a stand surrounded buy mirrors with smoke.
Occasionally, he'd have some of the Avengers in his pictures, and he already had Tony, Steve, T'Challa, Clint, Loki, and a really stunning one of Wanda for this series. This evening, he was going to complete it with a picture of Nat. Unfortunately, it was eight am right now.
"Peter! Hey, Peter!" Abe called out from across the hall (He's the African-American kid on the decathlon team who's literally amazing). "We know you're the photographer-person!"
Peter raised his eyebrows and then failed at trying to look less surprised.
"Penis Parker! Please, only someone as cool as Spiderman could do something like that," Flash shouted from his locker.
"Well, what if Peter is-" Ned said.
"Penis Parker as cool as Spiderman? What are you on, Ned?" There were a few laughs around the hall, and Peter and Ned looked at each other knowingly.
By lunch, everyone had heard the rumor. Apparently, not only had Abe seen Peter taking a picture of the lockers at school a few days ago, but he also had a very existing video. Thank god it was at school where Peter would never climb the walls.
"Penis Parker!" Flash yelled, walking up to where he, ned, and MJ were sitting. The trio kept eating, making a point to not look up. "How'd you get pictures of the Avengers?"
"Internship," Peter said with a mouth full of food.
"Uh huh, they'd take their stupidest intern and let him meet Tony Stark?" Peter nodded. "Wait, do you actually know Spiderman?" Peter and Ned glanced at each other again, but they stayed silent.
"Parker, want to take a picture of me?" One of Flash's friends shouted. No one truly believed Peter of all people could actually be the photographer, but most of them played with the idea, and soon the question were about how he got his impossible shots.
Finally, the bell rung and Peter found Happy's 'inconspicuous' Audi.
"Hey, Happy. Can Ned come over today?" Happy shrugged, so the two friends got into the back seat.
"I can't believe they found out. What are you going to tell them about that one you shot on the wing of an airplane? We have to come up with something. Should we tell everyone?" Ned rambled on for the entire car ride, but quieted immediately when they got to the compound, like usual. "Oh my god, I'm going to see Steve Rogers!"
"Dude, you've already met him like twenty times."
"But he's Steve Rogers."
"The guardians are here," Happy added.
"Really? They'll look so good in my series! Can I take pictures of them?"
Ned couldn't even talk. He grabbed Peter's arm and tugged on it with his mouth hanging open.
"Hi Uncle Peter! Hi Aunt Gamora!" Peter grinned, running in to hug the green heroine, then Quill, and finally Mr. Stark, who had been talking to them and Yondu. Mantis and Wanda were already off in their own world together, like every time the guardians came. Rocket and Groot were trying to get Thor near Gamora to annoy Quill, and Drax was trying to cook with Nat and an exasperated Steve. Nebula and Loki were deep into what looked like an enthralling conversation in the corner.
The guardians always fit in like they'd always been there.
Peter realized everyone was looking at them, and he rattled off, "Hi Mr. Stark, Pepper, Uncle Thor, Uncle Loki, Uncle Steve, Aunt Nat, Wanda, Vision, Mr. Strange, Shuri, Uncle Bucky, Mr. T'Challa, Uncle Bruce, Uncle Rhodey, Groot, Aunt Nebula, Mantis, Uncle Drax, Uncle Yondu and—" He grinned at Quill— "Mr. Trash Panda. Do you guys mind if I use some of you in a series I'm doing?"
Uncle Yondu walked over and ruffled Parker's hair fondly. "I have a present for you." Yondu held out his fist and opened it to reveal a blue glowing orb. "It's space candy." Peter (Parker) didn't need the explanation. Yondu always brought him candies from space that were a million times better than earth ones. The teen popped the candy into his mouth, and then looked back apologetically to his friend. Yondu supplied another one from his pocket and held it out for Ned. Even though he was debatably trash at raising a son, Yondu did a pretty good job at staying in the ring of favorite uncles. Since Peter had so many of them, he couldn't name a favorite uncle, so he arranged them in a mental diagram in the shape of a archery target. "So, boy, when are you taking my picture?"
Peter had all the guardians in the room he was using as a makeshift studio. Mr. Stark had offered to build a real studio, but the teen couldn't accept charity, and besides, he liked duct-taping lamps and flashlights to the ceiling and walls to get the perfect lighting. Drax was first, and Peter positioned him with his back to the camera, looking to the side, with both his knives out. In the second shot, Drax faced Peter and had his swords crossed in front of him.
Peter had given a billion fake-smiles, but he looked genuinely happy as he checked that he liked each picture from that afternoon. Rocket and Groot had promised to help teach him Groot's language, so after Peter had finished his homework, the three of them sat down in the living room.
"Still remember how to say hi and bye and all that?"
Peter cleared his throat and said, "I am Groot, I am Groot, I am Groot, I am Groot, I am Groot, I am Groot." The others burst into laughter, and Rocket explained he'd called himself an ugly coconut several times. "How do you even have a word for coconut? You're from space!"
Steve came over and attempted to join their lesson, but he didn't do any better than Peter. The other guardians came over too, but they were more there to mock the avengers than anything else. On the other hand, Peter had a talent for language, and he was starting to pick up on what the words meant. Steve hadn't been there the past few times when Rocket and Groot had been teaching the teenager, so he was lost.
Thor came in to announce he and Loki had finished cooking dinner, and everyone walked in to the compound's expansive dining room. The table was set unusually since Thor and Loki had learned how to set tables in Asgard (Frigga definitely made sure they knew how to set a table).
"Kid, go wash your hands," Tony said. Mr. Stark hadn't told anyone else to, and Peter started to protest, but his mentor gave him one of the Stark looks. "Ned, you too."
"I am Groot," Peter muttered under his breath. Asshole.
"You're getting the hang of this!"
"Christ, he's turning into Groot."
"I am Groot!"
Natasha looked Steve right in the eye and said, "Language," which diverted everyone's attention from Peter's comment. It had been four years since Steve had made the mistake of saying that, and they still wouldn't let him live it down.
Peter grabbed Ned's arm and dragged him off towards the bathroom before Mr. Stark got a chance to lecture him. Ned had been sort of shadowing Peter awkwardly. The Avengers were The Avengers, and the guardians were legends. He couldn't just act like a normal person in front of them; he had to embarrass himself so much that he would be reminded of it every night for the next seventy years.
"Ned, are you okay? You haven't said anything since we've come." Peter froze, realizing that sounded moderately dirty. "I mean like, are you okay?" Ned looked like he was simultaneously about to shit a brick and win the lottery.
"They're the AVENGERS, man."
"I hadn't noticed," Peter sighed. Now that he came to the compound almost every day, Stark's protege was starting to intertwine Tony's sass into his own speech. Because he'd become more accustomed to using it around the Avengers, Ned had hardly ever heard Peter not being a complete cinnamon roll. Best friends know each other's expressions, though, and Peter rushed to explain himself. "No, I'm not mad, sorry, it's just Mr. Stark talks like that, and I was just talking to all of them. I get what you mean. It took me so long to get used to Clint being in the vents and all that."
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