"Pete, I have a surprise for you," Mr. Stark said somewhat cryptically. Its was a Wednesday, so Peter was at the tower. Tony had worked it out with May that when she was around, Peter could come over on Wednesday and the weekend, and sleep there Saturday night (I completely stole this from another story, but I forget it's name and author, so just whoever you are, I liked your idea).
"We have a surprise for you," Pepper corrected. Peter walked in on the ceiling and looked confused for a moment before realizing which surface he was on (I'm getting rid of Pepper caring that he's one the floor too bc that seems kinda out of character and stuff)
"Yeah?" The teen asked excitedly.
"You're going to become a big brother!" The couple smiled at Peter, trying to gauge his reaction.
Peter tilted his head and finally said, "um, that isn't really possible."
"What? Of coarse it's possible; it's happening," Tony stuttered. How old did his kid think he and Pep were?
"Um, Mr. Stark, I can't really have siblings. My parents, they're kind of... dead."
Pepper breathed in sharply at the misunderstanding, mentally preparing herself to comfort the boy, since Tony was trash at dealing with emotions. Luckily, Peter had barely known them, and it had been so long ago anyway, so he didn't get sad thinking about it anymore.
"Right, we meant us. We're having a kid. Your sister," Tony explained curtly. He didn't mean to come off as rude, or anything, but the billionaire's actions were never the same as his intentions.
Peter's body went slack and his mouth dropped open comically. "Mr. Stark..." The kid's voice managed to go up and octave, which was practically glass shattering since his regular voice already sounded like he'd sucked helium.
"We're naming her Morgan," Pepper sighed. She smiled in mock frustration at Tony and added, "After my uncle."
"It's non-gendered, I don't see the problem," Stark shrugged.
"Tony, do you even know how naming kids works?"
"Of coarse. Find a good name and call the baby that. Then they respond to the name. Same as a dog." Pepper's throat sucked in, the tendons in it showing through her skin.
"I, um, think that whatever you want to name her is great," Peter squeaked. He hated when the couple argued, and tried his best each time to calm everyone. Pepper and Tony turned their attention to the teen and the corners of their eyes bulged a bit less.
Tony immediately continued the conversation on a slightly different route. "We're going to tell everyone eventually, but we want Rhodey to be the god father, and we're still trying to think of someone for a godmother, but do you want to babysit? You have school and patrolling and all that, but if you could make some time. I mean, she's your sister after all."
"Hey, uh, Mr. Stark, Ms. Potts? If she's my sister, does that mean that you guys are like..."
"Yes, Peter, we'd like to think of you as our son," Pepper laughed. Peter's lips separated again, and the parents watched several emotions play out on their son's face. Their honorary son. Their son.
"Wow, thank you so much, Ms. Potts. And Mr. Stark (Also, they're married, but Pepper kept her last name because she did). Oh my god, wow, thanks," Peter ramble in shock.
"Mom and Dad," Pepper corrected. Tony was attempting to not make his beaming face to obvious, but it wasn't going well for him.
"I'll try," Peter nodded. There was a short pause, so he decided to ask, "so do you know when she's gonna be born?"
"Early May," Mr. Stark smiled. It wasn't a coincidence she was being born the month of their son's aunt's name. "Eight months."
Hello everyone, you're all invited to our baby shower, April 12th. It's on the 56th floor in Avengers tower. Just show this to Happy, and he'll let you in if there's any trouble. Please RSVP by March 29.
We welcome Morgan Stark-Potts into this world on May 5, 2019. 6 pounds, 12 ounces.
"Hey Morgan," Peter smiled, swinging in through the window. Like anyone, he adored the infant more than anything. Like nearly all newborns, her eyes were a stunning blue, and strawberry strands were beginning to grow on her head. She squealed slightly as an answer.
"Be careful, Peter," Mr. Stark chastised softly, but he grinned nonetheless.
"Sorry d-Mr. Stark," Peter nodded. "Can I hold her?" He took off his uniform and after a moment realized that it generally isn't good to hold babies in your underwear. "Can I hold her after a get changed?" Tony glanced at him, and he added, "and wash my hands."
"Scrub your hands."
"I'll rip the skin off so my hands will be new," Peter grumbled. He was already intending to murder his hands with liters of soap and scalding water; there was no way he'd be the reason Morgan got sick, but it bothered him that Stark thought he needed reminding. May hadn't raised him with bad manners, though. "I'm sorry." His head was slightly bowed, and Tony forgot the retort that had been on his tongue.
"No, Peter, it's fine, just go change and be back soon."
A few moments later, Peter came back through the door at a near sprint. His hands and face were visibly red, and they stung lightly, but that didn't matter. He gingerly picked up the baby and rested her head on his shoulder like Mr. Stark had shown him.
"Nice job, Peter," Mr. Stark smiled. "I have to get a little work done, but do you think you can hold her? If she starts crying or anything, just get me."
Peter nodded importantly, and turned his attention to Morgan. Once Mr. Stark had closed the door, he started to sing a lullaby quietly, and soon she was asleep. Peter had forgotten to put a towel over his shirt, and drool started falling on his shoulder. Peter didn't even wince, but he felt bad, knowing Mr. Stark would insist on replacing it with one five times the cost.
"You know, I've never been a brother before," Peter murmured to the napping infant. She'd never remember this, but Peter liked to explain his feelings and what was going on in his life to her. "I didn't have any siblings when I was a kid, and then my parents died, so I figured I'd be an only child, but now you're here.
"That's why Ned and I are really close, I think, because neither of us had brothers or sisters. Or siblings in general. Now you're here, but I don't think Ned'll mind since once Mr. Stark lets him come over again, he'll be around you nearly as much as I am. Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts said no one except family and friends gets to see you. You're more special to them than anybody."
Pepper cringed as she walked into the room, hearing the last sentence. She knew Peter knew how much she and Tony loved him, but when Tony watched over the footage later, he'd worry himself to death thinking Peter thought they favored Morgan.
"Oh! hi, Ms. Potts!" Peter whispered happily.
"At least call me Pepper, Peter."
"Hi, Pepper," he amended. "Do you want to hold her? She asleep right now."
"Oh, your shirt!" Peter bit his lip and tried to shrug. "We'll give you a new one. Don't bother arguing. I deal with Tony all day, I'll get my way." The teen nodded shyly, and his 'mom' softened. "And we can get you some more tomorrow, okay?"
"Um, Aunt May's getting her pay check tomorrow, so we're going to see a movie." Pepper liked Peter's Aunt, and she learned long ago that she wouldn't take charity, but there were other ways they could help them.
"Tony and I can take you guys out to dinner!"
Peter looked down and shifted Morgan's weight slightly. "Actually, I haven't talked to May much recently, but um, maybe another time." Pepper nodded kindly, and ruffled her son's hair.
"Aunt May, I'm home!" Peter called out. He dropped the bag the Stark-Potts had given him and pressed a hand against his chest, allowing the suit to dimorph. He'd done a little more patrolling after leaving the tower, and had had to carry around the bag with him. It was white paper with the Stark Industries logo, and inside of it was two button down shirts and a light blue cashmere sweater.
Well, no one's wrongly called Tony Stark extra. He had several articles of clothing perfectly fitted for Peter at any given time. Obviously, he told Peter it was his old clothes, but after he'd given the teen a Thrasher sweatshirt a few months ago, Peter had figured out he was lying.
He'd confronted Tony, who tried to casually deny it, but Nat had overheard and explained what Stark was actually doing once Peter agreed that he would take any clothes that Tony gave him. Now, the kid's closet had more than doubled in size.
"Peter! Where were you?" Aunt May's voice flowed in through is bedroom door. "We have a little extra money, I was thinking we could go out for dinner."
"Sounds great!" Peter shouted softly. He showered and pulled on one of his new shirts, one with a blue checkered pattern, faded khakis, and the sweater. Peter had tried to do laundry a few weeks ago when May was sick, but he'd added too much bleach, so a load of their clothes was too pale. They couldn't afford to buy new clothes, and May would never accept Stark's charity (As I said before, Pepper knew not to offer random gifts to Peter's Aunt), so the two just made sure not to wear any of their ruined clothes around the billionaire.
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