Avengers: The office
Hi! I sort of kind of love the office, so I'm writing a really shitty script about the avengers like a really short episode of the office
Tony and Peter are working on something in the lab.
SHURI: Walks into the room Hey Peter, do you like my new shirt?
PETER: That's so fetch!
TONY: ???
PETER: To the camera We've started saying fetch to see which one of the Avengers is going to use it first.
SHURI: To the camera I think it's gonna be Bruce.
TONY: In a cafe, talking to Doctor Strange Peter and Shuri keep saying 'fetch,' and I don't know what it means?
DOCTOR STRANGE: Ask Vision, he's the walking computer.
TONY looks at the camera and shrugs.
TONY: To the camera One time I said "bold of you to assume I sleep" in front of Peter. He was so happy he started crying. To be honest, I want to know what fetch means just so I can say it in front of him and see the look on his face.
TONY: In Vision's room The kids are saying fetch. What does it mean?
VISION: It's slang for cool, sir.
PETER: To the camera Did I bribe Vis to not tell Mr. Stark fetch is from Mean Girls? Yes. Best used three sticks of gum. Does he even chew gum?
VISION: To the camera I don't have taste buds.
TONY: So it's an adjective?
TONY: Great! Thanks Vis.
VISION: No problem, sir
TONY: To the camera I'm going to have Peter come with me to my conference, and then I can use fetch! No, it's not that weird, I have interns come with me all the time. Well, some of the time at least. They HAVE come a few times.
TONY: Walking into the lab where Peter is Pete! Guess what! You're going to come to one of my conferences!
PETER: He's realllllyyyyyyyy excited REALLY?
TONY: It's in an hour, so go shower and all that.
PETER: Do I need a suit?
TONY: It's a conference, Peter. Yes, you need a suit.
PETER: Shyly I don't actually have a suit, Mr. Stark.
TONY: What? Ok, well you can borrow, uh, Banner can't be too much bigger than you.
PETER: Thanks, Mr. Stark.
Peter walks into the conference in a suit that's to wide for him next to Tony. Peter awkwardly looks at the camera
TONY: To the camera Jesus, I need to get him a real suit.
PETER: To the camera Mr. Stark's getting me a new suit??!!!
Tony and Peter sit down
TONY: So, Mr. Tree, is it?
PEPPER: To the camera Tony starts all his meetings by saying the person's name wrong. He thinks it establishes authority. He called Mr. Fury Mr. Furry once. That -that didn't go well for Tony. Why does Mr. Fury even know what a furry is?
TONY: Oh, Mr. Tristan. Well, it's nice to meet you.
Peter looks at the camera again.
Tony, Mr. Tristan and everyone start talking.
PETER: To the camera This is the most boring thing I have ever done. I could do this faster than Mr. Stark. Pause No, no I couldn't.
TONY: To the camera Wait for it...
TONY: So, this material you are proposing... I'm not sure what the draw is.
MR. TRISTAN: Well it is extremely light, has incredible elasticity, and is very inexpensive to make.
TONY: Ah, well it sounds very fetch.
PETER: To the camera WHAT?!??!?!??!?!?!
Peter looks at Tony.
PETER: Shuri! It was Mr. Stark! You owe me ten dollars! Peter runs out of the room.
PETER: From the hallway SHUURRRRIIIIII!!!!!!
MR. TRISTAN: To the camera What?
PEPPER: To the camera What?
NICK FURY: To the camera What?
T'CHALLA: To the camera What?
OKOYE: To the camera What?
STEVE: To the camera What?
BRUCE: To the camera What?
NATASHA: To the camera Yeah, I knew.
SAM: To the camera Not really sure why Shuri and the arachnid thought I knew what fetch means, but I mean, five dollars is five dollars. I wouldn't say anything if I did know for free anyway. Pulls his jacket to cover up his pink shirt that says "on Wednesdays, we wear pink."
CLINT: To the camera in the vents and is also wearing an "on Wednesdays, we wear pink" I know what fetch means.
TONY: To the camera So apparently Peter and Shuri thought it would be funny to make up a word. Very good initiative, but they forgot the very important rule of common sense. Still not sure what I'm gonna do about this.
PEPPER: To the camera Tony's an idiot. I love him, but...
DOCTOR STRANGE: To the camera Yeah, I know what fetch means, but I took Stark to see it on Broadway. This was self-inflicted.
SHURI: To the camera Nat has cameras all around the tower. Bruce said it three days ago. No way in hell I'm giving Peter ten dollars.
BRUCE: To the camera Fetch isn't a real word?
LOKI: To the camera You thought I was an awful brother, didn't you? Thor's been saying it for weeks. I covered it up with my magic. I'm a delightful brother, I'm a blessing to have as a brother.
THOR: To the camera I love the word fetch. It's very fetch.
TONY: Is talking to Pepper and Doctor Strange What is this even? Did you know about this?
PEPPER: Tony, you saw the musical for it.
TONY: Dammit, Pep! I don't pay attention to anything.
DOCTOR STRANGE: This serves as a nice reminder, then.
TONY: You guys knew about this? Can't trust anyone anymore. I'm going to talk to Rhodey.
RHODEY: To the camera I gave them the idea to do this.
TONY: To the camera HE WHAT?????
DOCTOR STRANGE: To the camera with Pepper We've decided to try and make Tony fall asleep.
PEPPER: To the camera with Doctor Strange First try is that we're going to put crushed up sleeping pills in his coffee.
TONY: Coming into the kitchen from his lab really early in the morning.
PEPPER: In the kitchen Hi sweetie! Want some coffee?
TONY: No reprimand?
PEPPER: Do you want one?
DOCTOR STRANGE: Who's watching the feed of the kitchen on a laptop in the sanctum. Well that's not very pg. Shuts laptop.
WONG: To the camera So Stephen's watching porn now, apparently.
PEPPER: To Doctor Strange in an otherwise empty room That didn't work out so well.
Doctor Strange looks at the camera.
Let's maybe try something else?
DOCTOR STRANGE: We're going to put them in his coffee while Peter's in the room. Two above average intelligence people, and that is the solution we come up with.
≈Next Morning≈
Peter and Pepper are sitting at a table with breakfast food. Tony walks in half-asleep.
PEPPER: Here's some coffee.
TONY: Takes the coffee Thanks, Pep. He drinks the coffee and spits it out. What is this?
DOCTOR STRANGE: To the camera with Pepper So we found out that crushed sleep medication is very flavorful?
PEPPER: To the camera with Doctor Strange We're going to ban coffee and caffeinated teas from the compound.
Tony walks into a coffee shop. A portal opens up in front of him, and Doctor Strange pulls him into the sanctum.
DOCTOR STRANGE: You have to stick with the diet.
TONY: I never agreed to this.
DOCTOR STRANGE: Well, you can take the diet pills...
TONY: Can I have coffee?
DOCTOR STRANGE: You, um, have to wait an hour or so after you take them, but then yes.
TONY: Well then, hand them over, Wizard.
Doctor Strange gives Tony a sleeping pill
TONY: To the camera *Is sleeping*
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