Your first date
After I was finished freaking out, because holy shit, I'm going on a date with Steve Rogers, I calmed down and picked out an outfit. I laid the clothes on my bed, stepping in the shower. I shaved my legs, washed my hair and body, spraying myself with a load of perfume afterwards. Earlier, Steve had texted me and told me it was ok to dress casually, so that's exactly what I did. I chose a light blue, denim skater dress with sky blue vans. I hooked my simple, silver necklace behind my neck, along with a silver watch on my wrist. I arranged my hair in a low, elegant bun with a few wisps in the front of my face. I kept my makeup simple, some natural eye-shadows and a flawless winged line of eyeliner. I slung my white clutch handbag over my shoulder, waiting nervously on my couch. I looked to the clock every three seconds, my heart racing, even more so as the door knocked. I stood, flattening my dress. I opened the door, smiling and blushing.
"Hey, Steve." I smiled, taking a deep breath.
"Y/N, you look beautiful." He whispered. With a few blinks, he came back to me, smiling nervously. "I got these for you, I... I hope you like them."
I gasped, bringing my hand to my mouth. "Aw, Steve, thank you." I smiled, taking the bouquet of daisies and sunflowers. I noticed there were also a few of white roses in there, too. I walked inside, grabbing a vase and filling it with water. I placed the flowers inside the vase carefully, setting the vase on my coffee table.
"Perfect." I smiled, turning to Steve. He was dressed in a red flannel, tan dress pants and brown dress shoes. He also had a brown, leather jacket drapped over his forearm. He offered me his other arm, smiling shyly.
"You ready?"
I nodded. "I'm ready, Cap."
He helped me on his motorcycle after I assured him I had spandex underneath my dress, and that riding his motorcycle was fine by me. I hesitantly gripped his torso, soon relaxing into his back. I laughed as the wind whipped the strands of my hair back. Steve chuckled, turning down the next street. As we came to a red light, he turned around, giving me a soft smile. After a few more turns, we finally arrived to the restaurant. He helped me off the bike, holding my arm and the door as we walked inside. We sat in our seats, ordering and eating, all while talking.
"Are we going to order dessert?" The waiter asked us. I looked to Steve, shaking my head 'no'.
"No, I think we're both a little full." Steve smiled politely.
"Alright, I'll go fetch your check, then."
I sighed happily, smiling tiredly at Steve.
"I think I ate too much." I murmured.
"You devoured that meal." He teased.
"Better than a super-soldier, you think?" I teased back.
"Definitely." Steve nodded. I laughed, looking up at the waiter as he placed down our check. Steve and I both reached for it at the same time.
"I got it, Y/N." He said reassuringly.
"Are you sure, Steve?" I asked.
"I'm sure." He smiled, signing the check and placing down money. I pulled a ten dollar bill out of my wallet, smiling at Steve.
"For the tip." I nodded, lightly grasping Steve's hand as we walked out. I couldn't hold back the blush on my cheeks as he squeezed my hand back. We got back on the motorcycle, driving back to my house. I yawned, letting my head rest on his shoulder.
"Y/N." He whispered. I jerked my head up, squeezing my eyes shut for a second. I blinked a few times, trying to wake myself up.
"We're at my house, hm?" I mumbled, trying to get myself off the bike. Steve helped me, walking me back to my door as I expected.
"Thank you, Steve. I had a really really good time. Hopefully we can do it again." I said quietly, holding both his hands. Even as I was standing a step above him, he was still taller.
"I had a great time, too. Believe me, we will."
"Oh, will we?" I chuckled, leaning my head on his chest.
"Y/N, go ahead and sleep. I'll still be here in the morning. I'll call you."
I nodded, yawning again. "Night, Cap." I muttered, my eyes widening as I felt warm lips on my cheek, dangerously close to my lips.
"Night, Y/N. Sleep well." He whispered in my ear, giving me a quick hug before walking to his bike.
Tony had insisted he set up every aspect of our date by himself, which really didn't surprise me. I let myself have a little pamper time, ie; a bubble bath, a glass of wine, plus, I even went and got my nails done. By the time all of this was done, I began getting ready. I picked out a peach, sweetheart bandeau maxi dress, along with a pair of dusty pink chunky heels that had silver and pink jewels on the top. I chose a gold pendant neckalce and a gold, snake arm cuff for jewelry. I kept my makeup rosy and light, trying to stay all-natural. Finally, it was time. And though I wasn't before, I was extremely nervous now. No doubt that Tony wasn't nervous at all. Tony told me to drive myself back to his house, because he would "most likely still be working". I got in my car, thinking of all the things I could do to mess up the date.
"State your name and business." A mechanical voice ordered as I arrived at his gates.
"Uh, Y/N... I'm here for a date with Tony."
"Ah, yes. Miss. Y/N, come right in." The voice spoke as the gates opened. I chuckled, driving inside. I walked inside his luxurious house, calling out his name.
"To-" I stopped mid-sentence, looking down at the rose petals the were below my feet. I laughed, rolling my eyes, following the rose petals. I saw an empty, candle-lit table with more rose petals everywhere. I took a seat at the table, looking around.
"I see you understood what the petals meant." A voice called out. I turned around to see Tony swaggering toward me in a nice black suit. I stood, walking toward him, blushing as he kissed my knuckles.
"Is this what you normally do to woo every girl you ask on a date?" I smirked.
"I don't normally ask girls on dates." He smirked back, walking me to the table and pulling out my chair. "Do you like it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, Tony, I love it. It was very thoughtful."
He smiled proudly, nodding his head. "JARVIS, tell the waiters to come serve the food."
"Of course, Mr.Stark."
I raised an eyebrow, chuckling. "Really, Tony? Waiters?"
"What?" He asked innocently, causing me to shake my head and roll my eyes as two waiters came out with trays in their hands.
"Thank you." I whispered to waiter as he set a tray in front of me, lifting off the lid. There sat a beautiful plate of chicken, some type of pasta, and roasted red potatoes. I grabbed a fork, crossing my legs to get comfortable and taking a bite of chicken and potato. I hummed in approval, looking up at Tony.
"It's sorta creepy when you stare at me like that." I joked sarcastically.
"Oh, is it? It's sorta creepy when you watch me work."
"That's my job." I retorted, taking a bite of pasta. "Mmm, who's the chef? This food is amazing."
Tony rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, it's great and all, but I like to hear how great I am."
"Oh, you and your ego." I laughed.
By the time Wednesday had rolled around, I was sure I'd be too nervous to even show up. But of course, the sane part of me said,
"You are going with out with a hot doctor. Suck it up!"
I woke up Wednesday morning, a bright smile on my face. Sure, my cat had vomited on my new carpet, but hey! I couldn't pay any mind to something that wasn't Bruce. I made a light breakfast in case there was food involved in our date. That, and, I was feeling pretty nauseous. As a nurse, not much made me sick to the stomach. But this? Oh, this was definitely making me sick, though, in a good way.
hey, y/n, you can start getting ready now. i'll pick you up for our date in about an hour.
cant wait! text me before you leave. cya soon!
I replied, setting my phone in my doc, playing Beyoncé as I got dressed. I decided to wear a white, collared crop top with black polka-dots, my favorite pair of loose, high waisted denim short, finishing off the look with white, peep toe heels. As I walked into my bathroom to start my hair and makeup, I spotted two silver necklaces that would fit perfectly. I began my makeup, adding a little silver and peach colored eye-shadow, along with eyeliner and mascara. I threw my hair up in a messy, yet classy bun, pulling out a few loose strands. I looked in the mirror, smiling happily. I walled back into my room, grabbing one of my many purses, and my phone.
"Shit." I swore quietly, realizing Bruce had texted me 10 minutes ago. There was another text that told me he was at my house, another asking where I was. I ran downstairs, throwing open the door.
"I'm so sorry, Bruce!" I blurted my apology, smiling shyly.
"Don't worry about it. You look great, by the way."
I blushed, bouncing on my heels. "Is this too casual?"
"No, no, it's great." He smiled, offering me his hand. I obliged, walking to his car with him. We drove for a good ten minutes, in a part of the city I've never been before. As Bruce found a parking space, I realized he was taking me to a festival of some sort.
"They have this summer festival every year, I've never gone before because, well..." He paused for a moment. "Never had anyone to go with."
I smiled, unbuckling my seat belt. "Well, I'm glad you chose me to go with."
We walked inside the festival area together, Bruce insisting he pay for both of our tickets. The first thing that caught my eye was one of the games. I grasped Bruce's hand, running toward the booth. I laid down two dollars, starting the game, me versus Bruce. I won, smirking proudly and choosing my prize. Bruce walked me over to another booth they had, which had all sorts of different foods laid out.
"I like to try new foods. When I travel, one of my favorite things is always trying something new to eat." Bruce explained, grabbing one of the little plates.
"What even is that?" I giggled, scrunching my nose up.
"Uhh..." Bruce paused, looking at the little label on his plate. "Snake."
I made a pretend throw-up noise, causing Bruce to roll his eyes and take a bite. He nodded his head in approval, offering me a piece. I groaned, closing my eyes and biting a piece.
"It's not horrible." I admitted.
The rest of the night was filled with us playing games, eating new foods, sharing information about ourselves and joking around.
"Bruce, we should go on the Ferris wheel to watch the sunset." I said quietly, my arm linked with his. He chuckled, looking down at me. I was currently giving him the biggest puppy-dog eyes I could, sticking out my bottom lip sarcastically.
"Alright, lets go before the line get's too long."
Luckily, the line was short, and we were able to board the machine before the sun set.
"Oh, its so beautiful." I whispered, pointing at the sky which was painted in oranges, pinks, purples and blues.
"I've seen better."
I sighed, looking up at him. "Oh, really?"
"I'm looking at it right now." He said shyly.
"Oh." I muttered, blushing heavily, leaning my head on his shoulder and wrapping my arms around him. "Thanks."
I had been up since one o'clock, trying to tame Chestnut. She proved to be a bigger problem than I thought. First, she had barked at my shut door for a good half an hour. After I let her in, she peed on my bed. After cleaning my sheets, she was hungry and followed me around until I fed her. All the while, my well-behaved S'mores watched with amusement.
"Don't give me that look." I said, pointing my finger at her. She whimpered, walking over to me and sitting herself at my feet. I laughed, petting her head.
"I have to get ready for a date, S'mores." I spoke softly, scratching behind her ears. "But don't worry, you and your sister are coming along with me."
Though S'mores and Chestnut were sisters, I still called them that, due to the fact they got along just like sisters. They playfully fought sometimes, but I already knew they loved each other. I padded into my room, taking a short shower to wash my hair and body. I blow-dried my hair, curling the ends a little bit. I added some mascara to my lashes, and a dark, purple-ish red lipstick on my lips. I went through my closet, finally deciding on long sleeved, navy dress with little daises printed all over it. I slipped on my grey lita booties, placing a navy fedora on my head. To finish my look, I hooked a crescent moon necklace behind my neck, letting it fall right above my boobs. I grabbed two leashes from my bag of puppy supply, hooking them both on the collars of my two dogs. S'mores wagged her tail, yipping excitedly.
"I know, we get to-" I began, my voice interrupted by a knock at my door. S'mores and Chestnut barked, placing their paws on the door. I pushed them back, lightly scolding them as I opened the door.
"Hi, Tony." I chuckled, not expecting to see him.
"Hey. I'm here to pick you up. Thor is still getting ready." He explained. "Never caught your name, by the way."
"Y/N." I laughed, locking my door and pulling both dogs out of the house. "I hope you don't mind me bringing them." I apologized.
"It's fine." He smiled, crouching down to pet S'mores. She licked his face, yipping happily. Tony stood back up, waiting for me to load myself and the puppies in the car before driving off. We soon arrived back at Stark Towers, where I walked to the dogs inside to meet Thor.
"Lady Y/N! You look stunning!" He smiled. I blushed, shrugging.
"Here, you can take Chestnuts leash." I giggled, holding out the leash. His large hand grasped the handle, wrapping an arm around my waist before we walked out. We took a relaxing walk, like promised, in the park we first met at.
"So, how is my little companion behaving?"
I laughed, looking down at little Chestnut. "Well." I paused. "She peed on my bed this morning. Barked for a good hour. Other than that, she's an angel."
Thor laughed, squeezing my waist reassuringly. "I apologize for her behavior."
I laughed back, resting my head on his arm, as I couldn't reach his shoulder. "Thor, you've co-owned her for less than a full day. It's not your fault. She's a puppy."
Thor smiled down at me. "Are you having a good time, Lady Y/N?"
I giggled at the nickname. "Yes, Thor. And you can call me Y/N, not 'Lady Y/N.'" I paused, looking around the park. "The weather is really nice, too. The girls seem to be enjoying themselves."
"I am enjoying myself as well."
The rest of the afternoon was spent with Thor and I walking around the park, sitting at a bench every once and while.
Once both of our schedules were cleared up, Clint and I made plans to go hiking for our date. At first, I was worried Natasha would be jealous, and I obviously was scared. If Natasha was jealous, she was terrifying. When I confronted her about it, she simply laughed.
"If I wanted Clint, I'd have him by now, Y/N. He's all yours."
I laughed back, feeling a lot better about this date. Finally, it was time for me to get ready. I started out by brushing my hair and pulling it up in a ponytail. The weather was warm, but there was a strong wind; therefore, I chose a black, high neck crop top with an army green jacket over top. I slipped on my high-waisted jean shorts with bleached bottoms. I decided it would be best to wear my black Doc Martens since we would be outside, but I still wanted to look nice. I pulled my backpack over my shoulders after I packed all the necessary equipment; a water bottle, a few granola bars, bug spray, a pistol, and my phone. I met Clint in front of his room, knocking lightly, waiting patiently for him to answer.
"Ready?" He smiled, dressed casually in plain jeans and a white v-neck. I mentally swooned, nodding my head. We took one of SHIELD's private jets to fly to our preferred designation.
"Oh, it's so beautiful here." I cooed. "Look, Clint!" I murmured, pointing at a doe and fawn.
He chuckled, pulling out his phone and snapping a photo. I peered over his shoulder, smiling proudly.
"It's perfect." I whispered. Clint pushed me slightly, backing up slowly.
"Say cheese." He laughed. I raised both of my arms up, smiling widely. I laughed, throwing my head back. I heard the camera snap again. "Candid."
I smiled, grabbing his phone from him. "Your turn, Hawkeye."
He smiled lightly, causing me to roll my eyes. Now, Clint laughed, and I quickly snapped a picture.
"Candid." I mocked, beginning my hike with Clint.
I didn't even realize Natasha had sort of asked me out on a date until I began getting ready. It wasn't a proper date, but according to Clint, it was as close as I was going to get.
I picked out a sky blue, backless flare dress with a deep v-neck. I let myself dabble in a little makeup, applying brown and silvery-pink eye-shadow, along with some mascara. My hair was done in a low bun with a thick braid on my scalp, curled pieces of fringe framing my face. Before grabbing my clutch and leaving, I slipped on sparkling silver heels and a few silver rings. As I walked out of my room, I ran into Clint, one of the only members who had really, truly befriended me.
"Hey, Y/N!" He chuckled, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
"Hey, Clint." I chuckled back, nudging him slightly.
"Ready for your date with Nat?"
"It's not even a date, Birdy." I teased, sticking out my tongue.
"Well, tonight is all Nat's been talking about."
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Barton."
I continued my walk down to Stark's 'party area'. The man had a floor specifically made for his extravagant parties. No surprise there. I entered the room nervously, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. I paused, looking around for Nat. I finally spotted her, alone at a little bar table. I took a seat next to her, smiling softly.
"Took long enough." She smirked, nudging my side. "Clint bother you?"
"Nah. Birdy just made small talk." I paused, sighing. "I'm glad he seem's to like me, though. Everyone else is so... cold."
"Eh, they'll warm up. No pun intended." She chuckled, downing her drink. A loud, up-beat song began to play, and Nat's eyes sparkled.
"Hey, a song I actually like." She joked. Natasha stood, offering me her hand. "Let's dance."
When I raised an eyebrow, shaking my head 'no', she rolled her eyes, grabbing my wrist and pulling me up.
"Don't be a downer, Y/N!"
I chuckled, dancing wildly with Natasha, laughing and pumping my fist in the air to the beat of the music. After a few more songs, a slower one came on, one that I was quite familiar with.
Hold, hold on, hold on to me.
I smiled, letting my eyes flutter closed as the song continued to play. Natasha and I swayed slowly, our frames close together.
Momma, come here. Approach, appear. Dad, I'm alone, 'cause this house don't feel like home.
I looked up through my lashes, smiling softly at Nat. "I love this song." She whispered.
I laughed softly, nodding my head. "I do too." I rested my head on her shoulder. "I do too." I repeated, this time, my voice just above a whisper.
I woke early, unable to stay asleep due to my bubbling excitement. I hadn't been on a date ever before, with having SHIELD Agent's as parents, and then being kidnapped from HYDRA didn't give me much of a chance with boys. But, finally, I had managed to nab a very attractive 90 year old. Alright, it doesn't sound as good as it is. I waited around for the majority of my morning, my phone in my hand. Finally, it buzzed, and my heart fluttered with eagerness.
hey y/n, change of plans for today
Was the message I received. My heart dropped, my mind going to the thought I might not get my date after all.
oh. if you're busy today we can always hang another day.
oh, i didn't mean we weren't having our date today! i just thought instead of going out we could stay inside?
I smiled widely, glad Bucky hadn't bailed on me.
of course! you can come over to my place, watch some movies and order take-out?
I suggested, crossing my fingers in hopes my idea would be good enough.
i'll be there in ten?
I giggled happily, jumping up and down.
cya soon (:
I rushed to my bathroom, quickly brushing through my hair and teeth. I pulled my hair in a messy ponytail, washing my face so I seemed more awake and fresh. I changed into something more date-appropriate; my sports bra and boxers didn't seem fitting. I slipped on a loose, black v-neck long-sleeve top, along with forest green sweatshirt shorts. I realized my feet were a little cold, stepping into some grey socks that reached a little below my knee. I peered at the clock, noticing my ten minute time-span was almost up. I jumped as I heard a small knock at my door.
"Hey." I greeted Bucky shyly, the door opened barely a crack.
"You gonna let me in, Y/L/N." He teased. I blushed, nodding quickly.
"Yeah, sorry." I mumbled, opening the door fully and stepping to the side. Bucky smiled, holding a bag in front of him.
"I brought some things along with me."
I smiled, taking the bag from him. Looking inside, I saw it was filled with movies and snacks.
"Awh, that was sweet." I mumbled, removing the movies and laying them on my coffee table. "Which one do you want to watch first?"
Bucky kneeled next to me, looking through them. "I don't know. Steve told me Tony recommended them to him, so..."
"Well, what about this one?" I offered, grabbing the one titled 'Jurassic Park'.
"Seem's good enough." He chuckled. I taught him how to insert the movie into the DVD player and start it. After the movie was in, Bucky scooped me up bridal-style, flopping on the couch with on-top of him. I blushed, trying to squirm my way out of his arms. I groaned as I stayed stuck in his arms, soon relaxing as the movie began. I rested my head on his chest, almost spooning his side. Luckily, my couch was quite large, so there enough for us to cuddle.
"Snacks?" I whispered, my eyes focused on the movie. Bucky reached into the bag, pulling out a little plastic container full of brownies. I gasped, smiling widely. "Did you make these yourself?"
"With a little help of Steve." He admitted shyly.
I squeezed his side's as a 'thank-you', greedily grabbing a few brownies. After devouring the sweet treats, I snuggled against Bucky's side. My eyes grew heavy with the extreme amount of heat radiating off of Bucky's body. In a few minutes, I was fast asleep. Bucky noticed and kissed my forehead, turning off the movie and falling asleep with me.
It was almost five o'clock and I basically forgotten about my date with Loki. I had so many errands and chores to run that by the time I needed to get ready, I was fast asleep on my couch, exhausted from my day. It wasn't until Loki couldn't get a hold of me that he got a ride to my house, banging on the door. The repeated, obnoxious noise woke me up. I stood, rubbing my makeup-less eyes.
"Wha- Loki?!" I began, blurting his name in confusion.
"Have you forgotten?" He said simply, raising an entertained eyebrow.
"Forgotten?" I repeated, thinking for a moment. "Oh my god!" I screeched, rushing to my room to change in a rush.
In a blind haze, I threw on a black body-con dress with a mesh, see-through neck area. I grabbed some black, sandal platform heels, a gold collar necklace, and a gold wrist cuff. I splattered on some mascara and eyeliner, fluffing my hair and rushing downstairs. I nearly tripped, though Loki caught me. He chuckled, holding me by my waist. I pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"I'm so sorry. How late are we?" I muttered, smiling gently as he blushed.
"Not late. I was just worried. You look beautiful for having taken barely five minutes to get prepared."
I shrugged, wrapping an arm around his waist. "What can I say? I'm great, I know."
Loki rolled his eyes, leading me outside.
"Wait, do I need money or anything?"
Loki laughed shortly, kissing my head. "No, dearest, we shall be dining at my..." He paused. "Friends, home."
I nodded. "What 'friend'?"
"Tony Stark." He said simply, clenching his fist.
"Nice." I said, getting the hint he didn't really like Tony. I changed the subject as we began to drive to Stark Towers. We arrived there fairly quickly, Loki taking my hand and leading me inside. The room was dimly lit, candles scattered on the floor. There were vases of beautiful, exotic flowers placed everywhere.
"These flowers are so cool." I whispered. Loki smiled softly, nodding.
"They were my mothers favorite."
I squeezed his hand reassuringly, blushing when he pulled out my seat for me, pressing yet another kiss to my forehead as he walked to his own seat. Soon, Tony Stark himself walked out, dressed in a suit in tie, setting two plates in front of us. He winked at me, causing Loki to growl angrily. I sent Loki a small smile, reassuring him I didn't want Tony. I looked at my food, my mouth watering at the sight. There was grilled and seasoned salmon with a side of some type of rice mixed with veggies, along with garlic bread-sticks. I also noticed a glass of wine, along with two wine glasses on the table. Loki poured me a glass, holding his up.
"To a wonderful night." He said softly.
"To a wonderful night." I repeated, clinking my glass against his. We ate, talked and teased each other. Loki had to yell at Tony once or twice, telling him to leave us in peace. Once Loki realized I thought it was absolutely hilarious, he loosened up, joking and making fun of how hard it was to convince Tony to serve us. Twelve o'clock began to roll around, and I realized I should probably head home. I stood, stretching my sore back.
"I had such a great night, but I should probably head home."
"You could stay here. There are more than enough rooms." Loki offered, holding both of my hands in his cool ones. He drew circles on my palm with his thumb, searching my eyes for an answer.
"I don't have pajamas." I defended childishly, my voice quiet.
"You can borrow some of mine." He retorted, leading me into his room. I gave in, telling myself a night at Stark Towers wouldn't be so bad. Loki handed me a pair of silky green boxers and a large black v-neck.
"Don't worry, they're clean." Loki chuckled.
"Thank you, for the clothes, and for the perfect date." I whispered, placing a lingering kiss on his cheek. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight." He whispered back after I had left the room, placing his fingers on the spot I had kissed.
A/N: SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER I am such a procrastinator with this one, i'm not even going to make excuses. i'm terrible, i know. love you guys!
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