You see each other again
After Steve had helped me with moving in and I invited him inside, we chatted for the rest of the afternoon, and he left with my number. He had texted me a few days after we had met, asking if I wanted to meet in a local cafe. I squealed, jumping up and down. Since our first encounter, I had grown quite infatuated with Mr. Captain America.
of course! what time would you like to meet up?
It wasn't long until I got a reply, my heart fluttering.
we could meet up around 12? He replied.
I smiled, looking at the clock on my freshly painted walls. It read 11:12, which gave me just the right amount of time to get ready.
sounds great, steve! i'll text you before i leave. cya soon (:
I set my phone on the counter, walking to my room to get ready. I brushed through my hair, braiding two French braids in the back of my head. I applied some brown eye-shadow, mascara and glossy pink lipstick. I quickly put on a brown dress and beige, heeled sandals, adding some gold jewelry to accent my natural-colored outfit. After grabbing my brown over-the-shoulder bag, I texted Steve as promised, informing him I would be there soon. I drove to the cafe fairly fast, my excitement over-taking me. I reminded myself to calm down, that this was simply a friendly outing. However, when Steve walked in, wearing a dark blue flannel with the sleeves rolled up, white jeans and black vans, my stomach couldn't help but race with nervous butterflies. I stood, flattening my dress and waving. His face light up as he walked toward me, holding his arms out for a hug as he neared me. I obviously complied, hugging him tightly.
"You look really nice." I blurted, blushing slightly as his blue eyes met my Y/C/E.
He smiled widely. "Thank you. I was just about to say how beautiful you looked."
I giggled, hiding my blushing cheeks behind my menu.
After I spilled coffee on both myself and Tony, completely making a fool out of myself, I had tried to avoid that coffee shop, simply because I was worried I'd see the handsome billionaire again. My boss noticed I had been buying different coffee lately, and apparently this upset him.
"Y/N, quit going to these other coffee shops. Go to the one you normally go to."
I sighed, nodding my head. I slung my bag over my shoulder, walking out to fetch the coffee's as normal. Though I hated the job, of course, it paid better than most jobs, otherwise, I'd quit. The cafe was right across the street from my work, so it was no surprise I was in there in less than a minute. My eyes quickly spotting a familiar figure. I scoffed to myself, trusting my luck to allow me to run into Tony again. He spotted me just as fast, laughing to himself.
"Hey, you're the lady who spilled her coffee on me."
"That's how I'm going to be remembered? And technically, it wasn't my coffee, it was my bosses."
He nodded his head. "Back to fetching more coffee?"
"That's all I seem to be good for." I shrugged, opening the door and walking in. Tony followed, continuing the conversation.
"Where do you work? What's your position?"
"I work in that building, right there." I pointed behind me. "I'm a secretary. I'm qualified for a higher position, but like I said, it seems all I'm good for is getting drinks."
"Well, you could always work as my personal secretary. You'll still have to get coffee, but you'll get paid and treated a lot better."
My eyes widened, an infectious smile creeping its way on my mouth.
"Are you sure, Tony? I don't want to in-"
"Please, it's fine. I'll get to see your beautiful face everyday, anyways."
I blushed, smiling lightly. "So, how do you take your coffee?"
Today was a fairly easy day. I had a few check-ups, routine testings. Plus, I got to see Bruce again, to check to his wrist. I hadn't realized Bruce was Dr. Bruce Banner, or the Hulk. My sister was a huge fan of him, and I was surprised I hadn't recognized him earlier. Though, if anything, I was keeping this catch for myself.
"Y/N, your three o'clock is here." I perked up, looking over at Nancy. I nodded, standing and flattening my scrubs. I grabbed my file on Bruce and walked into the room.
"Hi, Dr. Banner. How are you?"
"I'm doing better. How are you?"
"I'm good. It's been an easy day. And you can call me Y/N, Doctor."
"Then you can call me Bruce." He retorted, a playful smirk on his face.
"I'ts good to see you much happier than the last time I saw you." I smiled, swiveling on my stool to get a closer look at his wrist. I undid the bandages, inspecting his wrist.
"Well, Bruce, it's still bruised. It doesn't seem fractured anymore, but I'm going to recommend you ice it everyday. I'd like an x-ray to just make sure it's healing."
Bruce nodded. I walked him to x-ray room, setting him down and moving the machine over his wrist. I placed the heavy blanket over him to protect the rest of his body from the harmful rays, walking myself in the separate room. I pressed the button, taking the x-ray. I looked through them, nodding. Once we were back in the small hospital room, I took a seat.
"Well, it's healing. Still slightly fractured, so that explains the bruising. Just keep it in that wrap and try to ice it everyday. Take it easy, too. I can give you a note if you want to give it to your boss for a day off." I offered, smiling lightly.
Bruce chuckled. "I doubt he'll allow it, but it doesn't hurt to try. Though, if he does, I get to take you out. As a thanks." He nervously added.
"Just doin' my job." I giggled.
During out walk, Thor explained to me where he came from and his past. It seemed a little sketchy to me, but I listened intently. Even if he was lying, I could listen to him tell stories all day. When I realized my dog was getting antsy, I had to bid this handsome weirdo goodbye. He kissed my hand, telling me he'd wish to see me again. I replied with a laugh and a,
Today, I had some minor errands, starting off with picking up some dog food. I walked into my local pet-store, smiling at the owner. I grabbed the fifty-pound dog food, struggling slightly.
"Let me help you, Maiden."
I blinked, turning around. "Thor." I managed, surprised I ran into him here.
"Y/N." He smiled, effortlessly grabbing the package.
"What are you doing here?"
"I require company. I thought one of the small furry beasts would bid me well."
"A dog? Yeah, dog's are nice." I chuckled at his manner of speech. Maybe he was telling the truth?
"What breed is yours?"
"Oh, she's a Bernese mountain dog. They get pretty big, but she's just a puppy."
"I'd like a smaller one, if possible." He smiled widely. "Tony does not want a large animal."
"He's my room-mate, as you call it."
"Well, they don't sell dogs here. I could drive us to the local shelter?"
Thor nodded, chuckling. I paid for the dog food, loading it in the car and driving off to the shelter that was about fifteen minutes away. Once we arrived there, one of the employees led us to the small dog area. Thor rushed to one of the cages, his large frame blocking the animal in the cage. When he turned around, a small dachshund sat in his arms, ears perked up. I laughed, walking toward Thor and lightly rubbing the puppy's ears.
"Is this the one?" I smiled warmly.
"I believe so."
As Thor held the small dog in his arms, one hand filling out the required paper-work, I couldn't help but marvel at his features. He was.... god like.
I had to be assessed after being rescued, and I could not seem to keep my mind off of my hero. Clint.
"Miss?" I spoke up, gaining my nurses attention.
"Yes? Are you alright?" She smiled. I shook my head 'no', smiling back.
"I was just wondering if you could possibly get my rescuer in here. His name is Clint, I'd like to thank him personally."
My nurse sighed, nodding. "I'll see what I can do, sweetheart."
A few days after, I still had no sign that I'd be seeing Clint anytime soon. Every time I asked was the same; a shrug and a false spark of hope. Finally, I guess they got annoyed with my constant pestering, because in walked Clint just as I had woken up. I smiled broadly, sitting up quickly, brushing a strand of hair out of my face.
"Hi..." I said nervously, still smiling widely as I stared directly in my heros eyes.
He sat on the edge of my bed, smiling back. "Hey. Heard you were bothering the nurses about seeing me."
I blushed, looking at my lap. "Yeah... I just wanted to thank you, that's all."
"Well, I'm glad you bothered 'em. Nice to see you again."
I chuckled, looking up at him. We continued a friendly conversation, as if we'd known each other for years. A tall man walked in the room, startling us both a bit.
"Agent Barton, we need you in the training rooms. The new recruits are in and you were supposed to be there fifteen minutes ago."
Clint stood, his expression quickly changing from calm and relaxed to serious and stony.
"Of course, sir. I apologize."
"Sorry for keeping him." I spoke up, feeling as if I owed him at least that. The tall man simply smiled, nodding.
"Its good to see you well, Agent Y/L/N."
"All thanks to Clint." I smiled, looking up at him. The tall man left, leaving the room with only Clint and I.
"I'll visit tomorrow, I promise." He whispered, giving me a quick hug before leaving. I laughed like a little kid, falling back on the bed with a happy sigh. Lord how I'd fallen.
I woke up with a scream, sweat dripping down my face. I was bound by shackles. As much as I squirmed, screamed and pulled, they stay put. I yanked my arms up, screaming with anger as the chains remained on my wrists. My eyes snapped up to the door which had suddenly creaked open. A familiar red headed woman walked in, dressed in a black suit of leather. I raised an eyebrow, keeping my ground.
"Feeling better?" She asked. A growl surpressed its way from the back of my throat. I felt like I should trust her, but something inside me told me to be hostile.
"Who. Are. You?" I hissed, lunging forward, only to be thrown back towards to wall.
"Calm down, Y/N." She said, her voice monotone and cold, yet somehow comforting.
"How do you know my name?" I mumbled, fidgeting and moving my fingers anxiously.
"You don't remember, do you?" The woman asked, kneeling in front of me. I stared at her, trying to figure out what she meant by 'remember'.
"That's alright." She answered for me. "We'll get you to remember."
She gave me a curt nod, her hand hesitantly reaching out toward me before she stood and walked out.
"Natalia." I whispered, tears trickling down my cheeks.
Bucky and I had gotten out. I was bruised, battered, mentally and physically drained. Bucky was more than confused. I had to explain to him what happened a lot. He was still forgetting. Sometimes, he would have angry outbursts, and that's what scared me the most. We had camped out in a near-by wooded area, keeping ourselves on the down-low. Luckily, we both had skills to keep ourselves alive. Right now, I was getting ready for bed. We had managed to find some old camp equipment, such as sleeping-bags, canisters, and a tarp. I laid out my sleeping bag, falling on my back and looking up at stars. We normally took turns sleeping, just to be safe.
"Y/N?" He whispered.
I sat up, looking toward him. "Yeah?"
"How did you manage to get in... you know."
"When I was about 16, my parents, who worked with SHIELD-"
"Whats SHIELD?"
"They're the good guys, basically." I chuckled. "My parents worked with them for a long time, and one mission went wrong. They got captured and killed. Once they learned my parents had a kid, they wanted me too. So, they got around to capturing me around the age of 18. I've been with them ever since. I guess not anymore."
I sighed, nodding my head, signaling I was done. Tears ran down my cheeks, the remembrance of my parents, amongst other things, causing me to become upset.
"I'm sorry." I sobbed quietly, cupping my head in my face.
"I... Y/N, why are you sorry?"
I sniffled, raising my head. "So many times, I've brainwashed you.... I was trained to be brave and kind, and I... god, I'm so sorry." I mumbled, more tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Y/N, you don't have to be sorry. They forced you, and most likely tortured you." I felt a finger graze over a scar from a bullet wound on my shoulder.
"They shot me because I refused to brainwash you. It was the first time you remembered. I couldn't do it." I cried. Suddenly, Bucky had pulled me in his arms.
"It's alright. You got me out. I've forever indebted to you for that."
I sighed, wiping my tears away and snuggling into his chest for warmth.
"You got me out, too." I whispered, letting myself fall asleep in his arms.
After Loki had so gracefully crashed into my roof and chatted with me for a while, some buff blond guy had also so gracefully busted through my door.
"Are you serious right now?!" I screamed.
After big ol' Blondie had scooped Loki out of my house, I packed a bag and left for my friends house, seeing as though there was no way I could stay in my house. Today I decided to go and treat myself to lunch with my friend who so kindly let me stay at her house. We went to a local restaurant that wasn't too far away. We decided to walk, since it was nice out. Soon enough, we had sat ourselves down and ordered.
"Y/N, some hot guy keeps looking over at you." Y/F/N smirked.
I smiled back, rolling my eyes. "Can I turn around or is he looking right now?"
"Just don't make it obvious. Black hair, green t-shirt."
I pretended to stretch, subtly looking behind me. My eyes widened as I blurted,
"Wait, you know him?" Y/F/N giggled.
"Y/N?" Loki smirked, bidding Blondie and another guy goodbye as he walked over. I groaned, covering my face with my hands as I turned back to Y/F/N.
"Well, if it isn't Y/N."
"Well, if it isn't the asshole who destroyed my house." I sneered back sarcastically.
"This is the guy who crashed through your roof?" Y/F/N whispered, smiling widely.
"May I?" Loki asked, grabbing the top of a chair.
Y/F/N and I said at the same time, exchanging glares before I sighed.
"Sure, go ahead, Loki." I mumbled, blushing slightly as he sat down next to me, his leg pressed against my thigh.
"Uh, Y/F/N, this is Loki."
"How are you not dead?" She asked.
"That's what I asked!" I chuckled.
Loki shrugged. "Tough skin, I guess."
"Where are you from?" Y/F/N laughed. "Your accent is-"
"British? Yes, I was born in West Minister, UK. I moved here for business."
"Loki, I thought you were from-" I began, but a cool hand on my knee caused me to spit out my water. Y/F/N looked at me questioningly, rolling her eyes and oogling over Loki, talking about how exotic his name was, and how blah, blah, blah. Soon, Loki left us to go finish his meal with his "step-brother" and "friend".
A/N: I just want to apologize for taking so long to update! I promise another chapter is coming very soon! The preferences will go in order of time, by the way. Kind of just how I want to do it. Enjoy, lovelies!
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